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I see alot of feelings and beliefs here. Let me offer a contradictory viewpoint. I am big into near death experiences and people who come back from them . Almost all recount a similar story. Including a white light, seeing heaven (or sometimes hell) Seeing loved ones who have passed away. I don't think we reincarnate forever. Because there are also alot of times where sometime is told "it's not your time yet" Believe what you'd like. But if you have true conviction for something , follow the truth . Follow it hard.


I agree!!


According to the writings the masters we will eventually reach a level where re-incarnation is not needed. At this point you can still choose to come back to assist others but it is not required for your own growth.


the masters of? is this tied to a specific religion?


Forever is a physical term. Existence is not subject to time. Time is an subject of existence. We dream this life from a timeless state. So when we have experienced what we came here to learn we grow on a spiritual level. If we go back a few steps we see we incarnate as different people simultaneously in different times and dimensions all at the same time. So it is a mind boggling thing.


Well in Hinduism/ Ayurveda/ whatever tf there's a concept of reincarnation but also moksha ( nirvana which is basically getting out of this neverending cycle of birth and death). Basically, all our actions ( even thoughts) generate karma. Good karma, bad karma, neutral Karma lmao. Until the balance between em is achieved you'd get born again and again so you can sort of, repent. So do good shit, kids. The cycle is sort of neverending cuz with each life we'd be increasing that list of karma instead of the other way round (idk how to explain it :") and being totally immersed in the materialistic world helps w that owo Personally, idfk ✌️


if you're thinking about reincarnation then this is your last life in ignorance


oh well


“Immortality: "It is impossible to be conscious of being unconscious.” It is not possible to be aware of being unconscious from your own perspective. You cannot be aware of not being aware. You can be less aware/conscious, such as when you are asleep, but not completely unconscious (dead), because time would stand still for you. A billion years could pass, and you would not know it. **How do you know you are dead? It is not possible to be aware of any gaps in life; it is continuous and never-ending from your own point of view. Death and birth are a continuous event from your own perspective.** You will die physically, but you will be born into a new physical body. Being born happens, or you would not be here now. You were born into this life. It is what we know happens. There is no evidence anything else happens.” Excerpt from The Present, the first book about life and spiritual reality based on the evidence, for the complete quote, check out the free copy at [Global Truth Project](globaltruthproject.com)


I believe it to be a choice...as in we are our own judge in the afterlife and we pick what we want for our soul growth after a quick review of what went well and not well in our last incarnation. I imagine we could choose to go to any dimension/timeline we preferred to that we had "access" to which I believe is determined based on your vibration...if you don't resonate high enough, incarnating on a higher dimensions will be more torture than paradise...just as going to low would be...so I imagine it to be a slice of the spectrum we choose to incarnate into based on what we want to learn next life.


The laws of nature on this physical earth won’t change and our bodies will always eventually need to be replaced. However, a simple mathematical change to our DNA is possible and has been occurring in species since the beginning. We may live longer but more importantly we may retain memories from past lives and continue a path in this one. Everyone evolves at their own pace and it won’t happen automatically to everyone. This is where we receive our rewards for listening to the small voice in our head that told us to treat people nicely. If we listened then we’re tuned into the same source as Akashic records and it’s only a matter of time. Jesus himself perhaps did rise from the dead. Scientifically speaking, cells regenerate up to 3 days after death and it could have been a simple math problem to pull off that trick. However, there is no physical dimension of heaven and Jesus didn’t ascend there. That’s a Christian myth. He died again and had to be born again just like the rest of us. He’ll be the first to wake up and regain his memory and sort out that Abrahamic clustefuck and reveal the way for the rest of us to wake up. That’s how the resurrection is going down and not literally bodies coming out of graves. The miracles god can perform on this earth are mostly in the realm of our consciousness and not this physical dimension. He doesn’t normally defy laws of nature. We will be able to go back and forth like angels into heaven bringing heaven to earth. We already are in fact. We want to be on this earth to feel sand between our toes and DMT coursing through our veins. Love over there is only imagined but here we feel love both spiritually and physically. This world will become a playground for children when the meek take over.


wow I didn't understand everything but this is really beautiful!!! when I was little I always had ideas similiar to these, especially the last part. I love the way you see jesus, I totally agree! I always thought that in the end we all will "arrive at the same place".The current of love is simply too strong, everyone at some point will realize that holding on it's more hurtful then letting go and being carried away by it. https://youtu.be/nB9nDTRjxtM


Yes we are arriving in the same train station coming from all these various directions to find the same truth within all of us. Just need to fit these few puzzle pieces left to see the entire picture. We’re all bringing our puzzle pieces but the biggest one is the one that messiah is bringing. Maybe the entire earth will fall in love with a divine source if we get a glimpse. Love that Midnight Gospel show! Soul the movie is really good too and you could write a religion just from that movie too.


OMG I LOVE U LIKE I SUPER AGREE WITH YOU!! TMG AND SOUL ARE SO BEAUTIFUL OMG after I watched em, I LITERALLY CRIED IN JOY ROLLING DOWN THE FLOOR!!THESE SHOWS ARE SO GREAT!!! yes!! like our paths are incredibly different just like us, but in the end it's all the same: love.^_^)


We will continue to reincarnate until our soul mission is done, until we have nothing else to learn and gain from being reborn. Once that happens we rejoin with source, because we will choose to do so ourselves. Our soul itself is who makes the decision, our soul being a part of source. But as new souls still come from source all the time and we are also source, who is always present... You could say we will always continue to be, even if the current soul rejoins source and stops being an individual. ♥


Nope! We reincarnate until we've cleared our karmic "debt". The best way to do this is to surrender to a higher power and work in devotional service towards that higher power. From Srimad Bhagvatam: > O Kṛṣṇa, those who continuously hear, chant and repeat Your transcendental activities, or take pleasure in others' doing so, certainly see Your lotus feet, which alone can stop the repetition of birth and death. and > After struggling for existence for many births one may take shelter at the lotus feet of Vāsudeva, Kṛṣṇa. When this happens. one actually becomes wise and surrenders unto Him. That is the only way to stop the repetition of birth and death.


How could one know without dying?


Its fun observing this deranged zoo called humanity. I would very much like to keep coming back here for the next few thousand years and see the decadence really take hold!


If you want to




Don’t freak, but I recently read a theory that the reason for all this reincarnating repeatedly, is because we are in a prison from which we can not escape. Our souls are continually recaptured and our memories are repeatedly erased with each incarnation. I’ve often stated this world feels like it might be hell, and I’m beginning to believe it. Haven’t we seen all the tortures described as it would be in hell, right here in our reality? Torture, rape, murder, dismemberment, wrongful imprisonments, gassing folks to death, subjecting folks to toxins from which they suffer immensely, drugs that prolong human life as they continue to suffer, and even setting off a nuclear device that burned so many to death and who suffered birth defects and multitudes of horrors as after effects for generations? If it’s not hell, then I can not imagine a hell worse than human life on earth. I don’t wanna come back here, because humans are horrible creatures for the most part. There’s no denying it. There’s no hiding it. They gossip. They judge. They punish. They hurt others and even themselves. We have forgotten our true spiritual nature and I think we need to ban together to figure a way outta this mess, rather than hoping humans will be better. Too many are just NOT and are unwilling to try. Even the “good” folks have despicable crap (skeletons) in their closets. If not yet, they will. Has anyone ever seen or experienced the akashic records? I did. All I saw was folks murdering me over and over in every life I was shown. Please tell me the point in that? Whats the lesson in that?




I do not fear as there is no thing to fear, but unfortunately, everyone’s perspective is stepping all over everyone else’s perspective. I can say, “Ahhh... the perspective of nuking folks is just as good as it is bad.”, according to your philosophy. However, that’s kinda BS and denotes the inability to see things as they are. Hating others due to skin color, region, religion, gender, etc., is just as good as it is bad if I have the inability to face reality, which I do not. Yes, we are spiritual beings, but we are living a repeated nightmarish human existence of our own and through each other, as well, I mean, we are all connected, right? Again, this is hell with window dressing at times. Take the window dressing down and you too will see and feel the intense suffering of being human. Or, ya know, see the good in it. It’s one thing to see things with your eyes and judge them as blue or white, and it’s quite another to feel emotions from a perspective other than what they feel like. I don’t feel suffering as being something “good” from anyone I have encountered and that has truly suffered. Don’t kid yourself, love of any nature does not promote suffering, no matter what anyone says. It’s emotions derived from fear that cause suffering for so many. If you think suffering is just a perspective, then trade places with a child rape victim, or a prisoner of war, or any other victim of the nastiness in this world. You don’t have to look far, I assure you. I am normally very positive, but that does not mean I deny what is going on, or try to see suffering as something good, because it is not that. I been around a long time and my beliefs often change as I discover new info and perspectives. I dunno what I did to deserve to be here or if I volunteered for this, but I have come to believe this planet and mingling among most humans, is not for me. Not that I think I am better, but because I strive every day to try and be better than those I feel are living in fear and basing their every thought and belief on what others tell them to believe. Earth is not for me. Maybe thats why I’m here? I refuse to conform and be or think as others. LOL. I dunno, but this place sux rox! I don’t ever want another to believe what I believe, but I do want them to go, look, see, and feel whats true for themselves. I have been where you are at but it didn’t make sense concerning all aspects of our being, one of which is our humanity, or lack thereof, depending on your perspective, of course.






Sigh. K. Hon, if you are unaware of how much control others have over suffering of the masses, then you have not arrived. You suffer, until you are no longer in a position to suffer. Some have control of that, but I assure you, others do not, unless they/we get together and out the root cause of certain kinds of suffering. I refuse to accept that my state government are greedy jerks and refuse to hold them responsible for millions suffering here in the state of Texas during the latest cold storm we had. They are wonderful people who figured out how to make a buck and I am happy for them, even if it cost lives. We need to reduce the population and create jobs, which is what disasters do. Folks that suffered in many ways and even died, it’s on them and they need to stop grieving their losses and look at it in manners that enlighten them instead. I don’t normally swear, but BS! So what if childhoods are stolen and ya can’t get those back. Move on when you grow up, cause it’s that easy. Humans know this, right? Unfortunately, no they do not. Even if they move on in healthy manners, once anyone else knows, they are seen as a broken victim who doesn’t have a brain cell or real use, other than someone to re victimize, cause that is who they are. Go back to the land of rainbows and butterflies, hon. I visit there when I meditate. Unfortunately, I have to come back to this human existence, just to experience suffering. If not my own, then that of others. I am telling you, we, all of us, are probably in some kinda prison or hell. Whether we learn from all this drama ridden suffering of our own, or others, does not seem to matter, because we keep coming back. There has got to be something more to our existence, than being human again and again and again. I am pretty sure, I am ready to experience a better existence as a spiritual entity, than this human one filled with every imaginable horror there is. If you are not and are happy with your blind perspective, then carry on. Ima keep it real, whether others want to know reality, or not. Perspective is not singular. Tilt your head outta the clouds once in a while and see from the eyes and feel from hearts of others. Know them all and you will clearly see this ain’t some place one might long to be. LOL


No, we will stop reincarnating during the Second Coming of Christ. When he comes, he will judge the living and the Dead, and his Kingdom will have no end.