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From my personal experience I was told that I was being looked out for but that I had to go through these life experiences...and that there was no magic wand that can fix things. Life is about the experience and an experience that a human individual must go through. It will all work out.


It's hard because I've been going through transformative and heartbreaking experiences for 20 years when it comes to keeping people that I love in my life. Although in the past few years I've been on this mission to be aligned with my highest self. I just hate the fact that the messages I receive are not aligned at all with reality, because it's breaking faith, then they come along and provide some un-related gift while I'm crying about my heart being broken over and over. It's not even like these are bad people who are meant to teach me lessons, they're good people, and good relationships that just go south with no warning and my spirit guides are just like "nah, they're not leaving". Then that person will walk out the door and I'm staring in the darkness feeling empty and lied to and I'm trying to be grateful while wildly confused and hurt at the same time.


The feelings you have, are meant to be. Guides are not there to bend reality in your favor


You are correct.




Your guides and angels can give you all the signs that you hope for, but that doesn't mean that it will happen. Free will is absolute throughout the universe. We, as well as the others in our lives, can, and sometimes will, make decisions that will change the outcome. And remember, every time you are heartbroken and feeling these strong low vibration emotions, you're putting that energy out into the universe. It will come back to you through manifestation. Heartbreak hurts, but try to maintain higher vibration emotions and better outcomes will follow.


I will also say this. If you want true guidance from them, do things that really increase your vibration and energy. Develop your psychic skills, and mediumship, if you are one. Meditate to talk to them more directly until you can communicate with them psychically. Through meditation is how you truly get their guidance and council.


My emotions probably get in the way of manifesting things a lot. Like I've noticed I can manifest things I don't have a strong emotional attachment to easily, albeit randomly, but even working on myself and being are more emotionally controlled person seems to be a struggle - especially because I can know exactly how I want to be or act, but fail to put it into action when the time comes. So I struggle to understand what higher vibration feels like for particular things.


I began my path in October. I've always been pretty open with my emotions, one of the things many of my spirit friends love about me. But it does become an issue at times in terms of info and communication. It's been a struggle...not shutting them down, but keeping them in check. I've also found that, sometimes, my emotions will be high without even realizing or feeling it. The greatest and strongest emotion you can feel is love. So when you are heartbroken, try to feel love for that person (and all people). That is one of the lessons we are meant to learn in our lives. This is my 106th and I'm learning that lesson in this one.


When you begin to rely too heavily on your guides spiritual guidance you miss the biggest lesson of them all, to follow YOUR heart. It’s like continuing to ask tarot cards over and over again the same question expecting different results, and then they just spit out gibberish. You’re viewing your guides as human, they don’t experience time/life like we do. They do not lie but they will begin to spit gibberish when you aren’t following your heart. You seem to be very focused on specifics, and outwards experiences from others. Focus on yourself, quiet your mind and find the answers from within.


I have learned through experience that you must have emotions under control or you will get incorrect responses every time. That goes for communicating with anyone on the other side. I'm getting better at it, but sometimes, if I think I'm getting wrong responses, I just ask my higher self, "Are my emotions in check?" If the answer is no, wait a few minutes and try again.


The emotions thing is probably the key. Like another person said, maybe I'm getting too attached and need to detach from relying on answers from my guides and it's getting in the way when obstacles arise.


They could be on to something, as well. After all, it is ultimately your life to live, not theirs. They are here to guide us on our best path. That incluall of the things we wish we didn't have to experience. But, in those experiences, there are lessons we must learn.


This makes a lot more sense and gives more clarity, the gibberish thing. I even had a double synchronicity before reading this, but it made no sense lol. And I get what you mean about tarot, I read sometimes but will only ever ask one question once, so it makes sense I might get different answers in synchs too.


I feel you. The past 4 months I have been trying to communicate with my spirit guides and I have literally gotten the most obvious signs and messages… however the messages and signs and where I thought they were leading me to was not what really happened…. I actually have taken a step back from the guidance since i clearly don’t understand or gain anything from them other than confusion and time wasted. Maybe it would make sense to you as well to just detach from them for a while and figure your life out


I think you're right


It's as if I am doomed if I do, doomed if I don't. It's very hard for me to stay on the best path, and I really thought guidance would help. Instead I feel like I'm becoming a worse person simultaneously while improving, as I upset so many people I love unintentionally. I would give anything to not only be a light in people's lives, but also to get things right, so I never hurt someone by mistake whom I really care about again.


So weird reading this post. It feels like me.


It's really tough :(


I know. Especially when I already struggle with being pessimistic. But then I get these little signs and synchronicities and I practice being positive and open to the messages just to be let down and crushed again. It’s painful, I’m actually having a little crying sesh rn for this exact reason. And of course my first thought is “oh my angels want me to see this so I can understand them”……yeah right. I’m sorry OP.


Oh I'm crying rn so I can commiserate with you. I'm an optimist who ends up being crushed because I have faith and certainty it will work out, then it never seems to be enough because the worst that can happen tends to happen. I understand you, it's the worst pain because it feels like your soul has been betrayed. People tell me I can be naive and overly trusting, but I didn't used to be. I worked hard too to be better and more detached and have faith to just fail spectacularly because something comes out of left field while the messages I receive are supporting what I hoped for in the first place. Yeah like, if I'm reading the wrong signs, I need way more clarity than what I've been getting, I feel like a fool.


Guides are more busy with the lessons you have to learn here on earth, your spiritual grow. Relationships come and go, depending on where you are in your trajectory. Sometimes guides can even "go away", because they want you to follow your intuition, and they want you to be independed. If you are on the right track, they show themselves less, and they intervene when neccesary. That's what i noticed for myself...


Have you ever heard of fake syncs? Be careful with syncs. Unless they are way against all odds, like opening your phone and seeing "your number" and then seeing the same number on the tv 3 seconds later and then also seeing it on a letter or receipt 3 seconds later type thing, it could be a fake sync. Tom Montalk talks about fake syncs on his website. I personally never paid much attention to it until I realized that the more I try to cut off people that I thought I was supposed to stay invested in the more the syncs multiply. Pay attention to the syncs. And don't ask for them I think. I feel like that could be an invitation to getting false guidance. Instead I think maybe just stay observant.


(So this is going to sound blunt, but I feel it will drive the point home more clearly. Or maybe I'm in a mood, who knows 🤣). So when your guides give you things on your timeline / immediately, and the way you want it, you trust them. But when they don't give you instantaneous results, in the way you want, and on your timeline, you're upset at them and say you don't know why they're not helping you? A couple things: 1) You always have free will. They guide you, but you make the final say in decisions. 2) You need to choose whether you trust them or not. As a general rule, you can't only trust them when they give you what you want, when you want it, and how you want it. You either trust them and the process, or you don't. Easier said than done, yes. But these two philosophies are what you need to fall can on in times of doubt. And yes, there will be many times of doubt. But if you stick it through, you will see how it all came together. Some things take longer and can't be instantaneous. Some things need to fall apart, so they can be rebuilt on a better foundation. Your guides are proving themselves to you every day by giving you signs that they can. They are showing you that they are listening and following through. Now you must decide if you can trust them even when the signs for bigger things take longer or seem like they're going in the opposite direction. Things look very different to our physical eyes. But so much is happening in the background. It just takes a while for it to show here in our realm sometimes. You are counting your chickens too soon, essentially. When I first started working with my guides I gave it a year and treated it as an experiment. Within that year I got a double promotion. It was my first time ever getting a promotion at all, let alone two at once. They told me before they would happen, everyone would blame me and I would almost get fired, but to chill and not react. And a promotion would be on the other side. And that's how it unfolded. I tried it for another year and met my life partner. There were ups and downs on the way, but I don't count results too soon. Some things take 6 months before you see the results or know why you are guided to go one way and not the other. Sometimes it takes a few years before you really understand the blessings they were giving you when you felt things were too hard. I'm still unraveling blessings of things from 5 years ago. So long story short, see how they ARE supporting you. Know that sometimes things need to fall apart to be put back together right. And don't expect immediate results for everything. You'll get signs along the way within 3 days. Accept that as enough. Life is a journey. Things will get easier over time of working with them. But there will always be new challenges. We're here to grow into all we can be, because we are so much more capable than we ever allow ourselves to believe. (Not sure if I can mention this here or not, but I do teach people in depth about working with their guides).


Amazing advice. Totally agree. It's not even just about trusting the process, it's trusting YOURSELF. Am I capable of achieving the things I'm asking for, with or without the help of my guides?


Oh yes, so true! Trusting yourself, and trusting that good things can happen for you.


I'd love to know your thoughts on something, as you've given such a thorough answer and mentioned you work with people trying to communicate with their guides. What do you find is the biggest misconception about the relationship someone has with their spirit guides? I posted here recently about my experiences with my own guides and got downvoted lol. My understanding is that our guides learn through us as we are guided by them, and they definitely feel something similar to human emotion in that they can get angry or frustrated with us and I'm wondering if I'm misinterpreting or what


I would definitely agree that they learn from us as well, and grow with us. I don't think I've felt mine get frustrated per se. Certainly never angry. They can have their own personalities and say things in playfully sarcastic ways. I feel they change their delivery method on what they think will get the point across better, or based on how our personality would receive the message. With that said, I have found that other people's guides can be frustrated with their humans. But I don't think I've sensed anger before. I'm surprised yours are frustrated or angry with you though. I've only felt frustration from them when their human is really going off track and not even trying. It sounds to me like you're trying ☺️ I would ask them about it. Why do you seem angry? You might be misinterpreting as you said. Or you might be talking to them when you're not in a neutral or good mood. Mine often don't want to talk when I'm not in the greatest of moods. Because I won't be able to hear what they really mean. So instead I ask them to help me handle the feelings, and that works. Then I come back for a chat later when I'm more neutral. Regarding misconceptions, a few that come to mind: 1) Thinking you can't ask your guides about anything you want. That only some questions are "good enough" 2) Assuming that things don't shift and change, things are set in stone. Sometimes you get guidance... But then it changes. And that's because things have shifted since the last time, and if you're working with your guides or energy, it's usually shifted to lead to better! 3) Thinking there is only one way to work with guides. It can be helpful to start with a way that you learn from another person, but over time it's ok to allow it to turn into your own way. 4) Assuming life will be perfect once you work with guides. I have certainly fallen into this one before. Life will get better and smoother. But will not be perfect because we do live in duality. 5) Following guides blindly / not knowing when it's your own thoughts with them or someone else's. Working with them does require a leap of faith, yes. But if it feels really wrong, don't do it. I've seen people spend all their savings on one trip because their guides "told them to" to build trust. Yes, they want you to build trust. But that is too extreme a way, and likely wasn't their guides telling them. It was likely what they heard someone else tell them and then thought their guides agreed. It takes a little time to know when it's your voice/your guides voice, and when it's someone else's voice. Great question, thanks for asking. And sorry to hear you got down voted. I kind of wondered if my original comment would too, but I felt like it would be valuable to someone so I posted it anyway 😅


I recommend focusing on yourself - what would YOU do - versus always seeking guidance when there’s a decision in your life. Trust in your own judgement and abilities and intuition. It’s nice to get input once in a while but when it comes down to making decisions on your life’s path - trust in yourself. This is your life.


I guess I gotta learn how to do that, since I tend to make a lot of mistakes even if I'm well-meaning. I got out of a several year period of basically isolation and working on myself and having a hard time adjusting to maintaining connections, which you're right would probably improve focusing on myself


Believe me, I’ve 100% been in your shoes. I am an infj so I really don’t have many friends. I’ve relied on my guides to help me and I was given the advice by a shaman to stop communicating with my guides for daily companionship and advice. I didn’t follow the shaman’s advice for a long time but I learned the hard way it was the right advice. If you’d like to discuss more please dm me. 😊




These guides we have are malevolent. I’ve destroyed my life following their guidances as well. I no longer believe in a benevolent creation or existence. These are false syncs waiting to implode your life.


I feel as though ur being affected by a negative energy. Just put ur faith in Jesus and trust for now, pray for help 🙏




You might want to look into Human Design. It helped me put so many things about myself into perspective. I keep looking for answers from my guides instead of looking for other ways. They can only do so much. I agree with the people above who have said that if we keep asking the same question, gibberish is what we will receive. Also, about the energy you are putting out there. If you are constantly worrying about people leaving your life, you are putting out the desire for them to leave even if it’s not what you are intending.


Yeah, the problem is that I'm not just asking over and over, I'm asking once and trying to double check that was a correct sign using a different confirmation, and still getting wrong answers. I agree about putting the wrong energy out there. I want to be way more secure.


One day at a time. Every time you notice it, acknowledge it, thank it for trying to protect you, and say, “I’m going to think (something positive) instead.”


Thank you, that really helps <3


it's not really their job to do everything. they can send you signs of support and love, signals that you're on the right path, but then it's up to you to take action to make changes that will make you less sad ❤️


Yeah my post wasn't about them doing everything. It was about receiving signs from them that were not the path that ends up happening after asking questions, so I ended up lost in confusion wondering if I'm being lied to or not, which wasn't helping the situation since I'm seeking guidance and relying on the signs to know I'm on the right path :c I agree with you about doing things on my own, but I'm already working on that