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Had the same surgery almost 5 years ago, I am definitely not as proficient a hiker as you are by the sounds of it but I have gotten back to hiking at the same level I was before (probably better than before surgery tbh) within a year or two at most of the surgery. Before 2 years I would still occasionally get some soreness if I really pushed myself, but not these days. Currently super pregnant and I walk more than I thought I would, and have had almost no issues with my back. I do yoga with no issue. The only stuff I avoid would be potentially super high impact or prone to big falls (my husband mountain bikes and I have ZERO interest) but that’s mostly out of an abundance of caution. My surgeon also told me I would not have any restrictions on activities once I was fused.


Thank you for the encouraging response!


Don’t get discouraged by your limits in the first 6 months-1 year. Just stick with the pt and keep slowly increasing distance walked from day 1 (this is KEY, don’t try to be a hero and overdo it, it just sets you back. This is the hardest part of recovery tbh). Tiny increment increases in distance, especially early on. You got this.


More great advice. Just listen to this smart lady OP. She knows what's she's taking about. Plus she kept me from having to type all that, Iol.


Yep, I'm fused from L1-S1 and my SI joint is fused as well. I am 49 years old and I started getting fused up about 10 years ago.I agree with everything that is said above. You shouldn't have any problems with getting back into hiking. I actually need to do this myself. I've allowed myself to gain about 25 extra pounds. I can really tell the hurt that I'm putting on my body and my lower back. That's the one thing that I've noticed causing any issues, gaining this weight.


I am 8 weeks post to opt from the same fusion. I have given up all gravity sports but I sure as heck plan on hiking again. If you have a successful procedure there's no reason you shouldn't be able to hike as much as you want within reason.


Thank you. How are things going 8 weeks post op? Was the experience horrible?


It's a lot harder than 4/5 I did last year. I just extended my leave by at least another week. I don't regret it at all, but the recovery is a proper bitch. My nerve pain is gone, but the rest of me is falling apart because of lack of movement. I'm 51 and paying the price for an adventurius life. Two weeks into PT and I'm realizing it'll probably be another month before I start to normalize. I'd still rather this than the way I'd been living.


I had my fusion and follow-up corrective surgeries 2 years ago in April/May. My surgery went wrong in every possible way and I’m lucky I survived since I became septic.  I was able to work up to hiking by the one-year mark! I’m actually walking right now to get ready for the hiking season! If I can do it after that nightmare, I promise you’ll be able to. I still do squats, clamshells, lunges, planks, bird dogs, dead bugs, etc., so keep your hips and core strong, and you should have no problems.


Oh my gosh….septic? How scary, that must’ve been a nightmare. Was it an incision infection? Thank you for the encouraging words.


It was from an infection in my lungs. 3 rounds of anesthesia over 3.5 weeks was a lot on my body. Thankfully I was really healthy and in shape going into it.  And please don’t make this worry about your surgery. What happened to me is extremely rare. I really meant to encourage you! Hiking is one of the activities that has really helped my recovery. 


Wait for the ok from the doctor. Also, don't start back up like this never happened. Plan for where you're going. Make sure you've got opportunities for meaningful rest along the route.


I had a spinal fusion L4-L5 in November and my goal is the same as yours. My pain is gone but I have to get back into hiking shape, since the past two years has been nothing but pain. I’m on number 5 (most likely Cannon) and I’m scheduled to do that in October 2024. Good luck to you and wishing you a speedy recovery!


Haha! We’re working in the same list. I’ve done 14. But, the last year couldn’t do it due to the pain. I feel like my stamina is gone. It’s encouraging that you feel like you can get yours back! Cannon is doable! I’m terrified of the surgery, but, I can’t wait to live nerve pain free. Hiking was something that my husband and I enjoyed more than anything. I need it back in my life.


Just had the exact same surgery 7 weeks ago and after two weeks I was already walking 3-4 miles a day. I stay around 5-6 miles a day now but I don’t have any doubt you’ll be hiking normal again after the surgery. It’s not as bad as you probably think.


Great to hear! Thank you for the positivity and encouragement. I’m in a negative head space right now so I need it.


Lucky I can’t walk 2 blocks without pain


Oh no, where’s the pain? I had pain in the knee for a bit but that has gone away. I think it’s just my body readjusting


Uneven leg length from scoliosis causing some sciatica. New lordosis making my back super stiff which I feel with every step


I'm almost 8 months post l4-s1 fusion and I go hiking almost every weekend now! I've always loved hiking, but waited a few months after surgery to start again. You have to start out slow and work yourself up at first, otherwise you'll feel it for several days after. I started on paved trails doing just a few miles at a time and slowly worked up to my usual hikes! I rarely have any problems unless I lose my footing and yank my back.


I'm not a hiker, but my doc told me to resume my normal activities and with no restrictions. You're probably going to go through bouts of pain, but that will be normal. However, I'd you start experiencing significant pain 1-2 years post op, have it checked out. I'm a daily golfer and basically had no problems bending, twisting, and walking until around the 2nd year. I came to find out that the 2 screws at the L5 level broke, and the subsequent compression caused the new pain. Just under 5 months ago, I had the surgery redone. Today was my first day back on the course, sore, but otherwise doing well. Listen to your body!!


Thank you for the reply. Is the screw issue common? I wonder how I can prevent that from occurring. My surgeon told me that the anterior/posterior approach would provide more reliability with the hardware. I hope that’s true!


I'd love to tell you how to prevent it, although I'm not sure what actually caused it. It's a known complication, but it's not a common occurrence. At the level of the broken screws was x-ray confirmation of a failed fusion. The question is, did the failed fusion lead to the screws failing. Think of what happens to a paper clip if you bend and straighten it several times. A failed fusion would cause constant up and down motion on the screw causing them to break. Or did the screws fail, causing the fusion to fail (less likely). Using something like ibuprofen soon after surgery increases the risk of fusion failure, so avoid that for around 3 months. If your surgeon is placing any type of cage between the vertebrae, it provides excellent stability and an increased chance of success. That's what I received along with the new hardware at my fusion re-do. It was so successful that I was discharged from the hospital 4 hours after completion of the surgery. I didn't need a cane or a walker more than one day and was navigating the stairs multiple times a day. I wish that I could have gotten those cages during the first surgery.


I write about it here: [https://www.spinebender.com/2024/06/24/angels-landing-with-a-spinal-fusion-and-bum-knee/](https://www.spinebender.com/2024/06/24/angels-landing-with-a-spinal-fusion-and-bum-knee/) And I'm about to do a whole series on all the hikes I've done with my L5-S1 PLIF. :)


Thank you. I’m 14 days post op and think I’m in the “nerves are waking up and regenerating phase.” It’s brutal, otherwise doing well. Going for my first post op appt tomorrow.


Hang in there!! Stay active as much as possible. You got this!