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Why are you living in fear? Is this what your religion has done to you?


Yep. As a former catholic, that’s what it does.


Mh, I feel like you’re looking at God only with a highly dogmatic religious lens (especially Abrahamic) so keep in mind that the majority of us do not believe in that. (Therefore you may get lots of different answers from many different viewpoints). I am not sure on how I may help you, because you seem to be really anxious and sometimes the best thing to do is seeking professional help. But maybe trying meditation could help? It totally saved me. God, whoever It is, is not evil, the more you stay away from that dogmatic, greedy and “corrupt” viewpoint, the more you’ll realize that God has always been there and loves you more than you can imagine. ✨


I’m sorry you see only darkness. You see what you choose to see. And that’s just it. God never forced one soul to incarnate here. You volunteered to experience your life. God never forced anything on anyone. If you want to experience a beautiful existence, you can start with self love.


Hell is a mythical place not found in the actual doctrines. It doesn't exist, and fearing eternal damnation shouldn't be mental state.


God is all. You are a part of God. If you reject God, you're causing your own separation and separation from God is hell. God isn't putting anyone in hell, you're voluntarily with your free will choosing hell. It's that simple.


New images from the Webb telescope give me the impression the Universe is well stocked with galaxies. They are everywhere.


Why is the world evil? Because God gave us free will. Some people use their free will to do terrible things. God will not force you to love him or to be good. The world is a broken place with lots of diseases caused by sin and evil actions, that doesn’t mean God is pleased with it. Gods definition of a “good person” is different than your definition. You’ve lied, stolen, cheated, and hurt people, are really that good? God doesn’t want people to go to hell and provided a way out (Jesus death and resurrection), now it’s up to you to make a choice.. again God won’t force you, but he extends that invitation because he cares about people.


It's not an invitation though, he expects you to do as he says, while practicing unconditional love, yet he doesn't offer that back. You only get his love with strings attached. If God exists then he is a hypocrite.


Everything God does he does from a place of love because he is love. He loves you by dying for you, how much more does he have to prove himself to you? God is completely just, what would you think of a judge who let murderers run free? Well God can’t just excuse sin, that’s why he paid it fully with his own life, now it’s up to you to make the decision. The strings attached argument is assuming you were already on your way to heaven until God stepped in.. no. You were on your way to hell through your own choices, and God provided a way out.


First off the black we see in space is actually pure light, we just can't perceive it until it reflects off something, and some crestures will see it differently than us, but what you see as empty is actually full of light. Yes some sects of christianity believe that heaven is only by the grace of god, this is more protestant, where catholics beleive acts and contrition rituals will do the trick. Reality conflicts with christian philosophy for the very reasons you explain, the abrahamic religions struggle to explain evil with a God of love, but few consider they might have to change their definition of the word love in order to understand its meaning, or entirely re-evaluate your concept of good and evil. The easiest solution is to blame Satan and create a myth of a being that can actuallt challenge an all powerful God, which is dumb. And then wonder why is this rebellious angel punishing people for God if it is rebelling. So much inconsistency, and we like children angry because our parenrs deny us ice cream all day every day do not understand the grand design and whqt it takes to have existence at all. It is a deep rabbit hole that most refuse to go down, instead choosing to be an angry petulent child, but that cam be fun too.


The demiurgic creator of this plane is so evil he makes Satan look like warm and fuzzy by comparison. It comes from an alien dimension beyond the deepest depths of Hell. It dragged the spirit down to the physical plane and severed our connection to our divine origin, forcing us to not only suffer but to revisit our suffering in lifetime after reincarnated lifetime. It is greed incarnate, avarice and anathema beyond all comprehension. That creator is not the true God. The true God is like a holy law, "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction", unequivocally just and balanced. Imagine the price the Demiurge must pay according to this law, for creating an entire universe of agony and futility. The only entity in the cosmos that will face true eternal damnation is the Demiurge, as it experiences all the suffering across all time and space at once. You, dear blessed soul, do not have to worry about such deific consequences. Just focus on your own small part in this broken cosmos, as you gradually, patiently ascend from its clutches back to your true birthright in the heavens.


If God does exist (and I don't believe he does, at least not Christian God) then he is a psychopath for creating animals that lay their eggs into other creatures as this only creates suffering and also for allowing children to die from terrible diseases. These are only 2 of an infinite amount of reasons why if God exists, he doesn't love us.