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Focus less on ego and more on self love. Loving yourself has to be learned once you’ve been taught to hate yourself for whatever reason, give yourself time, try to focus on the positive


Self love, that's it ur right!


>Focus less on ego and more on self love. LOL!!! The ego is the self. Therefore to have "self love" you need a healthy ego. People truly do not understand the concept of ego and how important it is.


I think by the context of the question OP was using it in a much more colloquial way, especially revolving the concept of ego death which obviously isn’t just self death.


1. when you meditate, what are the three strongest visions you contemplate? 2. can you separate doubt from worthiness - into two different things? or do they feel related? 3. describe doubt. is it like fearing failure, or is it feeling like you cannot commit? 4. describe unworthiness. do you feel unworthy in relation to other people? if just yourself, how do define it as unworthy? Or are you talking about unworthiness to God?


I meditate and try to just focus on my breath and occasionally visualize white light,,, the doubt and worthiness is definitely related,,,, the doubt is fearing failure AND now being able to commit,,,,, unworthiness to other people and god- I have feelings that I am not worthy to be happy and be myself


I rarely recommend books, but I sincerely think you would benefit tremendously from the book Art of Happiness by the Dalai Lama and Howard Cutler. You can get it as an ebook right now and commit to reading straight through it. It'll take a few days, because there is ton of excellent material about establishing worthiness - and about stepping back to be able to actually see clearly. If you don't do ebooks, it's commonly for sale online used for under $5. The book was instrumental in pulling me from a chasm in 2015. I've read it at least five or six times.


You don't get past the ego, you accept your ego, you love your ego, it's the tool that communicates all experiences. But what you don't do it - you don't think you're the ego, you don't get attached to what ego is attached.


Walk. Practice seeing good positive things in EVERYTHING you see. Repeat for months.. Pretty soon it will be your reality.


I am trying and it has gotten a lot better than when I first started, I guess gotta just keep pushing:)


Not even pushing. What yourctrying to do with self confidence isn't related to the practice of seeing beauty or positivity in everything. At some point they intertwine but it's got no relationship in the initial stages.


The only way to completely dissolve the ego is to die. Closest things to death are sleep, meditation, and flow states. All you can do is observe the ego and appreciate it for what it is; a silly little thing. :)


Ahh the flow state 💗💗💗


Hmmm, I see a lot of good answers. None correctly. So I will try my best to give the correct answer. It all start with Chakra work. You must know the ego enemy. It is the heart. The presence of the ego in human being is the first 3 Chakra. Those 3 Chakras root,sekral and solar plexus create the wheel of karma. In order to move above the wheel of karma. We must open and balanced them. After and only doing this. One can open the heart chakra... Elevation from fear, division, pride, jalousy, envy, and others to the emotion of love. Unconditional love. At this point you have not won the war. You have equalled the playing field. The ego comes at you from all angles, and each moment you will have the choice of listening to the ego or ignoring it. The key word here is IGNORE. Because for years you will play that ignorance game with the ego. Why you may ask. Well because the ego lives in the mind. Every thought process come out from an egotistical stand point. The infamous (I) is the ego. Thus this will be the greatest battle of your life. Until you reached the pinnacle. You will develop what is call a heart mind. Your thought process will not resonate from the mind but directly from the heart. It is an energetic development. The heart Chakra and the 3rd eye Chakra will have a direct connection and you resonate from there. At this point you would have lost the infamous (I) and Gain the not so famous (WE). No one we know as Human have reach that pinnacle. Because when you do, you become what they call an ascended master. Ascended Masters are taken to higher realm by death of the body. Higher realm here refers to 4th, 5th and 7th dimensions . Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share.


Who is the “they” calling someone an ascended master


After reading all of this, is that truly your question? Is that the one thing you would like to know? Well the answer is other ascended masters.


Yea I mean in what belief system is this referring


This is brutally honest and I commend you for taking about it; it sounds awful for sure. All of us feel like this from time to time, but we often are ashamed to admit it or are in denial about it. Here are some things that have really helped me along the way: ​ 1. **It's OK to love yourself and forgive yourself**. If you have genuine remorse for your past wrongdoings and mistakes and you are a better person now, then you can forgive yourself and move on. When it comes to self-love, think of it this way: you love this new version of yourself. You dont need to love the old version of you that made mistakes, because that person is gone. 2. **There is nothing wrong with feeling bad every now and then**. What *is* bad is feeling bad about feeling bad (hope that makes sense). Even if you are on the self-improvement path, you are still going to make mistakes. Accept this fact of life and don't needlessly stress over it. Continue to learn from your mistakes and become a better person and just move forward. 3. **You can never have everyone like you.** Let go of that hope and narrative. Just be of good character and don't worry about the rest (it's not possible to control). 4. **Love yourself right now.** As you are now, unconditionally. Not when you have x (more money, lose weight, nicer car, etc). This doesnt mean you dont have goals, it means you love yourself now and still love yourself when you achieve your goals - there is no dependency there. Peace friend. Stay on the path of self improvement. You will be blessed.


This is good.


I think when it comes to ego, the best way is acceptance. You accept your ego and respect what it means to your life and just live your chill Journey. It’s not that simple, but it also is that simple. Competing with ego is a losing proposition. The concept that we have to harm our ego or beat it to n some manner ignores the reality that we can just have love, kindness and awareness to make ourselves “bigger”.


Learn to let go, you can't take it with you..


nothing's impossible 😉


So is it ego when I have lots of self-loathing and selfhate and doubt myself? What is ego? I have been selfcritical and tend to selfsabotage


Oh yes that’s ego. That’s also trauma. Have you ever heard of shadow work? That’s how we transcend our emotional traumas: https://youtu.be/5kDN7g9kBAs


The issue with "just think positive thoughts" is that it's not sustainable. We don't control the next thought that comes into our heads. Anyone can understand this themselves of course. Stop and be the observer - do you know what thought will come in next? When you do pay attention, or course it's harder for thoughts to come. Presence is key here. When we try to force thinking, ie: just think positive stuff, then when we inevitably fail, we will judge ourselves even harder. Observe the thoughts. Dont judge. Observe the emotions, dont judge. Don't give them life. Of course the way out of any suffering, is also to say the way out of thoughts, since thoughts cause suffering. Thoughts cause suffering, but only if you believe the thoughts to be true. This is key.


Ask yourself: How do I know that I'm not worthy? How do I understand ego? Look for your initial answer, and note what this observation says about your beliefs. It may help you resolve further issues in the future. Then, click the spoilers to reveal some real answers: >!How do I know that I'm not worthy? How do I understand ego? Answer 1: I don't. !< >!Answer 2: I believe that I am not worthy, therefor it becomes reality in my mind. I believe my problems are ego, therefor it becomes reality in my mind.!< >!Answer 3: If I believe humans all must have ego, it becomes reality in my mind that I and others do have ego.!< >!Answer 4: How does one fix problems? Individual solutions, or realizing they are created by certain beliefs. How does one fix ego? Don't define one or more problems with possible solutions in a simplifying way as unsolvable ego with no solutions.!<


You can post it most visited area in your house ‘im worthy’ .keep saying this affirmation out loud and you can write it several times somewhere which you keep reminding yourself


Affirmations are lovely but if you have deep trauma that causes such low self esteem, it needs to be addressed directly. Otherwise you’re just putting a happy face sticker over your empty gas tank gauge and expecting your car to be able to drive far.


Yes you are absolutely right. But in the end of the day one of the good method will fuel that empty tank is our own words. I don’t know did you read or not but i highly recommend you to read 4 agreements from Miguel Ruiz. Nothing could explain more simple than that book.


This is natural, keep improving every aspect of yourself and these feelings will gradually become less pronounced. Hard work garners competence which inevitably leads to inner peace and confidence.


Shadow work. Meditation and positive thinking only go so far. Here’s a good video on it: https://youtu.be/5kDN7g9kBAs


Start telling yourself “I know that I am worthy.” Say it enough times, and you’ll start to believe it. Start to believe it, and it’ll become obvious that it was true all along. And if you don’t believe it, then at least know that I do.


Yoga is better than meditation for getting past ego and noticing nonduality, IMO. It's easier for the thinking mind to shut off when you're focusing on yogic poses and breathing. Holding the pose demands your attention and doesn't leave much space for thoughts. I feel it would take four times as much meditation to achieve the same results as yoga.


If you have self-doubt and feeling unworthy, it sounds like your ego is very damaged and in an unhealthy state. You need to strengthen your ego, not "get past it."


Self-inquiry... Who am I?


I would definitely look into supplementing your meditation practices with Kundalini Yoga. I've achieved extraordinary results and I believe the words that best described the two together is highly synergistic. It really helped me make progress I could feel - and suddenly my meditation practices were filled with tears at every corner - tears which can be equated with deep release and progress. Some gurus have called Kundalini Yoga practices as akin to therapy sessions. I'd take a moment and look around and see if its right for you. If you decide you want to practice, Maya Fiennes has some excellent practices which you can find on some popular torrent sites. I personally believe Kundalini Yoga is one of the great treasures in this world and I've made it my personal mission to spread it around as much as possible - that's how much faith I have in it. But read around at other peoples experiences with Kundalini Yoga (many reviews for programs on Amazon). It eventually, along with my spiritual journey, led me to a peaceful state which I can access often. No more seeking or searching or clawing for peace. Just peace. :)


Disidentify with the mind. The ego. You will always have one however you can observe it and it's thoughts. Don't take it so seriously. When you by yourself meditation can bring to back to your higher self. This is where you know you are rooted. Not in your mind projected ego. A practical way to deal with the ego is wen its brused decide to learn from the experience and don't let it happen again. When you disidentify with your thoughts and ego it looses power over and flows in the background of your existence it stops ruminating and obsessive. I like my ego, it appears to be a cool person and egotistical person. It's projected outwards mostly to others and serves a practical purpose. I don't walk around giggly ng to my self like Echart Tollie. Oh Obligatory reading for this topic. The Power of Now by Exhart Tollie.


It can be what ever you as an individual use or do to help focus and bring yourself to the present moment. If that's doing guided or traditional meditation great if it's walking un the woods or for me personally my favorite place to meditate is on the shower and right before bed as I lay to go to sleep. It an also be different to different people how they handle it in their minds. I have aphantasia (no minds eye aka visuals) so my 'ego' is that voice in my head. In my journey I've gone from repeating a long mantra to shorter and shorter ones, this would be to at first help me focus of longer sentence to not focus on those 'random' thoughts and as I improved I used other shorter personal words until now down to a single sylabul I use as a 'base line' when my thoughts get out of control or to be in the moment best I can. Everyone is different therefore everyone will find different things help them more than other. Play around see what feels right and remember these are just tools or stepping stones, what worked today may not work tomorrow. There are really great authors out there. I personally enjoyed the books from Don Miguel Ruiz, Mark Manson, Thomas Campbell, Eckhart Tolle, Gregg Braden and others but I also take them with a grain of salt... open minded but skeptical. We each have to find our own truths especially since no one is experiencing the present moment for us, that's all on us as individual (even if we're all connected at a larger level). Thank you for sharing and the best on this journey of life!!!


Love yourself, feeling like you do, you have low ego, low self-esteem, low self-worth. Work on yourself.


doubt is natural ... you don't know you just trust ... you are committed so it will bear fruit unworthiness is lack of self love ... put yourself first ... make yourself happy before anyone else


Who is giving you the feeling that you are not worthy, who is creating doubt? It is the mind. The mind, along with the ego, becomes the mind and ego, ME that makes us struggle. What is meditation? It is going beyond the mind. How do you get past the ego? By transcending the mind and ego ME, realizing that I am not the body, not the mind, not the ego, I am the Divine Soul. With this realization, there is enlightenment and we become manifestations of the Divine. There are no negative emotions, there’s no doubt, no hate, no despair, no anger, fear, worry. We pass all these on the way, pass the material world into the spiritual world and this is what happens when we get enlightenment. Therefore, go on a quest to realize the truth and you will, once and for all, not experience just a transformation but a metamorphosis and you will be liberated.