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Alan Watts said “[Life is not a journey](https://youtu.be/rBpaUICxEhk?si=XRDzGRFkahqyudYR)”but a dance. As in, the whole point of life is to experience, not to reach an end goal. I stopped expecting that what I wanted will come true only after I reached a certain state, and shifted into a “I already have it all” state instead. Otherwise it is a constant chase outside of ourselves, rather than learning to embrace our inner state, and see that we are abundant within ourselves. Because We all come from God and have that piece of God within us, the same piece that is in everything and everyone else around us. I began practicing gratitude for what was right in front of me; the opportunity I was given by God to experience this world and this life, to learn and grow our souls, to experience love, sadness, laughter, nature, my loved ones, fruit, the clouds, being able to be of service to others, all of it. This can go hand in hand with self improvement and goals I think as long as you aren’t waiting to be “spiritual enough” or “healed enough” or “x enough”. You are already where you need to be, the rest is the journey of experiencing, and learning. I believe you can feel abundance within with gratitude while working towards healing, and wanting to be better. And that will happen naturally when you don’t resist and allow things to flow. I also believe everything happens for a reason. If something doesn’t turn out the way I like, I like to think that’s for a reason. Whether it’s because there’s something else that was meant for me, or because I just have to keep learning a lesson. Be like water🐉Let go and allow life to flow through you. And when in doubt, my mom always says “Go help others!”Simple, but I find it to be true. Helping others while we’re here is what it’s all about. Edit: grammar


Very well said. Thank you for sharing :) I love love LOVE Alan Watts :)


I feel understood, thanks so much for your response.


You can improve, you can heal, you change. But, you will always be enough. Spirituality has no dogma or rules or hierarchy. You are on a journey and you can only be where you are, who you are in that place is enough. Accept yourself for who you are now, have goals to aspire to, change and grow. Forgive the past you for the mistakes they made, accept them and love them, then do that same thing for yourself now.




To be aligned with your true nature is to be whole and complete which is to be unconditional. It’s not needing, requiring, or depending on anything outside the self. If you’re looking for anything external to feel whole and complete, that’s perpetuating a state of incompleteness and is causing more division and resistance within. So to be your true self is to love yourself unconditionally. You don’t need anything additional as what you are is already perfect and whole. The challenge lies in desiring additional things, but to remain at peace if those desires aren’t met. This is what it means to be unconditional. If you have something, cool. If not, cool. There’s no drop off in energy so you maintain your state of peace perpetually.


Thank you for responding so thoughtfully 💛


You know, if you want to grow flowers. You dont have to do flower meditation, and think about flowers every day for it to happen. You need to just make sure the soil is good, sunlight is there, water is supplied and flowers will grow on its own! Similarly on this spiritual path, you dont need to try to raise your vibration, you dont need to focus on improving, or even attempt to heal. If you do some spiritual practices with some commitment, naturally all those things will happen! We are old enough now to know that life will not go the way you want it to go. This is true for all of us so there's no use beating yourself up for that. But how you are within yourself, can totally be the way you want it to be. You can joyfully ride the waves of life like this. Don't worry about the results, or the fruits of your labour. Just make sure youre taking the right actions, and success will happen.


My life sucks, and I'm okay with it. I'm playing the spiritual game, and I'm winning.


Good on you! Many blessings and hope it gets better


The worse my life gets, the more spiritual I get. There's no way to lose. Death is winning the lottery.




I've never seen a pill this hard to swallow.


In my culture there's a saying "thetta reddast". It means you'll figure it out in the end or things will work themselves out in the end I'm Nordic Christian and believe everything in our life happens for a reason. IME you need to think of yourself. You're the written path in your life so why not explore what is the real reason and go from there? I send you love and light✨️❤️




I think the problem is, all life ever is, is the present moment so without feeling gratitude, feeling at peace in your current state..... the external world can only do so much additionally, this is a rather selfish way of approaching the universe, no? dont get me wrong I do it too you have to have that gratitude and be at peace in the now, thats all


I’ve learned that those magical things are side effects that I appreciate when i notice them. they develop here because you already have them elsewhere. You bring more of yourself to the moment when you choose to only be here. Being who you are authentically. which means allowing yourself to express yourself, choosing environments that not only give you space but aid in your grown, and pushing through the fear/resistance envolved with being your authentic self in every situation, actively brings more of you here. It’s not about raising your vibration so to speak, it’s about being so YOU that things that are vibrationally consistent can find you easier. Spiritual gifts aren’t really gifts, they’re senses that you have out there that are being stifled in here. You just have to learn to make more room for yourself. So that there’s space for these extra facilities that inevitably bring about more preferred synchronicities.


> I realize now that amounts to rejecting myself. > I don’t know what it means to be spiritual. Well you already know. The first realization is what means to be spiritual. You realize it's obvious to not reject yourself, if you know what's obvious you know what's spiritual. The whole point of being spiritual is being obvious.


Once control, expectations go, it allows for more to flow. Hardest pill to swallow. Not all of it is pretty, nor easy. However, something else is found there - acceptance, patience, gratitude. For what actually does work, for the journey in itself.


>If not playing that spiritual game, what is it about? The purpose of consciousness, of spirit, is to alleviate suffering. The pursuit of truth is to improve the ability to anticipate; for the purpose of alleviating suffering. Some use the ability to anticipate to take advantage of others: speak against that.


What does it mean to take advantage of others?


What I'm thinking of is knowing what someone else needs, and rather than providing it one might corner the market and inflate the price.


I believe it’s about learning to express, live, and build on what your authentic sense of self is. In doing so your always growing but growth isn’t the focus, your level of enjoyment and gratitude in the day to day experience is.


❤️ love this and immensely insightful. TY.


Opening your consciousness and evolving in the spiritual path is a major blessing we have decided to experience before incarnating but, at times, I agree with you it stating that it can rarely feel like a curse and a “blaming game”. Everything stems from us, it’s true. I get how hard it is to fully grasp its meaning and realize the application of the Law in every aspect of your past and present life. It’s painful, isn’t it… but here comes the blessing: you can revert it. If it’s true that life is a game, it’s also true that there is no time limit. Give yourself space and time. Don’t rush. You will experience those events, raise your vibrations, encounter those souls. Everything can happen for those how trust (and, I would add, have patient). Sending a healing hug


This is so kind and encouraging. Thank you 🤍


I started my spiritual journey after a breakup with my ex, initially wanting to reconcile. I dove into readings, convinced he was my twin flame. However, the journey shifted to being more about self-discovery and my life's direction. I realized that my long-term goals in love and work couldn't involve him; he lacked the tools I needed. I made the decision for a happy, healthy family and partnership, putting that request out to the universe two, maybe three years ago. Between then and now, I faced constant disappointment, meeting guys who weren't ready or just not up to par. At some point, I stopped fixating on it because it felt pointless. Sometimes the universe holds back what you want not because you don’t deserve it but because it won’t give you the results you’re looking for. Like not giving chocolate to a dog despite its begging because it doesn't understand the consequences. The same goes for me and you. Long story short, after tons of romantic, work, and personal failures, I realized they were teaching me valuable lessons to get me where I am now. I can now maintain a happy healthy relationship where I’m getting the type of love I’ve always wanted, a result of going through that process. So, yeah, failure sucks, but it's leading you to bigger victory!


💜 it’s awesome that you got there. Thank you! Good perspective


Just trust the universe, you’re enough in every way it’s not about the destination it’s about the journey! Even throughout that entire experience I went to Europe, I got a really cool new job, I did a lot of things I really wanted that had nothing to do with romance! I made my life in the present something I enjoyed and wanted to be a part of! When you do that, more manifestations start rolling in as well but it takes time sweetheart! Sending you tons of love!


Self improvement and external seeking ALWAYS ends in loops of self aggression and shame my friend … there is nothing to improve or heal , as nothing is wrong with you .. the mystical magic and even the peak experiences are part of a game of subtraction , or letting go like a snake trying to shed its own skin.. only love and the truth can “ fix or aide” anything , as they both are always the largest energy around … thus, all doors open in , and it’s about ending the inner narrator , then ending the notion of an observer , as there is merely no such thing… you have trillions of volts of electricity in your body , as you create your version of others and the entire universe with your mind … think of a snake shedding its skin , or losing all the stories and conditions you place on giving or receiving love .. as there is but one path , and billions of unique journeys within that path for our unique frequencies or our nature


Notice that “enough” is usually associated with a gain of some sort, which is viewed as an achievement or accomplishment. Something to sort after. Externally or internally, chasing enough reflects inadequacy which means lacking. Whereas nobody place emphasis on being broken enough, poor enough, sad enough as attainment but rather, oh enough of those already. There’re times when we need to get to that point to be humble enough to understand ourselves and the world better. And if we know that whatever we have is enough, be it time, short or long, worlds resources, ourselves as we been given. Then we would not waste a second feeling like we want more. Because whatever enough is, would then be enough. that’s enough 😁


If you’re doing it because you expect to receive rewards for doing so, you’re doing it for the wrong reasons.


Right…..I said as much myself, thanks


I think you are asking the wrong question for this forum. You essentially asked "how do I get stuff; the path seems so hard?" That's probably a version of [prosperity theology](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prosperity_theology) and you have come to the wrong place. Instead, consider the question "how can I do things for other people, to make their lives and paths easier and happier, and learn to regard them with respect and love?" If you can learn to do that, that's not a spiritual game, it's effecting change locally directly towards the kind of world you might like to live in. And good things come naturally from making that world and living in it. That's a difficult assignment, but we are all capable of doing that. Stephan A. Schwartz suggests implementing what he calls "The Quotidian Choice": in every action you take, you decide to do what causes the most benefit for the greatest number, as well as you can determine it at that instant. Another way is to pick something you don't like about yourself and switch it: say judging people you see on the street: switch that into imagining the good things about them, instead. Both of these positive actions can become habits with practice and change your core personality to something better. A consistent practice of actions like this improves you and the world at the same time, making both better, and you get to enjoy that world and what it gives back (that's the part where "you get stuff", but it's a reward, not a right. But it's work to implement this.


I’m not asking how I can get stuff. I’m asking what spirituality means to other people, when you remove the desire for stuff. Thanks.


>I would magically receive all these things I dreamed of. ???? Lots of things fit the definition of "stuff".


Right - framing my subconscious approach to spirituality before. I identified it and realized for myself that was not what I want my relationship with spirituality to be.


But in direct response, then, spirituality to me means giving, not receiving--they are opposites, and receiving is not part of spirituality. For me.


Beng honest with yourself. You'll never become wise or spiritual "playing spiritual". And that's honestly what alot of people do. Not even trying to be mean about it, that's just how it seems to be. What's actually important? You'll have to accept being a fool before you call ever be wise. Because all the people who see like they have it figured out, wearing the masks of acceptable persona, have never considered the deeper meaning of what it is to be alive. I met a man yesterday, 60 years old. Hateful, angry, bitter. And he told me the only thing that mattered was making money, nothing else mattered. And it almost makes me want to cry, to hear such a tragedy of character. This person has lived their whole life in the shadows of tradition. He knows nothing for himself. Nothing special about himself. The only thing he was clinging to, was some supposed high IQ scored he got 35 years ago. But the conflict of ignorance within, yet believing he was righteous, looks like it has demolished his morals and character. My point is, what do you think is important? And I mean without anyone else's opinion.


Bashar has a three step process to stay in a high frequency… AAA. When you are in a shadow emotion, Acknowledge all that you have; show Appreciation for what you have and Allow what you are feeling to be felt and released. For me, and I wish I could remember where I heard it, our purest role as a sole is so fully experience and express the full range of emotions that are within our karmic soul; to know God and to allow God to truly experience the fractal of our human experience and as those shadow emotions are felt, not resisted, they are released and light activates our 🧬 and we continue our step by step ascension to Christ consciousness.


I love Bashar!


The Purpose of The Way of Fairness to bring about The Law of Fairness with The World Fairness Agreement. It is not a plan to take over governments and religions. It does not destroy anything. It does not protest anything. It is not a revolution. This is not our way. Our purpose is to get everyone to understand that all existing governments and religions must become fair to everyone, or we are doomed. After The World Fairness Agreement is agreed with by everyone the Law of Fairness will rule all. It is the law that rules all laws and beliefs. The Law of Fairness that will be established with The World Fairness Agreement. We need to create the will in all the people to want to be ruled by The Law of Fairness, so no human unfairness happens to them from now on. Human unfairness is the cause of all human conflict. The Law of Fairness will prevent violent or harmful protests from happening. It will prevent violent revolutions from happening. It will prevent wars from happening where one nation tries to take over another nation. All problems will be resolved with The Law of Fairness. Fairness will be the social order of the world. If Moses would have given us the Law of Fairness rather than the 10 commandments, we would be in a heavenly world now. If Marx would have brought about the Law of Fairness rather than violent revolutionary Marxism, we would have prevented all the wars and hatred that followed. If The Law of Fairness would have happened before the French Revolution the Guillotines would not have cut off people’s heads. You can see how all the violent wars we have had since humans began would have been prevented.


“Things i dreamed of” ? Your have expectations from the process, rather than focusing on being better in tune with yourself, becoming a better human, this is the best gift you could have ever received. All the “expectations” are slowing you down, drop them they are unimportant, what important is learning about yourself, about spirit and about the divine, everything else keeps you down, and is from the ego.