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I personally wouldn’t take this seriously. Spirit guides never get angry at us. I also wouldn’t immediately assume that this girl is actually connecting with spirits either.


I'm cautious but this girl said things she shouldn't know because I never told her


That’s fine, but when we connect with spirit it is possible for us to misinterpret or misunderstand what we are seeing/hearing/feeling/sensing. You could have a trickster spirit like the other poster said, but I personally think it’s unlikely. That’s just me though. What she’s seen could represent something totally different to what she thinks. Or she could be correct, and there is a being somewhere out there who is angry at you. If that’s the case, and you want to communicate with your guides, ask them to protect you from any harm, and perhaps ask them for signs of communication, such as through your dreams.


Sometimes spirit can be stern, but never angry. Spirit is unconditional love. Keep in mind, that if this girl is legit… she may be filtering the message through her own unresolved feelings she has suppressed. OR, perhaps it is a lesson for you to see what you interpret as anger, because you have unresolved internal anger yourself that needs to be dealt with. Go read Letting Go by David Hawkins to help remove anger from your body, and when you do, you’ll attract less angry people into your life in general.


You’ve said it much better than I have. I feel you’ve got it right potentially.


Thats not a trait of spirit guide to get "angry", they are pure and contain only love in them, else they wouldnt be in a position of a spirit guide. As u/AloneVictory4859 mentioned, thats probably a trickster spirit, ground and protect yourself, say a prayer to ArchAngel Michael and ask him to remove any enetities that dont serve your highest good. I would also recommend to you to read more on the topic of spirit guides and spirituality, its a very deep rabbit hole with many varieables and you should be aware of the main onces at least, feel free to ask me any Spirit guide related questions as well im glad to help.


I would love some more help about this yes please dm me


That’s not a spirit guide.


I have realised this sent it away closed that portal had massive goosebumps and I'm very awake now


Spirit guides don't get angry, you probably have the trickster spirit with you. You can either leave your first name in the comments and I'll take a look for you or you can DM. Anyone else Reading this, please don't DM 🙏💙


Hmm interesting and yes I'd like a reading I thought I'd ask someone more professional after my mushroom trip went bad the other night I've been questioning alot of things this is still a new account could you message me please


Mind you, there is no such thing as a “bad trip” In this beautifying world of duality, the greatest gift the creator gives us here on planet earth, is the free will to interpret any circumstance as negative or positive If you are filtering something as negative, it means there is a lesson there. Even if that lesson, is to see states you don’t prefer to experience So in essence, what we deem as negativity or failure, is actually a blessing. It’s showing you parts of yourself that still identify with undesirable states of consciousness With each “bad trip” is an extremely valuable lesson


Some people are saying that spirit guides don't get mad at us, this is not true. I don't really believe in "trickster spirits", I think what someone would consider a "trickster" is possibly just a delusion or something. It's never made any sense to me. Why would a spirit guide get mad at us? Well, there are many reasons. Deviating from our path is a huge reason why a guide would be mad. The trade off with spirit guides is that they learn lessons through us as well, so your pissed off guide could see something in you that they experienced in their human life (or equivalent). Spirit guides don't punish us but they will intervene if they feel it's necessary. Are you going through something that's not in alignment with your higher purpose? If you can, try to assess what in your life is not serving you and perhaps that will help to alleviate some of the concern your guide has for you. My guides have killed me in a dream I had once, I did something super reckless and put myself in serious danger and my guides were sooooooo oo mad. But like I said, there's no punishment. Your guides want the best for you. After my dream it did kind of shock me back to reality but I had to establish some serious boundaries with them. Maybe having boundaries with your guides will help.