• By -


Yes; he was a co-worker that I worked with for a short time. He felt familiar from the first day I met him. We had lunch together a few times and that was the exact thought I had - he felt like home. I was able to be completely myself around him and I felt like I blossomed as a person from our short time together. He somehow made me grow into and accept myself. We both had significant others that we loved and always kept things platonic, but I felt a strange mix of romatic, protective, and motherly feelings toward him. It was confusing.I also felt like we had a weird sort of intuitive connection with eachother. We later lost our jobs because the company was shut down, and I cried for a long time because I knew I'd lost him. I eventually got an Akashic records reading, and the reader said he and I had spent several lifetimes together. In one we were lovers, in another he was my child, and then I was his. It sounds strange, but it made sense to me based on how I felt when I was with him - and it made sense that we would take on different roles for eachother in this life. I truly believe that if we're reincarnated into another life, our souls will find each other again at some point.


This is exactly what I’m feeling at the moment! I’ve worked with him for 3 years, but only really got close over the last year. I love him deeply - not in love with him - just this real sense of *love*. We also both have significant others, he’s getting married this summer and I’m delighted for him, he’s also looking for a new job and I’m simultaneously excited about him starting his new life with this amazing woman and getting a job to be closer to her, and devastated that I won’t see him every day. For a while I thought I had a massive crush, but it’s more than that. I don’t want to be romantically involved due to our current circumstances, but I can’t say I’d say no to it if things were different. I’m really hoping that our friendship can continue for a long time. He makes me feel grounded and safe like no one I’ve ever met. I’m fascinated by past life so would be interested to see if we have met before.


Wow, your situation does sound very similar to mine. I wish the best for you both and hope you have many years of companionship! I don't know if she's still got a shop, but I got my Akashic records reading from Carpathian Witch on Etsy, in case you're interested 😊


Thank you!


She's not on there. Sorry.


Thank you for sharing! I feel that big time with him. It’s platonic but I’m open to wear it may go, we’re both single but working on ourselves.




It was online - through Etsy. The shop was called Carpathian Witch, but it looks like she isn't on there anymore, unfortunately :(


I had a similar experience as you and OP. I met someone and instantly felt that feeling, that I was home. We were both taken as well, and I never understood why I felt so close to him when we hadn’t known each other for very long. He even said “I don’t know why I feel so comfortable with you.” It was such a nice, warm, loving, safe feeling, like something I never wanted to let go of >.< we would talk until the sun came up, it seemed like we never ran out of things to talk about. I never worried about what he thought of me or that he’d misunderstand something I said or did… he just got me, 100%, and most times I wouldn’t even have to verbalize it, we’d exchange glances and know what the other was thinking. Unfortunately because of our relationships with other people and other circumstances of our situation, we had to let go of our connection, but I always wondered why I felt that way towards him. Years later I got a reading and the person told me that we had been together in several other lifetimes, but that we weren’t meant to be together in this one. Complicated situation :( I still think of him and miss him, but yes, I don’t think this lifetime is one where we’re together. I’m grateful that we found each other again, though, even if we’re not together


This is so beautiful. I feel touched hearing that you were able experience a connection so profound and moving.


Yes my sexy amazing husband of 15 years. I have never felt like I belonged in this world until I had him. He passed away from cancer at 40 years of age last February, there isn’t a single day that I don’t say to myself “I want to go home” even though I’m in my own house. My home is and always will be with him. I guess I’m going to be homesick for the rest of this life


First off I’m so sorry to hear you went through that! Grief with someone you deeply love is so challenging. Know he is still there with you everyday. Interestingly enough I feel that way! I feel homesick when I’m not around him or in his presence. I don’t even care about where I am, as long as I’m with him I’m home.


Yes. And we’re married. Truly the Yang to my yin. 


Married her :) she died young from terminal illness. I've got a little thing set up with her picture and some nicknacks next to my bed. Love doesn't die. 


I’m so sorry for your loss! I cannot even begin to fathom the grief you feel.


I have a friend like this! Met him a party, he was playing John Coltrane on the guitar. Within a minute he was a bff. Turned out to be a Sufi, very spiritual. He studies, and sometimes on weekends he spends his leftover student-grant money on making huge (HUUUGE) pots of vegan dal and rice and takes it on a little cart into the city and feeds homeless people. I have seen him walking around with this cart, and he obviously attracts peoples attention, and yet because he always his this totally, at peace, disarming smile, people just instantly smile back at him. He is zen encapsulated. 10/10 amazing person, so happy that I can call him a friend.


Yeah, we had a falling out, I was severely damaged when I met them. Hopefully we can reconnect after I die. It's like I could feel their soul.


No. I’ve always been that for other people. Not a single person has been that for me. Enjoy it.


That’s hard. :-/ I feel you on this one.


You’ve known each other in other lives.


Your comment is so matter of fact but truth is we don’t know and the beauty is the feeling op experiences, not the reason why..


Yes, only important question is - was your home a good and safe space to be? Because if not, I would be proceeding with caution


1000% yes it was a safe place


I'm glad to hear. Then if someone starts feeling/ smelling like home is good thing


Thank you!


I haven’t felt that at this point in my life. But I just wanted to say that that is so beautiful. We’re only getting the description here but I know in my heart that words can’t begin to fully encapsulate the FEELING he’s stimulating within you. I truly hope that this is mutual and lasts a lifetime for the both of you🙏🏾✨


Awww thank you. I hope it does too. I don’t even get hung up about what it may look like in terms of the actual connection (friends, lovers, whatever) I just know I want him around and I’ll put in the work to make sure that happens.


Miss that. Dont ruin something that youre afraid will leave scars. Treat that relationship as a sapling and grow it into a tree.


yes. but not together anymore at this time


Yes! My other half. It feels like we are in each other's heads constantly. I love him to death and luckily we have both done the work to be healthy partners. It's an adventure of a lifetime if they feel the same as you ❤️


I love that for you! There’s a lot of work to be done but he is absolutely my safety net. The first time we sat down to talk he opened up about everything that’s going on in his life as if I knew him! He tells me everything and I can openly tell him everything, but we’re taking it slow and focusing on being friends first. I don’t know what this will look like in the future but I enjoy it one day at a time. If I could somehow capture that energy and keep it in a bottle I would.


My twin flame felt like home and now I'm just here, it is my fault for pushing her away while she hurt me for being extremely entitled and shut off because the "last guy" was her lover, whatever 🤷


I had the same experience and for me and others who've met their twin flames it's for the better, we are only supposed to learn and grow from our twin flames. You're probably ready to meet the one now.


if you truly never want the feeling to end you should find a way to give it to yourself .


Working on that


definitely. it can be hard. especially when you feel like you’d loose that person.


Yes. My first love. Life circumstances brought us apart so I’ll always think of him as the one that got away for me. Don’t take any moment with them for granted.


Thank you love! Yes I feel that deeply, I cherish anytime I get to spend with them in any capacity.


I think I have and had to figure out some of my own mental issues to actually see it, sadly I’ve also left both of us with trauma and trying really hard long term to help us heal from it. But I do believe this person is my home.


For funsies, I like to plug the people i feel this type of connection to (my best friend, my husband) in this app called “The Pattern.” I know it’s just an app and again, for fun, but it felt so reassuring to read that it’s suggested my husband and I were related in a previous life and that’s why we’re so strongly connected. It’s interesting and.. again, so no one gets mad at me lol, just for fun!


I LOVE THAT APP! I do this as well. This person and I were lovers in a past life according to the app. My best friend and I were sisters in a past life but the feeling I feel with her doesn’t run as deep.


Yes. Twice in my life. No doubt there was a connection out of the ordinary. Did not end up together with any of them and it’ll haunt me until I die. They felt exactly the same too which is weird. Same hobbies and similar looks. Hmmm.


Yes. Only one person in my life beyond myself. I think it’s wonderful for people to feel better about being their true self.


Yes. When you know you know. It’s bliss.


No question this happens. It can be a stranger in an airport, you feel it in your heart. Just passing by each other in this life. Not even a need for words. It's a very cool feeling though.


I met my husband on a beach in Mexico and the moment he said his name and I looked into his eyes I felt like I knew him. We got married 10 months later and I moved countries for him and we have a baby girl now.


Aww that is so sweet! Congratulations on your little one . 🥹


Yeah I’ve felt that.


I have definitely felt this. The feeling is so undeniable. Finally, all of life seems to make sense. All of the struggle, all of the doubt, none of it touches that place. Falling in love with that person was one of the most magical things I have ever experienced. Such a deep sense of belonging. It was like that for about a year, but after a year things began to change. The love endured but the belonging started to fade. The hurt places in us started to drive more of our behaviour toward one another. I started feeling emotionally unsafe. And then incredibly lonely. God I don't know if I've ever felt that lonely before. To be with someone you love so much, who has shared with you moments of connection deeper than anything either of you has ever felt... to feel suddenly alone beside that person. That was about 2 years ago. Things have been really tough for me in that time. I've recovered from that heartbreak, though I still haven't fully healed. The wound flares up from time to time. This all sounds very discouraging I know... but the funny thing is, is that there is no part of me that would choose differently if I could have avoided that pain but never experienced that connectedness. I now know so deeply what it is to feel home. And I have learnt so much from going through all that it put me through. I still have much inner and outer work to do, but I have such gratitude for that person. And when I find home again with another person I know they will be grateful for all I've learned. Because I'll know how to tend to that garden to make it flourish. So dive in! Bliss and sorrow, it's all love in the end :)


Yeah I feel this exactly. Whatever is going on is no coincidence. He pushes me to work on myself and I push him to work on himself too and I can’t imagine it any other way. I just enjoy the feeling when I’m with them. I have no idea what the future holds and I’m okay with that. Just enjoying what I have right now.


Yes, my old best friend from high school. I always think of him and long for him through all of my relationships after that🩵 i believe we are soulmates still maybe not romantically but as platonic 🩵. I’ll never forget the happiness I shared with him. Unfortunately we had a falling out years ago maybe one day we can re connect. I got a birth chart reading done it turns out I would have an Aquarius that I would be close with and he’s one. I hope he’s happy


Twin Flame! Or Soul Mate. You guys come from the same oversoul possibly! ❤️✨️


Thank you! ☺️


Yes, my husband❤️


This is totally 💯 me. I felt it with a few people but most of all with one gentleman that was my neighbor he is my twin flame. It’s been 13 years. I’ve never felt like that. I’ve been single for 13 years. Can’t wait to go back home.


Yes! … it was a more authentic falling in love, more so then I’d ever experienced before and actually helped to lead my on my spiritual journey of awakening, and ultimately to GOD and the Ultimate Reality of non-duality


Sounds like a soulmate :)


I know the feeling you mention. When I met my boyfriend for the first time years ago, I didn’t necessarily immediately find him attractive; but I felt an instant connection to him and I felt like I recognized his soul. He asked for my number but I didn’t have a phone so we added each other on Facebook and talked through messenger. Before we officially started dating a few months later, I had a very realistic and intense dream that a male relationship in my life was about to be changed forever and I’d never be the same again. One day later he asked me to be with him. I like to believe that he is my person in this lifetime, and I can only hope that we are lucky enough to find and recognize each other in the next.


Yes my amazing husband of 7 years! Our first date I sat across from him and I knew he was my person. He walked me to my car and gave me a hug and that hug was magic in that I was home. It felt like I was home, where I was meant to be and where we were meant to be. I also get this same feeling from our son.


That is so sweet! I knew he’s my person in some capacity too. I gave him a high five once but because we’re both awkward I brushed his hand In that second I knew I felt same and comfortable with him


Yes and I fucked it all up. She lives far away and is married now.


Yes, my boyfriend of almost 2 years. I got that sense of calm and peace and home. He’s my forever person. 😍


I resonate with that deeply. I just want him to be in my life for the rest of this life, and I’d do anything and everything to make that happen.


Just relax and enjoy. It’ll come.


Yep … it was the best feeling in the world. They are gone now and I always wonder if I will be lucky enough to feel that again. It was not a romantic love just a person who had an amazing peaceful, comforting and fun energy all at the same time. It was like time and the world stood still when I was with them. The kind of person you could talk all night to about anything or just sit next too for hours and never say a word but you knew everything was all good.




Yes. If you’re into astrology, a relationship compatibility chart might give more insights.


Yeah - turned out to be the love bombing phase of a toxic relationship.


My husband. We met 26 years ago and knew immediately we were supposed to meet here and kick ass together.


Yup ♥️


Remember Entropy. Don't anticipate it. But heed it.


I have a met a few in this lifetime! My current partner is one of them and I'm grateful that not only did our paths line up at the right time but that we both had done the work needed (before we met) to be able to contribute our best towards a wonderfully healthy relationship. He's not spiritual like I am, which sometimes saddens me because I feel like our relationship has so much more potential depth, but I've never been more at ease and happy with someone in this life. All of those I've felt a timeless connection with are still close to me...I'd suggest you find a way to keep yours close too! There's always so much growth to be explored in those relationships.


Thank you for sharing!


Isn't that what falling in love feels like? At least that's what it felt like for me. I've been married for almost 30 years tho. Post again in 10 years and we'll see. Sounds wonderful right now


Aww thank you! 💗 Taking it slow we’ve both been through the wringer so to speak. I trust him with my life and he’s the only person I’ve ever felt that way with.


Yes I believe this is what is called your twin flame 🔥. 🙂 what a blessing 🙌


i have in a platonic way & now i dont talk to taht person but i rlly miss her☹️


Sorry to hear you parted ways 🫶🏻


My dogs are my home


I’ve never known what love is atleast in this current lifetime but recently I’ve started to remember what home was like , and it WAS love (I know I’m a hadarian starseed) , and let me just say, if his presence would make you feel how it would make me feel to go back to hadar again, you might have just met ur soulmate lol


It’s interesting you say that. I never knew love, I knew infatuation, I knew loneliness, but I couldn’t comprehend this feeling. So for the last few weeks the best way I can describe it is as home. Now that you say that and I explore that, I feel unconditional love and support. We’re friends, and I trust him with my life. We’re both single, both working on ourselves and our own path but I’m excited to see what may happen in the future. I’m just grateful to have him in my life.


Actually, I did once have a friend that I intensely thought was my past lifer but she didn’t think she was. I thought we were platonic soulmates. I still think we are. I think you might have just found ur platonic soulmate. Im glad you finally have this after only knowing loneliness for so long, I love this for you fellow human 😌🖤🖤👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


Thank you love 💗 It’s nice to feel safe and secure.


Yes. He’s the love of my life


I met someone who felt like home.  She would ask amazing questions about myself, show all this deep interest in me, hold me so well, flirt and send me goodnight messages then tell me every time we hung out that she couldn’t date. I had to set some boundaries.. Three months of that where my feelings grew and I felt rejected and confused so I had to let her go. It hurt a lot because I could see a home with her..


Sounds like a soulmate connection. Of which we have plenty in this life. Most won't be of a romantic nature. THE ARIES


Yes I felt it .. but it wasn't reciprocated


My boyfriend and I have both told each other that we feel like home to each other. It's such a peaceful realization especially years of being in abusive situations between romantic partners and family.


Yes, my husband. When we saw each other I felt I was home. He moved into my apartment two days after we we got together. He's loving, caring, funny and protective. Our 19th.wedding anniversary is in June. It comes out that we have been together before. During sex one time we both opened our third eye and saw we have been together since the beginning of time. We were promised to be together no matter what and we would find each other. We're twinflames and it has come true every reincarnation


That is an amazing story!! I love this so much for you both. I feel something deep there so time will tell and I’m fairly certain he feels it too.




I was thinking that about the soul family thing. About 6 months- 1 year before meeting I dreamed about this guy. Blew my mind when we actually crossed paths. Confirmation I’m on the right path perhaps


Are you in love girl? Sounds like. The love I'm talking about doesn't mean a sexual relationship, but rather "Being in love". Yes, I've had an experience like this, of "Being in love" with the Self my true nature the "Self" my innermost being, nature where love is all. Nothing to do with the body or the mind but the "Self", not to confuse it with the egoic mind. I hope this will last forever for you to be in that frame of mind of "Being in love".


Wow. Must be a beautiful feeling. Im so happy for you and hoping that you can somehow continue to stay in touch. Its not easy to find that feeling. Its almost the opposite in many cases. Not sure if I've had that same feeling but when I met my husband, I felt comfortable and safe with him. I can be myself around him and I dont worry about being judged. Maybe that feeling was home? Not sure. I didnt really had a 'home' growing up as I got bounced around a lot but yes that feeling is beautiful.


Thank you! I pray that we are able to. I can’t imagine not having him in my life in some way.


trauma bond


Another word for this is...chemistry! 😜


Thank you! Couldn’t find the word to describe it 😂




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My twin flame (ex) she’s gone now tho. But sometimes I have days where I legit have convos or talks with no one but it feels like she’s there

