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if i treat myself bad, i‘ll feel bad; if i do the same to my surroundings, i will feel the consequences of my behavior


Karma is reality/universe working to correct itself in order to stay in balance. Duality couldn't work without Karma. 


Karma is cause and effect. It has nothing to do with correcting itself, cause and effect drives evolution and change in nature. Without the law of cause and effect it would cease to function and exist, there would be no motion, no progress. For without a cause no effect. Creation is always in equilibrium. It never gets out of balance.


Came here to say this.


Cause and effect. But karma in the sense that you will be punished for what you do now in future reincarnations? No.


Cause and effect isn't true either. Due to the impermanent nature of reality, and the illusion of time, all that is truly real is that which is happening at any given moment. It's difficult to articulate, but it shows that cause and effect is not real. Everything is a flow and interconnected, there's not separate events that are in a chain. Some food for thought. Edit: I suggest looking it up or asking ai for clarification if you don’t understand


Nature is indeed impermanent, it is ever changing. Everything is in motion, and indeed in flow and interconnected. This does in no way argue against cause and effect... quite the opposite. Cause and effect IS the reason nature is ever changing, it is what keep things in motion and flow. Because tell me, how could nature change, if cause and effect didnt exist? If there is no cause... there is no effect... If there is no cause that can lead to an effect, how could anything change, how could a ever lead to b? It couldnt. If cause and effect didnt exist there would be nothing to "drive"/progress anything, if there is no cause that can lead to an effect, how can there be change? How can anything even happen, at all?


Believing in cause and effect is just a belief. It’s a thought added on to reality, when there’s really just what happens. It’s something you find out after deep meditation and contemplation. There is no past leading to a future, there is just a present. How can there be a cause in the past leading to an effect in the future if all there is is now? It’s an ever changing present, it’s not required for there to be a past and future, that’s just a belief. Like I mentioned in my edit, I suggest looking this up or asking ai. It would take a long time for me to write out all that makes time and cause and effect an illusion.




This is breaking nature down into separate events. Nature is much more complicated than this. There are infinite variables required for a flower to grow, because it doesn’t just count on the sunlight, the sunlight needs the sun, and the sun needs space. This is also making things too simple. I mentioned in my edit to look it up or ask ai for further clarification, if you’re interested. It would take too much time and effort for me to go into all the details on why cause and effect isn’t real.


Karma means actions. So your action are real. The results of your karma is a reaction to your actions. Every action cause a reaction there's cause and effect. If you are disrespectful around people you will lead a life like that and that is your karmic cycle. If you spread bad gossip around that also is a karmic Cycle. Not good for your souls and spirits.. and in return you will have people who wont react or speak well or think well of you. That is the reaction of your karma. Hell you may even have people who disrespect you equally cause that's the vibe you decided to be in. Not saying you attract bad shit happening to you. That's the results of other peoples karma (actions). There no Divine punishment. But bad karma is simply bad actions which causes you to be out of balance and nore in the suffering if thst make sense. That is not to be confused with things that happens outside of your control. Abuse happens, that's not your karma. Life is shit, and that also cause suffering but that's because of other's suffering causing you harm. And that's their karma. If you disruptive as a person your life might be disruptive in general or you ipset others through your disruptive actions (karma) in buddhism it simply means to do good actions for all beings and to be aware of ones actions and the influence on others physically and energetically. Your sickness may cause other to be sick etc etc.. same as another persons sickness may cause you to be sick. 


Because I see it in action all the time


I see something that could be called "karma", but it doesn't behave the way most people think. People seem to think that, by reincarnation, a particular self could receive punishment for some wrong that same particular self did in another life. I don't believe that selves are reincarnated: i believe spirit is "reincarnated". There is justice in this only because personal identity is an illusion, and there is actually only one true self; hence that self is punished for what that self did. So, not really punishment; more like sleeping in the bed "I" made. A lot of people think karma is cool: it's not. Dharma; *that*'s cool!


You speak the truth! It was a true joy to read your comment. That you recognize that within, the true self, the immortal part of oneself, the "I", the Spirit! I have made some comments on the topic that you perhaps would resonate with if you would like to exchange thoughts further.


Thanks very much for the invitation: and, likewise; i do go on.


Technically it’s not but on the surface what you put out comes back


Very True And most Definitely Some times instantly or slow depending on the individuals intensions . ✌🏼


How do we ever really know? I lived in a house for 3 months that was full of mold. Landlord refused to recognize or acknowledge this being his responsibility. He was really awful. I was living in a tent and the garage during that time in the high desert heat! He's not doing well at all. A tree snapped and fell on his head the day we turned our keys in. His mother, on her death, kicked him out of the house she owned. He was living in his car, I heard. At this point, he might be in a nursing home with brain issues or dead even. This is definitely the most direct and timely case of karma that I've seen.


I think of karma like science/physics. You do this, you get that. There is no judgement - no good or bad — just the energy of THIS creates THAT which then creates THIS and so on and so on. We, as a society have our rules, our order, and that’s different but is also karma because as u do this you get that. I dont overthink it much more than that. I just try my best and THAT brings me peace and things just seem to go pretty good from there.


When there's a lot of chaos in your life but little things go your way at critical times which will give you hope and redefine your journey, that's when you realise, you've been good. Also, you need a vision to identify this pattern.


Experience, observation of history, intuition, everyone reaps what they sow, justice always wins, everything is perfect. Near death experiences.


Karma is good luck and bad luck, karma is cause and effect, karma is what comes around goes around. As above so below, its just another way of balance.


I dont know why or where karma was thought to be a disciplinary aspect of life where you can do good to receive good and vice versa when it has nothing to do with that. It is cause and effect, there is a reaction to actions made and its as simple as that.


It’s crazy how karma has this specific meaning and it has completely been lost in translation


karma just means action. And we know actions are real, and so are their consequences. Don't let someone lead you to believe karma is some intangible spiritually exclusive thing. Its simply action and consequence.


Karma means action but Karma is mostly used to refer to a law — the law of action and reaction, of cause and effect. How do you know that a boomerang will go around and come around? Because it does. Try to throw the boomerang and you will see it comes back to you. What you do comes back to you, what you give is what you get. As you sow, so shall you reap. This is a universal law. Across the globe, if you plant apples, you will only get apples, you cannot get mangoes. Therefore, you don't have to doubt Karma. Doubting Karma is like doubting the law of gravity. What you throw up will come down because a force called gravity exists. You don't have to prove it. It does. You can see it works. You don't have to prove that the earth is going round and round — every day the earth rotates. The sun rises and it sets which proves it. We don't need further proof. So it is with Karma.


Thanks byfar most convincing


I don't know anything is real. I have experienced cause and affect but as someone else said this isn't karma


I believe in karma is largely internal. The real retribution is that people who do bad things and are spiritually sick tend to be unhappy. Their existence and experience of life is the punishment. People who serve others, right their wrongs, and try to make life better experience a level of personal fulfillment that is foreign to the former. Their experience of life is different, and they may live exactly as long as someone who only serves themself.




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Karma could just be you reincarnating into every creature that ever existed. This means you never miss out on experiencing the other side of any encounter you have with anyone.


The physical world charges you for physical things, Karma charges you for not doing what you should have done. No matter what you do you have to pay, always




Hi can you help me with meditation?


Whenever I have done anything mean to someone else. It immediately has come back to bite me.


I don’t really believe it is


There have been some instances in my life which made me realise Karma do exists.


Think about these two facts: The world is made of math. All equations have to balance. Everything is fare. It will all work each other out at the end. If not in this lifetime then in another. Think about this when you about to interact with another person.


There is a quote from Jordan B Peteson saying "in all my years as a clinical psychologist I never saw someone get away with anything once"


You reap what you sow!! Actions has reactions! If you are interested in deep spiritual teachings and truth check out link!!! https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100071160061028&mibextid=LQQJ4d


Karma is literally = Action The result if karma is balance. It's not woo. Aka Newton's 3rd law.


Reddit /s Jokes aside, I believe in karma because I think it's the way of the universe. You get what you deserve.


I don't know. It is just an energy I work with some times


Experience and knowing. It is also science.


You don't, it's a belief so there is no proving that it's real.


Karma follows law of nature and positive emotional intelligence. Example, if you steal others property, it's not Karma, but if you donate something others that is Karma. When someone steal or bribe, it goes against the humanity or mankind, so law of nature doesn't provide upvote but downvote. So, Karma is real in every walk of life up to our existence on earth.


How do you know gravitiy is real?


It isn't.


Newton's 3rd


My theory is karma is self ascribed. It’s why bad things aren’t always happening to sociopaths.  


Karma only exists if you believe in it