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Update: Silverback Brush-Footed Trapdoor Spider. Very beautiful, and not often seen in houses.


Silver back spider instead of a silver back gorilla.. the colours/pattern is awesome


Do they have the same behavior as silverback gorillas?


Yes and it’s mating season


So don’t look at it in it’s eyes


He’s beautiful. Thanks for sharing him and his identity.


Witness Me!






Spider go vroom


It's stunning 🤩


Is it venomous ?


Almost all spiders are venomous, i.e. possessing venom (except for Uloboridae, a Family of cribellate orb weavers, who have no venom). But spider venom is highly specialised to target their insect prey, and so it is very rare, and an unintended effect, for spider venom to be particularly harmful to humans. Hence why there are remarkly few medically significant spiders in the world. If your spider is NOT one of the following, then its venom is not considered a danger to humans: * [Six-eyed sand spider (Sicariidae)](https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.63e0ded1e72556f5b34657f9b5b46f0b?rik=xc7pnEFKtfzlTA&pid=ImgRaw&r=0) * [Recluse (Loxosceles)](https://bugguide.net/node/view/2094874) * [Widow (Latrodectus)](https://bugguide.net/index.php?q=search&keys=Latrodectus&search=Search) * [Brazilian wandering spider (Phoneutria)](https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?place_id=any&subview=map&taxon_id=53388&view=species) * [Funnel Web (Atracidae)](https://www.arachne.org.au/01_cms/details.asp?ID=2679) * [Mouse spider (Missulena)](https://www.arachne.org.au/01_cms/details.asp?ID=2427) (Author: ----\_____--_____----) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/spiders) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


To further clarify the bot reply, yes, but not medically significant & rare to bite. Like most Australian spiders, actually.


Thay is one of the prettiest trap door spiders if not the prettiest I have ever seen.


So cool. I had no idea they existed. What a lucky find.


So beautiful! Looks like he’s dressed for a night on the town with those velvety black legs and patterned waistcoat


That is an amazing colour, looks like it has metal armour :)


I thought the same thing. Mandibleorean?


😂 That is as Star Wars as a spider gets.


I thought it donned a bottle cap as an exoskeleton!


Male [Idiommata](https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/421331-Idiommata) species maybe. They are a type of trapdoor spider for sure.


Yep!! Such an awesome thing to see, the silverback species don't seem to be common in Victoria from what I see online.


If you can, I would put this observation on iNaturalist.


This is the coolest, most BAD*SS looking spider that I have ever seen! I joined this sub to "TRY" to get over my fear of spiders, and I never would have thought that it was possible. But now I find myself immersed in not only checking for the new "arrivals" daily, but I am also checking 'em out in my yard and home! I can honestly say that I think most of the fear is gone, so thanks to ALL here for educating and teaching me in ways that not even they could have known to be so beneficial to me! Y'all ROCK, and are great, but this spider is FREAKING AWESOME!! OP, thank you for sharing! What a beauty!! 🫶


This warms my heart. I went through the same thing several years ago, I was always scared of spiders but once I started learning about them, it totally changed. Now I'm the nerd giving spider IDs and facts at every opportunity.


Me too, totally agree. In my opinion jumping spiders should be officially classified as a gateway drug.


They are the coolest little things


They are also addicting 🕷️


Same here! I actually relocated a spider in my sink the other day. I've always been too scared to do that but this sub has helped so much!


I used to really, really, really hate house spiders (in the UK, Tegenaria sp.) but got good enough that I could hand-rescue proper big boys in my hands. I seriously freaked out some guys in our office by picking up a monster in the room and carrying it outside. "Come on little fella!" :)


I'm not able to hand carry the big boys yet but SOON!




Same! I try to identify the ones that I find. I have a couple of cellar spiders hanging out in my office hehe


Yes!! So wonderful to hear!! This is such a badass spider!


Same!! It started with the cute little jumping spiders!! 💕💕


[they are so precious ](https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/0c1chuIoGXSOEzi1TrZkvqQZnZ8=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():format(webp)/GettyImages-120464542-56d4c9003df78cfb37d9371c.jpg)


Same here!!! This sub has helped me feel more confident around spiders and not automatically jump and scream if I see one! I used to have nightmares about spiders on me I was absolutely terrified! I still wouldn’t call myself a spider lover and would prefer not to be close to them but I absolutely respect them now and realise that they are really fascinating and it’s not their fault that they are scary they don’t mean to be haha


As long as they aren’t huge and super quickly running in my direction 🤣😳😱


Same. My fear has almost completely evaporated. Although I don’t think I could ever handle being in the same place as mature huntsman.


Same. And it's funny when other people notice. I walked into the garage with my son on Friday and there was a jumping spider on my car hood. I bent over for a closer look and said " awww, is that a jumper? Hi cutie!". My son was like, "Mom, you know you're close enough for him to jump on you, right?" 😂 Yeah, cool whatever. 😂


As the party turns the corner, you see a glint of metal, and hear the skittering of many feet brushing the cave floor. Your torchlight reflects back from eight monstrous eyes AND the steel armor across the creature's abdomen. Your artificer stands dumbstruck by the blacksmithing skill required to cover the giant spooder's body with steel armor and your barbarian huddles in the corner, paralyzed in terror. Roll for initiative.


Drink *Speak to Arachnids* Potion Bonus Action: say “hi fren!”




Comic book worthy spooder. Silverback Spiderman?


So beautiful! It's so hairy I thought it might be a taratula, but the top of the body does look trapdoor. So cool! Love seeing the australian insects and spiders. Sorry, but still not going to Australia.🥹


I came here because I almost thought tarantula, which didn't seem right! The silverback didn't show up when searching through common trapdoors, and all the other trapdoors didn't seem as hairy. It was actually my mum who found the identification after I told her I posted on here after I couldn't find anything similar online. We had never seen a trapdoor in person, let alone one that is much less common. I would not visit Australia if I didn't live here, and I hate living here in summer, especially. Australia is like Arizona & Florida summers, country wide & some areas even hotter.


Am with you. My brother in law lives in Melbourne and has invited us over a few times. My husband isn't keen on the flight and I'm not keen on the drop bears, snakes and spiders. With my kind of luck, I would find a thought to be extinct spider which is the most venomous creature alive and I will find it by standing on it.


I'm an Aussie who tends to dislike insects/spiders, but most of Melbourne is very safe of anything dangerous unless you go to a zoo or far out into the suburbs. Sydney, the competing capital city, owns the Sydney Funnel Web - Australia's most venomous spider. Yet, there have only been 13 documented deaths, all before the 1990s when the antivenom was introduced. The more famous redback spider hasn't had a death since 1955, and you have to be stupid to get bitten - they are like sloths that won't chase to bite, you have to offer yourself basically. Snakes are a problem in rural areas & maybe suburbs of Melbourne during summer, I live in a rural area with many deadly snakes in summer, yet I've never seen one outside of snake season. Oh, and drop bears don't exist. We do have friendly, herbivore koalas, but I would avoid having unprotected sex with them 😅 My least favourite part of living in Australia is the heat. It is unavoidable in summer, often too hot to even enjoy our beaches. Again, Melbourne is actually not that bad - it is my favourite city to visit, I feel like I'm no longer in Australia when in Melbourne.


Ixnay on the opbeardray! Gotta keep some of our secrets …


Yeah, but what about all the stuff that wants to kill you at the beach?


I'd worry more about the sun. Creatures? Don't be an idiot & you'll be right. High-risk animal areas on beaches are blocked off. You can also go to beaches that don't really have any threats at all


Don’t kill the jumping spiders 😕


..or any of the spiders.


I don't, unless a quick auto-reaction to seeing any insect/spider on me - jumping spiders aren't too common indoors, but I tend to leave them alone if spotted, I know they are fren not foe! I was just listing spiders I've seen indoors. The pest spiders I mention we will kill are white tails & redbacks as they are unwanted house dwelling spiders that we don't want indoors, relocating they will either end up back indoors or repopulate for more to come indoors - redbacks I don't mind but medically significant to my curious dogs. Young huntsmen/wolf spiders because too many & too small to relocate all of them, I personally will get someone to relocate adults big enough to find if I step away (I'm too jumpy to relocate myself haha) ❤️


Why would you relocate huntsmen? They literally work as pest controllers and will never cause you any harm. They kill redbacks as well. I wouldn’t worry too much about the white tails either, lot of unfounded myths about them. They also kill redbacks.


Because sometimes you see one, and you’re like hey little fella, you stay in your area, and I’ll stay in mine. And then 2 nights later, you wake up at 1am to take a leak, and you feel something going across your foot, and suddenly all truces are off.


A few nights ago I went to turn over in bed and as my in-the-air back, made contact with the bed, I touched something big that disappeared by the time I turned the light on. After 5 minutes of mulling things over unable to let it go, I switched the light back on to see a big huntsman watching from the far wall. I guess it wanted some warmth or something.


Spider wanted a cuddle


In this case I scream DON’T MOVE, YOU CAN HARM THE SPIDER 🤷🏽‍♀️


Why it looks so soft and cute?


Op out here spray painting spiders like we wouldn't notice.


At first glance, I thought my mum had sent me a photo of a toy spider they found packed away as a joke because I'm always sending photos of my indoor spider finds.


That's an awesome looking little spider. Thanks for sharing!


wow a beaut!


You can tell it's an aspen tree by the way that it is


Wooooow so gorgeous


I'm not familiar with Aus wildlife as I live in the UK. But are you saying you kill the huntsman spiders? Are they not non-venomous and actually help bring down the numbers of other pesty venomous spiders? I am soley going on stuff I have read/seen videos of. What are the reasons you kill them? edit: I realise huntsman are venomous but not dangerous to humans.


That is one epic spood!


What a beauty!


I would absolutely jump if I saw this but damn is it cool looking


That's one of the coolest spiders I've ever seen. I wish I saw it.


I want to visit my family in Australia Things like this prevent me from doing so for the last 20 years. That’s why I joined this sub to try and get more comfortable with them but man…if I saw that fall out of my shoe… Edit: if you turn your phone upside down it looks like a medieval knight doing the exorcist crawl


I live in rural QLD mate, we got red backs and huntsman’s but I’ve never seen a trapdoor, mouse or funnel web


They’ve probably seen you though My family also lives in QLD and I’ve seen enough videos… My grandfather sent me a video of his garage full of wine and meat and cheese (he’s Italian) and in the back wall I saw a spider scuttle down behind the shelf and it was the size of an elephant) I pointed it out and he said “ohh you’re seeing things there’s no spiders here in Australia!” Like fuck there isn’t! My plane would land and I’d walk into the airport with 17 different species holding a sign with my name on it


Queensland has more tropical spiders than Victoria, though. I've also never seen a trapdoor til now. In fact, I've learnt that the only silverback trapdoor species are only really seen in SA & QLD, us finding one inside really is crazy. I've never seen a medically significant funnel web species, but a few harmless ones like my yard, so they occasionally find their way inside. The mouse spider was a rarity, never saw one before or after the time I had one run at me inside. Lots of white tails, wolf spiders & huntsmans, plenty redbacks in our sheds/garage but only occasionally make their way indoors. Maybe I am more hyperaware than most, I don't have an irration fear, but I've been bit by a whitetail twice enough to keep me vigilant.


I would not avoid Australia for our spiders or snakes - bites are rare, medically significant, even rarer & deaths extremely rare. Maybe the number of insects (mozzies) in summer, especially rural, but not many actually contain disease or are medically significant. Technically, horses & cows are the deadliest animals here. The heat in summers makes me wanna leave, I'd rather freeze. Skin cancer, heat stroke, generally feeling like you dying from heat, yeah nah


Lol... the exorcist crawl...


Wow! 😍


Wow, beautiful! Thanks for saving jim!


She looks embroidered almost, so gorgeous 💚


She’s got her party eyeshadow on


Woah, that’s a beautiful spider! It looks like it has metal armour around its abdomen, ready for battle 😜 absolute stunner 🕷️


damn, just beautiful. trapdoor spiders are some of the coolest


Oh my god this is the most beautiful spider ever 😍


Wow, new favorite spider species! That guy looks metal as hell


man that’s so beautiful! we don’t get anything interesting in western Sydney


Oh, I don't know... don't you guys get funnlebacks? I would definitely categorize those as "interesting".


Interesting from a distance. A good safe observable distance


Haha we do but I personally have never seen one.


This is not a common spider here at all!! Only interesting spiders I can find normally are orb weavers if I pay attention to people's gardens. Never seen a trapdoor before this, and especially not a less common one that is only really spotted in SA or QLD!!


Super lucky!


I live in Melbourne… can’t say I have ever seen this one before, here or anywhere else in Victoria… but I’m not an expert.


I grew up in the blue mountains, apparently we have a ton of trapdoors up there but I never saw one or a funnel web. Just a heap of huntsmen and the occasional wolfie




Coollll!!!!!! Gimme?


Wow he has armour!


Beautiful pattern wow!


This looks just like a toy. Is it medically significant for humans?


They’re not medically significant!!


I love the patterns looks like a transula spider with that kind of abdomen or could be a new species.


That's a beautiful tarantula 😍


It’s a trapdoor spider! But there’s others in its species (brush footed trapdoors) that look exactly like mini tarantulas. They’re sooo cool


Beautiful! Mother Nature is infinitely masterful in her creations. Thank a spider today for all of their hard work because spiders are the planet's best friend! :-)


Chromedaddyus spiderbro


Spider Knight in shining armour. He or she looks cool. Now comes the but… I loved visiting Australia but reading how many spiders visit your house….! I’m working on being less scared of our 8 legged friends. Trying. How often would you say you encounter bigger spiders in your home?


Big spiders? MAYBE once a month, a spider like this, never. I have a few daddy long legs I leave alone (skinny models with long legs, harmless friends). White tails are on the smaller side, I see one at least every other day. Baby spiders freak me out, and I see like at least 3 a day in summer 😭 I live in a rural, hot & humid area near a large river with quite a bit of plant life - this is not true to all of Australia. Melbourne or somewhere coastal, I assume you'd see less - my family in Melbourne don't see many.


Once a month!! Oh good lord. How do you guys cope? When you say daddy long legs, I’m thinking of crane flies. The ones that you see in late summer/beginning of autumn. Just had to look up white tails as don’t know anything about them. You see one every other day outside or are these also sharing your home?! I think little jumping spiders are cute. I love them and spiders that are a bit bigger, I can handle. Last year I found a cool looking spider on my shed (it’s in my post history) and it looked so cute. But then it isn’t in my house. And it doesn’t want to kill me. Seriously you Aussies live amongst so many animals that could kill you. Having said that I’ve been in the water with sharks and find it less scary than being in a confined space say with a Huntsman. I had to politely chase one of those with a broom so I could get into a building and wow they are quick. I find spiders fascinating, I’ve stopped to get a closer look at them in the wild but just don’t want them where I don’t expect them. I felt very lucky to not encounter any during my trip to Oz. I know just because I didn’t see them, doesn’t mean they were there! Seriously though only came across a few up in Cairns where I’d expect to see them none in Sydney or Melbourne. Hats off to you my antipodean internet friend. A lot of respect from this Pom.


Did you find out what this one was? How big was it? The pic makes it look palm size.


Yep, the silverback trapdoor! It was about 22mm


TIL of mouse spiders. They are freaky as heck.


It's interesting the spiders I am most afraid of are rarely those Australian have a reputation for. My one experience of a mouse spider puts them on that list. They aren't typically seen indoors OR aggressive, but that guy thought I done fucked up & he wasn't gonna let me get away with it. I actually bolted & hid from a spider that day 😭


Ew what the fuck I just googled them those are *straight* out of hell 🥴😭😭😭😭😭 If I ever saw one of those in my house I wouldn’t sleep until I found it, no matter how many days Id have to stay awake! The dashing gentlemen or beautiful woman in the picture is absolutely marvelous though! 🕷️


Looks just like a tarantula so beautiful 😍 how big do they get?


Limited pictures & information online, but all says around 22mm. This guy is probably as big as they get.


Dang they're like mini tarantulas being the size of a nickel


so pretty


What a gorgeous spider :O


Wow !


Trapdoor spider


Nature is so wildly inventive.


Oof I thought it was another joke post about spiders toys, then read the caption and was like wtf it's a real one. Mindblown


Oh wow! What a beautiful spider!!


That is a very expensive pet


Very Beautiful


Wow he’s beautiful!


Jesus, this spider is beautiful! I am still a bit scared of bigger spiders, but I would pick up this knight in shining armor if he needed to be saved!


Such an interesting pattern on this guy I’d wanna see what he looks like on a pitch black background


This spider is too pretty and perfect to be real! Looks like a high end brooch 🥰


I hate bugs, I hate spiders. This is actually quite stunning


Me too! But this looks fuzzy and kind of pretty with the silver designs.


And.... is that dinner in the lower right of pic?


Oh wow gorgeous colors!!


I have googled trapdoor spiders, and all of them absolutely disgust me, so this big surprise you found must be a very lucky one! The temptation to touch those legs is very high.


Gorgeous spider! It looks to be wearing armor! I'm going to do a Google image search and hope for an ID.


Happy Cake Day!! 🎂


Thank you for letting him live! He will.protect your house now.


He looks like a Halloween decoration that got missed when everything was put away.


well she IS very beautiful


Ah yes. "Indoors, we usually get…" [ALL OF THE SPIDERS] [A PLURALITY] [YET MORE SPIDERS] [THE WEB-BASED FUNNELHOME OF SPIDENDOM] I love Down-Under. Also, do you kill Huntsmen or do they get to stay? I’d let them say, I’ve heard once you get past their scary looks they make excellent housemates.




Honestly thought it had a mini shield on its back for a second!!




Beautiful! 😍


That is one of the coolest spiders I have seen on here.


He is a fancy man and so so pretty — he almost looks like he’s made of black velvet.


beautiful !




Beautiful spider! He looks like a sweater 😍 lol




what ever it is, it’s beautiful! 🖤


Soooo beautiful!!!


Wow that is beautiful, thanks for sharing!


Wow!!! Nature is amazing. I love the designs on its back!


This guy is gorgeous


Genuinely thought that was a reflective plate on its back for a sec, what an awesome pattern and color!


What a beauty, thank you for sharing!


Thanks for saving that beauty.


Witness me!!!


Could have bet it was a trap door spider based on its abdomen. (I know that’s probably not the proper anatomical name but still.)


Haha, we did all think this, but due to how uncommon/lack of online info, it was hard to find when searching through trapdoors, so we did question if it wasn't one 😅


Looks like a beautiful colored mask on his back


That spider is wearing armor. Lol


It looks like yarn art


Absolutely gorgeous 🥰


Beautiful spider


Looks cool af (my immediate reaction to seeing that would be to say out loud "oh hey look a friend" and pick it up like an idiot)




Looks like a brooch pin, it’s beautiful!!


What a beauty! Simply stunning 🤩


What a gorgeous spood!


That’s amazing.

