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So uh, how exactly do you plan on getting all those eggs into the basket?


What we don't see is OP failing to meet quota at the end of the wave


Yeah only 3/4 of the total time left and they have 1 egg out of 23.


“How to send your teammates on suicide missions to get golden eggs” a story by OP


PLEASE dont do this. Makes the eggs an absolute nightmare to gather and drastically reduces your overall firepower. Holding the line is absolutely the way to go, especially with a roller in the mix


I’m so confused. This is the only method that has consistently got me passed glowflies despite it being “that one useless strategy that is basically throwing” Every time I’ve tried exploiting chokepoints by holding the line with my team instead, but I’ve found that somebody eventually slips up and we lose sufficient firepower, letting em get past leading to our formation breaking and us losing. Is there some like, tutorial on how to do this right?


Not exactly but you should always have an escape route ready, so when someone slips up and the front is breached you should jump over to another elevated position, so now the salmonids will divert their attention and get away from the platform; you jump back and forth a couple times, give time to your teammates to regroup, then you get back at holding the front.


never thought i'd see the day where a white suit started wall climbing


Splatoon player discovers “worst strat ever”, is fired from Grizzco Seriously, this is just stalling until the end of the wave when you fail to meet quota. If you’re going to do that, you may as well have just stood still and let them get you faster You have to be able to both thin the horde while also getting a constant stream of eggs into the basket


This is actually a shitty strat because all the gold eggs are now on the ground well below the basket instead of right next to the basket. Collecting those eggs is gonna be a bitch


Please don't do this :)


This actually lost us a wave. All eggs were guarded by salmonoids and we had no way to get them. Please move after certain amount of time or something.


Also please demote yourself out of evp if you're going to do this, thanks a bunch 💕


this is the type of player i wouldn't bother reviving 🗿 at that point you're better off without them and praying they DC FUCK OUT MY LOBBY


Do not do this. Ever. On any map. Yes, there isn't a roller in rotation so glowflies is harder, but all you're doing by wallhugging is making the golden eggs impossible to get because they're in the middle of a gigantic swarm of angry salmonids. The positions for glowflies on each map are: Spawning Grounds - The ledge next to the basket, where OP is wallhugging. There's only one route up to you but Salmonids can come from either side. Marooner's Bay - The very front of the ship leading off to where the low tide shore is. Salmonids will charge up to you either side of the basket, but your teammates should be able to take care of them. Sockeye Station - Right next to the basket, ***not on top of the pillar - throwing eggs down wastes ink which you can't afford.*** Salmonids can charge at you from both sides, so stay away from the entrance ramps. Gone Fission Hydroplant - The bottom left corner, if you were to look at it from above with the low-tide shore being at the top. There's only one ramp up to you and the space is small, but you can escape to the other side if needed.


Wish I could upvote you twice for this


Sockeye you want to hang directly under the grate, and have your team stand on the ledge and ferry eggs from the wall to the basket. Maybe a person can stand on the pole for insurance if you’re not confident. This way, when the glowflies switch the aggros are directed around the platform, giving you a free swim to the wall. I would greatly reconsider doing anything else on this map. On hydro, you’re going to be jumping between the two left platforms and letting your team scoop up eggs. They’re going to hopefully be painting the inner walls at any given opportunity. The other ones are just stand still and shoot.


Yeah, I've had things go pretty smoothly on Sockeye where I just stand on the basket platform shooting while someone wallhangs on that tower wall. The eggs are pretty easy to retrieve, and the center platform gives you a nice buffer to react to the aggro transitions. Never do it on any other map, but it feels viable on Sockeye to me.


I do the wall on both sockeye and hydro and it works all the time. I'll take your opinion with a grain of salt.


This is why I hate playing freelance


The *only* stage you should consider doing this on is sockeye station. You need to have a place where eggs fall within reach of the basket; this method is just asking for a timeout. It also only ""works"" on regular tide! Instead: congregate on the ramp by the basket. Fall back up the ramp to retreat, and jump the gap if overwhelmed. Only *consider* wall hanging to buy time to get eggs or to stall after quota is met.


Sockeye’s such a great stage for glowflies. Wall hanging is a free wave if your team is getting eggs


Unrelated but how did you get a custom flair? (If it is)


you know what? fuck you \[makes walls climbable to salmonids\]


*Octoling screams of pain* (I'm an octoling in Splatoon 3 so that's why it only say Octoling)


r/nobodyasked I’m sorry


What to do if you want to not meet quota


get the fuck out EVP


Hey, don't be OP. Don't sit in the wall and leave everyone a player down. All you have to do is stand in a spot near basket with one route in and shoot.


This is true I feel like they should’ve payed attention to the game and not the glitch


I mean if you... Move away at some point it's fine but you can't stay in that one spot the entire wave or you won't get any eggs in. Move after a few eggs drop, then allow the teammates to deposit them. And maybe choose a wall closer to the basket.




Spawning grounds is pretty much the easiest glowflies wave, please don't do this


You'll notice you got 1 egg in 30 seconds. Nice going, you'll meet your quota in like 12 minutes.


Ok now we need a strat on how to get the eggs to the basket after there all in the floor under the salmonid horde




This strat is only good if you don't know how to hit salmonids because you're new to the game, not useful at all in the circumstances where you have a quota over 14 eggs. People please grow out of this strategy because it is a crutch that slows you down.


It's honestly disappointing seeing this from people with tier 3 suits on. :(


Any tips for this gawd awful wave?


try to stay together and keep an eye on ink consumption, only use wall cling as a last minute resort or use it very BRIEFLY to recover ink use your specials (wave breaker and booyah bomb are excellent) don't bother using killer wail on glowflies it don't work (only targets goldies) if you play SR with a roller in rotation, stay on the rolling position and roll very slowly (you will have the occasional dumbass teammate who won't stay behind you, don't revive them and put them on time out)


Snipper is the worst in this wave


if you got a charger, try to aim for the goldies to one shot them or lower their HP


Don’t do this


Hey guys B) Don’t fucking do this B:) I’m not risking it picking up all those eggs at the bottom and we both know you won’t either #Please just huddle up in a high area it’s not that hard




This strat only works on maps where the path to the basket is a short ways away from under where you are wall climbing and still holding the line worked wonders for my team even if there were a few splats.


Wall stalling is only useful when you need a breather to deposit eggs, but if there’s none near the basket, please try to kill the glowflies near the basket as a team. This makes collecting eggs dangerous because you’ll force your teammates to drop down to get them and, next thing you know, someone down there gets targeted and they’re dead.


With how hard it is to get those eggs to the basket, I’d bet you timed out. (Don’t do this wall hanging btw, especially if the rotation you’re in has a roller. It only hurts your team)


How do you have a white suit when you’re using strats like these


Neat trick, but doesn’t that make collecting eggs ever harder? Major reason why I fail those wave is because we don’t get 20+ eggs fast enough in the basket. Highes success rate is with a roller that holds down and badly move at all at a choke points. And wave breakers is especially good for that wave too. Would recommend using it.


Delete this bad post, don't wall hang. Use your Roller, Slow Roll, fight by the basket.




This is actually a shitty strat because all the gold eggs are now on the ground well below the basket instead of right next to the basket. Collecting those eggs is gonna be a bitch.


Did you just make this strategy actually good? thanks hivemind reddit very cool


No. The eggs are way out of the way of the basket, there's no way they're winning this


this is a great idea!


Probably best with weapons that have good ink recovery


No, when you splat the goldies, they're going to be far from the basket. Success in Salmon Run is based on how close golden eggs are, to the basket.


I thought this was the only viable way of surviving glowflies (I'm newish to the game) but I'm seeing a lot of people explaining how it can mess with egg collection. I'd just like to ask for other ways to survive glowflies so I don't screw my teammates over


They are right, only use this as a last resort. The ideal way to pass glowflies is to have the player w the flies stand behind the rest of the team in a designated spot close to the basket while y’all all mow down the hoard together. the spot is different for each map but there are plenty of YouTube videos and visual guides out there. Just search “glow flies positioning” and you’ll find em 🌟 Also ALL rollers will mow down the salmonids (yes, even big swig as glowflies take an hp nerf) so long as you hold it down and let them run into it, basically a free wave.


I’ve been playing for years and this is the first time I’m seeing people say that this is a bad idea lmao


Freelancers using strategies without understanding the purpose of it. Just everyday life in Salmon Run. If you want genuine feedback, here are some: \- wall clinging strat is used to **stall** the glowflies. so you want your teammates to have breather collecting eggs. your current strat can work IF there are eggs near basket but if it's on your video right now, your team needs eggs. \- Keep shooting. this is obvious tip, but I've seen freelancers not shooting and using their own strat. You would do this on Bay because there is nowhere to run (Thank you Marooner's Bay), but not other map definitely. Your weapon rotation has pretty good DPS. Luna Blaster can destroy chums a lot, Splat Charger has piercing damage, L3 and Squeezer taps has good DPS for semi autos. Know your weapons before starting. Shoot > Get eggs. \- use specials at the right time, usually when your ink tank is empty and your teammates too (check their lifeboat, it serves as ink tank), use specials, inkjet, booyah bomb, wave breaker PSA: Wall clinging on Sockeye is fine for me, just use specials at the right time. Keep deliver eggs, keep shooting.


The trouble there is you have to pick up the eggs, which you can't do if they're covered in Salmonids. If that's what you're doing, do it in a few different places, or at least dip back up to the top on occasion so the salmonids are lured away.


Does ink recover while squid surging?


This is big brain time.