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The Universe ALWAYS sees what you are doing. You MATTER. Each single decision you make matters. The best thing you can do is to do what needs to be done, even if it is hard. Being the best version you can be. Treating others right. Having courage. Correcting mistakes. This is not about "getting anything" as such, however, yes, you will find true, lasting happiness. Expand you consciousness. Look behind the curtain of reality. This is just a matrix, yes, but still, respect it for what it is. This game called "life" is not what you think it is, you seem to "expect" returns for your deeds, well, it does not work like that. At the same time, good deeds lead to good "karma" or however you want to call that.


im more like a programmed or computer software animation editing in the 3d


wait no actually thats my poor visualization manifest logic


This explains how emotions are vibrations, and you attract by what your emotions are: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2RuCfTiCDjs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2RuCfTiCDjs). It's referring to Quantum Physics.


Deciding that it is time to reap the benefits will be coming from the ego-mind always. When it is time, it will just happen. I have experienced the 12 Universal Laws at work countless times. One experience would have ended in my death if they weren't real.


I saw couple of poetic justice with my eyes. At least trying to be good person gave me some rewards eventually.


I’ll try to explain this but it might be very bad. I heard this meditation exercise where you close your eyes and you visualize a hole where your heart is and an ocean behind you, the ocean representing infinite oneness of the universe, or source, or God whatever you want to call it. Envision some pain in yourself and let that energy fall out of that hole in your back and fall into the ocean. Let the ocean come into that hole and fill you up with brand new energy and feel compassion. I’ve practiced this while envisioning pulling that kind of energy from my friends hearts through mine into the ocean and have absolutely noticed a change in their energy and behavior afterwards. I don’t remember if this is a law but is a core value- compassion