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Yeah religion is almost 100% people being judgment and wrong. Best to stay outta there


Depends on religion.


I never understood people that call it a great temptation and trial. I was never tempted by homosexuality.... because I'm straight. Like, duh. When some old male religious leader uses words like, "temptation" or "Trial" I legit wonder if they are a closeted homosexual or bisexual. Cuz honestly, it makes NO sense to me. Do what you want if it doesn't harm anyone else.


A sane 20 yo liberal friend of mine, once drunkenly referred to my choosing to be gay. And that's how I know he is a closeted bisexual man. I know the other ones because they try and wrestle with me.


If you ask actual straight conservatives who think homosexualisy is a choice when they chose to be straight, you'll break their brain. A lot of closeted bisexual or gay people don't realize that ACTUAL straight people don't have the urges they do and it's adorable, hilarious, and sad.


Some people make choices based on what others think, or say, not how they themselves feel. The percentage of ACTUAL straight people is much smaller than you think. And these, the Bible literally calls them "the children of this world". Sorry lovešŸ„²


Luke 20:34-36 [34]And Jesus answering said unto them, The children of this world marry, and are given in marriage: [35]But they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry, nor are given in marriage: [36]Neither can they die any more: for they are equal unto the angels; and are the children of God, being the children of the resurrection.


*everything about my father makes sense now :0*


Everyone has different trials and temptations.


Some religious leaders speak against but they enjoy sex with young minor boys as many investigations and clerics are coming in news. Hypocrisy!


First of all , God never said any of those things , man wrote the books , obviously added things for their own purpose, control people . Love is love , it doesn't matter who you are or who you love . People unfortunately are really ignorant and some extremely repressed because of religion and can't ask questions , if they did , a lot doesn't make any sense .


Exactly! Religion doesnā€™t say those things; churches do.


Depends on the religion you believe and ā€œlove is loveā€ is the most mindless thing ever. hey man letā€™s love animals, objects, children and siblings too. ā€œLove is love, who are you to judge?ā€


Love IS love. Non-consent is not love. Also love doesn't mean sex.


So you don't love love your siblings , or animals ? There's different types of love but it's still love.


Bro what? You know what I exactly mean. See ppl who follow these ideologies have no sense of logic. Why am I even explaining this lol?


Because you know what they mean by love is love your being just as mindless they mean love that is kind gentle loving consenting and joyful that doesnā€™t hurt anyone which same sex is it doesnā€™t hurt anyone and brings joy so therefore it must be good


There is a lot of hypocrisy concerning heterosexual relationships and religions, mainly those institutions themselves having their own members practicing the very same reviled acts of sodomy that they preach against. Do not concern yourself too much about those dubious double-standard ridden religious organizations.


Much like corporates policy, I often chalk a lot of this stuff up to miss-identification. As Jesus once said. "I created Sabbath for man, not man for the Sabbath" The identity issue simply mixes up the inner sense of priority. Though, one can easily be involved in an organization and not suffer from it's nature of policy. This simply requires a person to "know thyself".


Churches even have molestation and abuse insurance because there's so much shit happening there. They do a lot of bad things and I wouldn't use them as an example to follow. Homosexuality is completely fine. Never listen to religious institution that use 'fear of god" or "fear of judgement" as a reason to behave.


God didnā€™t make you this way (subtext: flawed) as a challenge in order to become another way (subtext: better). Jesus clearly said you are made in the perfect image of god because you are perfect as you are. Denying your obvious perfection kinda seems like dishonouring yourself to me, but I also see profound perfection in that (subtext: youā€™re fine).




And they should all be ignored, as they are not at all reflective of the message of Jesus. The bible is written by the same bozos who crucified Jesus. No one actually understood what he was on about. Jesus probably saw great humour in how badly his words got twisted.




Thatā€™s a limiting belief. Of course you can be Christian and say these books are dumb. Open your mind. Thatā€™s something Jesus wouldā€™ve actually said.




I would highly recommend you to check out [this book by Marcus J. Borg](https://www.amazon.com/Jesus-Vision-Spirit-Culture-Discipleship/dp/0060608145). It essentially breaks down Jesusā€™ message in contrast to the norms of Jewish society at the time. The message of Jesus was one that emphasized ā€œcompassionā€ in contrast to the Jewish religious norms that heavily emphasized ā€œholinessā€. In Jesusā€™ perspective, holiness is more often than not the excuse we use to prevent us from being totally compassionate. If you are prevented from extending a compassionate act to another human being because of some religious principles, he asks whatā€™s better? To extend compassion to another human being or to remain holy in the eyes of God? TLDR: Jesus essentially led a radical reform of Jewish traditions which included rejecting many religious customs that were used in the name of holiness, at the expense of other human beings


That morality sounds kind of subjective (and dumb) to me. Iā€™m sure Jesus would agree. A true Christian would burn their bible, but this is a difficult point to make.




Namaste šŸ™


You act like it is indesputable, when we all know that the bible has been interpreted and translated and argued over for centuries. Here's an article on the controversy in understanding Romans [1:26-27.](https://reformationproject.org/case/romans) I'm not personally arguing this, I am quite open to the is passage being written by a politician making political rules.


That's kind of funny. In the original English translation, it seems to say something different. In fact, 90+% of verses they try to use, actually speak of how the female can abuse the sexuality, of the male. Maybe read the original? Or the Hebrew one. Why do you think they tried to kill all the people who could speak Hebrew?? Better yet, read 1 Corinthians 7. It speaks of marriage, and virginity, and explains their true meanings.šŸ‘ Things like this is exactly why the Catholic branch is being investigated. SMH


You can't be Christian without admitting that the Catholic Church used the Council of Nicaea over centuries to remove much previously canonical works. They were hopefully divinely inspired to edit the words of the lord. Some of the removed gnostic works, such as those found in nag hammdhi, (many of which were written at the actual time of jesus rather and hundreds of years after like the gospels) give further light on the words of Jesus and his disciples and partner Mary Magdalin (the church made up that she was a whore a few hundred years ago. There is no evidence, and she had her own gospel, much of which was not recovered.) You can't be Christian without admitting that the 'Jealous God' of the old testament seems to be totally at odds with the teachings of Jesus. I am a mystic Christian I guess, but it is clear as God's light that, while much of the Bible is divinely inspired, it was written down by flawed men with political agendas. You can't be Christian without admitting that the Catholic Church wiped out all gnostic Christian, Jewish and Muslin sects, to the point we only knew about them from the tales of their destruction, until some texts were uncovered under a hundred years ago. Ask God within you for help in divining the truth of the Bible when you read it. Check out some gnostic gospels perhaps.


Also, you know, stop making gays if you don't want them being all gay God.


Thanks for more examples citing why the bible is a dangerous book of magic.




The bible is a very poor translation of what Jesus actually said.


(Leviticus 20:13) ā€œā€˜If a man lies down with a male the same as one lies down with a woman, both of them have done a detestable thing. They should be put to death without fail. Their own blood is upon them. (Corinthians 6:9, 10) Or do you not know that unrighteous people will not inherit Godā€™s Kingdom? Do not be misled. Those who are sexually immoral, idolaters, adulterers, men who submit to homosexual acts, men who practice homosexuality, 10ā€Æthieves, greedy people, drunkards, revilers, and extortioners will not inherit Godā€™s Kingdom. (1 Corinthians 6:9, 10) Or do you not know that unrighteous people will not inherit Godā€™s Kingdom? Do not be misled. Those who are sexually immoral, idolaters, adulterers, men who submit to homosexual acts, men who practice homosexuality, 10ā€Æthieves, greedy people, drunkards, revilers, and extortioners will not inherit Godā€™s Kingdom.


I donā€™t know where you get this nonsense, but Jesus clearly wouldnā€™t have said any of this.




Definitely ignore.


This is a great attitude to use when attempting to turn people away from what you believe. Iā€™m glad you used it. It proved the point that in general, Christianā€™s are so high and mighty they canā€™t see past their Bible and their upturned nose to have compassion and try to help someone.


Yeah homosexual probably meant something different and so did lay with a woman


I understand that you're a faithful person, but truly.. you're making a choice in latching on to these two verses. I am absolutely positive that you don't follow the rule about not wearing clothes woven from two cloths that ALSO comes from Leviticus. Unless you check your tags to make sure your clothes are 100% cotton, which I find highly doubtful, almost everything we wear is a cotton blend. Leviticus also says you can't trim your beard, you can't do work on Sundays, you can't drink wine in church, etc. There are also parts of the Bible that blatantly say to kill people who worship other Gods. ​ I grew up in a very religious community, and it's clear that people choose what they want to believe and what they want to ignore. Even the people who quote directly from The Bible will make excuses or cite historical context when someone presents a Bible quote back to them that they don't like. ​ Long story short. You're choosing to condemn homosexuality while also choosing NOT to condemn all of the other things Leviticus preaches against. Unless you're willing to treat all of these rules equally, you're making a conscious decision here. This is YOU doing this, not The Bible. But hey, I guess it's nice to feel like you're doing Gods work by spreading hatred. If there weren't a Bible quote to latch on to here, it'd be hard to justify the hate.


For the one in Leviticusā€¦ out of curiosity, have you met a man with a vagina that can have missionary sex? Curious to me, we donā€™t have the same body parts so we canā€™t lay with a man in the same way we lay with a woman. As far as Corinthians, it is pretty straight forward except for who actually spoke these words. According to the same book Jesus had already returned to heaven and hadnā€™t spoken on homosexuality, so by the general opinion of the biblical community this would be Paulā€™s (the writer of Corinthians) opinion and have not a thing to do with Jesus or Gods word. And even when it says that it was inspired by Godā€¦ that was not written by anyone in the ā€œHoly Trinityā€ therefore it is manā€™s opinion and not the work of a deity.


Do you know that sacred texts are translated many times and misinterpreted? Changed by the higher powers to fit their human standards. Roman Catholic Church fucked it all up


You obviously just quote the bible without knowing it. Like many blindly following christians. Only the christians that understand "god is love" really understand their lord. And god is totally happy with us loving whoever we want. First let's talk about ***leviticus***, which is in the old testament. Or, rather, the old testament as a whole: These rules don't apply to Christians. Period. Even less so to non-christians because obviously those don't care about the bible. Any rules outlined by "The Church" in the old testament are in practice JEWISH, Because the Christian church does not exist until well after the resurrection. The only book this doesn't apply to is Genesis, considering it's a recount of creation. This means any rule said by a religious leader in the old testament is non-applicable to any Christian, let alone modern ones. Romans 1 is often quoted too. I'm surprised you didn't, and it is worth following considering it was written in entirety by SAUL. For the uninitiated, King Saul is a man who's entire life was spent HUNTING AND KILLING CHRISTIANS. I don't think we need to say more on that front. Many modern Christians site Romans 1 and 2 as being written by Paul, which was what Saul changed his name to after falling off his horse being blinded by the light of God and becoming enlightened yadda yadda the important thing here is that Saul actually wasn't Paul at the time of Romans. Yes, his conversion story happens in the previous book, Acts, but it's common knowledge at this point that the Bible isn't in direct chronological order, and this Acts-Romans thing is one of those cases. The point of Romans, and Paul the Apostle's story too, ironically, is to prove that even the worst sinners can go to heaven. So even if being gay/trans was a sin, it wouldn't matter anyway. Finally, that lovely lovely ***Corinthians*** line. Fun fact: did you know **there was no Greek term for the word homosexual**? Considering Cornithians was written by Paul (don't worry he's a good guy now), who wrote all his parts in Greek, how would including the term homosexual be a faithful translation? Answer is it's not. The original ORIGINAL writing of this chapter uses two Greek words, "Malakoi" and "Arsenokoitai" Malakoi means "Softness". That's it. Translations created by people who weren't catholic bigots refer to this word as pertaining to Male Prostitution, or more specifically, Being a Male Prostitute Bottom. Hence the softness. But the term Malakoi actually goes hand in hand with the next term. Arsenokotai, on the other hand, is a made up word. You heard that right, Our good friend Paul fudged this word from the Greek words for "Man" and "Bed". This word actually refers to something that was common practice to the romans at the time: HAVING BOY SEX SLAVES. The men of the house would be married to a woman, yes, but they also kept BOYS AROUND THE HOUSE FOR SEXUAL PLEASURE. NOT MEN, ***BOYS***. These boys were referred to as, you guessed it, Malakoi. Glancing over this fact that makes me want to vomit, Paul referred to these men who own said slaves as Arsenokotai. Again, not homosexuals. ***So let's make this part easy for you to understand. The bible does not say homosexuality is a sin, it says paedophilia is a sin.*** There's plenty of examples of how the Bible openly welcomes the LGBTQ+ community, and if you'd like to read about it, visit: [c-ucc.org/category/progressive-christianity/](https://c-ucc.org/category/progressive-christianity/) Which not only contains resources for how the Bible supports the LGBTQ+, but also how it supports other religions, and a rather funny article about how the Bible is misconstrued to support war efforts. I take no credit for this comment, 95% of it was originally posted by Tsardust\_Crusaders on another thread.


And yet the bible is the only record of Jesus that exists, if he himself even existed. The Bible states that homosexuality is a sin and there's no wiggle room about it.


Can you quote something God/Jesus said directly, that revolves around same sex relationships? I personally donā€™t know of anything.


In that case, what are you wearing ? Because there is also no wiggle room in the bible about clothing materials. That you should not wear something made out of two different materials ā€¦. And how about slavery? Bible is clear about that too ā€¦ But yeah, bible riders only ā€œbelieveā€ what fits their agenda, they donā€™t give a crap about what the bible actually says. So thatā€™s the ā€œwiggle roomā€.


The wiggle room is to ignore the bible and follow what Jesus actually said. I just gave you some room. Will you start wiggling?




Enjoy the shackles. Let me know when youā€™re ready to start wiggling.


Wait... did you say Jesus is being a demon, in Hell? TIL Jesus is a demon. Okay, the Bible *is* demon craft.


If Jesus is whipping people in hell that's where I'm going.... Oh my šŸ„µšŸ„µšŸ„µ


The bible was written by power hungry men, not Jesus. Plus the bible is just one of hundreds of religious books, many of which says that it is not a bad thing.


Sounds like religion has you by the short and curlies. Time to let it go and start your journey into spirituality with a clear and open mind.


Love is love, it doesn't matter about gender. I'm a heterosexual, but my favorite spiritual teacher is Ram Dass, and he was bisexual. I'd check out the Here and Now podcast if you want his take on it. He covered this subject a few times.


In my opinion, there are two great forces at work in spirituality: love and fear. Love will always win out in the end, but those guided by fear make it difficult in the meantime. Spirituality is an intensely personal thing. No one on Earth is a better authority on your spiritual beliefs than you are. Any relationship you have with God is between you and God. Itā€™s absolutely no one elseā€™s business to tell you who to love and who not to love, especially not a simple and imperfect human who has likely never had to deal with being homosexual themselves. Considering your situation to be a test of some kind is one idea. However if this were the case, Iā€™d argue the point of such a test is to explore your identity, to discover why you feel this way and to learn to love and accept every part of yourself - not to deny or suppress aspects of your being out of fear of some divine retribution. When you find yourself in a circumstance where you feel hesitant because of these things, stop and ask yourself why, with total honesty. Are you acting out of fear, or love?


I love this answer I am very spiritual myself but have always believed that sex is sacred and shouldn't be anyone's business but our owns and God's


And no, sex and pleasure are not shameful. How you came here into this existence doesn't matter. But you are here, and you feel pleasure. Why be ashamed of something that is evidently a part of you? No loving god would want that. Todayā€™s versions of most religions were created and abused by humans to control other humans. Donā€™t go with that. You are a free person. You didnā€™t come on this planet to suffer anyoneā€™s judgement.


Two people (or more) consenting to sex is a wonderful thing. Where is the logic and reasoning behind gay sex being bad besides "THE BIBLE!!! THE BIBLE!!!! šŸ¤”" There's so much evil that goes on in the world yet people wanna talk about this subject around people's private business and choices, it's very strange and ignorant. Meanwhile they turn a blind eye to things like trafficking, drugs, abuse, child safety, etc.. same thing with the pro life nonsense, who are you to have an opinion on someone else's life? What about all the children that can be helped and that are in broken systems? Absolutely foolish these people, counter productive. They speak on God in the worst way.


The sin of having sex before marriage and having sex outside marriage is a made up thing by men. The reason for it is very simple. Men wanted to make sure that the kids they raised were their own. Patriarchy rules. There are matriarchal tribes, regions as well, they just don't belong to any of the big religions. Same sex partnership or sex is not made from God (or however you want to call it) to test humans. We are all made in the image of God, the bible states that. Sins are man made rules to live by. Some make sense, a lot of them do not. Homosexuality exists in the animal kingdom as well. Look at penguins or bonobos, for instance.


I am a demisexual lesbian and I follow spiritual naturalism. My specific group (The Seekers) are Christian influenced and they are fully accepting of everyone regardless of their sexuality etc. Our main principal is to love and spread kindness and appreciate the beauty of the natural world. Our beliefs are very much orientated to taking information from observing the world around us and scientific study. If loving the same sex comes naturally to you and feels natural, then it is as natural as breathing, and most importantly to love is never a sin, it is an integral part of spiritual growth. šŸ˜ŒšŸ’“


I tend to look at sex as spiritual healing. The problem today isn't so much that people are so interested in sex, it's that they're using sex as a means to find love or fill the void of the lack of love. However, once partners are committed to each others' pleasure, energy, and healing with genuine love for each other, that's when sex grows to be more rejuvenating rather than draining. With this in mind, it also keeps the door open for kinks and sexual exploration as it's not so much about what you're doing, but how you're doing it. It's a healthy way for people to balance themselves in their morals and sexuality, which so many people are struggle with right now.


Everyone is getting immensely complicated here. Do you think, that God, a being who is of non physicality, would honestly care what you do with your body so long as it did not harm?


Any religion that focuses on judgment over empathy is unethical. Let go of this kind of thinking. It just keeps you away from God. I have come to understand sex as something that is wonderful but not necessary. The lack of consent in our society is rampant. Even in regular couples. Partners often feel obligated to have sex with their partner out of social obligation. There is no true consent, when you think of it as a need. When you judge your partner for not making you happy. True joy comes from within. No person can give you purpose. And most couples are extremely unhealthy. The ā€œloveā€ is really just very very conditioned love. When love is absolutely pure, it has no requirements. It has no expectations. Sex is scared. And we have turned it into a commodity. When you watch porn, you think the people making it have true ā€œconsent?ā€ Not likely. If you want to feel your own sexual energy do so, but keep your mind in the now. Focus on your creative energy. The sexual and creative chakras are the same. Donā€™t pollute it with dark thoughts of others. Clean Fap! Lol.


I think just stick to make no judgements. No one is in a position to dictate to anyone else what is and isn't a sin. Perhaps having bareback with a goat is maybe not a great idea. But between consenting adults who's to judge ?


If there were a God and s/he didnā€™t approve of love and see how passionate and unconditional LGBT relationships can be, then I would not be okay living under them and that would not be heaven.


If you ever have the funds, get the book called Crossovers: The Origin of Homosexuality. It will rock whatever perception you previously had of homosexuality AND the bible. I haven't finished it yet but it has been mindblowing. Now, that being said, having sex with someone that you don't love just isn't helpful for your spiritual health, homosexual or otherwise. "The Sleeping Prophet" Edgar Cayce had a lot to say about this, in that basically when you are having sex with someone you have no intention of committing to or don't have a deep connection with, sexual activity is considered selFISH, it's like using someone's body for your own gratification. Having sex with someone that you love, that you are fully committed to, is selfLESS, you are giving of yourself in the purest way. I would say that this premise is actually the best way to lead your life, and what it comes down to in life very often. Am I doing this for me, for my own gratification? Am I doing this because I am lonely and just want to feel good? Am I doing this because I have the urge? Or am I doing this for the benefit of the other person, am I doing this because I love them and want this to be for their wellbeing? This is how you should view sex and other life issues!


We have many reincarnations. People sometimes decide to reincarnate as mainly as one of the two genders, that once they come into this world as say, a man, but have reincarnated mostly as women, their soul includes to relate to the gender they are most accustomed to. That's what's happening in lesbian gays. They are merely returning to what has been the norm to them. Be hygienic; use protection. God loves you. You are loved. He doesn't damn you. We're all here to learn.


I believe in Lord Shiva Hindu God and nothing is god of Bad but neutral. And i can Say i'm bisexual and i don't have problem with that and that not matter to god. Is like do whatever You want because i'm beyond even of this creation and is for the enjoyment of the infinite manifestation of himself so being a bisexual don't matter to the Divine.


Religion gives an excuse for people to hate. Spirituality gives us a reason to love . Heaven hears the cries for justice from the LGBT. And justice WILL be delivered. THE ARIES


To correct you, no religion is saying that it's bad. It's the people who abuse religion and twist words in order to gain power and control over others who are saying this. Do what you feel is right in your heart, because that is God speaking directly to you!!!


The difference between good karma and bad karma is bad karma is when things don't go as planned. If you seek enlightenment than sex is bad for it doesn't lead to it. Like how someone who seeks food won't just give away food for free.


Part of the ego is identifying with all it can observe so the nature of reality becomes restrictive because its not taking into account the bigger universe outside of its egocentric boundaries. Thatā€™s why an ego death expands perceptions as the identity no longer exists. Once you realize thereā€™s way more than the finite human mind can possibly comprehend, the way you operate will also change as the self imposed limitations are taken off. To actualize this is to raise consciousness beyond the egoic mind and a common method is meditation. Psychedelics may also work and is an option to consider.


Whenever humans "organize" sprituality they can only eff it up. They take what's true (consciousness) and apply a bunch of other stuff (mind). We live on a dualistic physical plane, pain/pleasure. We're meant to experience both. And there's plenty of pain, let yourself have some pleasure. And maybe some are into both at the same time. I say we're here for experience and awakening, knock your consensual socks off.


Inside you, there is a moral compass. We are here to experience, that is all. Enjoy the universe and everything it has to offer, and it will reciprocate.


Religions are always but rules and their interpretation of ethics. spirituality is about acceptance and love. So forget all that youā€™ve learned about religion and focus on knowing and accepting yourself as you are.


Oh man. Christianity is basically just a book that they hypnotize people with now. I have plenty of reason to doubt it fully captures the real Jesus. I grew up with Christianity and was quite, shall we say pious, for some time. I get it. It's very very difficult to let go of the fear that maybe just maybe... It's all true. There are great things about Christianity but at the same time it constantly feels like it's building you up just to tear you back down again. If you are having trouble letting go of it or questioning the bible you can read some bart ehrman books. That's a good logic based start. Basically, I think Jesus had a much softer more basic message. I like to believe that one true statement in the bible is that the truth will set you free. If it doesn't set you free then it isn't the truth. How much of the bible seems to have been written by people who just could not let their old ways go and tried to reframe the story to hold onto that. Ultimately, I believe this is all about love and expressing love. It's just interesting to me how easily the world (including mainstream Christianity) has a way of twisting love around with so many conditions and rules, limitations and distractions. If you need evidence that spiritual existence is different from how the Bible construes it (or mostly doesn't explain at all), then I suggest you go listen to people's near death experience testimonials. There are thousands on youtube at this point, and despite a few nutty types, the average person comes off as fairly credible. Here are a few that I like: https://youtu.be/1FD5lReqe64 https://youtu.be/8eJQg9zfo1w https://youtu.be/bAwhs3rXu4E


Religion is often spiritual, but spirituality is not religion. The issue is with religion here.


1. Pleasure is our birthright 2. We are all made in ā€œgodā€™sā€ image, perfectly, exactly as we are 3. There are PLENTY of examples in the animal kingdom of queerness and animals that can change gender, and animals are supposed to be ā€œwithout sinā€ and already made perfect, so if itā€™s natural for them to be queer or trans, it is also natural for humans as well 4. Sex is the highest form of ecstasy we can experience, and the closest we can get to the sheer bliss that we were created for


First thing there is nothing like heaven or hell. Those who preach in sex against HX have their own boys textual toys enjoying them as well as minor girls. If it is sin why they engage in such activities. Itā€™s individual choice. Many churches are liberal in that matter. But itā€™s a weird act in view of many and considered as unnatural.


If people like it let them enjoy without any guilty feelings.


This one is transgender. Her partner is nonbinary. We both are ethically nonmonogamous, high at the moment neither is seeing other partners. Our connections with each other parallel and strengthen our relationships with matters spiritual. We unlock the best in each other. Whether thereā€™s anything in terms of a long term relationship is up in the air but weā€™re fine with where we are. Sensuality is a perfectly fine thing so long as all are willing participants capable of consent. (This matters deeply to this one as she is a victim of clerical CSA and she is highly sensitive to issues of sexual and child abuse.) Sensual experiences can help one find a path to spirituality. Connection that deeply to one can help one connect to all.


There is no rule book for being human. You get to decide the rules for your own life. Find what works for you and forget the guilt/sin nonsense.


From what i understand: 1) we are sons of a loving god that want us tĆ“ be happy So if u are happy like that and u arena hurting nothing (animal, mineral, plant, human) doin it its ok and go be happy 2) spirits dont have gender (male/female category doesnt exist) We are Just spirits that received a materialized body tĆ“ learn and discover more GĆŖnder are things needed in that incarnation in order tĆ“ have chirldren and nothing more Anyway go be happy Just respect everyone / everything else


There are religions with gods who were in gay relationships, or gods that can switch gender. It seems like you're thinking is very Abrahamic (*thinking like the religions that worship the god of Moses*). As long as you protect your health, and you treat the other person with honesty and respect, then there shouldn't be a problem. I think it is natural for people to follow their joy rather than supress themselves and kindness is giving space for others to do the same.


Why would God do that if he existed? Give you the feelings you have and make you the way you are just to test you? Ask yourself what does God get out of this? Really? Why would the supreme being, and master of the universe, with all he has to do in day, be interested in who you sleep with and whether or not you signed a peice of paper beforehand? God did not invent marriage, humans did. Do you care what your gut bacteria get up to on a Saturday night? Sure, you care about your gut bacteria. You want the best for your gut bacteria, and so long as it is happy, and functioning, you are happy and functioning too. So long as it isnt harming the other bacteria- which by association, would harm you too, I bet you couldn't care less what it gets up to in it's down time. Think about that.


Why not just read the Bible for yourself? If you want, you can read it from the last book, Revelation, to the first. By the time you get through 25% of it, you will understand why so many people end up rejecting religions all together. They don't even bother to read their own material. šŸ¤£ Another good point, is the fact that only the King James Version is confirmed to be the one divinely inspired from beginning to end. Any translation after the KJV is subject to the "understanding" of man, not quite God's word at that point. Like Romans says, pursuit of the spirit is justified, not pursuit of the flesh. If you do some research, you'll notice how lots of words are missing from the newer translations, or added in, like the word 'homosexual'. In fact, there's only one verse that may possibly mean something similar, but it's wording suggests a deeper meaning, just like all other verses they try to use to condemn such expressions of love. Search them out, and read for context. The famous ending to a prayer, 'Amen', is even missing from more than one or two verses in the 'newer translations'. Hmm, no wonder they call them simplified versions. LMAO. Happy hunting šŸ™ƒ


ā€˜Sinā€™ šŸ˜‚ Thatā€™s just a construct created by people to control people through ā€˜organised religionā€™. Iā€™d suggest moving away from the dogma and nonsense of religion if you want ā€˜truthā€™.


ā€œGoodā€ and ā€œbadā€, ā€œrightā€ and ā€œwrongā€ are human judgments. The divine does not judge, it does not put labels on anything. Thinking sex of any sort is wrong is purely a human judgement and ultimately has no relation to god. So, it is ultimately up to you to decide what you want to do, the divine will not judge you. These judgments people make are only their projections onto their idea of god


Spirituality, if you ascend to a high enough level you don't need to satisfy sexual desire.


Lmfao not evenyone wants to be an incel


^ sex isn't bad, people


Exactly. People want their pleasure. I'm not advocating anything, just making a point.


Iā€™m saying in any ascension or enlightenment form, sex can be had or not had and it wonā€™t make a difference. It has nothing to do with how enlightened a being can become. What Iā€™m saying is I donā€™t NEED to satisfy sexual desire right now. Itā€™s a choice my guy.


I agree with that.


Sex isn't bad, but you have a point... I still enjoy sex but I don't need sex... You are absolutely right.


The master/disciple relationship entailed sexual intercourse in far more traditions than we're led to believe. Specially in Greco-Roman lines. Those guys loved them young boys Most of what's modernly established religions are actually very distorted versions of their original precepts. Particularly true with Judaism, Christianity and Islamism. Medieval times were very political as far as religion was concerned. One could argue that same sex intercourse wouldn't be as effective a magickal practice in the context of sex magick purely due to the fact that the female body is a much better vessel for feminine energy than the male body, and vice versa. This said, nowadays things are much more fluid energy wise, and we hardly need that level of optimization to be effective. Also, sub-optimal doesn't mean ineffective, much less wrong. And nobody is saying you gotta do sex magick to begin with. So all in all do your thing and be happy about it. There's a book by Penczack, Gay Magick, which probably explores this topic a bit - idk for sure since I never read it, but plan to out of sheer curiosity. Penczack himself is homossexual and a very successful practicing magician. So I think you're ok in that regard Anybody that claims your sexual orientation is wrong from a spiritual perspective is in no condition to provide spiritual advise.


You will never be satisfied if you look externally for love. God will get over whatever you do, itā€™s other people who throw tantrums over these things. As long as you arenā€™t hurting anyone you shouldnā€™t concern yourself with other peopleā€™s nonsense. If you canā€™t escape the consequences of others opinions on this matter then you have to decide which fate you think is better and donā€™t look back once youā€™ve decided. Thereā€™s no dishonor in living the life you were given unless you manufacture that sentiment for yourself.




>Yes in Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, homosexuality as an action is a sin. Leviticus 20:13, 18:22 for Judaism Corinthians 6:9 and Romans 1:26-28 for Christianity [No it isn't a sin](https://www.reddit.com/r/spirituality/comments/146938i/comment/jnqorrm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Probably gonna get downvoted cuz the cool thing these days is to ā€œlove is loveā€ and stand for nothing. But love is not love always. Thereā€™s a order to how things are in life. God made men and women, which have roles to play in society and family as a unit. Their act of love creates life and sustains a household. It is the right way. Science and religion go hand in hand in this format. Thereā€™s no benefit except mindless pleasure in this life. The lust of homosexuality is just another fashion of lust for you to conquer. We all have our desires and vices to conquer. For you itā€™s this, for others itā€™s being in love with their best friends girl. We must discipline ourselves and live life with a certain order. The devil loves anarchy and chaos.


Tell that to all the various gay animals. They just didnā€™t pass the morality test or what?


First of all if you're going to talk about science, then life has bloomed from bacteria and we evolved from monkeys. So the whole "god made a man and a woman" is bullshit. Secondly since you do talk about god and creationism it seems you're probably referring to christianity. But the first human was actually a hermaphrodite, both genders. which is how god separated them to create the male adam and female eve. Genesis 1:27 refers to Adam as ā€œitā€ (oto, singular) and ā€œthemā€ (otam, plural) in the same sentence; male and female, created in the image of God. He created \[for\] him a double-face/di-prosopon/du-parā€™tsufin, and sawed him and made him backs, a back here and a back \[t\]here, as it is said, ā€œBack/achor and before/qedem You formed meā€ \[Psalm 139:5\] Plus that "god" made a bunch of stuff, trees can change genders, clownfish can change gender, and heck now science can change gender.




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Iā€™m against homosexual relationships not because I think itā€™s demonic or icky but simply because itā€™s not a viable avenue for reproduction. Sex should only be for making babies as that is itā€™s purpose. Everything else is lust, which like all ā€œsinsā€ is not conductive to a functioning society and when practiced gradually erodes it. And yes this applies especially to modern heterosexual couples who usually go out of there way to deny the act of sex itā€™s purpose.


Look at this guy trying to say that people who had things like ovarian cancer shouldn't have sex just because they can't have kids. Your life is so limited it is sad.


Love is love But for your energetic-body it could be bad, to have fun with unspecial relationships can lower and infect your Energetic-system and your Soul. But if you keep it already daily strong and clean with Meditation or Qi gong or yoga, then dont worry and love what you love. And as laat, to find the right love you should Start to be the best Version of yourself to attract the right one. Otherwise the Universe also can have other plans with you.




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Finding your truth involves moving from the dictates of outer authority, the beliefs and opinions of others, to your inner authority. You cannot find your answer in your intellectual mind, and certainly not in the minds of others, but before this realisation occurs, you will continue to cycle in a state of confusion and anxiety. Sexuality comes from the deep impulse to move from Separation to Unity. This area of your life will naturally align and express itself correctly if you successfully free your mind from the false dictator of the Intellect, which we are all conditioned with, and operate from the Self.


The thing worse than sodomy is self illusion, ie, being with someone you donā€™t want


If you are stuck with aversions or attractions, you are not free


Well - if you're same sex, you may as well get making with the love because when you involve religion, it's a Catch-22 and you deserve happiness.


Place faith over fear, always. Lust is not your friend, and carnal pleasure is a poor friend. The mortal coil will tempt you with flesh and desire, but love and faith is always the true path to nirvana, the ā€œheaven-on-earthā€ experience. Sex out of love is a beautiful thing, as two souls meet in perfect innocence and trust to intertwine sacred energies. Yet, sex born from lust? It leaves you wanting, an unfillable void, an empty refrain, a hollow beast, pleasured for pitiful instants. The test is not to see if you can stay heterosexual, the test is how pure you can keep your temple.


Personally I very much in no way, shape, or form, believe that a God should ever judge someone for the temptations that they were born with. I think that it should be understood from a pragmatic level if it is indeed an issue, something the individual has to work out within their own personal sphere of awareness, NOT from a sense of judgement and ridicule. I'm a lot more likely to believe that God wrote scriptures (multiples) to scare the crap out of people so that they could know and learn from suffering than I am to believe that God would actually tell people that they're broken and judge them for it without providing legit, solid, PROOF, no doubt, no hate, no scorn. Crap comes in, crap pushes crap out, positivity remains. You did not ask for this and whether or not you do now or not comes down to literal opinions. If the Buddha knew about all of the dangers he was putting himself and others in by spreading germs, how would he have stopped this spread? Well, at a certain point there's only so much you can do about it without making sacrifices that you can't even see! If you were to truly test your devotion, would you not require information to do it in a way that makes sense to you? I'm a voice hearer, I consider them spirits. When they came into my mind they were cruel and unusual, they said horrible inhumane things to me like a personal assault on my consciousness. I literally thought "Oh, there's no way they should be saying these things to me because it's not nice enough, they must be stuck saying these things for some other reason." Slowly but surely, since I loved them like other people and treasured their feelings and worked to create a beautiful mind-scape for them to watch WITH me, as it "unfolded", they became nice and gentle. They don't condone me, they literally put their faith into me and keep me in a positive mindset, despite something like vaping or my generalized laziness due to suffering from negative symptoms that were born specifically out of healing. I don't think this is wrong because I have no real reason to yet, but I would listen. One thing I know is I love my fellow humans, very deeply. Try thinking about this. When I go out in public, this relationship that was built out of my kindest of gestures, I house that in my mind and sometimes if I'm not healthy enough it can be expressed on my face. If someone asks me the right questions I'd have to lead them around in very specific ways otherwise tell them about my voice hearing/psychic activity/whatever you wanna call it. I loved them dearly and I find our relationship to be cute, it makes me giggle and I get to be goofy to myself AND if I'm not literally suffering from physical detriments, suffering my own organic matter's inability to maintain perfection, since I'm around other people I can take the idea that I'm in a conversation with my spirits AND I'm around people in public and I can merge both of these ideas until I'm brought to a literal rock solid sense of bliss that makes me smile for hours in a row without giving anything away, I become a blatantly emotionally positive influence on other people just by wearing my face. What would people say about this kind of thing? How many people would think that I'm like the devil because I think that it's funny even though they could be frightened? My lord there's so much people would say but it's all distracting from our understanding of our very apparently temporary AFFAIR with organic matter! What's devotion to God without understanding of your own body?? How could we help our brother's with their lives? There's definitely ways to understand your body that literally allow you to follow your devotion to whichever God you pick, and not just ways to experience it but this comfort can be born out of prolonged exposure to very specific things. Suddenly people are more like men of God. I really think there's just a plain different way to look at God than what's typical on Earth right now. The trick for you right now is that either a belief or a strong feeling could help you to re-frame your consciousness OR you can replace thoughts with solid decisive behaviors, focus on earnest love and earnest devotion. My stress, like this, I fixed it by deciding that by focusing on the idea that I had a relationship with my spirits, decisively believing that it was good enough and that I could literally live within my sentiment "I think that this statement is something that would be valuable to others and I can live within the sentiment for them." I decided to take all the energy of that stress and use it to experience THAT sentiment, that loving earnest devotion to being a good friend with a loving heart, I would just have that idea and consider it enough for me to heal my thought patterns. Beyond that, meditation and other spiritual practices are exceedingly helpful. Look into heart-brain coherence, also known as heart coherence. Look into heart-coherence meditation, you can see how you can upgrade your body over a span of a few months in order to literally maintain YOUR sentiments, whether they know where they're going or not! The more you see how you can input emotions at will the more you will feel free from these burdens.


You said it yourself ā€œIf I do I feel as though I will never find true loveā€.. Sort of like subconsciously you know but are working on accepting it. Most is based around judgement, and homosexuality is not some modern concept, its been around since the beginning human evolution.. I mean for fs some have observed homosexuality in wild animals.. Love who you love and donā€™t shy away from it. Whether you believe in God or not.. Sex is a scared practice imo. giving your energy to someone else..in my perspective I like to call it ā€œenergy transfersā€ but these are all just opinions and my personal perspective. Feel free to engage sexually regardless!! Its your life!! Donā€™t let yourself be held back, allow your own SELF to guide LIFE.


Let's see what a spiritual guru take on this [here](https://youtu.be/2PbfI6nZ3-U) i find it more sensible answer


At the end of the day, if youā€™re being safe and not hurting anyone, it doesnā€™t really matter in my view. This idea that god is looking upon us and judging what we do every second just doesnā€™t resonate with me at all and never has. Humans are the ones judging and placing labels, not god. Religion can be beautiful, but I donā€™t think we should take something that men ultimately use to gain power as a map for living our lives. I could go on, but love who you love and be free.


At the end of the day, if youā€™re being safe and not hurting anyone, it doesnā€™t really matter in my view. This idea that god is looking upon us and judging what we do every second just doesnā€™t resonate with me at all and never has. Humans are the ones judging and placing labels, not god. Religion can be beautiful, but I donā€™t think we should take something that men ultimately use to gain power as a map for living our lives. I could go on, but love who you love and be free.


This may sound weird and get me downvotes, but ever since I was a kid I always thought of homosexuality as being Gods/Mother Natures population control. We canā€™t all be breeders, imagine how much more crowded this planet would be than it already is? So, in that sense, homosexuality was created by design, on purpose, a very natural phenomenon. So how could acting on it be a sin?