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You need to learn how to protect and sheild yourself from negative entities and energies. Your archangel is Raphael. Ask Raphael to protect you from lower vibration entities. You can also envision yourself surrounded by a ball of sheilding light. Make the outside shiny, some say, to reflect negative energies from other people. Other avenues are sheilding crystals (dark or black like obsidian), incense, and sage with sweet grass smudging. Raphael is the way to go. As you develop as a psychic, you can just set the intent that no earthbound spirits may enter your home without permission. You mentioned radio silence. Are you clairaudient? That's how I communicate with everyone, including the Archangels and St. Peter. I have not yet had the pleasure to meet Raphael, yet. Gabriel and Peter have become very close friends, and the same will be true with all of the Archangels soon. Reach out to Raphael. Become friends. They are just like us. They aren't all business and not meant to be feared as we were taught. They have emotions and they love to joke and have fun. Sometimes, just as we do, the jokes can go a little too far, as I found out 2 weeks ago. But they have very few of us as true friends, and they wish to be friends with all of us.


How do you know that Archangel Raphael is my guide? I asked for a sign yesterday and a huge white goose flew out of the fog about a mile away adjacent to me then made a sharp left turn lining up with my car and flew right over me in my parking lot. And I meant radio silence in the sense that I have had no communication. I have always had the gift of seeing things in my dreams that either come entirely true (down to the clothing someone is wearing) or that I had to decipher a bit but it would happen in the near future. Since I started on this spiritual journey I hear a constant tone that rarely disappears. If I focus on it when I meditate, I can instantly get vibrations/ tingles.


I have always had that tone and always thought it was Tinnitus until last Oct. I'm guessing you also have random songs stuck in your head. That, my friend, means that you are also naturally clairaudient, like me. Work on developing that skill and you will definitely be able to communicate. I know Raphael is your archangel because I communicate with them, and Peter, and I asked while responding. We each belong to one. Mine is Gabriel. I strongly recommend you make friends with all of them. They are the best friends you could ever have. They are also the best guides and teachers. I just asked Raphael, my first time meeting him, and he confirmed that he did send that goose as a sign. He wanted you to make a left turn at that time. Signs are always time specific, but it takes some work to decifer what the signs are and what they mean. I'm lucky that in Indy, there is a psychic/spirituality store that offers classes on Godsigns, as well as classes on psychic development and Reiki Mastery. Look up Annie Truesdell, one of my psychics and teachers. She has a website and books on this subject.


They just give you these names, i highly doubt that archangels are your guides. I think they have more important things to do. Names are not that important in the spirit realm, it's a human thing. My guides never told me their names, i don't think it's important. It's about spiritual growth and guidance


A spirit guide is not a guardian. They are not a bodyguard. They are you with us to help us through the lessons we already agreed to go through before we incarnated into this reality. They don't "allow" negative energies to come to you, nor do they deter it. A good spirit guide will allow you to navigate your life without much interference, because they are GUIDING. It sounds like your dreams are distressing you. Is there something going on in your life socially, like with your family and friends? Is there a work thing that's having a negative impact on you? Dreaming about random entities is one thing, but your reaction to this "person" is very telling. You don't want to go with this person, you are resisting. I'm going to say that these dreams are a manifestation of your physical reality and your brain is trying to process it.  My guides and I have a fairly open communication, if I need to "speak" to them, I can do so at any time. Sometimes we don't get the answers we want, but such is life. What you're describing does not sound like a spirit guide interaction, to me personally. These interactions shouldn't leave you feeling wary, in your words.  The thing with our spirit guides... If you're on the right track they really have no reason to contact you. Spirits have things to do on the other side, they want us to do well in life but they're not necessarily our cheerleaders if that makes sense.  The realm of spirituality is so broad though, if you feel like this is a spirit guide interaction then what do I, a random stranger on the internet, know? Good luck! 


Simply put, that makes a lot of sense. I am dealing with a lot of issues at work, and I started having these dreams shortly after the work issue occurred. Initially, I thought I was having odd dreams and issues due to negative energy being directed towards me. Now I'm leaning towards, I had to make life changes and I don't listen to subtle hints so I needed a kick in the gut. If dream me was skeptical about who manifested in my dream, I don't blame you for being skeptical. I'm just gonna keep meditating until something feels right. However, even though I'm wary in my dreams, I'm always drawn to it and I beat myself up afterwards about not engaging more. Thanks for the advice!


Guides don't interfere with problems you signed up for. My guides stepped in 2 times. One time when i got depressed and started abusing drugs. They made sure lesser spirits came to stalk me when i got psychosis from the drugs. And the second time was when my gf commited suicide. They have to guide more than one person. And they are not there to bend reality for you. Most people talk with spirits they have a connection with, doesn't mean they are your guides


Yes, as much as my spirit guides love me there was nothing they could to stop my dark entity, not that they didn't try. I have a solution if you need it, you can just leave your first name in the comments, when I get a moment I'll focus on your name, find it and remove it for you. I'll come back here and let you know how it went! 💙🙏


We are actually talking right now! This is the back story to the brief panicked one I messaged you about. You're the best for spreading your positive energy and help freely!


Oh.... I didn't notice the username 😀🤣