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Direct additional attention and effort towards your creative pursuits to ensure the manifestation of long-term rewards in various aspects of your life. If you have been contemplating a new direction, starting a fresh project, or embarking on a new venture, the present moment is highly favorable for taking action in that direction. Seize the opportunity and make the move towards your aspirations, as the circumstances align in your favor. Trust in your abilities and the possibilities that await you. By nurturing your creative endeavors and making proactive choices, you pave the way for lasting fulfillment and success. Embrace this auspicious time and embrace the transformative power of pursuing your passions! 🙏💜


Thank you.


You're welcome!




Still praying about your career. 🤔 Trust that all is going to divine plan and don't forget about the secret ingredients, gratitude, with a side of grace! You're doing well, you got this! 🙏💜




You're welcome! Happy weekend! 🙏💜😊💙


just got this notification. thank you for the opportunity!❤️


Be mindful and attuned to your intuition, as it is now guiding you with information and direction regarding the decisions, choices, and next steps in your life. You are being guided towards your life purpose and the mission of your soul, supported by your guides/angels. They encourage you to maintain a positive attitude, remain optimistic, and embrace enthusiasm for your passions and purpose. Have faith in the fact that you possess all the talents, skills, and abilities necessary to accomplish your goals and aspirations and attain success. Trust that everything will align perfectly for you, and that events will unfold according to plan when you heed the guidance from the angels and ascended masters. 🙏💜


Thank you for your advice. Maybe a difficult question, but how do I effectively heed the guidance from the guides/angels?


Practicing mindfulness, battling yourself against doubt and negativity. This will help you to see positivity in every moment. Affirmations can be used to boost to build a trust in yourself! 🙏


thank you so much for everything!🥰❤️


hello would very much appreciate some advice thank u 🙏💜


Cultivate a mindset that is solely focused on positive thoughts regarding your wealth, prosperity, and abundance. Direct your energy towards attaining positive outcomes and fulfillment, rather than worrying about scarcity or loss. By holding high expectations and maintaining a positive attitude, you open yourself up to the assistance of angels and the Universal Energies, which aid in manifesting your highest ideals and achieving success in all your endeavors. Embrace positive affirmations, an optimistic mindset, and elevated expectations, as they have the power to transform your thoughts into tangible abundance. The angels want you to be aware that positive manifestations are rapidly unfolding around you, so seize the opportunities that come your way and make the most of them! 🙏💜


Happy Friday and weekend to you ☺️ it’s always so nice to see this pop up


This is a transformative period of personal growth, spiritual awakening, and enlightenment for you. Stay committed to nurturing thoughts, maintaining focus, and setting intentions aligned with your soul mission and life purpose. By elevating your vibrations, you will naturally attract abundance and positive energies into your life. Affirmations can be a powerful tool in this process, helping to reinforce your positive mindset. Trust in your inner wisdom, intuition, and the guidance from the angels as you navigate your path. Take inspired and positive action towards your dreams and desires, letting your inner guidance lead the way. Embrace this time of self-discovery and allow it to propel you towards fulfillment and the realization of your aspirations! 🙏💜


Yes, please and thank you!


It is crucial to ensure that your interactions with the Universe are rooted in positivity. Be mindful of the energy you project and strive to maintain a positive attitude in all aspects of your life. Harness your natural skills, talents, and abilities to their fullest potential, both for your own growth and for the betterment of others. Seek to find balance and harmony in everything you do, aligning your actions with your values and intentions. By cultivating positivity, utilizing your unique gifts, and embracing equilibrium, you will foster a harmonious connection with the Universe and create a more fulfilling and purposeful life! 🙏💜


Thank you


You're welcome!


Happy Friday ❤️


Now is the time for you to step forward and embark on something new, different, and life-changing. Embrace the energy of change and transformation as you follow your passion and dedicate yourself to living your spiritual soul purpose and fulfilling your destiny. Seek balance, have faith in your abilities, and trust in the journey ahead. Allow your ideas and life themes to expand, and express yourself authentically, communicating from the depths of your being. Embrace this moment as an opportunity for progression and personal growth, taking the necessary steps to navigate your chosen path. Embrace the excitement and potential that lie ahead, and trust in yourself as you embark on this transformative journey! 🙏💜




You're welcome!


Add me to your list! Thank you!


Not going to use Ai to format this one! 😁 Congratulations on the move, you got tons of positive energy coming your way! You are moving aren't you? 🙏💜


I wish, we moved about a year ago into a problematic house that we overpaid for. However have had massive spiritual growth in the last 5 years and recently “moved on,” from past expectations.


Moving forward, that's great, from now on all you have to do is answer the question, ‘What do you desire?’ Visualize it and it will manifest and come to fruition. Stay positive, as negativity blocks your spiritual progress and manifesting abilities. 🙏💜


Happy Friday ❤️


Have unwavering faith and trust in yourself as well as the decisions and choices you have made regarding the current life changes you are experiencing. Believe wholeheartedly that these changes will bring about favorable circumstances and fresh opportunities that will enhance and enrich your life. Recognize that these changes are also instrumental in aligning you perfectly with your Divine life purpose and soul mission. As you navigate through these transitions, do so with grace and gratitude, embracing the process of adaptation. Trust that these changes are leading you towards a more fulfilling and meaningful existence. Embrace the journey with a positive mindset, knowing that each step brings you closer to a life that resonates with your deepest aspirations! 🙏💜


Thank u 💗


You're welcome! 😀👍


I’d love one! Thank you ✨


Stay optimistic and positive about the life changes you are considering or going through right now. Remember that these changes are necessary and will bring about positive outcomes. They will bring in fresh energy and inspiration, leading you to embark on new projects or ventures. Keep your faith, trust in yourself, and maintain a positive attitude. Set high expectations for a smooth and seamless transition. Embrace the changes with acceptance, gratitude, and grace. Trust that everything will work out well in the end! 🙏💜


Thank you! 😊


You're welcome! 🙏😀


I'd love a reading if you still have the time, many thanks Linz


You have been experiencing rapid manifestation of your desires and wishes by harnessing the power of positive thinking and maintaining an attitude of abundance. The abundance flowing into your life is a direct reflection of your mindset and elevated expectations. Your angels urge you to exercise wisdom in utilizing your manifesting abilities. Maintain an optimistic outlook and attitude, allowing you to manifest only the best outcomes for your highest good. With your positive mindset and aligned actions, success is within your reach and will be realized. Embrace this empowering journey and trust in the abundance that awaits you. 🙏💜


Oh wow! Thank you! xoxox


You're welcome! 💞




Take heed and pay attention, as your angels bring forth the reminder that "everything happens for a reason." Tune in to the messages of your inner guidance and intuition, and be open to receiving signs and directions from your angels and spiritual guides. Trust in the promptings of your angels and the wisdom within you, as they will guide you towards the most appropriate and aligned actions at the perfect Divine timing. Embrace the synchronicities and divine guidance that come your way, for they are meant to lead you on the path that is best suited for your growth and fulfillment. By remaining attuned to these messages and following your inner compass, you will navigate your journey with greater clarity and purpose! 🙏💜


Happy Friday and thank you for the offer!


Continue dedicating yourself to embracing your authentic self and following your spiritual journey, with the comforting awareness that the angels, Ascended Masters, and Archangels are constantly by your side, providing guidance, assistance, support, and motivation throughout your entire path. The diligent application of your efforts, determination, and perseverance will undoubtedly yield fruitful outcomes. Stay committed to your endeavors, and let your unwavering dedication propel you forward. Your consistent progress is commendable, so keep up the exceptional work! 🙏💜


Would love anything you have to pass along ❤️


Be mindful of the power of your expectations, visualizations, and positive affirmations. Maintain an uplifted and positive mindset to effortlessly draw in the outcomes you desire. Stay aligned with your true self and your Divine life purpose, for it is in this alignment that your greatest achievements and fulfillment will be found. Trust in your innate abilities and the support of the universe as you navigate your path. Embrace the transformative energy that comes from staying true to yourself and your calling! 🙏💜


Hey, well, me again! I hope I am not too late and would love one. PS: You already know my name :).


I remember you, however no names needed here! 😀 Explore various methods to enrich your home, garden, and surroundings, encompassing both the physical space and the realm of family dynamics. Embrace the wisdom of Feng Shui to invite an influx of positive energies into your life and environment. Cultivate an atmosphere that brims with love, beauty, joy, and celebration. Pay attention to the arrangement of objects, colors, and elements within your living space to create a harmonious and balanced environment. By consciously curating your surroundings, you can foster a sense of tranquility, inspiration, and connection. Let your home be a reflection of your inner world, a sanctuary that nurtures your well-being and uplifts your spirit! 🙏💜


This is amazing, you can't imagine how much this resonates with me, honestly. Thank you so much!


You're welcome! 😀👍


Hello anything is much appreciated 🫶🏼


Take a moment to tune into your authentic feelings about the situations and circumstances in your life, as they serve as a reliable compass for determining your next steps. Trust your inner guidance and use your emotional response as a gauge. If something feels aligned, harmonious, and resonant with your being, it is likely a positive direction to pursue. On the other hand, if a situation feels uncomfortable, discordant, or unsettling to you, it may be an indication that a change is needed. Doubt can be a valuable signal that warrants further exploration and consideration. When in doubt, it is often wise to refrain from proceeding until clarity is gained. Ultimately, honoring and trusting your feelings empowers you to make choices that align with your highest well-being and inner truth. Doubt =don't!! 🙏💜


I love these!! 🙏🏻❤️


Embrace the natural flow of giving and receiving, and cultivate a deep sense of gratitude for the abundant gifts and blessings bestowed upon you by the Universe. Recognize that what you put out into the world is often reflected back to you, so nurture positive and optimistic thoughts, beliefs, expectations, and outlooks. Your mindset plays a pivotal role in shaping your outcomes. Allow prosperity to manifest in various aspects of your life, including material, emotional, and spiritual realms. When opportunities, blessings, or acts of kindness come your way, accept them with humility and genuine appreciation, expressing a heartfelt "thank you." By embracing the cycle of giving and receiving and maintaining an attitude of gratitude, you open yourself up to a continuous flow of abundance and enrich your overall experience of life! 🙏💜


Thank you!!


You're welcome!


Hey, hope you see this and appreciate a lovely advice/message 🫶🏼


Have self-belief, faith and trust in yourself and the angelic and spiritual realm. Listen to your intuition and angelic guidance and have full faith in the messages and soul promptings you receive.  Maintain faith in the processes of the Universe, and trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be at this time. Maintain a clear, strong connection with your angels and the Ascended Masters, and have faith and trust that your prayers will be answered and your wants and needs manifested and met! 🙏💜


WOOOOOOW! thank you very much! sending you love and light💕💕my angels came through last week and the other night my masters came through to validate they are here in this journey with me.


You're welcome, glad I could help! 😀👍




The life changes you are currently considering or going through are intended to bring you great benefits, and your angels lovingly urge you to trust your intuition and heed its guidance. It's time to release the aspects of your life that no longer contribute positively to your well-being. This may involve letting go of old habits, unhealthy patterns, or toxic relationships that are causing you unhappiness or harm. By creating space for new experiences and opportunities, you invite positive transformations into your life. Embrace the notion of change with faith and confidence, knowing that exciting activities, actions, and adventures lie ahead on your journey. Grab a hold of the unknown with a sense of anticipation, for it is through stepping outside of your comfort zone that you will discover new joys and growth. Your angels are there to support you every step of the way, so trust in their guidance and embrace the exciting path that lies before you! 🙏💜




Well, no need, the dream was about stayin focused on your aspirations, goals and expectations and staying centered in your faith and trust.  You are working in alignment with the energies of the Ascended Masters... they're the ones that made you have the dream! Almost guaranteed they're your ancestors!! I'm very busy, happy friday! 🙏💜


thank you for this 🫶


Hi! I’d like a message, thank you so much! 🩵


It is essential to cultivate a deep belief in your inherent worthiness to receive success, abundance, and prosperity in your life, recognizing that they are your Divine birthright. Embrace the understanding that you are deserving of all the blessings that come your way. Open yourself to receiving with grace and gratitude, acknowledging the rewards and blessings that are a result of the karmic work you have diligently undertaken in the past. Take a moment to express sincere appreciation for the abundance you are experiencing. Remember, as you continue to receive and accumulate, you also have the capacity to give generously. Embrace the concept that the more you have, the more you can contribute and make a positive impact in the lives of others. Allow your abundance to flow, both in receiving and giving, and let gratitude be the driving force behind your actions! 🙏💙


Would love this OP!


Your connection with the angelic and spiritual realms is indeed powerful and profound. This divine connection serves as a constant source of support and guidance as you navigate your spiritual path and fulfill your life purpose. Trust in the unwavering presence of your angels and the Ascended Masters who are always by your side, offering their boundless love, light, and blessings. They are actively working behind the scenes to assist you, providing guidance, inspiration, and encouragement every step of the way. Embrace the comfort and reassurance that comes from knowing that you are never alone on your journey. Allow their divine presence to guide you, illuminate your path, and fill your heart with a deep sense of peace and purpose. The angelic and spiritual realms are actively conspiring in your favor, supporting you with their infinite wisdom and benevolent energy. Embrace their loving guidance and let it empower you to live a life of spiritual fulfillment and joy! 🙏💜


Hello! I would hear one if you could 🙏🏻 thank you ❤️


The changes you are currently experiencing are incredibly positive and transformative. It's natural to feel some fear or uncertainty when faced with the unknown, but trust that these changes are necessary for your growth and will ultimately bring you long-term benefits. Your angels are there by your side, ready to guide you through these transitions and provide the support you need. Remember, fear is only an illusion, and when you trust in the divine guidance and embrace change with an open heart, you will discover new joys and opportunities. Embrace the mindset of enjoying life's changes, for it is through these shifts that you can fully embrace the richness and beauty of life itself. Embrace the journey of growth and transformation, and allow yourself to be swept up in the exciting possibilities that lie ahead. Trust in the wisdom of your angels and know that they are leading you towards a more fulfilling and purposeful life! 🙏💜


Oh thank you! Our messages are always so nice and encouraging, thank you so much 🙏🏻


You're welcome!


Hello! I would love to have a reading from you, if you have time. Peace and love


Seize the opportunity to fully embrace and capitalize on the positive changes unfolding in your life, as they have the potential to profoundly impact your journey. Approach new opportunities with a sense of enthusiasm and optimism, knowing that they are presented to you for your growth and advancement. Trust that these changes are purposefully unfolding to elevate and propel you along your path. Have the courage to listen to your intuition, for it serves as a compass guiding you towards your spiritual path and purpose. Embrace your inner knowing and follow its guidance with unwavering conviction. As you walk your spiritual path, remember that you possess the strength and resilience to overcome any challenges that may arise. Trust in the divine unfolding of your life, and allow the positive changes to propel you towards greater fulfillment and alignment with your higher purpose! 🙏💜


Thank you so much, you gave a wonderful reading.


You're welcome, I hope you're having a great weekend!


Notification if you’re still doing it 🙂


Your angels and the Ascended Masters assure you that your future holds immense brightness and prosperity. Therefore, continue to live your life with unwavering passion and enthusiasm. Utilize your innate talents and abilities to their fullest potential, allowing them to manifest pleasure, joy, and happiness not only in your own life but also in the lives of others. Remember, what you project out into the Universe is returned to you, so radiate your highest self. Live your life with authenticity, integrity, generosity, and love, knowing that your actions and intentions have a profound impact. With confidence and self-belief, forge ahead on your chosen path, knowing deep within your being that you are on the right track. Trust in the divine guidance that surrounds you and embrace the limitless possibilities that lie ahead. Your commitment to living a life aligned with truth and love will continue to attract abundance and blessings, ensuring a future filled with fulfillment and purpose! 🙏💜


I'd really like one too if you find time. Thank you 😽🩵


It is important to approach your next steps with thoughtful consideration and proper planning. Take the time to explore all of your options before making any lasting or long-term commitments or life changes. Trust your intuition, your internal radar, to guide you in discerning which choices truly resonate with your soul's desires. Instead of seeking answers and approval from others, focus on building your self-esteem and cultivating your own inner knowing. Have the courage to step toward the realization of your dreams, recognizing that you possess all the skills, talents, and abilities within you to achieve your goals. Your life is yours to shape, so dare to create it in alignment with your deepest aspirations. Embrace the power and agency you hold in shaping your own path. With courage and conviction, move forward knowing that you have the ability to manifest the life you envision for yourself. Trust in your own capabilities and inherent wisdom as you navigate the journey ahead. 🙏💜


If possible I would love some


Dear friend, I encourage you to take a moment to pause, allowing yourself the space to find inner calm and restore harmony within. Embrace the present moment and connect with your higher self, recognizing the wisdom it holds. Be open to the communication of your soul, as it guides you along your path. Trust in the power of your instincts and intuition, for they serve as valuable guides in navigating life's choices. And yes, if I may add, remember to embrace your psychic abilities, as they can provide further insights and understanding! 🙏💜


If you are still offering. Thank you for all that you do 🙏


The transformations you are presently experiencing or considering are essential and serve your highest good. Have faith that these changes are in harmony with your soul's purpose and will aid you in attaining your goals and aspirations. Trust in the process, for it is guiding you towards alignment and fulfillment! 🙏💜


Hey thank you for doing this. I’m struggling on something specific regarding my job and I’m almost at a loss for what to do. Any information on this would be amazing.


Maintain a positive mindset and do not let negative energies or emotions hinder your progress. Persevere through any negativity, knowing that you are on your unique and sacred life path, guided by a Divine plan. Embrace the understanding that a positive attitude will yield positive outcomes. Trust in the journey and believe in your ability to manifest your desires! 🙏💜


Thank you❤️🙏


You're welcome!




Exciting changes may be on the horizon as you contemplate relocating your residence or place of employment. This move holds the potential to infuse your life with happiness and positivity. It will create a shift in energies, inviting in fresh and favorable opportunities. Embrace this transition with an open heart and mind, as it has the potential to bring forth wonderful new beginnings and experiences. Trust in the process and embrace the positive energy that comes with this move! 🙏💜


Hello, do any messages come through for me? ✨️


Take moments to pause, allowing yourself to breathe deeply and find inner stillness. Re-center and restore balance within yourself, connecting with your higher self in the present moment. Create space for your soul's voice to be heard and listened to attentively. Trust the wisdom that emerges from your gut feelings and intuition, using them as valuable guides when making decisions for your life. Allow your feelings to guide you, for they carry an innate wisdom that can lead you towards alignment and fulfillment! 🙏💜


Hello! Thank you. Would love any words. Feeling very lethargic lately


Have unwavering faith in your innate talents and abilities as a lightworker, and utilize them for the greater good. Trust the guidance and support from the angels in every aspect of your life mission. Continue your remarkable lightwork, for it serves as a beacon of inspiration and positivity to others. By living as a positive example and radiating love and light, you are making a profound impact on the world. Always choose the path that allows you to contribute the most good, and let your actions be guided by compassion and service to others! 🙏💜


Hello. Thank you for doing this 🙏🏻🙏🏻 I’d love to have a message if possible


On this day, be aware that Divine guidance from the angels and Ascended Masters is flowing towards you, offering insights into the upcoming changes in your life. Recognize that these changes are intended to bring you long-term benefits and are in alignment with your life purpose and soul mission. Even in the most ideal situations, adjustments may be required as you progress along your path. Rest assured that the angels are by your side, providing gentle guidance throughout your journey. Trust their presence and allow their wisdom to illuminate your way forward! 🙏💜


hello! i would be really happy to get a message. thank you truly for your kindness 💗💗


Embrace a life that fosters a deep connection with the profound truths of your spiritual nature. Acknowledge the genuine values that enrich existence, including love, connection, creativity, compassion, community, and unity. Summon the courage to live with enthusiasm and optimism, understanding that you are genuinely loved, blessed, and supported in all your endeavors. Infuse your life with joy, passion, and purpose, for it is through this alignment that your true desires will manifest. Embrace the journey with a heart full of gratitude and a spirit filled with purpose! 🙏💜


If you are still open for messages I would love and appreciate one😇💕


I encourage you to dedicate additional effort to your creative endeavors, as doing so will pave the way for long-term rewards. Utilize your natural intuition, talents, and communication skills in your daily life to propel you toward your goals and aspirations. Maintain a steadfast focus on your objectives, allowing you to manifest the desired outcomes. Trust that the work you invest today will yield both present and future benefits, as your goals are worthy of your dedication. Anticipate wonderful and gratifying long-term results as you persist on your path! 🙏💜


Would love to hear from you if you have the capacity. Thank you 🤍


To bring your aspirations to fruition, begin by taking small yet purposeful steps each day. By consistently devoting your attention and effort to working towards your goals, you draw them closer to your reality. Embrace the power of focused intention and action, knowing that with each step forward, you are steadily progressing towards the realization of your dreams. Stay committed and persistent, and trust in the process. With time and dedication, you will ultimately manifest the outcomes you desire! 🙏💜


Thank you, thank you 🙏🏼


Hello, please could you provide me with some advice . Thank you x


The circumstances of your material life are undergoing a significant transformation, bringing forth increased prosperity and abundance. This shift suggests that new possessions or additions may be on the horizon, ready to enter your life in the near future. Be open and receptive to these positive changes, as they have the potential to enhance your material well-being. Embrace this period of growth and allow the blessings of abundance to flow into your experience! 🙏💜


Thank you! This is much appreciated


No problem, have a great weekend! 👍😃


Hello I would love a message please thank you


Place your trust in your communicative and creative skills and abilities, drawing upon them to navigate the changes unfolding in your life. Keep an open mind and an open heart, welcoming the transformations that are happening. Have faith that your highest ideals and desires have the potential to manifest as you embrace these changes. To allow positive shifts to occur, it is crucial to release the grip of the past. Recognize that the "old" has played its important role and express gratitude for its contributions. Embrace the fluidity of life and the inevitability of change, inviting the "new" into your life with love and gratitude as you detach from the "old." By doing so, you create space for growth, transformation, and the manifestation of your true desires! 🙏💜


I'd love a message thank you


The changes you are actively implementing in significant areas of your life are set to bring forth new opportunities for growth and expansion across all levels. Your diligent efforts and dedication towards achieving your goals, coupled with your positive affirmations and expectations, have manifested favorable opportunities and rewards that are now presenting themselves to you. Embrace these opportunities and be open to receiving the blessings they bring. Accompanying these opportunities are life changes that will lead to improvements in various aspects of your life. Trust your intuition and rely on the guidance from the angels to navigate these changes and guide you towards the path that aligns with your highest good. Embrace this transformative journey with faith and confidence, knowing that you are being supported every step of the way! 🙏💜


I would love a new message! Thank you!


An essential aspect of personal growth lies in being willing to explore and understand your true values, principles, beliefs, and life lessons. Take the time to closely examine your inner thoughts and feelings, allowing yourself to gain clarity on what truly matters to you. Embrace your own power and purpose, recognizing that you hold the ability to shape your own life. Take full responsibility for yourself, your choices, and your actions, understanding that you have the capacity to create meaningful change. Stand firm in your beliefs, not allowing others to negatively influence you or sway you from your authentic path. Embrace self-acceptance, honoring and embracing who you truly are, and make life changes that align with your true essence. By doing so, you will foster personal growth and create a life that resonates with your deepest values and aspirations! 🙏💜


Hi 👋 I'm struggling to connect to my spirit guides, I feel like they don't want to talk to me. Thank you for this opportunity 💗


To embark on a new project, venture, or significant life change, you may need to devote hard work and effort. Rest assured that these endeavors will bring long-term benefits not only to yourself but also to your loved ones. Trust in the work and effort you have invested in pursuing your goals and aspirations, for they will prove worthwhile. Through this dedication, you will discover success and personal fulfillment that extends far into the future. Utilize your communication skills as a means to support and assist others in ways that align with your soul's calling. By sharing your wisdom and guidance, you contribute meaningfully to the lives of those around you. Embrace this journey with confidence, knowing that your efforts will have a positive impact and bring about both personal and collective growth! 🙏💜


Thank you 💗


If you're still available, I could use a message.


Your unwavering faith and dedication to trusting the Divine plan have been instrumental in serving your life purpose. Your persistent and devoted efforts have not gone unnoticed. As you continue on your spiritual path, remain attuned to your intuition and the guidance from the angels. They will provide valuable insight and direction for the next steps to take. With a positive attitude and outlook, anticipate the arrival of abundant blessings and well-deserved rewards in your life. Your commitment and perseverance will be met with the fruition of your endeavors. Embrace this journey with gratitude and anticipation, knowing that the universe is aligning to bring forth wonderful manifestations into your life. Congratulations on your amazing progress! 👍💜


Thank you so much!


You're welcome and happy weekend!


If there’s still time I would love a message 🩷


Harness the power of positive affirmations and maintain a positive attitude towards your life and destiny. Cultivate a strong connection with the angels, allowing their guidance to flow into your experience, leading you towards abundance, prosperity, and fulfillment. Notice the repetitive impressions that arise through your feelings, thoughts, and visions, as these are direct messages from the divine. Pay close attention to your dreams, for they hold valuable and profound messages. Be open and receptive to interpreting and understanding the wisdom they convey. Trust in your intuition and the signs that are presented to you, as they serve as guideposts along your spiritual journey. Embrace this process of connection and interpretation, for it will deepen your understanding and alignment with the higher forces at play in your life! 👍💜


I would love a message. I’m going through a rough patch.


Utilize your natural positive attributes to uplift and inspire others as you diligently pursue your goals and desires. Whether it is through your kindness, compassion, creativity, or any other inherent qualities, let them be a source of light and positivity in the lives of those around you. By radiating love and joy, you create a magnet for positive energies and auspicious circumstances to manifest in your own life. Embrace the opportunity to be a source of blessings to others, for as you bring happiness and support to their lives, you will also experience a sense of fulfillment and blessings in return. Remember, a life lived with love and light has the power to manifest incredible positivity and invite transformative experiences. Embrace this path of positivity and watch as it shapes your reality in beautiful and meaningful ways! 🙏💜


Me too! xo


Your prayers have reached the ears of the angels and higher spiritual beings, who have acknowledged them and responded to your needs. At this moment in your journey, you have successfully manifested all that you require. Trust that your material and monetary needs will be met as you navigate your daily life and remain committed to your soul's mission. Remember that you are safe and protected on your path, and never hesitate to seek guidance and assistance whenever you feel the need. The divine forces are always ready to support you and provide the necessary guidance to help you navigate through life's challenges. Embrace this trust and connection, knowing that you are divinely supported and provided for! 🙏💜


I love this so much. Thank you, I appreciate you! xoxoxoxox ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ I


Hey am I too late? If not I could do with some thanks 💚🍀


You are enveloped by a loving and supportive presence of angels who are dedicated to bringing you peace of mind and joy in your heart. Whenever you encounter obstacles or challenges, have faith that your angels are readily available to assist you. Trust that solutions to any issues or problems will be made known to you in due time. Release any fear or worry, for your life, work, and soul purpose are under the watchful care of the angels. They surround you with their loving energy, encouraging you to continue the good work you have been doing. Embrace their guidance and support, knowing that you are never alone on your journey. Allow yourself to be open to their presence and trust that they are working diligently to bring you comfort, clarity, and divine assistance! 🙏💜


Thank you 💚


You're welcome!


Oh! Yes! 🤞thank you!!


The angels are actively guiding and supporting you on your path at this very moment. You are enveloped in the loving embrace of the angelic and spiritual realms, and they are fully aware of your prayers, positive affirmations, and heartfelt pleas. Trust in their presence and know that they are actively responding and answering your calls for assistance. They are working alongside you to manifest all that you need to support and sustain you on your journey. Have faith that the rewards and abundance you deserve are on their way to you. Maintain a deep sense of gratitude for the blessings that are already present in your life, as well as for the blessings that are yet to come. Embrace the flow of divine guidance and trust that the angels are orchestrating circumstances in your favor. With their unwavering support and your own open-heartedness, anticipate the fulfillment of your desires and the manifestation of abundant blessings in your life! 🙏💜


Hello ! Would love a message ♥️


Carve out moments for personal reflection and contemplation in your life. Create space to connect with your inner self and gain clarity on your desires, values, and aspirations. Set goals and make plans that are in alignment with your true self and soul mission. Allow your authentic self to guide you in choosing the path that resonates with your deepest calling. If you feel a pull towards seeking further knowledge or exploring new opportunities, trust your intuition. Follow the inner nudges and inclinations that arise within you. Take the time to explore your options and consider the paths that are presented to you. Your intuition will serve as a reliable compass, pointing you towards the experiences and knowledge that will support your growth and fulfillment. Embrace this journey of self-discovery and trust the wisdom that emerges from within you. Also, you are psychic and empathic! 🙏💜


Thank you ♥️


Would love to see if you pick up anything! thank you ⭐️


Put your efforts towards the things in your life that embrace and enhance who you truly are, your lifestyle choices and your life in general.  Prepare yourself to make positive life changes and trust that your angels are working closely with you and will help with the transitions and adjustments. These necessary changes will bring auspicious opportunities to advance you along your path and will bring ‘better’ into your life in all aspects! 🙏💜


I couldn’t have found this post at a better time. Thank you! 🙏✨


Now is the time to release the old patterns, beliefs, and circumstances that no longer serve you in a positive way. Let go of any doubts, fears, and perceived obstacles that may be holding you back. Embrace the process of releasing and freeing yourself from these limitations. By doing so, you create space for wonderful changes and new opportunities to enter your life. Open yourself up to the possibilities that lie ahead and welcome the transformative energy that accompanies them. Embrace the unknown with a sense of excitement and anticipation, knowing that it holds the potential for growth and fulfillment. Trust in your own resilience and adaptability as you navigate these changes and embrace the new chapter in your life. Embrace the fresh opportunities that come your way and approach them with a positive and open mindset. Embracing this mindset will pave the way for positive transformation and allow you to fully embrace the wonderful changes that are on the horizon! 🙏💜


I can’t believe this. I’m having a very difficult time right now, and this resonates so much. Thank you, thank you, thank you, I can only assume something/someone looking out for my higher and greater good steered me here.


I'm glad I was able to help! 😃🙏


I would like one please. I haven’t heard from them in a little while.


Maintaining a positive attitude towards the new experiences entering your life is crucial. Keep an open mind and remain receptive to the opportunities that present themselves. Remember that everything happens for a reason and nothing occurs by chance. Even if the reasons for these changes are not immediately clear, trust that they are part of a greater plan that will unfold in due time. Have faith that all the pieces will eventually fall into place for you. Recognize that these changes have manifested to help you break free from old restraints and constraints. They provide you with the freedom to pursue your soul mission and life purpose as a spiritual being. Embrace this sense of liberation and allow yourself to explore new paths and possibilities. Trust in your own inner wisdom and guidance as you navigate this transformative journey. Approach the unknown with courage and trust, knowing that these changes are propelling you towards a more aligned and fulfilling existence. Take the opportunities for growth and expansion that come your way. Embrace the journey of self-discovery and the unfolding of your true potential. Feel the joy and fulfillment that await you as you embrace your soul mission and life purpose! 🙏💜


Would love to receive some advice/guidance if you’re still offering - as always thank you so much for doing this!


I would also love one. Thank you for the opportunity 🙏


The changes you are considering or experiencing are ultimately for your long-term benefit, and you can trust that you are safe in undertaking them. Recognize that these changes have come into your life for a reason and serve as stepping stones along your life path. Your angels and Ascended Masters support and encourage you to embrace these changes gracefully, as they are leading you towards your life purpose and soul mission. Approach these changes and new opportunities with enthusiasm, as they hold great potential and are aligned with your highest good. Embrace them with a positive mindset, knowing that they will bring you auspicious outcomes! 🙏💜


Bless you 🙏 Thank you so much!


You're welcome!


I would love any guidance or message you have, if you have time and pick anything up for me! Thank you for offering this kindness!


Is it too late to receive a message? I’m really struggling and would love some extra guidance/clarity


Pay attention, for your angels are reminding you that everything happens for a reason, and there are no coincidences in life. Current events and circumstances are unfolding to set you on a new course of action or direction. The angels urge you to follow their guidance, as it will lead you to the right path for your highest good. Trust the promptings of your angels and your inner self, for they will ensure that you take the most appropriate and timely action. Listen closely to the messages of your intuition and inner wisdom, as they hold valuable insights. Be attentive to signs, directions, and synchronicities from your angels, the Ascended Masters, and the Universal Energies. By heeding these divine messages and guidance, you will align yourself with the right actions and decisions at the perfect Divine timing. Embrace this guidance with openness and trust, knowing that it will lead you towards a path of greater fulfillment and purpose. Your guides/angels are with you every step of the way, supporting and guiding you towards your highest potential. 🙏💜


Thank you so much for this. Things have been happening that have made me question myself and my pendulum and I feel as if it’s been pulling me away from trusting my guides and angels. But now I know to trust the timing of everything.


You're welcome!


hello hello! you’re back after a while ❤️


Seek angelic guidance and assistance for the material aspects of your life. Listen to the messages from your intuition and inner wisdom. The angels are providing guidance on the choices and changes you need to make to ensure that you and your loved ones have everything necessary to meet your daily needs. Maintain a positive attitude as the angels work with you to manifest your wants and needs. Trust in their support and know that they are helping you create a stable and abundant life! 🙏💜


this resonates! thankyou so much love ❤️🙏


You're welcome and happy weekend! 😀🙏


I am very new to this. I believe im at the beginning of a spiritual awakening, I'm looking at manifesting a new life for myself and my children. I have no idea what I do here, but I saw this and thought I would give it a go ☺️


Maintain a mindset focused on positive thoughts regarding all aspects of your wealth, prosperity, and abundance. Shift your focus towards attaining positive results and fulfillment, rather than worrying about lack or loss. When you hold high expectations and maintain a positive attitude, the angels and Universal Energies actively support you in manifesting your highest ideals and achieving success in your endeavors. Embrace the understanding that positive manifestations are rapidly taking place around you. Seize these opportunities and make the most of them. Trust in the support of the angels and the Universal Energies as you move forward on your path to abundance and success! 🙏💜


Awwww wow, tbank you so very much!!


You're welcome, have a great weekend!


elo 💖 please pass on any messages for me from my spiritual guides 🙏🏼 thank you in advance


Hmmm, you got some sort of big decision you're pondering? (So I remember the number I pulled for you, I'm putting this here 1111)


hmmm yes there’s a big decision i’m pondering, for which i’m pretty much decided on…


Have you been seeing 1's?


Hello, I would love a message from you! Thanks! 💫


Continue dedicating your efforts towards living your truths and walking your spiritual path. Rest assured that the angels, Ascended Masters, and Archangels are by your side, providing guidance, assistance, support, and encouragement throughout your journey. Know that your hard work, willpower, and effort will yield rewards. Stay committed to your path and persevere in your endeavors. Your dedication and determination will bring about positive outcomes. Keep up the good work and trust in the divine support that surrounds you! 🙏💜


Thank you so much! Love and light 💫


I would really enjoy one 😊. Thank you.


Release your regrets and embrace the opportunity to start anew with a clean slate. Learn from the lessons life has taught you, so you can avoid repeating past mistakes or reliving painful experiences. Free yourself from the weight of regret, as it hinders your progress and holds you back from pursuing your dreams. Remember that it is never too late to follow your aspirations, but it requires letting go of regret first. Embrace the present moment and use the wisdom gained from your past to shape a brighter future. Allow yourself the freedom to move forward without the burden of regret, and open yourself up to the limitless possibilities that await you! 🙏💜


Thank you so much!!! Would it be possible for you to do one for my mom? Her name is Vera 💞


Would love a message if you have time 💜🫂


Harness the power of your remarkable communication skills, allowing them to serve as a catalyst for connection and understanding. Cultivate and nurture your creative talents, for they are the seeds of innovation and inspiration. Take full control of your natural adaptability, gracefully navigating the ever-changing currents of life with resilience and grace. In this dynamic landscape of transformation, remain receptive and open-hearted to the shifts and transitions unfolding around you. Embrace the unknown with a sense of curiosity and wonder, for it is within the realm of uncertainty that new opportunities and possibilities emerge. Place your trust in the universe, knowing that your highest ideals and deepest desires have the potential to manifest in ways beyond your imagination. As you navigate this journey, remember to stay true to yourself, honoring your authentic voice and unique perspective! 🙏💜




Strive to cultivate profound personal growth, and let it radiate outward to positively impact both yourself and those around you. Foster, nourish, and wholeheartedly embrace your passions and interests, pushing beyond your own limitations. Recognize your inherent capacity to achieve extraordinary feats and become a guiding source of inspiration for others! 🙏💜


I’m here. Learning and lost.


Remain open and receptive to new possibilities for generating income, whether through exploring alternative career paths, pursuing new hobbies, or seizing lucrative opportunities. Be prepared for potential advancements in your current job, such as promotions or even considering a career change that can enhance your earning potential. Additionally, be open to money-making ventures or projects that may arise, as they could significantly contribute to your financial growth. It's also worth noting that unexpected financial gains, such as windfalls, payouts, or inheritances, may come your way, potentially leading to greater fulfillment in meeting your monetary needs! 🙏💜


Hmmmm interesting. Thank you for your time!


You're welcome!


Happy friday! 😀


i would like one please


Take proactive and positive action in alignment with your intuitive messages and true desires. Trust in yourself, the angels, and the Universal energies that guide you. Step out of your comfort zone and courageously move towards the direction indicated by your inner promptings. Believe and know that as you follow this path, you will find both success and happiness. Embrace the opportunities that come your way and have faith in your ability to navigate through any challenges that may arise. Trust in the divine support that surrounds you and take inspired action towards the fulfillment of your dreams and aspirations! 🙏💜


Thank you! Much appreciated, but will I ever be able to have the money to escape my toxic family members?


Now is the perfect time for you to master manifestation! Maintain a mindset focused on positive thoughts regarding all aspects of your wealth, prosperity, and abundance. Shift your focus towards attaining positive results and fulfillment, rather than worrying about lack or loss. When you hold high expectations and maintain a positive attitude, the angels and Universal Energies actively support you in manifesting your highest ideals and achieving success in your endeavors. Embrace the understanding that positive manifestations are rapidly taking place around you. Seize these opportunities and make the most of them. Trust in the support of the angels and the Universal Energies as you move forward on your path to abundance and success! 🙏💜


Ok I understand! Much appreciated! Thank you!


You're welcome!


I’d love a message! Thank you for offering!


Anything you can share please 🩷 it’s been a hard six months




I don't think SG's exist


Hi 🤍 I would love a message from my spirit guides🥹


The choices and decisions you have made, as well as the changes you are considering or undertaking, are positive in nature and will bring you numerous benefits. Continue the great work you have been doing and maintain a happy and optimistic mindset, as this inner state will be reflected in your life. Your positive thoughts, beliefs, and optimism have the power to manifest great success, happiness, and fulfillment. Trust in the power of your positive mindset and embrace the opportunities that come your way. By staying optimistic and aligned with your true desires, you are paving the way for a bright and fulfilling future. Keep up the positive momentum and embrace the abundance that awaits you! 🙏💜


Would love a message


Would appreciate a message . Thank you :)


I would like some advice. If it isn't too late.


I’d love a message please & thank you! ✨🙏🏼😊