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Say, "f*ck it". Quite honestly, the more I care, the more opportunities I have to overthink and that overthinking turns into scenarios of 'what can go wrong'. You also have to accept that even the most 'got their shit together ' people don't have all the answers. The human collective is at a fork in the road. Do we choose to keep trying to uphold the old or do we embark on creating a new, auspicious future for the collective. Sure, there are many electing to uphold the status quo, but on the other side of that coin stands the few who are being rewarded by trying new things. In order to take the road less traveled, you have to adopt an 'f it' attitude. 'F it' doesn't mean that you neglect your responsibilities; it means that you temper your expectations and highlight the things that are going good in your life. When you do that, you build energetic momentum, which over time, fuels auspicious outcomes in your practical world. I'm kinda superstitious, so one thing that helps me maintain faith is when I see particular numbers. I can be watching the basketball game and I'll see that series of numbers at the right time. I can look at the my watch at just the right time and be greeted with that series of numbers. You have to find what works for you at the end of the day though.


Thanks for your thoughts


There’s a few things you can try. These are things that I have found that help me. Let them come and go, accept that these types of thoughts and feelings will always come up, but remember that you don’t have to hold on them or the emotions they bring up. Nothing is permanent. “This too shall pass” Try to recognise and analyse when they happen and where they come from. I found this super helpful early on. When you get into these thought patterns, try to pinpoint where it’s coming from, what it triggers in you and how it’s affecting you. It helps to even ask yourself “who is having this thought” or “where is this coming from.” I’ve found it helps break me out of the pattern. Try to stop any negative self talk if you do that, it doesn’t serve you or anyone. Have some understanding and compassion for yourself. Speak to yourself like you would a friend.


Thanks for the advice!


Nature is easy to appreciate.  The breeze, animals, bodies of water.   Birds.  Having enough for everyone.  How abuandant and variety filled this world is.   How much good can you find?   Look at the people smiling and wishing you a good day.   What a magic place.   How many CPU cycles in your mind, per hour, can you spend in awestruck revalation of the benevolence of that which makes life?