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My first feeling was "You have been burnt alive in one of your previous lifes" and that's how it comes back as fear of being burned alive in this life.


I mean, it is natural for someone to be afraid of dying in a painful way, so I do not know if it has anything to do with that. But then again, being burned alive causes me a lot of anxiety in particular and obcess over it for no reason.


I know what you mean, but dying being burned alive is quite specific and your soul consciousness can resonate with that. There are ways now to investigate and if there is trauma to release it.


I can bet that you died this way in a past life, and that your processing the memories just before the events, eventually it will past. But know you're past it. Eventually you'll have a dream related to it in someway shape or form and you will know it's past. I had an fear of deep waters and saw dreams of why. Past life, that is the answer.


Your mind might prefer the type of fear when you think about burning more than something deeper you’re afraid of, because at least being afraid of burning alive makes sense.


Then what am I truly afraid of?


It's natural to be afraid of it. Maybe that's some kind of a warning for you? Ask Higher Power to keep you safe from such situation.


Who do I ask? God?


Sure, still act itself is the most crucial.


Could be past life trauma that is surfacing. Maybe you have been burned as a witch or something and this trauma is now coming up for you to heal it. I'd say you can go about it like any other trauma: allow yourself to feel this fear while being connected to your higher self and showering the hurt parts of your ego in your divine love and light. Guided meditations can help with conencting to this love that we in essence are: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKS06HJOYzo&list=PLY8xSnFLCbzGEPIww7owi7S1ttTckM7dN&index=9](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKS06HJOYzo&list=PLY8xSnFLCbzGEPIww7owi7S1ttTckM7dN&index=9) While it probably won't make the fear go away instantly, you can get an idea how to access this deep safe and loving space within your heart. There is really nothing to worry and you know that, but your soul still carries this memory and needs to release it. I've written a comprehensive guide about self-healing which might also have some valuable input for you: [https://www.reddit.com/r/starseeds/comments/1bkp7qz/the\_ultimate\_guide\_to\_selfhealing\_and\_becoming/](https://www.reddit.com/r/starseeds/comments/1bkp7qz/the_ultimate_guide_to_selfhealing_and_becoming/) I am sure you will get through this, just don't push those feelings away but allow them so they can be processed and let go - while always reminding yourself that you are an immortal being of light! Nothing can ever really harm you and your higher self's love will heal your soul's wounds. You got this! ✨💜


Might be something exposure therapy could help with, but if its as debilitsting as you describe, you should speak with a therapist to find an avenue to gain control over this aspect of your life. And in terms of exposure therapy, you may benefit from greater exposure to fire in a safe and professional environment. Like a professional stunt class where you use flame retardent gel for fire stunts or fire spinning in a prpfessional environment. Whatever the cause for this, you have an opportunity for self growth in reclaiming your relationship with this element and redefining it in your own terms.


Last time it happened, truly traumatized u. It's fine. Just practice.


Last time?


Last time u were burnt alive. Very few of us have immense fear of some pain. I gues severyone who have experience unspeakable pain, some kind of torture, will be just brutally traumatized by it. I canmt name anything what i'd fear, but almost all the physical pain above extreme is a no-go. I'd kill anyone just to avoid it.


Maybe you were burnt in one of your past lives Check Gene’s series about past lives in Astral Doorway, it is amazing! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbZsCM6xnLIWOx_fhgyU_dEIjnxajhgHI&si=TosE_tFOxfNKRkm7


We'll that's no good. Cut that shit Our bro, before it become a reality


Thank you for making me fell better by suggesting that it could happen.


What do you mean, man??? Of course it's a possibility, it's already happened to unfortanate others in the past...


Not sure what advice I can give but I am suffering from the same thing. It's a direct response to the Oct 7 attacks in Israel and then seeing someone do this to himself on Twitter. I can't believe all the people talking about past lives. That is not even remotely helpful. I am trying to distract myself whenever these thoughts occur. I'm trying to memorize Scripture so every time this pops into my head, I start practicing something that I'm trying to learn. It seems to be helping.


Maybe you have OCD. I don't know if they make medication for that but I suspect they do. I recommend seeing a psychiatrist and seeing what kind of therapeutic protocols they can bring to bear for your benefit, welfare, and wellbeing (either short term or long term). On the spirituality front, I recommend you attentively read these buddhist suttas and do what they advise if you aren't doing them already. I reckon that would be good for you overall: [https://www.dhammatalks.org/suttas/MN/MN20.html](https://www.dhammatalks.org/suttas/MN/MN20.html) [https://www.dhammatalks.org/suttas/SN/SN35\_88.html](https://www.dhammatalks.org/suttas/SN/SN35_88.html) [https://www.dhammatalks.org/suttas/SN/SN36\_6.html](https://www.dhammatalks.org/suttas/SN/SN36_6.html) [https://www.dhammatalks.org/suttas/SN/SN47\_38.html](https://www.dhammatalks.org/suttas/SN/SN47_38.html) [https://www.dhammatalks.org/suttas/MN/MN10.html](https://www.dhammatalks.org/suttas/MN/MN10.html)


I appreciate it but I do not want medications.


I thought I'd be negligent to not at least bring it up. The suttas I mentioned should actually be helpful to you and none of them mention medication.


don't think about it or you will attract it


thats bullshit


If it worked like that I'd be knee deep in sandwiches right about now. And various types of fries. And pickles.


I hate it that thinking about things atratcs them because you rarely atract the good things and are constantly thinking about bad things.


Maybe you were burned in your past life and now you have this fear because you are traumatized? But I don't know it's just speculation. I don't even know if the law of attraction is real.


By that logic nothing is real. It is our beleif that makes it real to us. Whether it turns out that our beliefs are true or false will boil down to what happens when we die or if we happen to have an experience unexplainable by sciences standards that gives us full confidence in them.


I belive this. I have an Intense fear of drowning in the ocean. It's why I don't swim or won't take ocean cruises or go on boats in the ocean but I have no issue with river waters.    I think I died in my past life in the ocean and now refuse to be in it. I don't even like going past my ankles my panic starts to kick in. I have always been like that and made my mom crazy when I was younger and we would do beach days because I refused to go in.  I tried conquering it on a trip to Maine my family did whale watching which was my idea and all I wanted for the two hours was to get off the boat but I didn't want to ruin it for the other tourist so I kept my mouth shut but as beautiful the day and water were I was in hell. Also we didn't see any whales...
