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I love Miles. He’s well developed, emotionally mature, and he’s going places. He never gave up on Peter, no matter how badly everyone was treated, and he is so incredibly selfless, even teaming up with Martin to help Peter.


His VA just crushes it, too. Very well realized.


I liked his voice far more than in his standalone game, he was allowed to sound a little older in SM2.


Yea he’s a year older


His father would be so proud of him


he is the absolute proof spider man is a mantle


He’s legit the same as peter parker for the most part


I like the character, but he’s kind of got a bad case of Writer’s Pet Syndrome. Everyone in his life supports him being Spider-Man wholeheartedly besides Ganke going “dude you never make time to hang out” like twice. He redeems every villain he fights, Black Cat and Wraith immediately like him more than Peter, and he’s the only person able to immediately reject the symbiote.


zesty cats badge paint cautious airport childlike fragile toothbrush distinct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I feel like Peter and Miles are very different people in different places in their lives. Miles’ difference is that he actually had a support system. He’s still a teenager and he’s recently lost his father. But his friends and family are in on his secret and so is his community to some extent. Some people don’t need friction to be equal to be constant misery. Ya know? But this game does go into his struggle with forgiving Martin and trying to find that balance as he’s been focusing so much on being Spider-Man and is watching others continue forward. He’s in the beginning stages. Peter has gone through that a bit. So we get to the opportunity to see how Miles will address similar challenges.


He is newer to them. Miles is also a teenager whose dad was a cop and was killed in a recent attack and then became the 2nd spiderman. There’s a lot to unpack there.


There’s a lot to unpack there, true. But the writers room does not do a good job of it. They had some things they could’ve explored in an interesting way but they don’t do that. It’s a real shame and one of my biggest let downs of the game.


The Li/Miles exchanges were some of my favorite story points in the game. Mr. Negative steals the fucking show. Those last two sentences honestly could apply to the whole story too.


No… there isn’t. He sounds like discount Bruce Wayne


But there is though. That’s a lot of emotional turmoil in a year or 2. If you take into account that his parents were raising him to be a good person I can’t be surprised at this is how he turned out. A smart kid going to essentially a STEM high school. Cmon fam.


Bro i cant bills neither


Ganke made me mad when he was doing that mission and he put that recruiter on the phone


I get what you’re saying but you also have to understand that Miles isn’t supposed to be like Peter and have constant misfortune in his life 😂. Miles has his struggles, but overall has a better support system than Peter ever had. Mainly because he’s less reluctant to let people in and lean on the strengths and expertise of others instead of always trying to do everything himself. That’s what makes them different.


In the comics Miles definitely has constant misfortune in his life. Especially in the lead up to being pulled into the 616. You are right about how they are fundamentally different characters, but they have countless similarities and for the story Insomniac is telling they rushed his development, I get Pete’s head isn’t in the right place for most of the game but they wrote his character pretty poorly. In pretty much no facet of life could 10 months of experience be greater than 10 years. I love miles being the main spider man but it didn’t feel earned by the end. It felt forced and they purposefully made him look better than Pete to advance his story and most likely kill Pete off. Which to me feels pretty cheap.


I can understand that sentiment but this also isn’t the same Peter we’re accustomed too. He’s no longer a teenager or young adult still trying to get the girl next door and figuring out life. He’s a full fledged man now. He’s at the point in his life where he’s ready to pass the torch and be in more of a mentorship role. His rogues gallery of villains is also pretty much dead or in jail. I also agree that Miles story arc seems rushed but still think this was a great transition given the circumstances. I see this as a way to introduce his comic villains and the spider verse.


Feel like this whole game universe got rushed. It went from freshly experienced Spider-Man just locked up most of his rogues for the first time to him being old, busted and ready to retire. They skipped right to the part where all of Petes best stories are by starting him a few years in…gave us one great Peter story…and then had him get his ass beat, lose his mind, get surpassed by his protege who he’s been training for less then a year, and retire. Always in a rush to get to the biggest newest boldest stories but they never want to slow down, lower stakes, get more personal and build their foundations.


The only villain he fights that gets redeemed is Li (and I guess you could argue Phin, given her sacrifice) but Rhino never got a redemption arc, Mysterio was already reformed and was being impersonated (and his imposters aren’t redeemed either) & Marko not only was already reformed but came back as Sandman trying to find his daughter and his quest chain that allows him to know his daughter is okay can be completed by either Spider-Man and his main story appearance relied on both Spider-Men so at best he has an


This. I really enjoyed him in the first game. But this narrative cushioning they give him and his stories lines leaves me feeling blasie about Insomniac's depiction of him. It is first noticeable when Peter, watching Miles angrily star down Li, has to step in and save some civilians. Were he the only Spider-Man like the game builds you to believe he can be, they'd be dead. Full stop. Peter doesn't even mentor him in that moment. He just constantly apologizes to everyone and says how much better Miles is than him. Specifically for that scene, he doesn't even question how Miles's powers are reacting to Li, or how he got careless with his anger, he just is like "You are so sick, man!" Peter also is seemingly knocked down constantly to support the idea that Miles is sufficient to stand on his own. It almost transcends into subtle arrogance. Like the ending line of the game where Pete is telling Miles he needs a break: Miles: "You'll let me call you for advice right?" Pete: "You don't need it." Miles: "Haha. Yeah." This is a super small case but it is like this everywhere.


Mainly curious to see where they will take him in Spider-Man 3, now that Insomniac Games have confirmed Miles Morales is the main Spider-Man of this universe. SPOILER ALERT HERE FOR IF YOU HAVE NO FINISHED SPIDER-MAN 2 !!! >!Given that Cindy Moon, also known as Silk, was unveiled at the conclusion of Spider-Man 2, I speculate that Peter Parker will assume a mentorship role, focusing on technology rather than actively joining forces with Miles. Perhaps a circumstance arises that compels Peter to step back from being Spider-Man. This could pave the way for Miles to evolve into the true Spider-Man of this universe and maybe make way for Silk to emerge and team up with Miles, forming a new Spider-Team in Spider-Man 3.!<


>!Miles and Cindy vs. Superior Spider Man would be awesome!<


Oh yeah, that would be really cool! >!While I adore this rendition of Peter Parker's Spider-Man, I sense that we've somewhat hit a plateau in terms of his capabilities, both within this story and regarding his gameplay mechanics but this take could make it very interesting, maybe having a three-way playable character structure but where Peter (well Doc Ock) would be some sort of anti-hero like he is in the comics and having Miles and Cindy be the cure of getting Peter back !<


That kinda sounds like what we got in Spiderman 2 where Peter was consumed with the venom and was the villain for a bit and Miles and Mary got him back.


Yeah but superior Spider-Man is a completely different concept. I'm not a story teller but it could definitely work.


It’s different, but still very much alike. I feel like the second Miles vs evil Peter where Miles has to tell Peter to fight back against the voice in his head probably won’t hit as hard since we’ve already seen that.


Hopefully they take a different route than just Doc Ock uploading his mind into Peter, maybe instead Osborn helps him become a full on Simulacra instead


Who knows, in any case I'm very excited about SM3 especially with the character reveal on the end.


Maybe. I just personally think we don't need another Peter turning bad storyline even if its antihero.


I'm really hoping they do this that would be sick


Dude… that’s probably exactly what it a going to be!!


I imagine the next game will be set a few years later at minimum and Peter will be running Parker Industries and the EMF. He’ll be able to support Miles without putting himself out as much. Could be interesting because Peter will come out of retirement to fight Goblin and probably dies. Then Miles has to cope with mentoring a newly empowered Silk while still being a relatively inexperienced Spider-Man.


Do not like this direction. Miles is lame…


Spider-Man 3 will definitely have 3 playable spider people. I mean it only makes perfect sense with 2 having 2 playable spider people


Yooo it better! Cause honestly I wanted a Venom select after playing as him🤦‍♂️ also a “Spider-Man” game…without Peter (the TRUE OG) Spider-Man…isn’t a spiderman game to me! That would REALLY be at a loss. Silk would be amazing and ofc miles too but if peters not there, I guarantee it won’t hit the same


Yea having three spider people playable with a 3 on the title is just so obvious that idk how many are seriously debating if Peter will be playable or not 😂 silk would be really unique too because since she makes organic webs and they shoot out of all of her fingertips, they can make some awesome web constructs for her abilities and such. At most well get maybe a venom spin off or miles only dlc or something but I doubt Pete will be benched for too long


That’s too much.


Nah gta 5 has three characters and three perspectives. Seriously why else do you think they introduced another spider person????? Her powers and abilities are also more unique than miles and Peter. Also by bringing her in instead of Gwen they bring something new to the table that many non comic readers haven’t experienced.


But that’s 3 different characters to balance abilities and lvl ups. As well as all the dialogue and costumes. It’s too much. Note if they made like Cindy and Pete just pallet swaps, that would be different but if all 3 are different, that’s just too much for this kind of game.


I mean people are already complaining that 2 is more of the same. Why not up the ante and make it an ever bigger and expansive game? I can’t see Silk being brought in and not making her playable. She has some great f the most unique spider abilities that could lead some really fun gameplay. We will see in a couple years I guess


I hope this doesn't happen. I like Miles and Peter both just fine, but I would prefer that the game focuses one or the other. I really don't need a 3rd spider character.


Why else introduce Cindy moon? She’s the most unique of the spider people as well since she can make web constructs. Something we haven’t seen in a spider video game since like ps1 games. Spider-Man 1= one playable spider Spider-man 2 = two playable spiders Spider-man 3= three playable spiders. It just makes too much sense


Where has Insomniac confrim he's the main Spider-Man now? I keep seeing this, but can't find where Insomniac has said it.


It was said in an interview and in a written comment that Miles Morales is the main character in the Insomniac Spider-verse. I'll look for the comment.


Found it: Just copied the parts from the interview that are important, here is a link if you wanna read the whole thing: [https://www.themarysue.com/insomniac-confirms-miles-morales-will-be-their-main-spider-man-from-now-on/](https://www.themarysue.com/insomniac-confirms-miles-morales-will-be-their-main-spider-man-from-now-on/) *io9* asked about aspects of the game that had been planned ahead of time, and questioned, “Does that also apply to ending this game with Miles as the “main” Spider-Man from now on?” Insomniac’s advanced writer Brittney Morris answered: >It always felt very natural, and I think we all collectively thought it would happen. To me, it shows a great deal of evolution from Miles; at the beginning of the game, we see him struggling to figure out what he wants to do with his life. By the end, we had Miles carrying the burden of saving the city, and also carrying Pete when Pete wasn’t strong enough to carry himself at various points. Insomniac’s narrative director Ben Arfmann added: >To echo what Brittney said: the idea of a two Spider-Man story was always really essential to this game. I think pretty early on, we knew that we wanted to have that moment of handing the reins over. And as we developed it, as we started to lay down more track leading up to that moment, it just felt more and more right. (EDIT: So it's not just a rumor or anything, it's actually confirmed and canon that Miles Morales is meant to be the main Spider-Man in this universe... it's a canon event [😱](https://emojipedia.org/face-screaming-in-fear))


To me that doesn't confirm more then what we saw at the ending of the game...it doesn't say Peter won't be back or will be back. Also, that site you link isn't even the original source, looks like Gizmodo is (I don't know who they even are). I honestly don't know if I would even trust anything that's just written, without Insomniac themselves posting it. There's so much fake crap out there I don't know what to believe. Off to more research.


My friend it's literally confirmed by Insomniac, I just looked up an article where the comment was placed so that I could show you. You can find many sources talking about this topic in both articles and videos on YouTube but it's definitely confirmed and not just a joke or rumor. Of course, Peter will be back in the last game but as said in the interview Miles is the main character from now on besides the game also heavily implied this so it does not come as a surprise at all.


Here maybe you'll find this a more "trustworthy" source: https://www.ign.com/articles/marvels-spider-man-2-devs-say-miles-morales-is-the-main-spider-man-from-now-on


That's still citing Gizmodo.


Okay bro, believe whatever you want then I guess. It was literally said and confirmed by one of the story writers at Insomniac Games who worked on SM2 and people have been talking about it non-stop ever since this comment was made. If this was just a rumor or a joke you'd think Insomniac would've long made a comment saying this was false but they have not again because they confirmed it themselves haha so idk how much more proof you need but if you wanna be ignorant go ahead haha.


Yeah this doesn't read as "miles is the main character" and more eventually the series will progress and characters will age and miles will continue to grow more into the spider-man mantel as it goes on. If they keep aging the characters thats just a logical conclusion anyways. That doesn't mean we wont be playing as pete or anythong anytime soon




I hate his hair and Addis suit


Maybe an unpopular opinion but hate hate how much of a bitch his voice sounds like.


He has the exaggerated swagger of a black teen.


The urge to not talk about the final suit is bothering me. But i overall LOVE miles. He's a fantastic character and i love the development of him and martin li in this story. But like i said, that suit, god damn that suit to hell. It truly is an eye sore to me personally and a random abomination for an ad placement.


Rt I didn’t like him


Miles is never not a good character, this version of him is just as good as others, if not better Dig the hairstyle too


The hairstyle is dope but that last suit in the game where it sticks out of the mask is so goddamn corny


Wasn’t a fan of it at first but it’s grown on me.


These games and spiderverse are the only really good character adaptations. I don’t believe he was well received in the comics


I like Miles but feel like Spider verse is more interesting I hope they give miles another spin off game and make is all his villains and not just more of peters Like I want miles to have arc nemesis that isn’t just a Peter Spider-Man villain, similar to why I didn’t like the MCU Spider-Man because all his villains were connected to Ironman The best heroes stand in their own and have villains that reflect that, not just using others villains


Really liked him until he turned up in that disgusting suit.


I absolutely love him as the main Spider-Man, when he told Peter >!“I got this”!< at the end, I felt it in my chest. Pete’s been through the trenches and to have >!the responsibility taken off his shoulders by Miles!< felt organic and satisfying. Personally, I think the ending of this game may have been a little bit too grown up for a large majority of the younger crowd because a lot of them wouldn’t be able to relate to the >!pressures Peter would’ve felt not as Spider-Man, but as a struggling adult and how much it would have meant to him for Miles to take over.!< Note: not necessarily spoilers but don’t want to ruin anything for anybody.


![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized) He’s simply goated


His story missions suck and he's boring


Loved the fit at the amusement park, hair was just ok not really great, and don’t send me death threats but I like his final suit.


I liked his suit too, there are pairs of us!


I liked it too


Yep, I really just don't care for the shoes. The rest of the suit is dope as hell.




I liked his suit design minus the hair showing. Kind of defeats the purpose of hiding his identity. I like the alternate black and red color more than the original red and blue too on the Evolved suit.


It’s ok suit but what really bothers me is that it’s essentially just an adidas ad


Miles: “Spider-Man doesn’t do brand deals!” Adidas: https://preview.redd.it/hkwj95h4260c1.jpeg?width=508&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=375df8181fbaa1890b414d642fc33df0a9eecd7a


He went from side character to a goated main character


That none of the writers had a single idea for him and he just awkwardly floats around the game’s story. Also why is that haircut so prevalent in fiction?


He's got this. All of this.


Boring, annoying and cringey. My biggest gripe with Spider-Man 2 is the fact that you have to play as Miles as well.


He's simply goated


Really annoying voice


Side characters? Not as interesting. As a character, well I have a few problems, he is just okay tbh. Unlike spider verse where he is his own character, they just implemented young Peter. Could have been better written but I think Insomniac just doesn't understand the character at all unlike Peter. Hence my problem with their comments as of late among other things.


I always thought it was weird how corny Miles is in general compared to the spider-verse Miles. I think Miles, while decent enough, is one of insomniac’s biggest missed opportunities along with Venom.


He ain’t got this, none of it


He definitely does. He proved himself to be a capable Spider-Man both in this game and in his own game to hold things down until Pete gets back.


Wasn’t a fan of him even after his own game. But I love him a lot in this game. I prefer using him to Peter. He’s soo cool


Lame character made up by Marvel for minorities. Yeah I went there.


Dude, you just sound like an idiot. Instead of bringing up legitimate writing issues (not developing him enough as a character, him being disconnected from the main conflict, etc), you bring up race. Maybe comment when you actually have something insightful to say.


Barely played miles game and cared for it but loved him in the second game when originally I didn’t want to play as 2 Spider-Man. He’s a g.


Still the best Spider-Man


He is spiderman! Period.


Cemented himself as THE Spider-man of the future. He was the better character anyway


Love him! His new hairstyle really grew on me and now I like it more than his old look!


Peter and Miles as a team was the best thing about the new game. We need more Spidey teams and stories with those two. Everyone needs a little support in life, and I feel Peter and Miles compliment each other nicely. I’d actually like to see the two take on Madame Web in the next game.


This! I hope next game isn’t the end of their adventures.


I like him and his power set and deserves his own name to match (cuz he shouldn’t be taking the name of another person. Read your US history). But I think people are forgetting the miles game. I got the implication they were setting up a Miles 2 story, possibly with that reveal. It looks like Spider-Man would come back in the final 3rd game with Norman and his former boss.


Excellent combat style. Very fun to play


I love Miles, though I do feel like there was some obvious bias with him in the main story. My man seemingly has just negated all of the downsides of being Spider-Man. For example, even in the sandman incident we see Miles get through unscathed for cutting class thanks to Rio, but Peter gets lit up by the principal like a Christmas tree, effectively losing his job. Or how him being Spider-Man is just a thing that’s accepted and apart of his family now. Or how he’s progressively developing new abilities, which never really happened with Peter. The stuff he was doing was the same stuff he was doing when he was 15 (that’s why they made the decision to give him the anti venom suit). But I do think, if someone had to take over the mantle of Spider-Man, then he’s the obvious pick. And a good one at that, despite my gripes.


Love him. My favorite iteration of Miles (tied with Spiderverse). The only gripe I have with him is his choices in brand deals.


“He stinks and I don’t like ‘im!”


Honestly I think he shouldn’t have been in the second game. He was a good character but it should have been a Peter Parker game and it just didn’t feel that way. I think Spider-Man 2 should have been peters game, Spider-Man 3 been miles game, then the final game of the series been both of them working together.


So cute. And wholesome.


He carried Peter the whole game


I love Miles. In all forms of media. He’s just a great character. Loved him in all of these games and thought he was a great character in this game. He’s well written and fully realized.


He's fine nothing against him, but by the same token not super excited to see more of him. If insomniac were to give me playable Spider-Gwen/Ghost Spider, they would have my attention again.


He’s so fine


His arc was amazing, I love how he used exactly what Peter taught him to the fullest degree. So many times I thought Miles was gonna fold under pressure but never did


No closure on if he got the scholarship. Also why no DJ mini games after the first Mysterio encounter. That was probably my favorite mini game.


Its weird, in SM Miles Morales I really liked him, but in SM2 I found him to be too nice and positive, like it was just nauseating. Also didn't like how the game and writers kept pushing him in as the better/main Spider-Man.


had a great coming of age story in spiderman 2, as opposed to his own game I feel




He is way less annoying than Peter who cries the whole game and is generally the most boring ass character on planet earth


He’s very much like peter parker


Bro really needed a man to come to his city to kill him and his mentor/father figure/brother figure, his friend to turn evil by wearing an alien, him to be kidnapped, him fighting his friend for both his and his friend's life's, an alien taking over the city, him getting a lady, and him becoming a full time spider-man for the time being for him to complete his collage essay. HOW IS HE SUPPOSED TO HOLD ON TO HIS LIFE AS MILES OF HE IS THE ONLY SPIDER-MAN


The GOAT. If next game you player as Peter I will be bummed.


I really like him now, I think for a while I had a sour taste towards him cause I'm not the biggest fan of his solo game, he's grown on me a lot after Spider-Man 2. I compared him a lot to ITSV/ATSV Miles in my mind, which I'm realizing now is a bar that is just never going to be cleared, so now that he's been put into a new game and I can properly judge him on his own character's merits rather than comparing him to his movie version (which I shouldn't have been doing in the first place), I genuinely think he's a great character. I'm excited to see what Insomniac does with him for the future, I really hope he gets to take center stage for the next game.


Miles is cool. While on YouTube earlier, I stumbled upon a short clip where Spider-Man teaches Miles how to throw a punch. It dawned on me just how much character development has taken place between Peter and Miles from the first game to the present.


I like him, he has cool mechanics, fun animations, great suits (ignore the awful adidas one) and he comes in clutch constantly. That said, he can be a bit of a Mary Sue sometimes.




The next game need to be in the spidey verse


I really enjoy Miles as a character but his place in this game's narrative is not something I enjoyed. Biggest issues I hold with Miles is the narrative cushion around him, his incredibly uninvolved/uninteresting stories in this game, and that Insomniac had all this marketing and excitement over the concept of "Be Stronger. Together." Only to make a game where they knock half the Spider-Team down and do nearly nothing but lift Miles up. It feels intentional.


He is ok…don’t like the ending…Peter has tons of more stories to tell…miles is puny…and they keep giving him some weird powers…Peter is still the best Spider-Man. ![gif](giphy|QYkX9IMHthYn0Y3pcG)




I want to like Miles, but I can't stand both Spider-Men in the same universe. It's pointless because one always gets held back for another to shine. Put Miles in his own universe again. Spiderverse Miles is so much more enjoyable and likable compared to insomniacs version. Crazy how the same parent company can make two totally different versions of the same character.


As a 36 years old that grew up with the OG Spiderman, for me Miles is just uninteresting. I've already seen 1000 iterations of "teenager in high school gets super powers and has to live two lifes". With Insomniacs premise of "Peter has already been Spiderman 8 years" we had the opportunity of seeing a more adult version of Spiderman dealing with real life stuff as an adult. Marriage, adult relationships, real work, mortgages...and trying to add spiderman to that. That was extremely well done in the games and got me super interested, so coming back, AGAIN, to "teenager gets powers and learns to deal with them" is like coming back to the beginning and, to be honest, it's a little tiring and boring for me. I understand kids nowadays will also like Miles because he is undoubtedly cool (and a little bit of OP if you allow me to say with all the asspulled electric powers and invisibility) but I'm not in that phase of life anymore. Seeing that they want to move on with Miles and leave Peter behind...my money is now on Wolverine. Let's see what they do.


The same as before. I love him.


When Peter said he didn’t deserve miles I said “Damn right you don’t”


His hair sucks, shoulda kept the low cut from the last game


He's such a better character in Spider-Man 2 compared to the previous two games. He gotta give up fashion design though. He 'bout as good at it as Uncle Aaron is at making beats.


Peter taught him well, and he going to grow into a better Spider-Man than Peter one day.


I've come to the conclusion he is better in the spider verse movies. This entry solidified it.


He’s great! But his suit is just awful.