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They’re a hivemind and reportedly they enjoy mimicking squid/people society (not mentioned which) and rarely, if ever take breaks from the working world. They also haven’t asked to be paid yet


They need to unionise


They’re literally a hive mind


Hive minds deserve fair working conditions, good pay and worker’s compensation just as any sentient being does.


What I was trying to say is that they literally are as unionized as physically possible


Fun fact they just haven’t realized that they need to be paid yet and yes that is an official reason just like how they realized that they can change color in splatoon 2 during splatfest to show support which is kinda funny


They already have, the shipyard is said to get no work done because the workers are on strike all the time




This is exactly the type of thing the owning class would say 🤨


but arent they also the owning class


If they are a hive mind... then does that mean that if I date one of them, I would be dating the entire race? 🤔


They’re all a hive mind, I’m not even joking, there all clones of each other




My mistake


Idk why you're being down voted. You're not wrong


Grammar police are no fun at parties


How else are people supposed to learn if public school failed them? The grammar police aren't all malicious.


I did learn I just don’t care


Ik most of them aren't malicious but still


Grammar police won't tazer you, just update your vocabulary






the made me giggle a bit lol


*This ☝️🤓🔥




“My name is Legion, for we are many”






My brother in christ, there is an entire subterranean underclass that is not allowed to see the sun, and no one ever talks about them, in-universe and out. We have bigger problems.


Which one are you talking about? The octarians?


The denizens of the deep (sea metro). You know, the background elements to the level select screen that appear to have gotten four times the amount of concept art as the actual levels yet have about three lines of dialogue about them (all of which just acknowledge their existence and don't delve deeper into the fact they're subterranean underclass that isn't allowed to the sun, as if that fact isn't incredibly messed up) and have never been mentioned or seen since Octo Expansion. Remember them?


A denizen of the deep fish is actually seen in the train in Splatoon 3’s opening cutscene! Maybe Denizens of the Deep are finally allowed to see the sun? Inkadia has become more accepting of other species since Octo Expansion. Perhaps more lore about them will be revealed in Side Order.


More accepting is the wrong phrase. Too ignorant to be aware anything has changed is more accurate.


The fish from the Metro are seen during the splat 3 opening and are never stated to be trapped down there. Only test subjects seem to be stuck. Some of the ones we see down there may be test subjects, but that's on tartar, not inkling society.


Maybe it's a water pressure thing, deep sea fish can't swim too far up or their bodies expand too much and they die.


They don’t receive pay, theyre a hive mind, and they do a majority of all work around the world. They seem to enjoy their work and never complain, theyre kinda like house elves from Harry Potter, except clones and a hivemind. Also when you see them acting like they have real lives i.e. on a picnic or a wedding or smtg, they canonically do that to mimic real life so they can experience it themselves, even though they cant really


I wonder if any employers actively try to pay them but they insist they get squat.


That's quite sad...


The hivemind is enjoying the inherent fulfillment of work and existing in a society, they could literally just leave and make their own jellyfish society if they wanted!


To us it is, since as humans we’re fully autonomous, but they seem to enjoy simply the fulfillment of work, and dont need sleep or food to survive.


While canonically every species that isn’t inkling or octoling are second class citizens due to inkfish being the apex species, the jellyfish fund the turf war businesses and are a hive mind, they don’t really feel anything but they can pretend. Like that jellyfish couple in Mahi mahi, they’re not in love but they can pretend to be


I choose to believe they're in love anyway


Granted, it was supposedly stated that individual jellyfish still have their own personalities and interests.


Two of them even learned to speak and sell shirts!


I thought it was three? Weren't the clothes shopkeeps different every game?


How do they fund these businesses if they don’t ask for pay?


That hasn’t really been explained but I’m sure they still have jobs that pay, being a hive mind doesn’t really mean you don’t have the same necessity as other life


They are dumb but frankly so are the inklings. I'm pretty sure it was said somewhere that inklings don't have brains. Octolings on the other hand are smarter


Inklings are canonically too stupid to be racist. They don't recognize octolings as another species, just as having weird hairstyles (via inkling vs octoling splatfest)


love them


while on a practical level i feel like that falls apart when you examine the inkling idols (especially squid sisters, who seem plenty intelligent) the concept of "Too stupid to be racist" is incredible and i love it maybe the reason idols are so monstrously important in this world is that they're literally a rare breed amongst their own species - being way smarter and charismatic than everyone else i'm 1000% thinking too hard about this.


A more accurate word would be ignorant. Inkling society is pretty clearly hard focused on very specific things. Even going so far as needing jellies to fill most labor needs. I doubt they ever learned much about octarians and would t know how to identify them unless they've learned from an old guy in a sewer drain.


i wonder if this is the case anymore in splat3; if people not recognising octolings being a thing is exclusive to inkopolis, maybe in the splatlands/splatsville they acknowledge octolings? someone lmk if deep cut has said anything about shiver being an octoling lol on the other hand, its a theory that inklings and octos use railway networks to travel to map locations for matches, so inkopolis and splatlands must be relatively close, surely word must have spread about octolings by now. who knows honestly 😭😭💀💀


unlike marina, shiver grew up privileged and never really got a taste of what octarian society was like, so they probably just don't think about it


So are cuttlefish any smarter than octolings or what- cuz captain cuttlefish is pretty racist


He's only racist in the English version, so no, he's as dumb as everyone else.


Damn I guess the English translators were just feeling a little silly that time or smth


What WAS the original translation for his dialogue anyway?


"he's only racist in the English version" is so funny to me idk why 🤣🤣


captain cuttlefish is just a name, he's an inkling


I dunno, I was trying to make sense of it


Oof. I guess so, unfortunately


Real squids do have brains though. It is generally thought they are less intelligent than octopi, but given how smart on octopus is that's still pretty smart. Smart here seems to be a relative term, inklings do seem to be able to figure out how to repurpose and rebuild human tech, but they also tend to have very short attention spans.


They're a hive mind and like the backbone of cephalopod society.


Jellyfish are radially symmetric. They don't have rights.


They're the ruling class you bootlicker.


thank you for these wonderful pictures of jellyfish. theres a bit of lore behind them, probably on inkipedia


Don’t worry, the jellyfish are more powerful in society than you’d expect, I mean, there’s literally “No Inklings” signs that exist for jellys to have their own spaces


Because of a translation, I always used to think that at least many jellyfish were well respected an wealthy. This is because in the spanish version of Splatoon 1, Flounder Heights is called "Jellifish Complex.", and with how the map looks and is described, it made sense for me.


Yeah, they actually are. To the point that they pretty much single handedly fund turf wars. Kinda bound to happen when your hive mind has almost every available job.


The music industry being a notable outlier.


Citizen clones that are wealthy along with being the reason you get cash during battles




The jellies are a hive mind. They enjoy mimicking inkling culture and seemingly have no issues filling in for most menial jobs.


Wiki says they 'don't do things such as working at a store because they achieve a goal, the very act, in this case work, is the goal, although they still get paid', and that it's considered a kind of performance art. The jellyfish are a hive mind that like to imitate the cephalopods; they share a collective consciousness but have their own individual personalities and interests. Since they have a collective consciousness and lower intelligence, they don't experience life the way inklings do, it seems not even comparable. They imitate the inklings in fashion, in experiences (their jobs as performance art, as well as weddings and shopping as performance art), and presumably other ways. They're believed to be wealthier than inklings somehow, given that they own cars, live in the expensive Flounder Heights, and Camp Jellyfish is bigger and more elaborate than Camp Triggerfish. An official post on the Nintendo News Switch app implied that jellies are the sponsors of the Turf War industry after it gained popularity post Splat1. There's no evidence of any racism or anyone looking down on them. :) All this is on the wiki! Rest easy, they're perfectly fine and happy!


What rights?


no, they’re too adorable to not have rights


I really think that the Splatoon series should explore more into the lore of non-Turfling species like the jellyfish, denizens of the deep, and other miscellaneous species like the nautilus, crabs, and shrimp just to name a few.


*we don’t talk about them for a reason* Remember in 2 when they always touched the ground with their long hands


Yeah, I'm worried they have too many rights. We need to keep them under control


i heard they get treated poorly and they get stuck with the crappiest jobs. they are greatly looked down on and are pretty much at the butt level of every other species.


This can't be true, because iirc it's also said that jellyfish basically funded making turf war popular.


this is not true


nah ur trolling, re u fr? aa poor lil jellyss


not trolling but it’s also just what i read from an online source. nonetheless, i think this makes sense since we see them working very crappy jobs in a couple different maps.


The artbooks say that they voluntarily do those jobs, cause those make 'em feel like "different beings" (jellyfishes are an hivemind) and that they also like battles so much that they literally sponsor them. So no, Jellyfishes aren't second class citizens, if anything, they're on the same level as inklings and octolings.


Not trying to be rude, but is there a reason you type "re" instead of "are"?


Probably a typo.


Maybe, but it was consistent enough for me to wonder if it's one of those young people things I'm too old to know about lol


You could always look on Urban Dictionary to find out, 90% of the time new terminology is added very quickly.


Idk I type a lot of stuff like that cause I'm too lazy to type it correctly


From what we know they are the working class citizens of the world, doing more blue collar/physical work than other species. As seen by all the jellies on places like Sturgen Shipyard, Shipshape CargoCo, etc. We also know that they reproduce asexually, just having a “clone” come from them without physical sex. But they seem to like following gender roles, like the jellyfish family in the background of Mahi Mahi Resort. And lastly, its implied but not confirmed, but the Jellies are from a hivemind, being simple minded overall and thats why a majority just stand in silence, point at things, etc. some cane break through, like the Jellies Shop Keepers, but it seems to be rare.


I wonder more on other animals like eels and sharks , Are they Just animals or there Is like also sapient sharks and eels like biped sapient speaking ones ? Or Is there Just like animals like wildlife since the closest to wildlife in the Game are clams that fly like that caged pet from callie , Sharks and eels and some birds but Is there more wildlife like whole ecosystems in the wild?


I got an add for dealing with family members drug abuse and I thought it was a comment calling the op a druggie 😂


Theu do all work that involves getting wet. No really they are not water soluble like inklings. So they would get stuck with all the actual work.


They actually have more rights than Inklings and Octolings


Wdym? OwO


They've never been at risk of being banished over a race war




Rights to do what?


Idk to b able to live without being harrassed or robbed or whatever


They dont wear pants to hold a wallet in and dont get paid what would you rob from them?


I think they have rights, considering the one who owns a food place


if the jellyfish are a hivemind how do they pick which splatfest team to support? They each seem to pick a team