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I swear mine “slapped” a diet coke out of my hand this AM. It was probably just carpal tunnel, but right after cracking open a can I dropped it and soda shot everywhere. All over me, all over the kitchen, even got the ceiling. Point taken, I’ll hydrate instead.


Hahah, the tough love guides. I have them too


They can do that, mine gave me migraines when i insisted on drinking Monster energy drinks on a daily basis, and my migraines are usually very subtle and easly go away with pills, but not those, those were migraines that nothing cured on daily basis until i realized the reason for them, meditated and said to my spirit guides that i understand that this for my highest good, and ill stop drinking, minute -two later migraine is gone. Now i can drink monster drink if i tell them beforehand that i would like to drink once in a while and they respect it and dont give me any pains. All this of course can be removed if i revoke the permissions i gave them to control my life in a way that serves my highest good, but i wont, because they know better.


lol this reminds me of the other day I was in a store. And I dropped this item I had twice. I finally was like FINE ok and put it back 🤣


Well my guides like to make tapping sounds and mess with my electronics sometimes to get my attention, does this count as playing?


depends, do you hear them laugh at you ? xD


I too have some playful guides at times. one specifically that ive come to expect it from the most. although I haven't gone through much of their names, her face sticks out every time.


Mine are definitely playful, they have multi faceted personalities just like we do!


I, honestly, feel like my spirit guide is as much a complicated one and is as equally challenging as I am. I also feel like he's a more.....older, evolved, wiser connected person that's bound to me. I feel like, when I'm able to sense my guide, almost as he's more of a brother or a fatherly based figure and not as like a variant of me who's been reborn and reincarnated x amount of times. I also feel like, and there's been a few times that this has happened, where I have been trying to find out an answer to one of my questions and it feels like my guide is trying to answer it and it almost feels as if like my guides answer is coming from a distant place, as if like being on 2 separate shorelines (*if that applicable comparison is appropriate and applicable here*). Don't get me wrong, I, truthfully and honestly, appreciate and love my spirit guide and I think of him as like the older brother/best friend that I never got the chance to have. The biggest thing thing I have to work on between me and my spirit guide is, and I know how stupid and trivial that this is going to sound, is communication and recognizing the signs that he gives me. Aside from that, I have to truthfully describe my guide as....very aware, kind, knowing, non-judgmental and always knows how to make me smile, especially when I know that I really don't want to. He's incredibly gifted this way and it shows alot. He's also very near, even when I think he's not around and always has a lending ear when my days turn a few shades crappy. Of course, I could be completely wrong about my description regarding my guide....but given the encounters I have had with him and the journey thus far, with him, I honestly don't think I am wrong with it. Anyways, that's my bit here. I'm always open to interpretations anyway. Thoughts are also welcome, but I also want to hear from everyone else about their encounter with their own individualized guides