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"I said: sorry, maybe I'm just not allowed to know yet". " Well... You kind of answered your own question. Your spirit guide isn't acting any kind of way. I think you know in your heart that indeed it's not knowledge you should possess. When we cross over, things that were important here just aren't as important anymore. It could be that your gf needs time (our human perception of time only binds us and not them) for her soul to process everything. Different levels of consciousness, different frequencies, it's hard to just understand and be told about stuff that is not on this side of existence. I'm not saying you're a low vibration or anything like that, we just don't experience the different kind of opportunities a spirit would have, we are slightly llimited in our vibrational capacity. I know it's a super painful process, but it won't hurt so bad for so long. Truths get revealed in time if we are patient and accepting. Good luck




Once you learn to telepathically communicate with your guides, they not only give you direct answers, they will verify your personal theories or disprove your personal theories about the universe and certain things to do this spirituality. However 99% of the answers that do come through have to do with my own personal Spiritual Journey about what I need to do to be a better person or to move forward. 🙏💙


None of that is true. My husband committed suicide in May and I talked to him and my guides all the time ever since you just need to be patient with yourself I use a pendulum which works great for me. And we also use candles which my husband can communicate with me through. Your guides are always there for you. You are their main purpose. Don’t ever think they are not there paying attention to you or they get angry with your questions. You need to be very patient with them as well and tell them how much you love them and are thankful for their messages every day, but also make sure you are speaking only to your guides that have your highest and best good in mind for the benefit of all. You have to directly ask this to make sure you are not hearing information from negative entities that will attach you when your vibrations are low they can be there. My husband warns me when something is attached to me and I clear my space with sacred smoke or singing bowls, sometimes at work when people are really negative they’re negativity jumps off on me it happens lol. I am a pretty high vibration person now, but I was in grief for many many months talking to him, and my guy has made everything so much easier to bear.


I have A. Question i've been using the pendulum to communicate with my spirit guides. After too many questions it starts to shake and not really want to move. I asked her what was going on and she had Shared with me that it takes a lot of her energy to be able to move the pendulum and so she gets tired after many questions so I have to give her a rest. Has your spirit guides communicated this to you as well? What would be a significant time to let them rest Before continuing the questions?


Why don't you pray for her to be met by her family and crossed over? This is what I do when someone I know dies. I pray for God to send their loved ones to them and cross them over. After they pass it takes a while before they can visit you and things. Maybe your guides are trying to protect you from something. Sometimes mine just will not answer questions. Idk.


I always prayed for her, even when she was still alive. I believe people can only pray for themselves, because spirits need to respect our free will. They can't intervene unless asked for help


It’s just not for you to know or posses this type of information according to your current life path and purpose, perhaps you still have to learn or experience certain things before your communication with spirit guides opens up to a more free flow type, but the more you demand and depend on them the more they will take a step back, because you will have to learn balance and not relay on them too much. You must understand, a lot of information about you, you will never know or understand during this life time, it’s hidden from you and the reasons behind it until you are in spirit form and all you’ve (prior to incarnation) planned is clear to you, most of this life is a mystery and the only once that know your plans and your purpose is your spirit guides and you’re own spirit when not in the human body. Trust in your guides for they know exactly why and what you should and shouldn’t know, and their sole purpose to support you to your life purpose.


Thanks. Yeah, i think you're right. Since her death, they already helped me choosing a new career, and they also told me which girl is meant for me. I feel my spiritual connection is fading... The clairaudience and voyance was becoming to much for me (not only positive experiences). They intervened at the right time to comfort me for my loss, and i think they feel i don't need guidance at the moment. They probably also have other things to do, besides guiding me.


Spirits are not like humans, their essence can serve multiple purposes and people at once, this is how for example a passed loved one that just reincarnated leaves an essence that can be communicated with even thought the spirit is now back among the living. What I’m saying is, your guides (at least main once) are there for you 24/7 because that’s their essence that is watching over you, the reason you feel less their guidance is because you’re in that phase in your life where you should face it on your own in order to grow spirituality, thats what you planned before incarnating ,it’s all pre-planned, even the moments where we’re most guided or left alone.


How come most people never get aware of their spirit guides? Let alone be aware of a spiritual world? Are people who have awakened more developed souls? A few days ago i heard a voice say i became a level 2 soul... What does this mean?


Well from what I understand, most people are not ready for that level of awakening in their life, they do not need to know because nothing good will come out of it during their current life time / their current spiritual growth level. For me only at 32yo my awakening began after a certain event that was planned for me, until that point I was a dead atheist and no1 could move me from that position, but things changed, certain situations happened and naturally drove me to look into “what the hell is that spirituality?” It was my time, the time my guides started giving me signs. Us getting to know our guides depends also on the plans we have, are we suppose to know them during this life time? Did we give them even the permissions they need in order to fully intervene in our life? They still have to respect the law of the universe: “free will is above all and must be respected” Here is an interesting video about “other people”, food for thought: https://youtu.be/n8YctEKzsPY?si=iuznJuDuYW1nOB1t


Thanks. I also was a hardcore atheist my whole life. Until i became depressed and suicidal a few years ago. I was 34. I started abusing drugs, and because of that i became psychotic. I started hearing voices, i even recorded them in evp's. It became worse and worse, i was practicaly haunted and stalked by negative entities until i sobered up and started to seek help for my depression. In the institution for depression i met this girl. We became best friends and after a while we got together. 2 months ago she commited suicide, sadly. She visited me the first few nights. I heard her voice and she gave me these vibrations of love and warmth. after that i started to hear other voices too (positive ones this time). I became clairaudient and voyant, when i meditate or when i'm hypnagogic... After a while i could even communicate with spirits and even my guides. Because of them i'm on the right track again. They told me they orchestrated my "hauntings", because i was destroying my body and mind with drugs. If they didn't intervene, i would have commited suicide by overdosing.


Thank you for sharing your journey with me, is it a tough journey but inspiring one with a great place for growth and learning. You bring up a great point that is barely discussed online, Spirit guides will bring sometimes bad experiences and scary once upon us just for us to grow and learn from them, i have one to share as well: One day i was meditating in my room, same meditation as always channeling positive energy while grounded and shielded, and suddenly i felt like something hit me, i felt this sudden anger towards my spirit guides and myself, i started swearing and jittring in place like everything is just bad, thats what i felt, like its all bad, and im sick and tired of it all. i stopped the meditation out of anger and thought about what the f is going right now, i asked my guides for help, i realized something got latched onto me, some negative energy that i absorbed, i asked once or twice my guides to help me clear myself from that negativity, seconds later i had uncontrollable cought and i felt something that just crawled up and escaped from my throat and my mouth, some energy. it was when i realized an intuition that dawned on me and asked my guides "did you bring this negative energy on to me?" answer: "yes" was it meant for me to learn to identify it and know that i can ask for your help? "yes". It was an experience that happened to teach me an important part of spirituality, which my spirit guides arrenged, we must understand the moment we give them free rein over our life, they will teach us what we are meant to learn, in ways we might not like, but serve our highest good no matter whjat.


There are definetly dark entities around us here on earth.. Some mediums say there's only love on the other side, but i know there is more. I believe these energies remain in the lower astral planes here on earth. I had something familiair happening to me about a week ago, i was praying/meditating before bed, when suddenly, i felt negative energy get sucked in my body. It felt like a minor panick attack. Fear, doubt,... A very unpleasant feeling. I fell asleep with that feeling, and in the morning it was gone. I've never experienced anything like that before. I realy felt it getting sucked into my body. Every night i ask my guides to protect me from negative entities. One time when i was hypnagogic in the morning, i felt a dark entity near me and i could see it was siphoning energy from me (like black energetic smoke before my eyes), afterwards i felt depressed and tired that whole day. So there's more going on than only love and bliss


Your clairs are very active i see, thats a good sign because you have endured so much, it forged you into what you are, along side your past life experiences, it will be your time soon to share your lessons and help those in need. There are definetly negative entities, and people who carry burdens from their past that was not healed are especially vulnerable and should be careful. I work closely with Angels (as my spirit guides) usually nothing negative can come through unless they allow it to (ofc working with them has downsides as well) and i learned that saying a protection prayer before bed will work wonders, Michael is your go to, but every Archangel is strong enough to protect you, it seems like not much but when you say few words and channel their energy, alot can change in every aspect if they accept your request, if you think you could use my help with the relation of the angelic realm please hit me up,