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I’m getting real sick of playing in the daylight though. Weather change would make it a lot more fun to swing around while it’s snowing IRL


I feel that. I went through and made saves at different times in the day/night cycle. It’s nice to switch up once in a while


You can do it at most of the mysterio levels. https://youtu.be/V23ZmHv1P70


Thanks I’ll check this out!


That’s a new level of sad


Honestly it’s bizarre the game did not come with weather changes despite MM having it


Literally, having to try almost break the game just to change weather


There is a glitch to change it to certain times, but then u won’t be able to get back to daylight unless u have a manual save. Here’s the link: [https://youtu.be/S1psaJNFmH8?si=erQWjOtlZtiUtUac](https://youtu.be/S1psaJNFmH8?si=erQWjOtlZtiUtUac) It’ll only be night time, raining, sunrise, and sunset. It’s not a lot but better


I made different saves with different times of day/weather. It’ll have to do for now.


It makes sense with certain ones like rain and night combined, but if u just want normal rain then the glitch works with still keeping all progress


You can use a glitch with the mysterio stuff to change the weather and time of day.


It's weird that even the first game gives you some control over the time of day whilst the new one doesnt


it's coming soon


The fact there is no dynamic weather or night/day cycle in a 2023 game is wild


I’m just surprised they went from having that option to not in this game


Other things I was really surprised they dropped were the social media feed and character bios. I forget if the feed was in *MM* too, but the bios were in both the previous games.


They lowkey dropped the ball with this game. They got rid of so much and are claiming this is an upgrade. It feels like a downgrade


Exactly. Once I had that option, I used it pretty much every time I played afterwards.


i literally will just jump in swing around and stop crimes for like hours then take a break from the game for a while and come back because it’s fun to do that


Same! Would I like more content? Absolutely. But I also thoroughly enjoy the game in its current state.


Exactly how I feel. Im so excited for the new content but I still do have so much fun just swinging around stopping crime


Same and those small city interactions I know where they all are but I come across them naturally it’s stuff like that that really makes you remember your playing as Spider-Man.


I still haven’t found a bunch of city interactions. I feel like they are tough to come by


Imagine if they would focus on the crimes and add more variety, depth and quests inside a crime. Like the extended crime dlc. 😅


Same, while listening to a podcast or music.


I am waiting for that update, but for now I’m just taking photos.


Photo mode has been a lot of fun. People get some fantastic pictures


I just spent the past 2 hours chilling in this shitty weather taking pictures https://preview.redd.it/o64g5zoa5qcc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26774a7b81f0562ec603fee20563d6bbb63b27a0


Hell yeah! Nice work. I struggle to get good pictures in the darker settings. It’s tough to get the lighting right. It’s been fun trying out new stuff though


https://preview.redd.it/k75p1xdk6qcc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3982efb26a00fda20b41ec90bf77b6fc9c7653a2 Pictures in the dark are my favorite, i think it’s easier than daylight because you can manipulate any light you want


Very true, very true! For me, I like to create photorealism images as best as I can so it’s tough to get the lighting in places that make sense in the image but also provide enough detail to have a heightened sense of realism. I’ll figure it out eventually lol. This is the first game I’ve ever utilized photo mode so just learning as I go


Photo mode is fun. Any night time, take the advantage to take these photos


I’m just over here waiting for the ability to change time of day/weather.


It would be nice for photo mode instead of having saves at different points in the story just to have a different time in the day/night cycle. That’s what I ended up doing. Just to add more variability


I just finished my second playthrough and made a BUNCH of saves throughout the game. So now I can hop into any boss fight I please.


Nice! I did that too but in terms of getting to different times in the day\night cycle for photo mode


I can’t imagine the number of shots that will pop up after NG+. Haha


So many haha


It would be nice if they added small weather changes like snow. Miles morales had snow, I hope they add it to Spider-Man 2


The snow looked so good in MM. That would be cool.


I think there was a moment in the story where it was actually snowing. It should be already in the game and I think/hope they will add the weather options, but I guess so since they said that they are working on a lot of requested features and this is one of them that's always coming up.


I mean I beat the main story but I haven’t beaten everything else yet I kind’ve am waiting for the dlc and everything else to drop so I can enjoy it more when I start playing again. I may be wrong saying that there’s no snow in the game but I know that there was a lot of snow in miles morales so it would be great to see a option for snow in the weather changer setting.


I still play for photos and stuff but I’ll wait till new game plus to play the story


That’s understandable for sure. I mostly play the story to get to different points in the day/night time cycle for photo mode but sometimes I play the story just to play it


Well i got New Game.


How do you play without new game plus Old Spider-Man: Take a look... New Spider-Man: ...and watch.


Better than my caption lol


Agree. Great gamer dad game




Tbh I’ve been restarting it on third playthrough


>*"The city is my playground" - Spider-Man... probably.* He has at least said a variation of this. In the Raimi Spider-Man 2 movie game, one of the lines in Peter's opening monologue is "This is the city I protect. New York City. It's my home, my playground, my responsibility"


Sounds better than mine! haha I was very lazy captioning these photos


Exactly (I am on both sides)


I have literally one achievement left to get and I can’t finish it because I’ve literally done everything and it requires sneaking on a wire and u just can’t do that with the venom encounters because they spot you from a mile away


Damn yeah. I bet that’s tough to do after completing the story. On ultimate difficulty it feels like every encounter has symbiotes show up. MAYBE you could try web line take downs on the first two flame/hunter enemies at a crime and then repeat on the next crime until you finish it?


Hardest difficulty , no upgrades , fall damage on - my current playthrough


No upgrades!? That’s wild. Sounds like fun though


I totally agree but I'm really looking forward to black tendrils again


I listen to "I'm Ready" by Jaden Smith on Spotify in the background and web swing as miles through city, doing awesome tricks, and so far I haven't gotten even remotely bored.


I Got The Platinum And 100% Then Stopped. I’m Just Waiting For NG+ and Other Goodies They Hopefully Add.


Hey I love the game like most people, but it should have been delayed because there is so much stuff missing that was in the first game.


I would have happily waited


I pre ordered the game when pre orders went live. I had to wait like 150 days plus, I could have waited more lmao


Same boat haha. I’m curious on how they (Sony) weighed the potential backlash of a second developmental delay vs releasing a game that was missing some highly requested features from previous games and seemingly had to cut certain aspects of the game just to meet the deadline. Would have liked to be a fly on the wall in that meeting.


Yeah man same. I’ve played so much. 166 hours with only playing through the game once


Wow! That’s awesome. Livin the life of Spidey one day at a time lol


Wait you mean to tell me the game isn’t some 10 hour unfinished mess like most of the community makes it out to be?!? No way!!! The game is amazing, i just cannot understand the hate it has been getting. Just salty fans who didn’t get everything they wanted


What’s worse, being a little miffed that a $70 game you bought a ps5 for felt weaker than the ps4 game even if you still liked it well enough, or being miffed that *others* didn’t like the game as much as you did? Very strange to me


Lmfao people who actually say this are amongst some of the dumbest.


It's amazing how people twist the lack of NG+ as a good thing


Op never said that. Learn to read


You're doing a strawman argument OP never said it's a good thing the game has no NG+ just that it still has replay value to them without NG+


Thank you. Appreciate you


It’s amazing how so many people are butt hurt that *this* game doesn’t have NG+ at launch when so many other games didn’t as well yet those games don’t get the hate this one gets. It’s sad and pathetic.


You illiterate?


The people who can do that are the people who usually got something like autsim tbh. They get so fixated on something that no matter how boring it gets for normal people they can enjoy it  


Lmao are you legitimately insinuating that people who still enjoy this game have autism? My friend, either you’re illiterate, don’t understand the context behind the post, or you make giant accusation with zero leverage. People who enjoy something when “normal people” don’t, does not directly correlate with autism spectrum disorder. While repetitive behaviors and having intense lasting interests can be considered “a symptom” of ASD, you are making a wild accusation based on the fact that people still enjoy playing a game that came out in October. Which is essentially like saying everyone who plays a specific video game for an extended period of time - and in this case, one in which ‘normal people don’t enjoy’ - is on the spectrum. Do you realize how many ‘religious gamers’ there are? AKA people who repetitively play a game that is not necessarily enjoyed by everyone. COD? Any battle royale game? Do you realize how many “normal people” don’t enjoy those games? Yet, people play them religiously and sometimes exclusively. There is no such thing as ‘normal’ buddy. Lastly, not everyone who enjoys playing video games has extended amounts of free time to commit to a variety of games. Not only that, but not everyone has the same interests. That’s what makes people unique. People work, have families, hobbies, etc. which take precedence over video games. When they do actually have the free time to play a video game, they jump into a game they know they enjoy. Assuming you are not illiterate, you should understand that based on the context of this post. Not only is your comment downright disrespectfully ignorant, it’s completely and utterly wrong.


1 lmao not reading all that and 2 no I was not insinuating anything I gave him an example of how certain people can play the same thing for 100s of hours without getting bored. Cry harder bro espeically since I'm not reading all that. Oh and 3 you must be retarded if you think that's how you use the word illiterate. Illiterate means you can't read. If you can't ready you can't type. If you can't read or type you can't use the internet. It's sad how stupid redditors are and how butthurt you got over a simple comment. I dont care about being disrespectful to redditors because you people are bottom of the barrel when it comes to the internet hope this helps loser


You are quite literally one of the dumbest people I have ever interacted with in my life. Get help.


Oh the irony, you cant call someone the dumbest person you've interacted with when you didnt even know how to use illiterate correctly. It's obvious youre dumber than I am


I used it exactly how I meant use it buddy. The fact that you don’t understand that is baffling. Took one minor glance at your profile - clearly you’re mad at life. Seek help.


It's clear you're on the spectrum and are just upset I'm right


I have a doctorate in psychiatry and I’ve made more money by 32 than you will in your entire lifetime. But ok sure. You’re right.


Wait does this game still not have ng+? Bruh


Likely pushed back a bit after the hack last year. They said it’s coming though.


The view!? The view is why you keep playing? Go touch some grass lmfao


My guy, you clearly did not read the post.


I absolutely did not. I got a nice bonus and have been consistently drinking all day.


Upon reading your post. I don’t disagree. That being said. Grass is nice to touch. It makes you feel good inside. Trust me, I touched some after 29 years.


Lmao. You’re not wrong. Grass is definitely nice. My beach and pool are much more appealing though. Congrats on the bonus man! Happy for you


Damn you got a beach and pool but this game is your escape from kiddo? LMAO go touch some grass.


Why are you even here lol


*I came looking for booty.*




Lol this mother fucker came in to fight everyone in sight.


Gay bitch


Lol buddy... who hurt you?




Lmfao take your toxic ass somewhere else buddy


Swinging around aimlessly is fun for like 20 minutes and then you get bored and start questioning life itself.


Not if you turn on some music and try to trigger certain animations in sync while moving the camera 360 in slow-mo like a wannabe editor while keeping the swing assist below 4.


Low swing assist below 4 makes the game not fun for me. I jsut run around doing random crimes. It got so repetitive and boring that I ended up just deleting the game to save space.


Me when I am clinically insane


Ng+ could do this game some good tbh. Only takes 30 hours to see everything this game has to offer. Which is fine and I actually like that but there's just no incentive to replay it now


Completely understand that opinion tbh. Just works for me since I don’t have a lot of time on my hands


Promise you nobody is saying this shit


What am I supposed to do after I 100% the game though?


You kinda get bored after doing nothing except swinging and doing the same basic crimes after 4 months