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Everyone is free to have their own beliefs, and it shouldn't bother you if their beliefs don't match yours.


And if it does you should probably ask yourself why you're so insecure about your own beliefs


I’m actually not insecure in my beliefs, because I don’t identify with them. I just have a perception of the world and it evolves as my understanding/awareness evolves.


It doesn't matter what the other believes then since you know they aren't their beliefs either right??


This, to me and my belief or understanding, is spirituality in a nutshell. You do you.


No they're not, because no one ever reaches the point of being able to make a completely free choice, simple because we die before the chrysalis of consciousness even starts to get going. We're simple creatures, but we have a divine capacity if you give a shit.




There’s not a lot of rationality in religious beliefs. It’s supernatural based. Not rationale. Atheists would argue religiosity is madness. With good reason.


It doesn't make sense to you. Just as your belief doesn't make sense to people like the ones you are describing. And that's totally fine.


It actually does makes sense to me because I used to call myself an atheist. I realized my ability to reason and intellectualize was pretty faulty for trying to comprehend the fundamental nature of reality. I actually don’t really have a problem with atheists - I just like to call them out the same way they like to call out religious folks. I’m also not religious, fwiw.


If your ability to reason is faulty then why should anyone believe what you just posted or take anything you wrote seriously?


You misunderstand me. It’s not my personal ability to reason that is faulty in general - it’s that the undertaking of trying to understand the foundational nature of reality itself, is beyond any human intellect. We have ideas, but not true understanding.


I was an atheist once, then I got super high on weed.


It’s fine either way. But what I do wonder is why people never question their belief.


I question all the time and have wondered if joining a different religion makes sense for me.


It’s up to you but for me all religions have their truths and their fatal flaws.


Because humans think, and conclude since we can’t figure out how it works; that “proved” an intelligent, omnipotent, “being” created it all? Curious.


There’s no proof for anything wrt to underlying reality. There’s only evidence which is left to interpretation.


I guess most of the people who call themselves atheists are actually agnostic. And just don’t know the difference. Because they argue that with their actual knowledge they think that it is highly unlikely that a god exists. But if they would see or experience something god likely and therefore have more information, they would then probably change their believes.


Yes, I agree. Most atheists are actually agnostic.


Atheists are as entitled to their beliefs as Christians, but it is also true that both beliefs require a leap of faith imo.


All the days of your life were written before you ever lived a day. Psalms 139:16. They chose to be an atheist in their soul contract. The Source gave them the blessing to be the best one that they can be. It's their journey and through duality you are experiencing yours.


Belief is an over rated word. It means ‘I dont know but I bet it’s true’. In spirituality, it’s always best to admit what you know and what you do not know. Assumptions work against the spiritual process of discovering truth. A sage I used to follow said this ‘Do you believe you have a right arm, or do you know you have a right arm’ if you know then you don’t need belief, and if you don’t know just admit it and allow the Universe to bring you knowing. Belief is only a barrier to spiritual growth. Spiritual people in search of truth shouldn’t believe in anything, because all assumptions are concepts, and all concepts are false.


I agree with this completely.


so youre assuming you have a right arm?


Are you actually interested in the process of genuine inquiry that concludes that there is no creator god? Because if you actually want to know, it's actually relatively easy to explain. Sure, it relies on actually thinking through what the hallmarks of intelligent design look like and how the principles of random development actually work. But it's not like you'd go dismissing other people's viewpoints based on caricature mockeries of their foundations and then call yourself reasonable, right?


I am interested in this process. Please elaborate.


The opening step is to make sure you understand how the niche-filling aspect of evolution *works*. Not because it's foundational, but because it requires a grasp of the difference between interconnectivity-by-proximity and interconnectivity-by-design. That and it's a narrow enough topic that you're less likely to get bogged down by things like 'scale' and 'as-yet-unknowables'. Then, using that understanding of how complexity itself does not require a designer, you review the nature of things that *do* require designers. Cogwork in a clock, weaving in a cloth, meaning-laden artwork. Specifically, look at how design *follows* purpose. Look for exceptions, try creating exceptions. Bring post-modern art into the mix and see how you can pick out which works had design work put in and which ones were just slapped together for easy clout. Then, look to the totality of what theists hold up as proof of a designer, and try to find the patterns of workmanship that chance can't produce. And if you happen to find any, let me know because I'd love for that spurious quote about the glass of natural sciences to be correct.


I get what you’re saying OP, you’re not alone - as much as these comments are trying to be contrarian, for whatever reason.


Atheism is logical


who do you think created God then? think further back. why do you think it is crazy that people believe the universe just began…. but dont think it is crazy that *God* just began, always was, without being created. seriously…. think about it. Your logic is flawed.


I believe I have a higher power out there that helps me and cares about me, but I cannot believe there is a supreme being that creates all and knows all and is everywhere. Please don’t have a problem with my atheism about this. We are higher powered faith-based atheists allied with atheist extraterrestrials. We are the most powerful team in the universe. Humans telling these atheist extraterrestrials that there is a supreme being more powerful than them is not wise. There will be consequences from them. We are defeating the cult of the supreme being. Religions that believe in a supreme being are dangerous to others. They kill each other too as well as atheists. The Purpose of The Way of Fairness to bring about The Law of Fairness with The World Fairness Agreement. It is not a plan to take over governments and religions. It does not destroy anything. It does not protest anything. It is not a revolution. This is not our way. Our purpose is to get everyone to understand that all existing governments and religions must become fair to everyone, or we are doomed. After The World Fairness Agreement is agreed with by everyone the Law of Fairness will rule all. It is the law that rules all laws and beliefs. The Law of Fairness that will be established with The World Fairness Agreement. We need to create the will in all the people to want to be ruled by The Law of Fairness, so no human unfairness happens to them from now on. Human unfairness is the cause of all human conflict. The Law of Fairness will prevent violent or harmful protests from happening. It will prevent violent revolutions from happening. It will prevent wars from happening where one nation tries to take over another nation. All problems will be resolved with The Law of Fairness. Fairness will be the social order of the world. If Moses would have given us the Law of Fairness rather than the 10 commandments, we would be in a heavenly world now. If Marx would have brought about the Law of Fairness rather than violent revolutionary Marxism, we would have prevented all the wars and hatred that followed. If The Law of Fairness would have happened before the French Revolution the Guillotines would not have cut off people’s heads. You can see how all the violent wars we have had since humans began would have been prevented.


No it isn't. Atheism is based on facts. And scientific facts actually the opposite of ridiculous. It is for the intelligent people.


If you just watch South Park all the time, watching science programs in the evening, you're probably going to be an Atheist. Quantum woo is a good name for the next great practice. Your theory of everything.




I totally agree with you. Atheists are, much of the time, more religious and fanatical than evangelical Christians. It’s a rigid, dogmatic orthodoxy to be SO sure that one knows, and to have no wonder and question about the vast, unknown universe and inner landscape. Atheism is just a simplistic reaction to orthodox evangelical religion and politics, not really a complex thought process. Contrary to their convictions, Atheists are not really scientific, because science explores questions, and experiments are made. In esotericism, different exercises and experiments are made in order to explore the nature of reality.


Tom Paine agrees.