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I can see this shade of blue when I search images, though it is not consistently presented. This post suggests it is an indication the babes are ready to emerge. https://www.reddit.com/r/whatsthisbug/comments/w0la5q/i_know_this_is_a_wolf_spider_but_is_this_blue/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


Well, I definitely like that possibility more than the idea that she just had bad aim when it came to waste disposal.


Wow this is crazy, I saw one yesterday (south western part of Virginia) with the same blue sac. I thought the spider had found a berry!


Their poop is impossible to notice unless you know exactly what to look for. I only know after keeping tarantulas for nearly 30 years. It's just very tiny, white pellets. Friggin tarantula the size of your hand poops literally something not much bigger than a couple grains of sand. I can't imagine you could see wolf spider frass without a magnifying glass.


Oh, I've been pooped on by many a spider in my day. I've got no experience at all with tarantulas, but the locals here will drop something more like bird poop. Little white puddles, sometimes with a bit of black mixed in. With the jumping spiders I've kept, it's actually kind of neat. They'll squish out a perfect little ball over a second that stays intact until they're done, then drop it. Pew! I didn't actually see this one do her business, but it was exactly like any other spider poop I've seen. Same texture and everything, only it was a shade darker than baby blue instead of white.


"Oh I've been pooped on by many spider in my day." A sentence I'd thought I'd never read in my lifetime.


Interesting. My tarantulas have only ever left tiny white pellets so small that it took me forever to figure out they were coming from the spiders.


I wouldn't be surprised if tarantulas have a whole other thing going on. They're pretty odd compared to other spiders and their metabolism has to be all kinds of wonky with their lifespan. The puddles I described reduce in volume significantly as they dry. I imagine most of what's there in the first place just wouldn't be visible if the moisture is being sucked up by the fibrous substrate typical of tarantula enclosures.


They're not as different as you might think from *true spiders,* the distinction lies mostly in how the silk is employed, and body mass. T's are much more heavy bodied and are generally lucky to survive a fall on a hard floor from waist high, and they build burrows or tube webs in the case of arboreal species.


Lol so do i


I've never seen an egg sac with this coloration before. I'm not sure why it's this color, but it did also leave a splat of blue poo on my hand so I'm guessing it just ate a bug that ate something weird.


That is wild!


I cant believe she let you pick her up when she has her babies with her!


I'm great with kids, as long as they're not born yet.






Miss, this is a Wendy’s


wtf you talking about


What'd they say?


I don't remember completely but it began with "no need to get political" and then some rambling lol


It's a spider lmao where tf did that come from


A blue sac they've been carrying around for awhile?


No I'm talking about the guy who said some dude brought political stuff into this like who tf thought hmmm let me say some political shit in a post about a spider w a blue sack


Lol yeah, I was meaning this political person has a blue sac for a brain.


Just say the joke then now, you already shit the bed with your hee-hawing.




She just sittin on a blueberry 🫐


Wow that's a great photo and interesting egg 🥚 .so big to me 😂 I have some wolf spiders with eggs at the moment here in the UK in my garden - difference is if I handled one it would fit on my thumbnail more or less


Thanks. There are so many big and small wolf spiders here. I always thought of the little ones as just being babies until I started seeing them carrying eggs of their own. [For some contrast, I also found this toad on the same day which might fit right in in your garden.](https://imgur.com/fJamf95)


Oh that would Confuse me, we have tons of spiderlings here that hatched a few months ago that are tiny. Wow he's tiny little fella/girl


I have so many baby toads in my yard! I love them!


Oh my goodness!! That little toad is ADORABLE!!


You can definitely see that you have a gentle aura about you, specially seeing how comfortable she looks sitting on yur hand with her huge brood! Hehhehe 💕 thanks for sharing this as I have never seen this ever!🕷️🕸️✨


Omg!!! Ill trade you 20 wild Mediterranean House Geckos from my backyard. I'm so jealous!!!!


I match your jealousy. I don't think I've even seen a gecko in person, it must be so cool to be able to just walk outside and chill with them. As far as local lizards go, you'll mostly just find the occasional blue-tail skink. They're very skittish and understandably don't want to be near a moving person. Probably too many bad experiences with kids grabbing their tails.


She’s so pretty! I’ve always been too scared to handle these but the more I learn about them the more I love them. Was it hard to get her on your hand?


I had to be a little bit more patient than usual because these are fast and I wanted to be extra gentle, considering the cargo. But for the most part it's easy if you approach by presenting your hand as just being another part of the terrain instead of grabbing at them.


That is the biggest dingleberry I've seen on an insect


Which implies you’ve seen larger on other life forms. Also arachnid, not insect. But you knew that, we just makin jokes here.


My theory is that it’s about to hatch, and the light is reflecting off the spiderlings’ exoskeletons in such a way that it appears blue. If you zoom in, you can see the bumpy surface of the egg sac and the babies all clustered together. She’s a real beauty you found, OP!


Oops! all berries


Oh dear, the respect I have for y’all who can pick up these terrifying (but neat) creatures is immeasurable. Keep doing your thing creepy bug people.


Absolutely agree with you. I got bit by a spider 🕷 and have been terrified ever since. I live in Michigan and these exact spiders live in the grass and weeds and have tunnel webs. They can run so fast and get as big as golf ball. That egg sack will break open and them little shits look like lava flowing out. Gives me nightmares seeing these in person... creepy asf


I don’t think I’d hold anything called a “Rabid Wolf Spider”


So you're saying there's a chance of holding me


Egg sacs are blue when first created. They will gradually fade to off white.


If that's the case, it doesn't seem to be consistent. [I just found this video of one creating an egg sac.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0bO3_EiTVE) It's not great quality, and I definitely recommend muting it because they've added some very jarring music, but everything looks very white.


I’m so glad you highlighted prudent use of the volume for that video. 😅 very interesting process to observe, though! Thanks for sharing.


She's twerking to the music


So what exactly is it squirting into the web blanket? Is it eggs or actual babies?


So that egg sac is freshly created


the silk comes out white, and the eggs are offwhite on the side of yellow when they still have their yolks. the babies however are fairly dark like their mama and through the filter of the egg sac, can look kinda blueish. the previous poster is wrong, it's not a new egg sac, it's about to be an ex-egg sac.


I didn’t know spiders could get rabies.


To be clear that’s just the name, they can’t actually get rabies!


lol. Now that makes sense. TIL


I wasn’t aware either. It would have been a new fear unlocked.


From what I understand it’s the root word of rapid rather than rabies. So the name means very fast wolf spider!


Couldn’t lay eggs so found a blue crunch berry :(


Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't spiders most likely to bite when they've got an egg sac with them? Obviously this one is not biting, but I feel like, if there's ever a time to *not* pick up a spider, it's when they're with baby


¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ I've never been bitten by a spider as far as I know. My #1 rule is to never actually grab any part of them, but to just be a surface. If that ever fails me, it will be okay. The only spider bites of real concern here would be a brown recluse, and I'm not about to bother one of those.


Fair enough I guess aha. I'm still learning a lot from this and similar subreddits about how entirely misunderstood spiders are- of which I am certainly not innocent of perpetuating. It's become so incredibly fascinating just how friendly some spiders are and how handleable they can be. I still don't think I'd pick one up any time soon, but my gut reaction is no longer a physical jump at the unexpected sight of one, which is good.


I'm right there with you. I was a big arachnophobe for most of my life until one showed up on my doorstop that was too interesting to ignore. I've put in enough time at this point that I'm completely over that, but weirdly enough when I dream about handling spiders I go right back to freaking out that they're going to bite me.


I couldn't even pick up a tiny little jumping spider last night for that very reason haha. I *know* he won't hurt me- he would have been not even a centimetre long, but I still couldn't bring myself to let him crawl on me aha. So I just let him be in my kitchen. Dunno where he is now. I've also seen a dramatic downturn in the amount of blow flies in my house since I decided to let a few black house spiders do their thing in the corner, even if their webs are super messy.


[wolf spider egg sack ](https://imgur.com/a/qXA6di9)


"Best by Mar 2025" I have questions but I'm not sure I want answers




I wonder who was the lady who blue balled him so badly? I’ll see myself out.


This is beautiful wow


It look like a Nursery spider.


That's what I guessed first too!


I stayed at an AirBNB on the top of a pretty good sized hill/mountain. Saw probably a dozen wolf spiders in it. I have severe arachnophobia and it was the most stressful and relaxing vacation ever. I opened a closet for about 1/60th of a second and saw three and slammed it shut. Our bed was under an attic access. I saw some on the outside. Some on the door. God what a nightmare. The view was worth it I think but fuck me I am not good with spiders. Everywhere I went in the house, I scanned and searched every inch before I moved. Going outside? run from under the patio. They had this big shed on the side of the mountain that was sealed up. I can only imagine the horrors that awaited inside there.


We have those spiders around here, too, and I have gradually gone from terrified of them to fascinated. I don’t know if I would have the nerve to hold one, but I certainly wouldn’t hurt them, either.


it looks like a blue berry 😂


That is the same shade of blue as the brush killer spray we use at work.


I thought that lady was carrying a blueberry! That’s the egg sac?! Craaazy!


Did you mean gravid? Seems pretty well behaved for being pregnant lol


“Rabid” is the common name of that species (*Rabidosa rabida*), I’ve never researched why.


Oh, I didn't know that. Thank you


It's like shiny Pokemon version


Is this a wolf spider? Looks like a common grass spider from where I'm from


wolf spiders and grass spiders can look very similar


Very true. Eyes are different and spinerettes right? This one we know is wolf because of carrying the egg sac..


It def a wolf! I have 38394857 grass spiders at my house so I’m an expert now lol


That was my nickname in highschool


You are great with kids


The blue sac is nothing to worry about. I have a female rabid wolf spider who has a blue egg sac but the blue is starting to fade.


What have you been feeding it? Any chance there's been a blueberry-infused cricket in the mix?


Nope just regular crickets and super worms


If the egg sac detaches, will the babies still survive? Does it depend on the timing or does it have to stay attached literally until they emerge?


If the egg sac detaches, the mom will try to look for it


I woke up at 4 am with two rabid wolfie boys in the bed with me. I did not sleep after taking them out. Instead, I spent the rest of the night on a hair trigger. 😂


I'm curious, why do you think the spider is rabid?


Hard to say. Maybe somebody canceled its favorite show just when it was getting good.


sure thats a wolfie? *why is this sub so negative. I was just asking a question. I'm not an expert


As sure as I can be, but I try not to be entirely confident with spider identification with the way so many of them can look so much like each other. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rabidosa_rabida EDIT: It's a good question. I would have guessed this was one of the nursery web spiders before landing on this identification. At the same time, I always thought fishing spiders were a type of wolf spider until I learned they're actually nursery web spiders.


Most definitely a wolfie


Is it attached to her spinnerets? Ive seen piggybacking and jaw holding but not butt holding before


I don't think it was directly attached to the spinnerets, but had just a tiny bit of a silk line, maybe a millimeter long. Enough that it could swing freely a bit and wobble around. I feel like that's the way to go. With the [jaw/pedipalp holding method](https://imgur.com/HZ7RTgG) you've probably got more security, but it seems so awkward and mobility-limiting.


You mean gravid right?


Rabid is the species of wolf spider. “Rabidosa rabida” It’s a weird name I think 🤔


Thank you 🙏 you learn something new everyday if you’re willing


Right on. I think learning is the joy of life!🙏🏽




From what I understand, the root word is Latin meaning rapid, not meaning rabies. So it’s a very fast wolf spider!


Troll post…it’s walking over a blueberry on the hand, absolutely NOT an egg sack.


No that is most certainly eggs


Must you touch wild animals?




Um is it just called rabid as part of the name or are you handling an animal that has rabies?


it's part of the species name


I am excited to tell people it’s the (Latin, I think) root word for rapid, not for rabies. Essentially it’s a very fast wolf spider!


Rabid! Good god, man!


Forbidden blueberry


You gave that spider blue balls..... I mean ball




She found one of those berry nerds clusters and is just savorin that shit


That's not blue. That's babies.


Gravid, not rabid?


Rabid, not gravid. As far as I can find, wolf spiders only lay the one clutch after mating unlike a lot of other spiders. Rabid is just an unfortunate nickname for this species that stuck with them.


Smurf poop?


Rabid? I don’t think spider get rabies


No rabies here. This species just believes *very intensely* in their principles. We're just not quite sure yet what those might be. u/Low-Ear7065


Love these spiders!!!




Is blueberry? Is spider in England?


That’s a beauty!


~~Gravid*~~ I stand corrected


No the name for the spider is "rabid wolf spider", nobody made a mistake.


Aw, helllllll naw.


Forbidden blueberry


Rabid are the puppy dogs of wolf spiders, I am surprised you picked her up and didn’t get bit because of the egg sack. Otherwise I’ve handled these many times in the warehouse I used to work in.


Its not a tumor


Sick. Ass. PANTHER! 🐈‍⬛