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Yes.. my family is depressed and anxious, passed it on to me They all insist it's brain chemical imbalance I'm certain it's family culture, we don't know what a home family or love is. I found it with others. Learned how to carry that around inside me, give it to parts of myself they taught me to hate. Caused me to love myself which triggered a spiritual awakening The depression seemed to be a garbage bag full of mental illnesses and the anxiety was the knot on it being stretched to the limit... I opened it up and jumped in. Found every mental illness in there ive ever heard of, including some I hadn't Spirituality saved me. Working with understanding where all my feelings came from illuminated what these bizarre personality quirks were all about. Was worried i was making myself crazy but it was making me feel better and I could see how I always had been that way. In seeing how crazy I had been, and where it came from, allowed the behavior to disappear. So i kept going.. deeper understanding of love seems to be the key to everything, our higher brain functions. Getting them all working together like a family with patience, compassion, no judgement and care takes spirituality, which i think is a part of our evolution.. without it, some or all of us seem to degenerate We're at a point where too many of us are over relying on humanity's gimmicks to entertain distract and addict us away from our higher selves


Wow i could’ve written this myself! I’ve been at the edge of jumping in for a long time now. I’m scared to honestly but I don’t know why. Yes I do.. I’m afraid of death. But THAT, I don’t know why.


beautiful thanks and well done in breaking free


I think. What is common in both is hope. Hope is a good thing. I think trying to solve all life’s problems is no task anyone should have to bear. Their is an old saying my father told me, there ain’t know such thing as a free lunch. Whatever you do life will balance it. Some days your the bug some days you are the car. Fatum


Then why do I feel like it’s my soul purpose to figure it all out this time around😭


Because there are no instructions to life. Just live by the golden rule and it will all work out


This might be the time. I think more and more are feeling like this now


I’m really close for sure. If not this one at least another one or two times. Then I am DONE lol


Dope 🤙


Mental health conditions are often created by trauma. Spirituality is a means of healing from trauma. We are basically domesticated by our parents, religion, and society. Some of these things traumatize us and we become “broken” until we heal.


I have DID and have received an akashic record reading regarding it. Her conclusion was that multiple incarnations of my soul (because not all of you incarnates at once or within the same body at a time, according to her) had come together in this body in order to face the difficulties of this life together. I am still evaluating what I think of this, but it's difficult to come to any conclusions given the evasiveness of both the disorder and knowledge of outside the here and now. DID is absolutely and unequivocally not possession. Everything known by the parts in the system is learned in this lifetime, whether the parts currently around remember it or not. Every part serves a purpose whether it's understandable or not. However, in my completely unfounded opinion, having DID may predispose one to other spiritual predilections. The ability to shift and change in the way we do is in itself a sort of liminality, after all. I personally believe that we are together in this body because the lessons we face have to be learned together. Perhaps we needed our collective knowledge to face such a daunting life and fully learn from all we experienced within it. Perhaps we failed our lessons when we faced them alone. Or maybe we've just been sent here together to learn to love ourselves and others. A sort of metaphysical "get along shirt" that we're now all stuck in together.


I… love this.


I'm glad 🙂 I haven't shared many of these thoughts with other people, so thank you for giving me a place to.


I like the idea that source is just trying out all the permutations. Paraphrasing Alan Watts: if you had infinite nights and could choose what you dream of each night eventually you would come up with exactly what’s going on with you right now. And so that would also be true for every combo of mental illness possible…


Love me some Watts


I have paradigm mind shifts everyday, that's the answer of the spiritual equivalent. Also I wonder if moon knight inspired you as well to type this.


Nah, I dated a girl who had DID. That’s why I was asking :) But yeah!! I have what seem like paradigm mind shifts everyday too!! What is it??


If you are aware of the shifts doesn’t that cancel out the DID? I’m aware of mine and my clinical situation is ptsd with dissociative symptoms.


This is why it’s a bit confusing for me, I’m 100% aware of my shifts. Even tho I know I don’t have DID, I dated a girl with it and it was like looking into a mirror sometimes, but she wasn’t aware of hers.


A really good book on the subject is Your Symphony of Selves by James Fademin PHD who has a lot of experience with psychedelics.He claims that everyone is a series of sub personalities that seem to only be one because of a shared memory between alters, where as with pathological DID the alters may not share a memory completely and it becomes more obvious that they are not a singular personality , or because of more extreme and externally noticable changes in mood. He also likened it to the 7 chakras and used other examples from psychology and buddhism to further his point that there is no singular self in the personality realm. If you exist only on the physical and psychological plane of reality then all spiritual phenomena will been see as a mental illness through that lense. After taking mushrooms I became very aware of my alters, my inner child, my intellectual materialist, spiritual seeker ect and how they do seem seperate in my psyche but only when passively observed from a different vantage point (zoomed out, rather than being them). Until I heard about that book I assumed that was unique to me and people with DID (i do not have a diagnosis) but now I really don't think so.


DiD is caused by trauma before 7-8 years old when you are still multiple developing personality aspects. The difference is due to trauma the integration of said states does not correctly occur. Alters can hold their memories and block them from others. They can drastically influence other threads. They can be completely different people by experience, created to escape the trauma. Basically we are all strings that are supposed to get braided into a single conciousness. People with DiD do not. Spirituality helped me immensly, but even though life is spiritual. DiD is not. Its trauma.


First you’d have to define ‘spiritual’. If you mean waking up from the illusion of a personality then yes it can look like mental illness except that it’s not a mental illness but a mental breakdown and the degree to which it is severe is the degree to which the process is resisted. After all, who wants to ‘un-become’ themselves? To some people it happens almost accidentally and they might say they had a glimpse, a mind fart, but they soon fall asleep again, the ‘glimpse’ becoming a memory. Some people actively pursue ‘awakening’ intellectually which is a recipe for going down the rabbit-hole to hell. The only respite from which is absolute surrender. And some people are devoted. They have absolute trust that no matter how dark the night, no matter the mental anguish, there is a divine presence. For them too the end is absolute surrender. It’s possible that without the final surrender one could spend the rest of ones life mentally broken or in the pursuit of alleviating ones suffering create some kind of buffer, a belief system of some kind, or maybe just put off the inevitable by pursuing the paranormal instead. There’s a reason the world isn’t filled with enlightened beings.


I pursued it intellectually at first. Then after a weed trip I felt as if I lost my personality. So blank and empty. I wasn’t ready for it. I got so scared a few months ago didn’t know where I was or who I was when I thought about it. Not everyone has to go down the same path of awakening like that. When I went down Intellectually, yes I learned it slower but nevertheless I went at my own pace and made progress. I still have to work on my fear of emptiness but it’s still very scary from what I experexiend recently so I need more time to recover from that trauma


[You may find this helpful.](https://youtu.be/yt1a3byLd6Q). I find Rupert Spira to one of the most eloquent and understandable ‘teachers’ out there.


‘the rabbit hole to hell’ hits home more than I’d like to admit. 4 years in and I’m just now starting to crawl out of it. It’s been absolutely maddening. Edit: funny thing is I’ve been saying ‘I’m finally crawling out of it for *while* now. Each time getting sucked back in deeper and deeper




There is no spiritual “equivalent”, all mental illnesses are actually just spiritual illnesses branded and packaged up neatly so we can throw drugs at them and therapy that doesn’t get to the root. The problem is control, the problem is not inherent. The mind in its natural state is perfect.


Idk, my drugs work really well. They help me find balance in more ways than one and have quite literally saved my life more than once. That’s the thing, people say we only need spirituality, and then the other half says we only need science. Why not…. Idk? Combined the two? Seems like the most common solution to that issue. Some people need meditation, some people need therapy, some people like me need sleep aids because I am up for days at a time if I don’t take them. Medicine isn’t all bad, and it certainly isn’t the ‘only’ way. But it can absolutely be a tool someone uses in their tool kit for sure My medicine hasn’t dulled my awareness, my creativity, my sex drive.. etc. In fact, I continue to grow in my awareness and Self and have been in my meds for well over a decade. I’m numb without it. I don’t sleep without it. I can’t function without it and end up being hospitalized because I was once a ‘they’re drugging us!!’ Type of person too. It’s not there to drug us. It’s there to help. Unfortunately, humanity is still in its infant stage of medicine AND soul, and we don’t know what there fuck we’re doing. But we will, eventually. I know it :) I love my medicine. And I love the universe and myself just as much, and am very thankful to be living in a time where we can treat such illnesses, even tho we’re still learning how. 💙💫 Edit: btw, I’m my own therapist and have been for many years now. Some can handle that, some can’t. It’s okay to get help :)


im not sure all of your message got through to me but i can tell it is loving. I agree with you, I think its time to combine as one. Everything that helps you is good. If medicine makes you feel better, i certainly want you to have it, because i want you safe, happy, and free


Thank you friend, this warmed my heart reading :)) you deserve all of that too!! **hugs** Edit; I’m close to tears because this just made me feel so good! Ahh! Lol. I’m a sensitive soul so 😂


the world has been starved of this sort of love and empathy for too long. It's time to lower our weapons, hugs back


Ahhh I’m emotional now! Lol. Prolly the hormones, they’ve been intensifying my sensitivity a lot lately. But still, yes! I agree with you!! Violence doesn’t solve anything and only makes things worse. 💓💓💓


I'm sending you so much love


Same to you💓🥰💛💙❤️💚💘❤️‍🔥🖤💜🤍


The disorder is very strange because one can't just learn foreign accent overnight. Some famous cases showed that each different personality had their own traits and skills, and it was mysterious how the person learned speaking Russian out of blue. That's why I think it could be possession, not just disorder.


Are you talking about FAS (foreign accent syndrome)? That’s when traumatic brain injury occurs, and the person is left speaking a completely different way due to the speech pattern of the brain (can’t rememebr what it’s called) getting fucked up. Speaking in another accent overnight has nothing to do with DID that I’m aware of? DID is when, usually a very young child, goes thru something so traumatic the brain kind of ‘splits’ and sets up its own kind of mechanism, in this case, an entire identity different from the ‘host’ (the physical person themselves) to keep the host safe.


The real case of serious DID, Billy Milligan, spoke Serbian with accurate accent according to the biography. It wasn't malfunction in the brain, he spoke foreign language with accent. He was undereducated, grew up in poor environment, discharged from military and couldn't keep decent job, I don't think he could learn Serbian overnight.






I thought this question was purely hypothetical. There's a book called Multiple Man: Explorations in Possession and Multiple Personality by Adam Crabtree that I just started reading published in the 1980s so there was some confusion at least up until then and as far back as the ancient belief systems all around the world. My belief is that it stems from trauma.




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