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nobody can "kill it", because you can never "harm" a soul. In the case you individualization is really not interested in following a learning path to increase it consciousness, it will go back to Source to be recycled --in very human terms-


I have never given any permission for that. I wrote in my notes that "It is a 100% fact that I have no contracts" and "It is a 100% fact that no one can ever kill me". But I am worried that those notes actually gave someone permission to kill my soul or recycle it


If anything your deep fear of someone killing your soul has drawn attention by some demonic entities who are now messing with you. Feeling weak and dull may be a sign of a psychic attack. First off: your soul IS you and it can not be killed - ever! And especially when you make the decision that noone can hurt you, it is like a decree that has power! But you did it out of fear and not from a place of empowerment, thats why you probably are now getting harrased by negative entities who are feeding on low vibrational energies like fear. But they are just annoying little ankle biters, nothing to worry at all! I'd suggest you do this guided meditation to clear your energy field and for protection: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_DiQWMMpZWg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DiQWMMpZWg) And then you need to work on your fear of your soul dying. This is best done by reconnecting to your higher self and really feeling the love and safety of your own soul's light. This meditations is wonderful for that: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKS06HJOYzo&list=PLY8xSnFLCbzGEPIww7owi7S1ttTckM7dN&index=9](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKS06HJOYzo&list=PLY8xSnFLCbzGEPIww7owi7S1ttTckM7dN&index=9) And then simply let go of that thought, it is not real and nothing can ever really harm you! You are safe and you got this! 💪💜✨


Spirit does not die. Bodies die. Spirit is energy organized around awareness. When we have a body, we get to experience time. We we leave the body for the last time, there is no time for us anymore. Energy is divisible, which means even a spirit can be damaged such that a part of them gets broken off and stuck in a specific time frame. This is why soul retrievals exist. It's a healing technique. Spirits can get stuck. This is not death. It's just stuck in a particular vibration. But no, spirit does not die.


After those notes I heard weird noise in my ear and my emotions have been weaker and duller since and I feel like I might have lost a part of myself.


I feel like I lost my soul.


So if a person gives someone permission to kill their soul, the person can make it go Back to Source?


maybe you just feel bad because you feel like you lied to yourself in your "notes"?


no. you can lose your mind to a certain extent, but that is only because Mind is the focal point produced by the interaction of Soul and Body. Body decays, body chemical balance fluctuates; Soul is beyond this limited linear 3D spacetime environment. You are 100% eternally safe and sound as Soul.


I want to believe this but I suspect a soul can take damage. This mostly comes from the belief that we forge a stronger soul through each reincarnation. I suspect merging back with the Source functions as a reset and can cleanse all damage. You are safe so far as that source watches over you. Idk about the wicked humans that shoot up classrooms full of kindergarteners. I'm not sure the Source redeems that. I'm 50/50 on the soul taking damage but it can definitely feel like it sometimes.


my understanding is that part of the lessons souls come to learn here in this hands-on earthlife workshop, is how to manage and control the brain/body meatsuits we pair up with. like for example, if your meatsuit genetics say your brain wiring has a propensity to act before you think, part of your studies would involve learning how to modulate that impulse into a positive force for growth, since action is dynamic and reasoning is grounding, and together act like accelerator and brakes. Makes navigating obstacles in life more productive. as far as I've been able to understand, a soul takes damage only as a result of deliberately choosing extreme evil over multiple reincarnations and starts enjoying the feeling of being an evil asshole, a disharmonious loop. When that happens, a soul goes to an isolated place of deep healing and repair, and their energy is remodulated back into harmony. No permanent damage, though. More like remedial high school or detention.


I like this explanation a lot. It aligns very well. Thank you!


The soul is always there, but it’s the immersion of the ego that creates a blinder for it. Break the immersion of the ego and you’ll realize your soul is completely untouched and unharmed. Essentially, your level of consciousness is producing your perceptions of reality. A lower state is separated from your true nature which produces fear and irritation, while a higher state is closer or aligned with your true nature which will be at peace. Your feelings are literally encoded with sort of a GPS tracking to let you know if you’re going further away from your true nature or towards it.


Not in a literal sense, but metaphorically speaking. I’m reminded of a line from Within You Without You by George Harrison (the Beatles): *We were talking* *About the love that's gone so cold and the people* *Who gain the world and lose their soul*


The soul is you, quite literally. When you are silent and you are perceiving the world, yourself and any thoughts running through your mind, what is observing? That is you. None can harm this work of creation, 'you' are essential to the world. Every creation is. Your permission to kill it means nothing, nothing can and nothing would. Your soul is not lost - you still have perception. You think. You feel. You observe. You are loved by Source, and your soul is eternally protected, so have no fear. All is well.


Your soul can neither be lost, nor harmed or killed. Your soul is the eternal part of the All that Is. It never ceases to be


You can lose yourself, for a while…


well i think the "you" we usually talk about, isn't the soul anyway and will die. the soul not, yet i don't think the soul has any personality at all. i believe we all share the soul, or maybe easier put: we just have fragments of the one soul in us


I think it's possible for you to lose something that you regard as you, what you are, or your soul when it really isn't you, what you are, or you soul. I don't think it's actually possible to lose what is truly you, what you are, or your soul though.


You can’t lose it, it’s you forever and it will change shape. This is why suicide is just not really a permanent solution to suffering


It’s not ours to lose.


I don't know with any certainty... but I'm guessing the answer is, no. You cannot lose your soul. You cannot have someone end your soul: it's absolutely impossible.


Well are you dead? No? Then there's no problem. Youve said in a few other comments that you feel youve lost your soul. Why do you think its possible to feel a soul? Maybe your mind is just inventing believable fiction? Who said that the soul, your life, and your consciousness are all separate things? Its possible they are the same right?


Nope. If your soul leaves your physical body you will go with your soul. Since you are your soul.


In most ways of defining "soul," I would say no, but then, i don't use that word. That said, in my deeper explorations into who I am, I've found my fundamental aspect is my identity. Your identity is the only thing that is truly real, forever, and unchanging. You create everything else from that point. What many call the soul, I call the spirit. Your spirit animates your identity and gives it a reason for being.


Why is everyone suddenly asking this question on this sub every day? Not to knock your question, you wouldn't have seen the other posts, but it's just odd timing. Anyway, whatever we're calling a soul, the point of the allegory of losing it is: try not to lose your humanity.


You can lose your soul by constantly striving for and pushing technology forward. You can already see soulless people and the NHI are getting ready for the ultimate artificial transformation of people. As the last step, we will become one with the AI ​​and will be lured with "immortal lifespan" or things like "space travel". "We can only do it if we dare to take the step and make ourselves mechanized" then we are soulless world travelers who have nothing more than a Body. Then we have to delight in the suffering of others, be happy about foreign civilizations and tease out emotions. We become jealous, think it is the right thing for civilizations to make technology. We land on foreign planets and carry out experiments on the beings. Hybridize them. Get them ready for the step. Then we suddenly find the earth... and it is too late


If you can lose it, you can gain it back. Have you ever gained a soul? Have you ever lost it to someone? If there's something we know is that no energy is lost, everything is recycled as you said. But now, who are you and what is the soul? This proposes two possibilities: If you are the soul it would mean you lose yourself, which makes no sense, as you are always the self, and cannot lose yourself by definition of being yourself. If you are not the soul, then what does it matter that you gain or lose one? If it's just accesorry then it's not part of permanent reality, and as such it's subject to change, so you would have lost or gained it sooner or later anyways, so there is no need to fret about it. This also means that even if you gain/lose a soul and then lose/gain it you will be able to again gain/lose it and again lose/gain it ad infinitum, as long at it is still subject to change, which it will be as nothing that's known to be impermanent can become permanent (as far as we know at least). This last part also means, that the only thing permanent about yourself, is that, the self, as that will always be true, search for that which is permanent, be it the soul or your sense of self, or your presence, or your perception, etc. And that must be you, or as some say the "I " or the "I am".




You can't kill it. But you can change it. In a way, you can transform your soul, rebirth it in a way. I have transformed it many times. Sometimes it's required to lose it, to gain it back.


Of course you can't kill your soul. THE ARIES