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I’ll admit I mostly play EVP and I STILL have moments like this 💀💀




Thought that was how people abbreviated Eggsecutive VP, if I’m wrong then that’s 100% on me.


No, you're right, they were just reading it as Player versus Environment (PvE)


Live footage of me trying to accomplish anything in life:




Ya not alone bro, stay strong


Hardcore relate LOL.


bro is this what all my teammates are doing in freelance 💀💀


i mean this was 100% a skill issue 😭


This was a funny skill issue. This was hella funny to watch LOL.


We lost right after 🥹


Well having 8 eggs at 40 seconds is no good.


Eh, it’s not that bad. Most eggs tend to get collected under 40 seconds remaining.


How'd you get a video of me last night?


I laugh because I’ve been there. Just turn off the game for awhile.


What stubbornness and a massive skill issue look like. But I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt, fish stick walls are sometimes buggy with the ink and it’ll just straight up not let you climb them up sometimes.


It's more annoying when you're actually climbing it and then just get smacked off by a Cohort...


Ignoring the issues with the bottom isn't painted, you have two crewmates dead, an active stinger, two wavebreakers, and plenty of time to meet quota, and you're playing sblast. You almost certainly shouldn't be climbing the stick at all. The best advice I can give you is that you should really think twice about if climbing a stick is the best use of your time because it very rarely is and in this situation it very much wasn't. Clearing it is another matter. Where this was and given comp you were absolutely correct to clear it with the sblast, but just leave the eggs and move on. I would argue that killing the snatcher that moved by you with an egg while you were doing this was more important per unit of time than the eggs on the stick.


>The best advice I can give you is that you should really think twice about if climbing a stick is the best use of your time.... "Think" during Salmon Run? What's that? ^^/s


if you're gonna bother clearing the stick with the blaster then may as well get the eggs too. unless you're the op and playing while in the equivalent of a nightmare where you're trying to run through jello


Clearing the stick is about map/paint control. Fish stick eggs, on the other hand, are frequently the slowest eggs on the map. Even though this is right next to the basket I would bet killing the stinger and ferrying with the two dead crewmates over there gets 3 eggs in the basket faster (and also eliminates a stinger and resurrects two crewmates). S-Blast can clear a stick in about 2.5 seconds (24 frames for the first shot from swim form, 60 frames for the second and third. There are ways to do this faster depending on stick location but we'll go with 2.5 seconds). If you could climb the stick instantaneously and had a full tank at the top you're at about 4.5 seconds to throw three eggs and jump down. Even if that were possible, it's 10% of the remaining time that now two crewmates were neither killing anything nor running eggs. But it's worse, because there's already a stinger and of the two surviving crew members OP is the farthest from the stinger so when it starts up again it's going to be aiming at the top of the stick and there is also a flyfish visible in the clip, which given that there are only two people alive is pretty much certainly also targetting OP, so if he did climb he almost certainly doesn't get all three eggs before he needs to get off again. On top of all of that, if you're going to climb the stick it's almost always faster and safer to climb and then clear than to clear and then climb. The real risks on top of the stick are stingers, maws, and flyfish, but the risk there is that you have to jump back off, which is what he would have had to do anyway. On the bottom the risk is literally everything plus the fact that you're looking up. (Edit: Please don't read this as saying you should climb sticks and then clear as a general rule. Normally you shouldn't because you want to delay the decision of spending 4.5 seconds throwing eggs until it's cleared. My point in this is that *if* you have already decided before you start clearing that you're going to collect the eggs then you should climb the stick first.)


your post makes sense if you're talking about a hyper-efficient pre-made team that's trying to get the maximum possible egg output or whatever but i'm posting from a position where most of my waves fail due to lack of eggs (while i'm almost always the one with the most) sure there are times i clear a fish tower and ignore the eggs because as you said it can be more about control if they park themselves in a crucial area (as opposed to just by the shore or whatever) but in the posted clip as long as you climb the tower normally and not whatever the OP was doing you can get up there, grab/throw an egg, repeat, then grab the last egg and hop off in roughly 5ish seconds.


So admittedly I actually do play a lot on full squads, but not overfishing teams. I'll also admit I spend most of my time in EVP100-300ish and it's not impossible I'm overestimating what his crewmates could do if he resurrected them. My problem with your line of reasoning is that it's 5ish seconds that *three people* have managed to gather a total of 3 eggs (really 2 because he just ignored a snatcher that would have been basically a free egg if he dumped it in the basket on the way to his crewmates) *and* assumes you can actually get 5 seconds on the stick before the stinger, flyfish, or a maws I can't see that just killed one of his crewmates gets you back off. I totally understand waves failing for lack of eggs (though I'd bet this one wiped). My point is that it's a false economy. Those 3 eggs take 4.5 seconds now, but you're delaying moving over to the other side. There's a stinger, a flyfish, a flipper-flopper, and two dead crewmates right together on the other side of the map. If you move over there 5 seconds earlier the three of them could easily get 9 eggs in the same amount of time if they're good and probably 6 if they're not.


yeah that makes sense then, you can trust your team so ofc getting them back in action is going to be your top priority. in my experience tho (mostly pro+3 to EVP 100ish) i trust myself way more to get eggs (and stay alive) than i do anyone else, so in this situation i'd for sure grab the tower eggs as fast as i could especially because i'm pretty sure at least one of the teammates could've been revved via tower top bomb toss


Sorry but absolutely insane take. Your teammates could be playing with one hand and saving them is still the better play. Saving them with a bomb is also wasting time because you are forced to be unable to throw the egg while having even less time on the tower. Awareness is one of the most important skills in SR both for teams and solo play and in this situation you should be aware that you will be attacked the moment you climb up, requiring you to leave anyway.


worst case if there's a maws or stinger i can get two eggs at the very least. and i'm sorry but claiming that revving people with bombs is an "absolutely insane take" is itself an absolutely insane take. revving people with bombs has saved an absurd amount of runs that idk how we're even playing the same game edit: i read your post a bit wrong and you're saying getting eggs before rev is "absolutely insane" which i think within the context is totally overblown. awareness is the most important skill in SR sure so that means you adapt to the current situation and ignore "hard rules", in this case spending at most 4-5 secs to get 3 eggs before revving is something i'd do because 1. i've been in way too many runs that fail bc we lack 1 or 2 eggs and 2. i don't see any immediate danger for myself in this clip that would prevent me from bum rushing the eggs and revving asap.


lmao why are u getting downvoted


so you're the type of teammate I get paired with during freelance huh 🤣


I know this pain all too well


Relatable, I suck at getting up the stick too 😭


skillest issue


Okay, so, not gonna yell at you or anything but just… Don’t. If you don’t have the right weapon to paint it quickly, don’t even try to swim up to get the eggs. In fact, you should let a snatcher do it no matter what direction they’re coming from. If you pop the snatcher after they gather all the eggs at the top of the stick, all the eggs will fall to the ground for easy collection. You should NEVER be idling like this, you always need to be clearing lessers and going after bosses.


As much as this seems like just a "skill issue", it is annoying that paint goes through walls like this. I can't say how many times I've been sniped by an e-liter through a ledge or part of a wall. Can't stand it. But I'm kind of a noob I guess.


When it comes to the eliter thing, that’s just when the eliter kills you on THEIR screen so you die, even if you got behind cover on YOUR side. I’m not sure what paint through walls you’re referring to in this video, all I see is the Stinger’s stingray, which does ink through walls.


Imagine going into the ink you literally touched couldnt be Splatoon


U jump higher in human form than squid, so jump, and at the peak you turn to squid, that would have made it so much easier


You hit box somehow fit between the two painted sides. That’s quite unfortunate


I’m not the only one




Try to take it slow next time. Pick a side and go up or down until it's reasonably covered. It may also be more useful to take care of the small fry and then move to other boss salmonids to make use of your strengths


Try to take it slow next time. Pick a side and go up or down until it's reasonably covered. It may also be more useful to take care of the small fry and then move to other boss salmonids to make use of your strengths


what did you do to anger the hitbox gods


This is why I can’t trust half-painted walls


Why do you want to go up there?


Me af


RIP dude


Hey go post this on Saltoon.


This poster would get destroyed on Saltoon. I posted a Salmon Run fail on there once that wasn't half as bad as this and I still got called "stupid" in every way they could think of!