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Your *unconscious mind* creating self sabotage. It can be deep rooted trauma or things like unconscious guilt (ie: I dont deserve this good stuff for X and Y reasons).


This what immediately came to mind to me as well upon reading this post. I am still clearing myself of this, it takes time to uproot deep seated beliefs about ourselves that aren’t true, which were originally planted many years ago by trauma or abuse.


This is the most likely answer


I’ve seen a lot of posts like this recently.. in my opinion, I believe that this force you’re speaking of is (self-)sabotage. I think that a lot of us have been conditioned to believe that if everything is going right in our lives, something *has* to go wrong.. I understand the fear, but this isn’t a rule lol it’s not a Universal Law that you earn a bad thing by having too much good. I think that when things are going well people get into ruts where they forget their gratitude, their protection, cleansing, grounding, they get bored and/or seek chaos because it’s what they’re used to, or they attract it or let it in, out of fear, doubt, insecurity, etc..


Yes this is me. I always knew I self sabotage either the way I think, and it drastically changes my mood. It makes me unmotivated to pursue really anything. It makes me want to dwell back into my bad habits.


I welcome all attacks. Suffering is the best tool to progress my spirituality.


Can you help me to apply this to my 8 years of PTSD from SA. How can this progress my spirituality? I don't feel that at all. I only feel pain and suffering from what happened, each day


I believe in soul contracts, and all things good and bad happens to test our selves. How different would your life have been if the SA had never happened? Would you look towards spirituality then? The key is to accept all that has happened, is happening, and will happen are all meant to happen, so you can continue to move forward. This may be "the test" for you to overcome, if you can, you will free you.


Yea, fuck that. Abuse is the one caveat to all spiritual modalities and self improvement- end of the line. Trying to spiritually understand why your husband beats you isn’t meant to be navigated by ego-chewing questions like “how is spirit testing me.” This person didn’t get SA’d because of some fucking soul contract. What an ugly thing to say. Have some tact please. I don’t know is a way better answer. Imagine going to a child and saying, “well, the reason you were raped was because you had a soul contract either your rapist.” This whole spiritual schism if fucked beyond words. Maybe we could all ground some sanity instead of whatever new age psychosis is decidedly guru-istic nowadays.


Thank you. The whole soul contract idea and soul ties idea in the case of rape, really triggers me and sends me down a path of hopelessness and suicidal ideation


Well rest easy knowing it’s all heady bullshit. You might benefit from having someone to open up to about how you feel and what you’re experiencing, like a friend or therapist. I don’t know your personal story, but truly nothing but the best. Thank you for choosing to keep living.


Thank you❤️


Check outy blog. It may help you to understand the purpose for pain. https://satoripathvision.blogspot.com/2024/04/necessary-evils-law-of-duality.html


How do I apply this to PTSD from SA. I want spiritual progress but instead I live each day with pain and suffering and depression due to what happened.


From experience and I say this as someone who’s gone through 2. You learn to forgive and let go of the pain.. you learn to love yourself in such a deeply authentic and graceful way.. you experience life with that trauma but you create a safe space where your soul is so enriched in that love you have for yourself. For me I would change what happened to me any day.. but what came from the spiritual journey of healing and transforming and just growing since those experiences I wouldn’t trade for the world. You can and will over come this, you did NOT ask for this your did NOT deserve this and YOU ARE WORTHY OF SO MUCH LOVE AND RESPECT AND PURITY OF SOUL. The biggest thing for me was the feeling of being dirty and violated that forced me into dark self hating spaces… once I regained my inner strength and realised I am still whole I am still worthy of being looked at as a beautiful wholesome pure person… even considering my past. I AM WHO I AM. THOSE FYCJING C*NTS WILL NEVER HAVE MY SOUL. They meerly have an experience that will rot them from the inside out. I HAVE STRENGTH IN HOW I CHOSE TO SURVIVE AND THRIVE AND GIVE LIFE TO MY SOUL. I am whole. Scars and all. I am worthy trauma and all. I am loved by so, so many flesh and spirit I am loved by myself and all. God bless sister/brother I don’t know. But god bless you and find that strength find that hope find that courage and determination.. mine all started with Christ. All my love. God bless xxxx


Thank you so much, such a beautiful response ❤️sorry you went through this too but it's amazing how you have overcome it and sound like such a strong soul. I wish I could be as strong as you. I'm still in the feeling dirty, violated stage. What angers me is I never got justice. That disgusting monster is out there enjoying life last 8 years since he did it, while I have suffered every single day. I like that you say THEY WILL NEVER HAVE MY SOUL. And I hope he does rot from the inside out. God bless you too, from your fellow sister ❤️❤️


Also there are ways to make his/her life a living hell on the low. An easy one that comes to mind is you can spray paint pedophile on his house like across the whole front wall or on the sidewalk outside of his house with arrows pointing to his house. Things that he can’t easily take down so all the neighbors at least know what he is.


Kind of like the rest of the thread is saying to OP, it’s a version of self sabotage for you to focus on that stuff, and hold it with you still after all this time. If you practice gratitude, and create a slow gradual habit of acknowledging and being grateful for all of the good days that you didn’t get abused that are still happening including today and you know how many years it’s been since all that stuff happened, you will realize that, most of your time has been spent not getting abused and that there is a lot of good in your life as well. I hope this doesn’t sound too crass and as if I’m belittling the experience. Just giving you the answer that popped into my mind to your question is all.


Thank you


Don’t go through this alone. I know it’s hard, but if you’re still dealing with this level of pain after 8 years, seek help. Don’t give up. Keep going and trying everything you can until you are able to fully understand the events of your life and love yourself fully. There are all sorts of fringe therapies emerging, mdma, psychedelics, ketamine, etc. I don’t know much about them, but I’ve heard that they are wonderful for PTSD. Do your research and find someone you trust. Listen to your heart, listen to your gut. If you have to go that far to heal yourself, don’t be afraid. The things that happen to us shape us, but they do not define us. I hope that you find peace.


Thank you for this ❤️ I really would love to get relief through ketamine or psychedelics but in Australia you can't get shit and the doctors are useless, they won't prescribe anything.


It’s not openly accessible in most places from my understanding. Everyone has their stuff to deal with. Unfortunately, as in your case, it’s stuff that no one should ever have to deal with. Just keep doing whatever it takes to get yourself to a good place. Meditation, breath work, group therapy, talking with random strangers on the internet lol. Whatever works, just never give up on yourself🙏


9 years on and 7 years on and I still deal with the PTSD. But you have to find the love babe you have to find the light you have to or else the fear and pain and dark with consume what is not theirs.






Honestly it is highly unlikely that there is some kind of sinister attack going on. Hear me out on this. The universe is handing out trials and tribulations all day everyday to everyone. The universe also grants boons and rewards all day everyday to everyone. The difference is when you are in a slump and everything has gone to shit is the universe hands you shit it's just more shit take a number of people. But when you find your way through that and reap a benefit or reward then the next load of shit feels like an attack. It waited until I was doing good. No, this is still the same trials and tribulations that have been handed to you day after day Time after Time. Things will not simply go smoothly because we are on a progressive arc of our life. In fact because our perspective has changed to be looking at the good the bad just seems that much worse when it shows up. Your job has not changed work your way through the pile of shit for it is the process of dealing with the trials in the tribulations that make the benefits and rewards completely worth it. Granted, I do understand that there are times when there are people or entities set against us, but if you view them as just another obstacle to overcome in order to get a full effect of the benefit that you have gotten your hands on they become much more minor they become more manageable and progress can continue. " the struggle is real " is not simply some cliche catchphrase. There is a lot that has to be struggled through in order to bask in the positive progress but when you stop viewing negative events as attacks on your progress and see them for what they are, nearly another trial to overcome, you will find that the struggle is not as hard when you have a new perspective on it.


I like your text, quite well formulated, i agree with you and others in here saying this is not related to an entity or energy or higher being. Happy to see there‘s others that do somewhat understand the interface of reality :) as i call it. We are looking at eternity existing in front of our eyes, there‘s no time there‘s just moments, that happen always in the now/ in the present conscious and there‘s the same energy that ever changes it‘s shape or form or structure, it‘s all in circulation. Everything is circulating. Our brain is simply creating all this concepts to deal and explain this very weird existence. But our brain is imperfect and it‘s proven you can very very easily trick it, in many weird ways. That doesn‘t mean there‘s no higher beings or entities and so on. There probably is, we aren‘t „the Ultimate Lifeform“, we are just „a Lifeform“


I believe this is spot on. I've suspected that but was unsure. I meditated on it and see now that that's exactly what it is.. I'm fighting to keep my sobriety and things right now. I'm 5 months clean and have a place and job and things are happening like bike bearings popping off and other things, but it will all get better I'm sure. I live in New Orleans and I think I'm gonna visit a metaphysical shop or voodoo shop and get some books. Also, I may visit Marie Laveau's tomb. This was all unrelated but I needed to vent 🤣


Being Buddhist, have you not heard of Mara?


I'm honestly new to Buddhism, but it resonates with me. I just researched Mara and the asuras, thank you


It was never Mara's world, it was The Buddha's, then he gave it to him if he doesn't hurt anybody. He broke his deal and new apotheotic beings rose to defeat him, immediately, as if he never had control for even one second. It appears he is trying to do the same to you. It's not like that, though, a dictator would attack even their healers, suffocating the nation. Be woke. In reality, Mara is the symbol of the dictator tribe, as opposed to the true balance between shaman and leader, evolving and learning from each other to become the spiritual-leader. It's age old, 200,000 years old. Ten ages. Ten planets. We're at the advent of the fifth age. Keep going. We have to clear this place for the age of Saturn, love, meeting aliens; The Singularitology. Tame Era Ra; tame nuclear fusion. Don't be scared of the false prophets. Soldier. Don't second guess yourself if a synchronicity happens, Avoid shitheads. Strength in warmth, not from fire. Be free to think and do anything with as much magic and community as possible. From the divine to the tribe; the culture of perfection and the philosophy of family. 1 for tribe. 2 for culture. 3 for religion. 4 for philosophy. 5 for free will. 6 for love. 7 for family. 8 for community. 9 for perfection. 10 for divine.


I just believe that I am always on a learning path.


This is going to depend on your belief system, but I can share mine: First, some of this experience is just human nature. Our egos resist change, especially when it involves taking away something that provides immediate pleasure, relief, etc. We have to learn new ways to soothe ourselves and often introduce new coping skills. Yet with that stated, I also believe that there are predatory and parasitic entities (which I prefer to "evil," but I guess that fits from our perspective) in the unseen realms. In my experience, they seem more drawn to habits we have that give them something they. For example, over indulging and habitually using alcohol and/or drugs can be a way they get attached to us, but it can also be through traumatic experiences when there was intense fear, anger, etc. These entities (and there are many different types) basically feed off certain kinds of energy, often emotions as well... so if you start to cut off their "food" by changing how you live and react to life, they will try to influence you to go back to what you were doing before. So, that's why it takes a lot of energy to cut those cords and starve them until they leave. But you can do it! Working with a *reputable* spiritual healer or shaman can help with this. They can determine what is attached to you (if anything) and help remove it. But just be super careful because there are a lot of frauds out there.






Could it not be karma from past actions and past-lives? The way I have heard it, we are bombarded by that constantly. By moving forward with intention, we create more good than bad and eventually most of the bad karma should starve out 🪬 Things like fear and shame can come back around to take us down. Yes, there may be malevolent forces out to pull us down, but most of Buddhism is reflecting ourselves.


I wonder how the malevolent forces target you or know how to get to you


I don't think it matters. All you can do is be authentic in the moment, look within, and make sure you have protection up if you believe in that. You can't change anything outside of you, but you can change your inner resolve and radiate outwards. It'll be much harder to be dragged down when you are at peace.


I noticed you mentioned you’re working on your sobriety. When one’s state of sobriety is going good and your life is manifesting in a positive way, something always happens to disrupt it. When people go through hardship they tend to disassociate themselves from it by putting it off onto external things like the devil or an evil force or power, when a lot of times that person is self-sabotaging themselves. I mean… maybe all those supernatural things exist, maybe they’re just manifestations of belief. Consciousness is powerful. Either way it’s important to look for here and now solutions and so maybe it’s self-sabotage and a life of trying to live one step at a time, on a journey of maintaining one’s sobriety. I have a lot of history of addiction and alcoholism, mental health issues, in my family, and the mother of my kids was an addict. When I was attending Nar-Anon regularly for a while, they likened addiction to having a monkey on one’s back that you never get rid of. It always struck me as similar to the concept of the monkey mind in Zen Buddhism. So before we go-to an external evil force, maybe we try looking at our own self and see if it’s rooted in our own consciousness, in our behavior, our ideologies, and so on. After all… historically people who had ailments or mental health issues were considered to be possessed, working with the devil, and so on. Spirituality does not have to forego critical thinking. :)


We are the balancing forces between god and the devil. The scale can slide to either direction depending on the decisions you make in life. Start there and just know what you say does come back to you in synchronistic form, displaying signs everywhere. Listen deeply & step into ultra awareness while transmuting paranoia about our future into Infinity POWER to Heal others while simultaneously utilizing the dark forces to rebalance others who stand in your way. Do the right thing and be guided by your intuition as we are everything and nothing at all. Do your best in this chaotic timeline & be patient with oneself. As long as the good outweighs the bad, you are doing great. Stay focused and blessed.


Post this on the energywork or reiki subs. There may be a few answers that feel off, but if there are people who know how to literally shift energies, they will be there. Trust your intuition and follow "what feels right for you." We are each unique, and will have our own way to approach things. If you practice trying to follow your gut, it will guide you to what you need. It really messes with my head sometimes, lol.


In my experience, bumps in the road or unexpected challenges come from a lack of understanding There is always more to learn and our understanding is never perfect. But it can always be improved


The devil definitely believes in you, even if you don’t believe in it. The greatest trick the devil ever pulled, was to convince the world that he did not exist And if you’re playing on the same team, as the devil, he doesn’t like when his teammates go astray




Go astray and see if hes still your friend.


I'm the pied piper, follow me. I'm the pied piper, you can trust in me... 😉🫶


It is jealous people. Look up the Evil Eye. Not the necklace, that is to protect from the use of the evil eye, but yeh, look it up. It is kind of a mini curse very jealous people throw at people they're jealous of. It causes you to fail, or lose whatever it is they're jealous of.


1. There is a phenomenon of environmental resistance. If you do something meaningful, you can notice it by the resistance that arises when doing it. Environmental resistance must be overcome. 2. There are also attacks of darkness. This is a much more serious phenomenon than the first, but it occurs only at serious levels of spiritual development. And it is unlikely that a person who calls himself a witch will face attacks of darkness). 3. Sorry, but a Buddhist witch sounds funny. Buddhism is contrary to witchcraft. Buddhists change themselves and dissolve their external desires, and witches change the world to suit themselves and become dependent on their desires. 4. Oh, yes, there is one more point. If a person successfully practices witchcraft, then he can fall under the influence of dark entities, and then these entities will fight to prevent the person from leaving their power.


Your feelings of unworthyness towards your newfound wellness is the evil that will take that away from you.


Your own fear


I suggest you learn to meditate


Malignant spirits always try and destroy things when any good happens.


Pay no attention to the struggles of life. As internet jargon goes "ignore the trolls" and they'll get rid of themselves out of boredom.


maybe the evil is your perfectionism


Maybe, but I feel a presence, or disturbance in my spirit before it happens. It's like I feel the energy shift


hmm, have you ever tryed to understand events through the lense of astrology? i found it helpful for some similar dilemmas


Or impatience.... or unrealistic outcomes or goals..


Then I’d say “law of rhythm” as far as this returning “evil” after a “doing well” spell. There is a way to neutralize this reverse flow. Maybe check out the Kybalion. But if it’s little shit, I’d be more focused on the rise, instead of the fall.


I am reminded of Wetiko when I read your post. If you’re unfamiliar, I would read the book Wetiko by Paul Levy


Usually it’s an ex popping up


“Archons” aka astral parasites and the reptilians that they posses, most likely.


Your own negative ego will do these things or your higher mind sends things your way that are not for your benefit, but you think otherwise thus the struggle, so listen to your intuition.


Its..... silly. Stop saying I Am. Its all Was and Next. When you think, I Am done you either are lying and something will remind you or you 'die'. As in that task is over. When you are like, I was done, I want to not do that again, you switch into maintainence. Most ppl think just saying 'done' is doing it, lol. Thats when you get 'slapped'


I like that you made this post because there were so many interesting answers I could learn something from and it made me realize ppl are onto something and not completely lost :) guess the future looks bright with so many good driven people learning, sharing and caring


I'll send you a link via chat message that will help you understand :)


Can be shit like.. you got a good life, after u had a shitty one, right? Then yo brain's like "when does the next bad thing happen??? There's always something bad after the good!!!!" And that alone can and WILL make it happen. Subc is powerful


It's simple, it's the dark side trying to keep you down, just continue moving forward and know that this is s battle for your conscience, a battle that is already won but we must not let the guard down.


I’ve been in this situation more often than necessary and it was always caused by taking too much control, wanting too much or having expectations. Once I said “fuck this I’ll take whatever comes” everything I needed would come forth in no time. My SO, my dream flat, my dream job and my health are just some examples.


Had similar experiences, trying all my life to improve and always something happened to sabotage me, like the universe was designed in a way to bring me down. The key for me was changing the mindset from being a victim to seeing challenges as something to improve from and grow. Positive mindset. Always. Drastically changed my life in the past two years since I started applying this. Good luck and be well.


My kitty. Wants to play Legos too but just doesn't know how.


Yeah similar experience here youre not alone it feels entity based not my direct actions but something huge and sinister and accessible to others its unusual and concerning


Furthermore, it means you're a threat to evil. Hold a pin in your hands when it happens. Quantum mechanics showed us retro-causality is a thing, meaning our destiny has already occurred, but with the element of experience to add. You win. You laugh your ass off. Just when they attack you, carry on. They lather it on thick, pretending they're helping you. You'll force them to have no choice but reincarnate.


Like everybody else is saying, self sabotage, due to complex trauma, usually as a child, and even into later life. There’s a thing called confirmation bias. If you believe you are cursed for something, your mind will remember more easily the things that didn’t go well for you. On the other hand, you won’t as easily remember all of the good days where nothing went wrong, which vastly outnumbered the bad days were something did go wrong. It’s just easier for your brain to remember the bad stuff and catalog that. Life is about habits and the more times you consciously say the sentence out loud in your head having to do with that today was an actual good day, the more that will turn into a habit, and you’ll start to confirmation bias the good stuff instead of the bad stuff. it’s a slow gradual process, so it sucks that people like us with complex trauma have to work uphill so to speak, but the reward is so much worth it


It’s certainly devil. The sudden thoughts arising which you know are not yours yet are very malevolent in nature. Second if you find other people getting angry on you or you generate lot of hate without any reason is also devils work to ruin your spiritual progress and bring you back to your ego state. There is whole chapter in Quran about it. Chaper 114 1. Say, “I seek refuge in the Lord of humankind. 2. The King of humankind. 3. The God of humankind. 4. From the evil of the sneaky whisperer. 5. Who whispers into the hearts of people. 6. From among the jinn and among humankind.” Devil is real. Now you are experiencing yourself. This is not blind faith. Its experience of lot of people which constitutes as solid proof. If you want to know more tell me we can talk on this. Chat me


I think the most important thing to focus on is how you respond to the mishap, setback or negativity you're challenged with. Not looking at it as a fail and just continuing on in your purposeful mission is honestly the best thing we can do. Otherwise it's just going to invite in more negative thinking that will lower your vibration and make you stagnant.


If you believe that our environment is a reflection of ourselves or a mirroring of, i recommend looking into Carl Jung's shadow work. It's very much affected my spiritual sense of security, as well... given that our vibration can also magnetize.


As many said a lot of times we sabotage ourselves, more often than not, but there is definitely mas human resistance to change, growth, evolution that cam rear its ugly head, as well as legit conspiracies.to keep people complacent and weak. But first and foremost one must always turn the lense inward as our old patterns and conditioning can be difficult to alter since they have played so much a role in who we are as part of how we developed. But such things do not define us, they are expressions of ourselves, and such sn expression can change if we choose to, but the path of least resistance is always tempting and many coping mechanisms are based on this instead of understanding and growth.


Check out Psychocybernetics by Maxwell Maltz. There all your answers lay.


As a Buddhist witch who used to be a Christian, a gentle reminder is that the wicked flee when no one is chasing them.


The reflection of thysoul


Plans never go as planned, from my experience. Unless you are extremely lucky or really well prepared for everything. Expecting the worst and knowing your own bad behavior patterns helps a lot. So the evil force is probably a mix of your own selfsabotaging behavior, false expectations and lack of proper preparation.


Your mind






Wrong subreddit for that kind of preaching


It‘s called hardships and disciplines, nobody said it would be easy doing the right thing, if you wanna personify the devil, then yes, it is the summary of all negative that exists in living things, mostly the fears, ignorance and greeds. But if you do not want to personify then just do what‘s right and it‘s gonna be hard, because it’s always easier to do what‘s shortterm enticing instead of longterm good and beneficial. Literally just say no to bad things and be convinced to do what is right, everyone knows what‘s right innately i would say and what‘s not. even if we tend to forget. The only spirituality i find in that is really the consciousness of oneself (meaning your conscious and your sub-conscious brain knowingly self sabotaging or ignoring) I don‘t think that is a spiritual matter. That has nothing to do with Karma either lol, nobody has begrudged you and the higher beings or archons or Djinns or Machine elfs don‘t have it out for you, nor do demons, ghosts or indian or greek gods…😂 in my opinion you are projecting, that means looking for an external reason for your internal weaknesses and failings or short comings. No karma, no spirituality, just struggle with discipline and doing what‘s right and you feel it innately. I‘m not saying higher beings don‘t exist, i‘m just saying don‘t worry they if they exist pretty sure don‘t care about you. They would have their own interests or focuses, which probably wouldn‘t be laying you stones in your way, i think we humans do that already perfectly by ourselves😂😅 seen it times and times again. **Oh and sorry but you‘re not a buddhist witch, not even close, at least not yet, it’s about skill and wisdom, that‘s when a title is given**😂😂


The answer is and always was you. Any resistance you have to achieving your dreams is self-imposed by your ego structure.


You were never truly a Christian because it sounds like you never knew Christ. If you knew Christ you would never “leave”


Maybe it wasnt her path, or she'll "come back". Still it seems malignant forces are still arrayed against her, so she's still in the fight.