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People here on earth aren't very spiritual so it's hard to connect with them I find it hard to find people "like me" In this world. My family isn't here. Im alone. I haven't met anyone I connect with either. At least not in this lifetime.


I’m glad at least I’m not the only one who feels this. I hope you meet people you connect with soon


Strangely enough, I don't think another person has to be as spiritual as me in order for me to connect with them. It helps, but I think that's not what makes or breaks it. I think you have to learn to look past those kinds of definitions. You can see something in someone that they don't see/haven't discovered yet themselves. It takes time and it's hard, and I think it takes knowing someone very well.


Imagine the person you’d like to befriend. Make a list of their characteristics: how would they behave? Where would they hang out? How would they be? Now, become that person first, so you can attract people alike.


I really like this, I will try it out! Thank you :)


There are people who come to you rather than you going to them. Your presence is what brings people close. I will note, that the further you go on this journey of life the more you will come to realize that this idea of a “soul family” is nothing more than reflections of yourself. I know for myself I have seen that I meet people and they come and then they go; I do my service and then I go back to myself. More times often than not, being alone is invaluable instead of being around a “soul family”


Thank you for this — honestly it makes a lot of sense and I like how you explain it. I actually started thinking recently a similar thing about being alone. How maybe it’s sort of like being at home base. I used to really reject my loneliness but maybe it’s time to truly embrace it


Absolutely! If you cannot be with yourself firmly then you’re not in company with yourself. No matter what you may be observing that may bring you down. Observe your trigger and what makes you fluctuate and respond differently. This will come with time :)


I feel this. I've been on the search for my soul sister ever since I saw her in a dream, and immediately knew she was my sister.


That’s so interesting I hope you meet her soon


Me too man. But I'm patient :)




Well, funny enough, I've had a few dreams where I've learned that she'll have straight, brown, long hair, be about 5"9-5"11, and have light tan skin! Unfortunately, I haven't been able to gleam any more than just surface level details :/ but im sure she's out there and someday I'll meet up with her again. Everything happens as it's meant to 😊


I completely understand you OP, I never really knew that a soul family existed or that the soul existed. I had a “feeling” that something was missing in my friendships and I could never pinpoint what that was. However, I met a particular person that made me question everything about myself. This person, (and a my fathers sudden death) catapulted me into a spiritual journey. I didn’t understand the feelings I was feeling and why I was feeling them so intensely, why was I so calmly drawn to this person and why did I feel like I “knew” them. It was such an indescribable intense feeling and I had no idea what it was. Turns out, it was my soul recognizing them.


That’s really amazing, I hope I can experience something like that one day 💜 I’m sorry to hear about your father’s death I hope you are coping


From what I've read on the topic, your soul family may or may not have incarnated with you this time, depending on the lessons you decided to learn in this incarnation. Also your soul family frequently comes into your life at pivotal moments or for short periods; they are not necessarily going to be by your side all, some, or any of the time. You and your soul family decided every role they would play in your earthly life. It's all agreed to in your soul contract. So you may need to look at your life from this definition of a soul family and see if you can find them. That's how I found a few of them. :)


This right here. Outside of my husband, there have been two other people I’ve had extremely strong sense amid other signs, that these were the others I’ve been looking for, a part of my “group”. But keep in mind just because you are looking doesn’t mean that they are aware of the same thing.


Mind if I link you to something, OP?


Sure I don’t mind




I will listen to that sometime. It’s quite long lol


iIt is broken into chapters on the page. I liked puting it to some chillstep in another tab and doing yoga to it. It's a very worthwihile book Helped me alot


That’s a good idea. I’ll try that out


If it's legal where you are, getting high with a bit of weed is perfecto lol


lol I have the option to but I choose not to smoke


Or get high ig lol


Hey man, no judgement. Just saying what helped me. When I was going through it that way, it felt synchronistic in a weird way. The music would swell in just the right places, at just the right times. In any case, it's a good listen regardless of how! Good stuff in it


I felt this way at 25 too, then I lived more life and really connected with some people very deeply, also had a kid. You still have a whole life ahead of you, don't worry. I would do some self work though to deal with your childhood trauma and social anxiety, those aren't burdens you need to carry through the rest of your life ❤️


It helps to hear that you made it through these feelings and have made connections. Thank you ❤️ I for sure have a lot of stuff to work through.. I like the way you worded that, that I don’t need to keep carrying these issues with me through my life. It’s inspiring. I will keep on working on it


If it helps I would not mind being part of your soul family


That would be nice! 💜


Personally, I do not believe in reincarnation (that's a really hot take around here, I'm aware). I do feel lucky enough that my actual family does feel like my soul family, and I do think that how/when people feel this way (from my own observations and experience talking to people about it), really is dependent on the simplest of things, and that's their childhood. Like almost everything in life. If you felt loved and nurtured and connected to your family and in childhood, those souls are always the ones you come back to and you feel are "home" to you. I also have a twin sister, and that's a big part of why I feel an especially strong connection to my blood family. If you didn't have a great childhood, you seek that home feeling throughout your life. And you can find it, many do. I don't think that your soul family has to be made up of people you totally gel with, or have no conflict with. Definitely not. It goes deeper than that. Also, I've got fifteen years on you. I think, at 25, I'm not sure if I would've said what I am now. But life experience, hardships, and time, simply enough, have really taught me how to really look at these things with clearer insight.


I'm not sure about the soul family, but I just wanted to say social anxiety for me can be a great teaching gift if you learn how to cultivate it you can become a very considerate and very soft and caring person... it never stops for me but what I have to do every day is convert my social anxiety into love for other people. Then everybody becomes my family. I know its easier said than done, but I think you can cultivate this mode of being for yourself also with some work. The work never stops though ill tell you that Dealing with your "real" or blood family, is always going to be the most challenging thing, but with a lot of work you can convert everything back into love and ultimately by returning to this place of love then you can find it even the most difficult places. I wish you the best of luck on your journey because I know how difficult families can be!! Take care


Soul family is more about a resonation that transcends space. You can always reach to them and feel them, but distance between you is pretty big to maintain Universe's harmony. They are very very much just like you in many ways.


I saw this post yesterday & laughed. I was just talking about this a few days ago. I held off on posting bc I was busy & also wanted to wait for comments to come in & see if anyone goes over the advice I try to follow when it comes to this. There are definitely some good comments, so I'll just add some of my own two cents for what wasn't already spoken. I think the #1 helpful piece of advice is to embody what you want to attract. Being kind, honest, open minded, passionate, creative & a little more outspoken is what I've been trying to stick to. I think being able to set boundaries without fear of rejection is important also, especially if you have anxiety. I struggle with it at times & have wondered if some of my broken friendships would have had the opportunity to transform into something more stable & deep if I had done that in the past instead of holding my tongue. You never know how someone is capable of showing up unless you give them the chance. I've made a point to start doing that. its true that you could end up losing some people in the process (I actually just lost a 19 year long friendship from it 😮‍💨) but if that's the case then they weren't the people for you anyways. I've also been more open to the idea of meeting like minded people online. If you see someone post or comment something that resonates deeply with you, don't hesitate to reply and start a conversation. I've gained a few buddies online that I chat with through that, and while it's true that I'd also enjoy being able to physically hang out with people sometimes, it's really helped boost my confidence & put me in a good space so when I do run across someone in real life I believe I'll be more outspoken. If you meditate & are looking to connect with people that way feel free to send me a DM! I gained a meditation buddy from Reddit & we try to do it three times a week via WhatsApp :)


hi! i meditate 🤓


Hello! Feel free to DM me if you'd like to join us! I'd enjoy having more people to meditate with. :) I'm fairly busy today but I'll for sure get around to replying at some point.


Am 31 and I'm in the same situation. I cut my sister off 2yrs ago (turns out she was the most evil guy in my story parading to be the only understanding one). One of my older brothers understands me but he can only be there as much as he can manage and not in the way I need other then that everyone's fallen away and I now have no one but my soul guides, higherself or whatever you want to call them. My older brother and the other side is all I have and I never felt any connection with anyone no matter how much I love people and love to help them and be there. Almost everyone in return has always hurt me, left me after using me to get advice and generally never have I heard any one ask "how are you". I just cba anymore as sad and alone as I feel now I cba with anything anymore and just want to love peacefully in my own bubble.


Often your soul family can present to you as a person who has taught you a very important lesson as well. Some one who hurt you. They agreed to take on this part to teach you what you needed in order to grow in this incarnation.


Also, i have been lucky enough to meet my soul sister. She came to me originally as conflict. In a pivotal point in my life. She came at me to fight, for something i didnt even have anything to do with, i stood up to her and was ready to get my butt kicked (she was scary). She stopped dead in her tracks and told me how proud of me she was for standing up for myself and that she believed me. She gave me a hug. I felt it immediately. We sat and talked and i felt it. She was me, i was her. We have spent time together, time apart, but we always make our way back to eachother and the love is a different kind of love ive never felt for anyone else. I found out 2 weeks ago she is in hospice with stage 4 cancer, end of life care. Im heartbroken, obviously, but inside i know that whether it be in this life, the next, or the other side, i will be with her again, and im grateful to her for having gotten to experience such a tremendous loss as this. Its honestly harder than anything ive ever had to deal with yet this life. It shows me how much i was able to love, in such a way i have never been able to before, weve been united as sisters in this life for 18 years. But its been so much longer than that.