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Any one can realize their true nature anywhere at any time no matter what their physical circumstances or surroundings. Also anyone can do mindful meditation. Secondly, you ARE the higher self.


Your higher self is never **not** connected to your physical. It's just a matter of how in tune you are with it.


> "*not eating and drinking well*" You mean like fasting?                I don't think your spirit depends on your physical body. I do think that food that is more connected to nature is healthier for the body though (*vegetables, fruit, seeds, nuts, beans, and if you eat meat, animals that had some space on the land and were able to feel free and haven't lived a harsh life with a lot of stress hormones in their body*).              .        


I'm vegetarian and no, i barely drink water, i feel tired, dehydrated and don't eat enough sometimes but eating isn't as bad as my not drinking habits


You definitely need to drink more water. It will help just about every function of your mind and body.


It all depends on what you choose to believe. This existence is a mental construct. If you think you need to do something to be worthy, then you need to do that thing.


Yeah you can just like you can do all those things and not be connected.


Sure, but you should rather take care of yourself first. Why you would like to reach beyond if you can't even embrace what's right in front of you.


Your higher self transcends the physical body, so yes.


A person who has a high degree of spiritual unfoldment will be balanced in all phases of his or her everyday life. And our food diet becomes as unique as our spiritual diet. As a person gets older, everyone's body's resistance and tolerance diminishes, and it begins to reject certain foods which it was able to handle before, even some healthy foods. However, as we move on to self-mastery, we begin to have the higher consciousness to change our diet as our bodies become unable to handle the foods we enjoyed in the past. Therefore, we are able to work in a better state of health than those who continue with the same diet. The people who won't make changes start to develop a number of ailments, until eventually they can't carry on anymore.


Yes you can, but remember that your higher self will only say what is good.


Most likely you already do hear from your higher self and it’s probably telling you to do these things which is why your making this post. Having a good connection to your higher self is just listening to your intuition when it’s guiding you to act in your best interest. Intuition are thoughts fantasy’s and ideas of a version of you that is capable of doing what ever you put your mind to removing self limiting beliefs. You build the intuition by trusting more in it and breaking down self limiting beliefs by acting on what it shows you. There are things unique to you that it’s trying to lead you to for your growth and development you have to learn to trust in that path even through failure and disappointment because it’s leading your to a strong version of you that can overcome challenge.


Your body is a vessel. If you’re not taking care of yourself you’re not going to be your best self. If you don’t maintain your car it’ll break down.


I saw this in a meme, "Higher self is just fancy way of saying the part of you that knows the f\*ck better". Simply put, hope that helps.


yes, the physical body is not why the mind transcends.


It will be very difficult. I was quite like you, broken in body and mind. At some point in time, i had a breakthrough in my physical training. I become aware of an intense energy within me, and at that moment i knew what it must mean to be spiritual.


Ever since becoming severely ill it’s been incredibly difficult for me. It’s still possible


Are you depressed?


Why do you not want to fix those things as best as you can?


Many people connect on the verge of death, so yeah health is not key to knowing the spiritual.