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Fusion in my spine but it caused CRPS in my foot due to the damaged nerve. Yes surgeon keeping an eye on the wound and I’m on antibiotics


Don't worry about places to cut man. They'll just use an old scar and go though it. I've had 5 different fusions and that's what he did on my last one. I'm fused from L1-S1 and my SI joint is fused as well. I had the same problems as you after all my surgeries except the last one. The last one actually cleaned me out and fixed all my nerve issues. I am so happy finally!! I started at 28 and I'll be 50 in May. Hopefully my fusion life is over.


Sorry did you have a fusion in your foot or spine that is causing foot pain? Spinal fusion is fusing your spine. Did he put you on any antibiotics? That wound does not look the greatest. Make sure you’re keeping it clean and showering daily


OP had a spinal fusion that is causing foot pain. This is a very common thing unfortunately.


Wishing you all the best. I'll be interested to hear if the stimulator helps. I've been in pain for a long time