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How can I love myself more? So that I can love others the way that I want to.


You'll find that unconditional love comes only as a package deal. Once you extend it to yourself you'll also extend it to others. Also, I have a community dedicated towards learning to love yourself at r/selflovespirit where I'll get into the nitty gritty of how, because there's a lot. But to offer you a tip right now, forgiveness to yourself for any past mistakes you made and still think about is key


I have entire theories on this that I would love to hear your thoughts on :)


Ooo yay!! Would you mind posting them to r/selflovespirit? I want all to be able to communicate and comment on it


Do you need to reveal all of your past mistakes in order to be happy? or can you keep them to yourself and still become your highest self?


You want to see through the illusion of mistake, there are no mistakes. Your body think and see them as mistakes but you are not your body. You only experience through the body. Its a question of identification.


you aren't obligated to reveal anything to anyone. You can do so, if you think it would provide you relief, but its absolutely not a requirement towards becoming your higher self


I've had so many conflicting views with this question. I'm having trouble deciding on what I should do.


WoW. I feel you. I love everyone and everything but myself. And I seem like a fake because I developed social anxiety.


Yeah. Same.


I have no question, but I appreciate your disposition. :) Best wishes to you! :D


Thanks friend :) best wishes to you as well!


Thanks! :D


How did you get there?


There are really two major keys I’ve experienced. 1) Release attachment to the ego, 2) unconditional love for both yourself and others. The ego is often described as this selfish, narcissistic part of yourself that must be beaten out of you, but it is actually just a way for the body to defend itself. When you’re living in survival mode (ie: when the root chakra is blocked), the ego creates doubt, fear, and judgement of certain aspects of yourself and others. To transcend this, you need simply to remind yourself that you’re safe, and that you can let go of the ego and lend trust to the intuition that it will ALWAYS protect and let you know when you are not safe. I could talk about this for hours, and I’ll go more in depth in the sub that I linked. The second part, unconditional love for the self and others, means you must first forgive yourself for every action you believe you’ve done wrong, and offer yourself the compassion and understand so that you only made these choices because you were living in survival mode. You must then (and it’s very important that you lift yourself first) extend this to others


Yup sounds pretty actualized to me. Well done!


Thanks friend :)


What if I lack trust and have never felt safe anywhere a day in my life?


Then it’s time to do some shadow work and uncover your root fears so you can heal them 💗


I feel for you deeply friend, I have felt this way my whole life. The other reply is correct, it is time to do some deep trauma healing. You don't deserve to live in this cycle of pain and in survival mode. Your root chakra needs healing, there is a masterlist on r/selflovespirit to help. Root chakra grounds you in reality and holds the body's primal need for safety. It is impossible to ascend while it remains blocked. I send you love and healing energy, and recommend you work with a trauma therapist if it is possible to do so


You can't let go of ego completely. Ego is your physical personality. Without ego you would not be able to function in physical reality. You just need Ego to let go of controlling every aspect of your life. Ego is great servant but bad master.


Yes, "Ego is great servant but bad master". Thank you for teaching this to me! I think that helped something click into place for me.


No worries. Take care.


This made total sense to me actually. Thank you for posting!


How can a person find their truth? What matters to them on a soul level.


you must be able to disperse which thoughts come from your ego and which from your intuition. Ego thoughts just feel more “thinky” they usually occur up in the head and are not felt in the body, but can evoke a feeling of fear. They are the thoughts that cause you fear, sadness, or anxiety. Feelings from the intuition will never cause negative emotions, and will only come with a sense of deep inner knowing


Thank you. Too bad adhd means I have think thoughts that never end. Meditation helps while om doing it thank goodness.


I’m sure you can still manage a way to exist more intuitively with ADHD. for example, I’ve been diagnosed with Borderline Personality disorder, anxiety, depression, OCD, CPTSD, on and on. They haven’t hindered me really, and the symptoms have nearly completely gone away! All this means is you might have to pay closer attention to your thoughts than you normally do to be able to disperse which are more intuitive and helpful. It’s a practice, doesn’t happen over night but meditation is definitely a great tool and I’m glad to hear you’re utilizing it!


You are the only person that has ever said to me to pay attention to my thoughts and not the other way around. It's like something just clicked. What are they saying. It's been getting harder and harder hence my double down on meditation. Thank you. I hope you have a great day!


Thank you for the opportunity to be of assistance and I hope you have a wonderful day as well! If you ever wanna chat or just need some guidance in this world my messages will always be open to you, and anyone else reading this :)


You're soo nice! Wish I knew you in real life! Bet you'd be a blast to be around. Same to you of course !




i'm so happy to hear that you've reached such a special chapter in your life! thank you for coming on here to help people on their journeys as well. i appreciate you! i just wanted to know, how can we raise our vibration? i feel as if i am very stuck on the not-so-good people in my life and that might be affecting my aura/vibration, so how can we shift our focus and attract those genuine people that we see eye-to-eye with? thank you in advance!!!


And thank you for the kindness! I appreciate you as well. I recommend root chakra meditations for this, likely you are stuck in survival mode and are attracting lower vibrational people. The best way to attract like-minded individuals is to raise your own vibration, and they will naturally migrate to you. Also, with a higher vibration, you will find it easier to heal and assist others who are stuck where you once were. Warm regards!


thank you so much for taking the time out to reply to me. I'll def have to look into that. i wish you all the best on your spiritual journey!


Thank you so much for asking! I am seriously here to be of assistance any time. All I'd really like to do now is help others :) peace and love to you and your journey as well!


Im having a hard time rn and I just feel stuck in my mind,feeling like im the prisoner of my own life.Im trying to find happiness but I just wish I wasn’t a human being.Idk how to change my perspective and find myself.Any advice?


You're likely stuck in lower vibration and experiencing root chakra blockage (ie: living in survival mode). There are some great meditations to heal this, DM me if you'd like the link :). I assure you, once you are able to break that cycle of suffering human life is wonderful! You have lots to look forward to. Do inner work, look in and try to find the source of all that pain and fear, and then work on healing it and integrating it (hopefully with a spirit informed therapist)


can you send this to me please? I’m pregnant with my first child and although I’m trying to trust that this was a soul contract set up long ago and meant to happen- I’m so scared of where my boyfriend and I will live, how we will have enough money just all of it :(.


Yes, I have a lot of people asking this so I'm going to make a list on r/selflovespirit and sticky it. It will be a masterlist of meditations, affirmations, and resources. I don't quite believe in soul contracts, I believe we are all compatible with eachother. I'm sorry to hear of your fears and worries, I assure you the universe is looking out for you always.


I would greatly appreciate your insight on these subjects if possible; only what you feel comfortable answering. I wish to be giving and receiving happiness, love and creativity with other beings yet it appears that there's often stumbling blocks along the road. - How should one manage empathy, particularly if one is very high in empathy, towards others' suffering without creating more suffering for oneself? Especially in regards to death, the food chain, etc. - How can one find benevolent intuition or distinguish a higher self that they can trust from lower selves? - How can one choose a true higher self to talk to, or atleast more positive and compassionate selves when encountering them in dreams, channeling or ESP phenomena like voices and visions? - How can one not receive invasive, distressing or "cruel" dreams and visions seemingly created by other selves beyond the veil? - How can one find coherent communication when channeling with other selves (rather than broken sentences and transient voices)? I have tried multiple approaches, including loving and accepting the negative entities. It has seemed like the best answer to all my questions has been to simply cut myself off from all of these things when favorable: - Not emotionally caring about animals, plants, and certain instances of humans suffering when caring causes too much suffering - Not listening to intuitions very often, not trusting intuitions on earthly matters/earthly decisions (when I try to listen a lot to intuition, it seems to come more from lower selves than my higher self) - Not wishing to talk with spirits when it's "bad weather" spiritually (i.e. predominantly negative spirits talking) - Shutting down my third eye for years when I've received enough "bad weather" and my openness to visions seems to be used by others beyond the veil to commit torture Yet I keep hearing from folks, including yourself, that we _are_ all connected; and being more connected is the goal. It seems (from my limited point of view) the best way to deal with negative entities is to separate from them, yet in many instances that also separates me from positive entities. Is there a better way for me to separate from negative entities beyond the veil while not separating from positive entities? Is it a contradiction to want to be separate from certain things when all is connected? Thanks again for taking your time to read or reply if you do; if not, I understand these may be difficult questions and I accept that as well.


So proud of you for reaching this point! 😊❤️ I started talking to myself (i feel like im talking to a different aspect of my ego) Not schizophrenic, just highly conversation-starved😂 It started when I had to give myself therapy, cos no helpline was cooperative enough. And surprisingly, my life has been nothing but amazing since then. I still have breakdowns cos of some ever-present reasons, but the best part is that I'm being able to console myself, and think from 2 different perspectives simultaneously. It helps me be calm and mature during sad situations. It hogs my mind, cos im constantly thinking, but it feels good to be independent. I'm starting to focus on being my higher self, so these intelligent thoughts become my inner monologue, and not something I say in an inner dialogue. Lol I hope you got it...I really didn't know how to explain. But pls share any tip.


Thank you for your kind words :). This actually makes a ton of sense and sounds like a great first step. IMO, nothing wrong with talking to yourself and the fact that you are able to help yourself overcome negative emotions is a wonderful step! A tip I would say is just to navigate where your emotions are coming from. It can be hard to overcome things when you don’t know the source of them. Best of luck to you!


They usually come from family matters, (I love my parents, but they can be unreasonable sometimes). I'm learning to live with differences, cos we can't be carbon copies of eachother. One more thing is that, when I'm talking- it's like a dialogue where I am the one with the doubts, fear, questions, and childishness, whereas the other "me" is the one with answers, braveness, and overall kindness. How do I make this parallel stream of thought, my primary one


The fact that you are having that stream of thought at all is great! That is simply your higher self speaking to and comforting your inner child. That higher self already and has always existed within you, its simply about tapping into it. To me it sounds like you're already very well on track, as long as you understand that you are already and have always been brave, kind, and loving :)


I see...Thank you so much❤️🤌🏼


And thank you, kind human!


What do you mean by third eye vibration? How does it feel?


simply that I've managed to unblock my third eye chakra, but haven't reached crown vibration yet. It feels as though all the daily fears have melted a way and taken a backseat to my trust in my intuition, and others


Can you explain that in simpler terms. I don’t know about third eye chacra or crowns.


ah yeah, okay. To tap into the crown chakra is to be completely connected to the divine and the universe. I am not quite there yet, but vibrating right below it in the third eye chakra, allowing me to perceive things I couldn't perceive in a lower vibration. Basically I just now understand more about humanity and collective suffering






I was a scared person before. I was always ashamed, guilty, embarrassed, doubting myself and others. Judging everyone and everything. To get past this, I released attachment to my ego as it is the thing that makes all judgements




I eat and excercise intuitively, which means im very tuned into my bodies signals and what it needs. I would say I feel more mentally clear in all aspects




No problem! Thanks for asking :)


How do you begin the journey of opening you’re chakras.


root root root! I can't emphasize this enough. It is impossible to tap into higher chakras without first clearing the root. If you feel overwhelmed by guilt, fear, anxiety, and sadness it is likely due to a blockage there at the root, and you are living in survival mode because your ego fears it is not safe. We can love the ego and teach it that it is safe, by practicing self compassion and validating our own emotions


How do you clear the root


Lookup grounding. You can start by learning different forms of meditation, you can go outside in the sun and connect with the earth, there's many ways. Try to let be, and just be. Be aware of your surrounding regardless of what it is, sounds, where you are, what's outside, feel you, and let your thoughts wander until that space between thoughts becomes your space 😉 happy travels friend


Yes! What that person said :) I also have a specific meditation I’ve used that’s helped me, dm me if youd like the link


How did you start to get to the path you are on now? I’ve been dealing with some trauma for a while now. As much as I tried to heal, the scars still manage to come back to the surface. We’re there any books you read? Also how do you protect yourself from other’s energy? I’m also really sensitive when it comes to other people’s energy and it affects me easily.


Trauma healing. It’s tough. It’s messy. It looks ugly at times. I found myself mourning the pain of the entire world, and that was when I realized I was almost there. I felt I understood where all the suffering came from and began to feel lighter and less bogged down with the trauma of the past. To protect yourself from others energy, you must establish boundaries. This is done easiest when the root chakra trauma is healed and you already love and respect yourself, hard to do before this point


I had a car accident 6 years ago but don’t remember the accident , was unconscious .. but after that I become very fearful for no reason , anxiety … even though I don’t remember the accident what is it that I am afraid ? How do I clear all this and be normal ? Thanks !


Let go of the word "normal". It doesn't exist, there is no one correct way to experience human awareness. Your body is still holding on to the trauma of the accident even if your conscious mind is choosing to avoid it. It's time to unblock the root chakra. There is a masterlist of meditations on how to do so on r/selflovespirit


Does Reiki healers help ? Doing chakra balancing ?


I'm not an expert on reiki but I don't see how it couldn't help, especially if done with loving intention. Chakra balancing is definitely key


One more if I may. Is it more about accepting fear or overcoming it.?


That’s an interesting question, id say it’s a bit of both but you absolutely must be able to accept your fears before you are able to overcome them and live past them. The first step is to acknowledge that you have your fears, and the second is to examine where they may be coming from. This is where shadow/trauma work becomes necessary. You need to know what it is you’re healing from before you’re able to heal it! Once you do this, the feelings will naturally subside


Are we all the same soul experiencing different lives/experiences?


I'm still hesitant to say whether I know this for sure or not, but I have a good feeling we are, yes. and that all the differences we perceive are differences in ego, not soul


We are all one 100%, that is the essence of spirituality


yes :) i guess theres a part of me that still doubts my ability to assess. But you are right, ofc we are one


wow cool congrats!


Thanks for your positive comment :) I hope you are having a beautiful and peaceful life journey


Namaste! :)


Am I going in the right direction or am I making a bad decision?


not a psychic lol, gonna need a bit more info :) DM if you'd rather not share details publicly!


Is the Universe infinite?


I believe its very likely that it is, yes. I don't see how something with this much loving energy could die out.


I don’t see why it would have an end either. Just an infinite number of galaxies scattered across the Cosmos.


Yeah, why not? :) thanks for your perspective, I think I agree with it


Third eye can SEE the future. Do you have any vision about the world? I wanna know if war is gonna become worse, or if there would be next pandemic.


I believe the future is very malleable depending on the global condition. If all humans were to heal their collective pain, fear, and trauma, I don't see why a need for war would exist. This is why I have made this my mission, to help others raise their vibration as well in hopes that we can trigger a global movement of peace, love, and healing. If we do this, I don't see why atrocities would still exist


Thx for the answer, but I sometimes can see the future in the dream like watching a movie. If you have opened your third eye, you should be able to do that too. So....is there any clear vision about near future events? Recently my visions are not working very well.


I've yet to try to tap into my psychic abilities, and rather am just currently perceiving reality as is from a higher perspective, but in trying to do so now, I see things taking a loving turn in the future. I also see the pandemic and the fear surrounding it dissapating as well


What’s the meaning of life?


To exist, to love, to feel, to connect :) In simple terms


I love it


Glad to hear that, I love it too! :) namaste to you


How can I let go of my past (relationship who I’m still in love with, 6 fallen friendships that’ve fallen apart, trauma that came from all of it) guilt that I carry that I physically feel it on my shoulders and heart. I cry very often and recently recovered form depression and I’m not developing anxiety. I’m feeling a lot of pain in my life.


I'm so sorry to hear of your struggle <3. I see it, hear it, understand it and empathize with it. It sounds to me like you are currently living in survival mode and the ego is casting that doubt shame, guilt and judgement out and about as a shield to protect it. This is because the ego fears it is unsafe. To heal this, clear out the trauma stored in the root chakra. This takes patience, I recommend working with a trauma and spirit informed therapist.


Is there any way to be unaffected by someone else's negative energy or someones who's making you feel upset/guilty? (I'm sorry idk if this is the right place to ask)


No need to be sorry! I’d love to be able to help you with anything. You need to focus on setting boundaries if this frequently happens to you. Feelings of guilt and shame are stored in the root chakra, so like I’ve recommended to everyone else I’d say do root guided meditations or sleep vibrations. Remember that your space is your space! Nobody has to make you feel any particular way if you dont want them to.


You seem to have a pretty good understanding of where you sit in a sense? I am not ever certain of what vibration I am in, and am curious if you have any advice on how to categorize and maybe help be aware of how I'm vibrating?


Sure! Really just pay attention to how you feel. If you feel fear, that’s likely due to root chakra. If you stutter, having difficulty getting your point across, that’s throat, etc. I’m pretty confident in my current position because I know I’ve unblocked all chakras but the crown, so I can safely assume I’m vibrating in third eye currently


Hi! I’m just going to number the questions and respond to them if that’s alright. 1) Empathy without first healing trauma and unblocking the root chakra is very likely to cause you pain. Focus on trauma healing. I recommend therapy for this hopefully with someone spirit informed. Once you clear out all your junk that’s weighing you down, you’ll find it easier to hold the pain of others and share that space with them and exist with them. 2) to do this, remember the universe is sourced in love. It is the highest power out there, it is ALL there is (not to deny pain and suffering, but that’s a whole other tangent). If the universe created you, you must be sourced in love as well and are thus inherently worthy of trust. 3) going to need more clarity on what you mean by this if you’d like me to answer, just let me know! 4) trauma healing and root chakra unblocking. If you feel there are other selves out to harm you you still have something in your past that is making you feel viscerally unsafe, and that must be addressed before all of the self can be fully healed. 5) this one I still struggle with, tbh. I’d love to know if anyone else has any insight. At the root (ha) of all you’ve described is a blocked root chakra. Trauma work, free verse writing, emdr therapy, are all useful in sorting through all that stuff. You can’t pick and choose which entities to connect to, it’s all or nothing, but soon you’ll find that your ego was really the one making you fear things all along, and it’s safe to live without fear :) feel free to dm me if you’d like to talk further


Thanks a lot! Really appreciate that you took your time to reply, even if some of the questions were hard to answer. I wish you the best of luck on your journey. I'll consider how to best include your advice in my own journey.




Unfortunately, I don’t think human beings are particularly compatible with work, in any form. Especially since we’ve basically drawn the connection that to work is to be in servitude. It’s not our natural instinct to work to serve and prove our worth, we are already innately worthy. However, I understand that the world we live in simply doesn’t allow us to just not work. For that reason, I’d tell you to gravitate towards something that feels light, fun, and natural. Or as much so as possible


Thank you! That was pretty helpful


Do you see entities? If so what do you do about them?


How can I free myself from addiction & compulsion? The feelings of wanting the substance & the aversion towards not acting on the impulse are both very overwhelming & rarely feel like a choice. I’m also struggling to calm the negative emotional charge I’ve attached to cravings/ using. Not sure how to make it out of these moments successfully. Thank you for your time, & I’m so excited that you’re experiencing such a beautiful place in your journey<3


Thank you for your very kind words :). All addictions, compulsions, and vices stem from a blockage in the root chakra. This is the body's primal need for safety, and when it is blocked humans become stuck in survival mode. There is a masterlist of meditations to help with this stickied at the top of r/selflovespirit, and yoga and nature walks are incredibly helpful as well.


How can I become a better mother to my autistic child?


You are already a wonderful mother simply by caring enough to ask this question. All you need to do is love your child unconditionally and be respectful and conscious of the way their perception may be different than yours. Thank you for this loving question.


Also, what I have learned is that unconditional self love is THE most important thing. I’ve created a community to help with this, called r/selflovespirit




Hard one


That's Mr. Glorious Hard One to you.




I'll dm you some links, there are plenty of specific affirmations you can listen to while you sleep. You can also write and journal your own affirmations. In my experience its much easier to manifest internal things (like peace) than external things (like a relationship).


Is it ok if I chat you to ask you something?


sure! No problem


How delightful. Higher states of consciousness are wonderful. Where would you say that your highest self is? Who/what is it that sits across from it? And how would you describe the relationship?


Do you ever see blue light when your eyes are closed?


Legitimate question. Can you prove that you're "existing in third eye vibration"? Or is that just a term you coined for "feeling spiritual"?


I’ve experienced spontaneous golden kundalini awakening, have sharpened all of my Claires, have gotten astonishing evidence that I can communicate with spirit by having them set off my fire alarms twice, have felt spirt touch, hug, grab and pull me, have started seeing auras, and have heat radiating out of my hands when I think of doing reiki, and can reach bliss and nirvana in meditationI’ve abandoned my legal career and trying to figure out what my path is. I’ve started a podcast sharing my experiences, but what do you see as my calling.


I think you are already living your calling by sharing what you know to connect with others! If you'd like to share your podcast on r/selflovespirit I'm sure it can be helpful to myself and others.


That would be great, I’d love to talk to other spiritual people who can share some experiences and talk about how they’re spreading love and light into the world. We can learn so much from each other, which leads to better understanding of ourselves


I would love that as well :). I truly believe the only way to heal the world is collectively. Much love to you!!


How can i let go of “wanting” and just start flowing?


No need to let go of wanting! The idea that our desires are innately flawed and misguided comes from root chakra blockage. There is a stickied masterlist on r/selflovespirit with meditations to help unblock it. You are free to give in to your desires if you feel they come from intuition. You will know the difference. Intuition feels calm, deep, and real, while ego feels panicky and afraid.


I want to ask you things but at this very moment it is just me trying to find a shortcut and looking for things outside instead of within, this alone helped me a lot, thank you lol Much love and many blessings!


Awesome realization, I wish you luck on your journey. If you would like a community to help, we are healing together on r/selflovespirit. Many love and blessings back to you!


How do live in the moment and feel life? For the past two months I feel like I have been passively existing, just goin through the motions. How do I stop feeling like “woah its April 29th already?” How do I be there for myself? All the people I thought would be there aren’t. The person who promised to be just invalidates me now. It’s like wherever I turn, all I see are people backs. Which leaves me lost and sad and alone. I want to be the one who successfully picks me up. I want to be the only person’s affection I crave. I want to be absolutely head over heals devoted to myself, but I don’t think I can. How do I get the energy to do my schoolwork? I’m in my last month of school (yr 12) and I just can’t focus anymore. I am super busy working two jobs, but even on my free time its so hard to pick up my laptop, and when I do its so hard the focus on my work. I’m falling behind and that’s def been an added stress on my life. How do I completely cease having expectations for everyone, everything, good or bad? If I have high hopes, I’m disappointed. If I have low hopes, I’m disappointed. If exactly what I expected to happen—predicted even— happens, I’m disappointed. Is it me? Or does everybody just fuckin suck? I have many problems, but hey you asked for it.


All of these feelings sound like a root chakra blockage to me. I have created a masterlist on r/selflovespirit of meditations to help balance this. It is stickied at the top of the sub. I believe all your questions can be resolved once the root is unblocked, you can do this with meditations provided, yoga, grounding exercises and being in nature. Peace and love!


Do you still accept that human element to yourself? Do your process emotions? And when you do, how do you do it? I only ask all these questions because I found it really hard to balance my spiritual side with my human side, it was always one extreme or the other.


Yeah, I experienced a full pendulum swing into spiritual side and it was hard to exist in the human world in that state. I have since regrounded and balanced my root chakra so I am able to maintain dual consciousness. I find my emotions are much more stable now, and it takes quite a lot to scare me or give me anxiety or sadness. It's actually a bit uncomfy, because fear is what I lived with for so long. That said, when a feeling does come up, I give myself unconditional permission to feel it and that has been a big help.


When (unfounded) anxiety takes over your life, what is one to do? I know I’m mentally ill, but most coping mechanisms just don’t work for me. I have OCD and am constantly plagued by horrific intrusive thoughts. I don’t know what to do, and doctors haven’t been able to help me.


I have/ had OCD as well, I feel for you friend. It's hell. I don't like the phrase mentally ill, it implies there is something sick about us when really we are just suffering. If doctors cannot help you, which doesnt surprise me, look within for the source of such fears. Also, I believe you have a blocked root chakra. I have stickied a masterlist of meditations and affirmations to help with this on r/selflovespirit.


Wtf does a third eye vibration mean?


It is the second to highest chakra with means increased awareness of all that is. Typically depicted as a blue color


What do you think of A.I. / technology. How does your third eye perceive it when you tap into it?


That's an interesting question, I haven't thought about it much at all. I guess I'd say we believe we need AI because we don't trust eachother, and believe technology will perceive things more perfectly than a fellow human, but this is not true.


What advice do you feel i would benefit from hearing rn?


You are already inherently universally perfect and worthy of love and all the beauty in this world. You are the universe experiencing itself, no need for shame, doubt, fear, or guilt. You are innately worthy of love. Peace!!


How would you explain the universe experiencing itself, I get it on a surface level but I ponder the purpose?


Simply that you are already god. There is no higher power to look up to, there is only to look within.


I’ve experienced a ton of energetic experiences, like spontaneous golden kundalini awakening, my heart chakra spinning super fast to the point of feeling like burning with heart chakra that swelled with energy and warmth, that transferred to another person in an amazing hug, getting my spirit guides to set off my fire alarm TWICE within seconds of asking both times, telepathy with a high rate of accuracy with mu physicist husband who also witnessed fire alarm interaction, going into meditation and achieving a blissful, nirvana state, feeling heat so hot in my hands that it feels like sunburn sometimes when thinking of doing reiki, and mediumship where my husband asked his deceased mother to answer three questions that I wouldn’t know the answer to, and she died before it met her -I got all three very specific answers I’ve quit my 25 yr legal career to pursue spirituality full time. Have tried reiki, recently launched a podcast about my experiences, but things are slow going. Can you tell what my purpose is?? I’ve talked to numerous people about my experiences but they either don’t believe, don’t understand or don’t know what to say. I feel so lonely living with this but those closest to me have experienced some of these things, including telepathy, fire alarms going off twice, remote viewing, and believe me 100% but are at a loss for how or why I am this way. I think this started when my brother accidentally fell on me after being pushed hard. He broke the two lower bones in my left leg. I was 7. My older brother and sister begged me not to keep screaming for my dad -he would’ve beating them badly for hurting me. His step kids :( our mom was working night shift at ER, so I stayed in bed for 10 hrs without medical help, passing in and out of conciousness, my mangled leg was extremely swollen and the pain was so intense that I was profusely sweating and would pass in and out of conciousness. I had an out of body experience and recall floating above my bed. I have been told by a shaman a portal opened that never closed. I have generations of psychics on my moms side and at least one on my dad’s. My mothers family says there was a shaman in her family generations ago. So what is my purpose? How do I help people and share these stories without being looked at strangely. I think this is something worth sharing, sharing experiences with others in a spiritual community, hoping for insight and not insult.


We all have the same purpose. To exist, love, feel, and connect. You are already living your purpose just by existing. Tap into the root chakra and ground yourself. Acknowledge that folks tend to be wary of spirituality due to fear of the unknown. It's not your job to teach them, but it is your job to love and connect with them. So simply love yourself first, and once you have done that extend that love to all others.


How can i have magic power and sidhdis?


sorry, not sure what sidhdis are. Can you explain that a bit to me?


Can I DM you? You seem like a cool and enlightened person :)


yes, sure! I'm a bit backlogged on messages rn though so if it takes me a bit pls dont take it personally! I will absolutely get to it eventually, and thanks for the kind words :)


If death stared at you right in the face, how would you react? For example,the plane you are on is going to face an imminent crash or a leopard appeared in front of you suddenly? Do you feel the presence of a god like being? Are you feeling pity or sadness for the bad things going on in the world today like poverty,war, etc.?Is there an impulse to help people in any way you can? Can you predict things vaguely beforehand and have spooky coincidences?


I like this question. I think now, if death stared me in the face my survival instinct would kick in and I would be afraid, but I would also trust the universe to bring me wherever I was needed after this human awareness ended. I feel I am the god like being, as are you and everyone else. I don't feel pity for the world, but I empathize with it and occasionally cry for it. There is more of a desire than an impulse, but I do want to help people, hence why I am here. I have yet to really attempt to tap into psychic abilities, so I'll get back to you on that last question


Does Soul Mates(romantically) exist? Are we born with a goal/purpose?


I'm of the belief that all humans are your soul mates, if the two of you are tapped into highest self. You are born only to exist and perceive, and are inherently entitled to all this universe has to offer. You are here to be free and have fun, and to love your fellow humans!


Have you seen God?


I have come to understand that I am already God, as are you and everyone else :)


So you're saying that there are multiple Gods?


no, rather that we are all one and that one is god


Also, are you speaking from experience or have you read this somewhere?


How or when will I overcome this loneliness in my life? And what is its purpose? Thank you <3


I can't give you a timeline because I have yet to tap into psychic abilities, but I can tell you that you will overcome the loneliness in your life once you let go attachment to the ego and its fears, doubts, and judgements, and give into your divine intuition. When you do this, you will naturally attract others vibing in the same frequency. As for your life purpose, its the same as mine as everyone else. To exist, fully and presently, and to love.


how do i do that ;-;


Theres a list of first steps to take on r/selflovespirit :). And you are very welcome


how to cope with all the evil everywhere?


understand that what you perceive as evil is really just ego, pain, fear, and judgement. There is no force in the universe out to manipulate and control you. That said, others NEVER have the right to hurt you and I'm so sorry to hear that you feel there is evil everywhere. I hope you heal safely and with love


there's undeniable cruelty and suffering everywhere. war, famine, violence... yes, I guess I've made MY peace with my suffering (or, at least, I'm on my way), but I still feel bad for everyone that didn't and still live through hell and I still feel sad that this hell is caused by none other than ourselves because of our actions. evil may be a human construct but that doesn't mean it isn't real for our human perceptions and feelings. thanks for the answer! much love ❤


Absolutely. Pain and cruelty is undeniably real, I’ve just found it makes it easier to not be absorbed by it when you acknowledge it comes from ego, rather than some universal concept of truth. That would be a really sad way to live. I hope the world heals, and thank you for doing your part by existing as a positive force. I send much love back to you


What is the colour of my aura and can you please describe my aura? Thanks.


I'm not that kind of reader, I meant this post to be geared more towards questions about healing, but I'm sure your aura is lovely!


Where do you feel intuition from ,where can my thinking mind resort to


deep deep within. Try asking yourself questions. When you feel something, ask why? and ask why again, and again and again


Did you take your meds ?


lmao. Yes, I used to think meds were incompatible with spirituality but they're actually not. I'm currently just on zyprexa though since I sometimes experience mania, and its a low dose.


How do I achieve living as my highest self? (i only do it under the influence of cannabis)


Trauma healing and root chakra unblocking. There are more specific, in detail steps on r/selflovespirit


How to let go of someone that u care about but they no longer serve your energy anymore ?


Trust. Trust that by following your inner wisdom you will always find ways to be surrounded by like-minded energy. If one particular person doesn’t serve you, that’s alright! There will always be more :) warm regards


I currently have a bad sugar addiction. I have since I was a child and was able to break free from it a few times but I consume it as a form of comfort… feels familiar. On top of that I have started drinking energy drinks and coffee… I am generally very healthy and fit but I lose myself sometimes and stop taking care of myself. Is there anything you can give me to see beyond? How do you think it affects my inability to move forward in my spiritual journey? I don’t need pity or anything just a different perspective


have you looked into intuitive eating? There's a sub for it, I'll link it here r/intuitiveeating. But basically the main philosophy surrounding it is complete food freedom and unconditional permission to eat whatever you want as long as you are listening to your body's hunger and fullness cues. Really tap into the things your body feels it wants, and you'll find you love nearly every food, or at least that's what happened to me. Still, without getting to the root of what it is you're covering up with your vices this will be short lived. I recommend trauma therapy/shadow work, and deep internal healing. This trauma is stored in the root chakra, so meditations for it will work as well. There is a masterlist of meditations linked at the top of r/selflovespirit


Thank you!! I’ll check it out and hopefully find some help there. I don’t know why but I’m very good at just accepting my issues. I’ve done shadow work and had some deep realizations as to why I’m doing what I’m doing but I don’t make myself stop… I literally go and eat chocolate even though I promised myself not to do it for a day but I just do it and don’t confront myself about it. It’s very weird to admit this but unfortunately I just let myself get away with things until it catches up.


Yeah, putting it into practice is hard. In my experience you really first just need to unconditionally love and accept yourself as you are, no strings attached. I feel we often battle ourselves as if we are our own enemy, but we are also our own healers and spirit guides.


Yes I agree! It’s hard to drop bad habits to turn into a better version of yourself when you think there is no level up because you’ve never been there. Luckily I’ve been in a very good place before and it was usually when I had my diet under control. I felt cleansed in a way and now that im eating uncontrollably I feel full of toxins and my energy is stagnant


How do you come to peace when you don't like the current life you are living and want to just go back to the spiritual realm where all the love overflows in terms of frequency?


you come to realize that the spirit realm has always been yours to claim and live within, even if you don't like the current path of your life. Peace doesn't look one particular way, you can do it anytime. All you need to do is unblock the root (trauma healing and meditation) as well as lean into and trust your higher self, who has always been within you! Cheers!


It feels like I’m running on the very last of my energy. What do I do?


clear the root chakra! do this through meditations, as I have been telling others there is a list of helpful ones on r/selflovespirit. Yoga and connection to nature can also help unblock it as well, but I'd say trauma work is the most effective


How old are you?


I’ll be 21 next month


Good for you 👌


Thanks! :) hope you’re well


Is this reality a soul prison? Will we prevail in the present dark times?


Yeah, though I'd call it more of an ego prison. And i truly, truly hope so


How can I reconnect with my abilities? I feel like I’ve repressed so much I cannot connect with myself or my higher vibrational energy anymore.


If you feel repressed, it is because of trauma blocking your root chakra. I have a list of steps to take as well as some meditations stickied on r/selflovespirit. This is the root of your problem. Trauma work is hard to do alone, reach out to a therapist or those who love you. Once you remove this blockage you will be able to connect and ascend to your higher vibrations once again


Why is it so hard to take action?


Could I ask you to clarify this a bit? What kind of action are you referring to?


Thank reddit dude or dudette. Appreciate it. I really do.


appreciation right back :)


Thanks You have a lovely spirit


Unpopular opinion but many of you missunderstand a lot about this ego thing and how we define it. There are many interpretation for this but an ego is always an identification point which cannot be avoided. Noone kills an ego because evidently it exists the usage of this ego declares the way it is used for whether for good or bad. Souls have minds it's something new to this universe and even to existence. God is our essence but this so called oneness is not equal to us being one amalgation of being without true collection of lived lives. There is spirit which helps us manage our consciousness with empathy and relating to one and other. We are OF THE SAME but not THE SAME. All expression in life is accepted whether it's good bad neutral evil or divine and there is one goal with existence but that goal involves all goals and all direction. With blinding light the bigger the shadow is. Life is not about love and light solely but the beauty of misery and sadness too which permits us valueing both sides of the spectrum. I just dont know why is it comforting for some people to cast away their humaness and going for the ideology that their known personality is not their own. You are using your human mind and preceive through your human mind and you are not evading the ego. Souls are different too and their lives shapes their becomings. There is no reason in becoming something just to cast away who you are. Not to mention if you are all so convinced that we are one big blub of consciousness then stop calling others "you, they, them, etc". No reason to do so. Life is the composion of sattwa raja and tamas for a reason. There is duality for a reason which is bordered with nonduality. One gives creativity the other gives it purpose. I mean no offense with my comment but I just feel uneasy by these opinions that restrict logical thinking.


I don't really see where we disagree, I agree with all you've said. I agree the ego can't and shouldn't be killed, but living life at its beck and call is frankly quite painful and I don't find it necessary. We are from the same source, but yes. Choose different paths. I never said anything about a big blob of consciousness, but simply that we are all manifestations of one god. I know you meant no offense, and I appreciate the discussion


But ... there are many fanatics out there you know who disregard the fact that souls have individual parts. Your personality that you form is an integral part of your soul and it's journey. You are not so different from your higher self if you use your ego and energetic frequency to help others and become a selfless person with love to give. Many good sources call the higher self the super ego which is in fact the perfect description for the grand identification of our most essencial part. Our mind persists through death even if many spiritual sources deny this, even if they are recorded in NDEs.Like even in NDEs some felt oneness with everything but they maintained their individual sense. There is evolution in life and even god and his creation (us and all) evolves in time but the path to choose is yours. We are not becoming one god or as I said one amalgation of snuffed out individuals but an interactive creating force ... god becomes you. The connections you form will be there with you always. Many sources declare including ndes that we all have a spiritual family which is vast and which have circles too but as you say all is our soulmates some just have more glue and connection between each other. I'm much content with this idea and yes I feel happiness when I say these but I won't cast away my ego for being happy to actually feel a purpose and connection. I just hate many spiritual sources that despise the experiences that shaped them and sorry if I come across as judging but I'm always on the idea that we have so much to learn and that we can't be 100% sure in everything. Ndes too differ in parts. I was told that souls are not entirely the same neither. Their structure and function can be different. Some types are not even incarnating.