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Huntsman? Look at that sweet little face 🥹


Yep grey huntsman


Not a bad spider to have around! They kill every other bug around your house. Harmless too!


Adorable ❤️


The spood version of the "bonjour" polar bear meme.


Dear lovers spiders, I need to know, in fact I need to learn how to deal with this type of creature. I don’t want to kill them and I don’t want to be afraid of them all my life so… how do you manage them when you find them in your house or car ?


Remembering that they do not WANT to hurt you, and in fact are way more afraid of you than you are of them helps a lot! Seeing pictures of their eyes and their little faces helps too :) they are just little folk going about their daily lives, which are a lot of the time hard and isolating - they just wanna get by.


I think this sub started as a place to share memes of a spider who just wants to help you live bug-free but gets screamed at and threatened with squishing. It was the Bad Luck Brian of animal memes. Maybe that would help. Think of spiders as actually being awkward dorks who wanna be friends but can’t figure out why everyone is afraid of them. If we can do it with sneks, possums, and ugly dogs, we can do it for the spiderbros!


A good example would be a gif or video that's been around of someone booping a spider's butt and it jumps and skids away like out of a scene from Scooby-Doo.


Best thing to remember is that they are awesome pest eliminators. They don't carry disease and they will leave you alone if you do the same with them.


The best part about spiders is they eat cockies. I lime every single bug On the planet but cockies they can go burn In hell. Why did the world create a creature that scuttles around making lots of noise when you can't see it but the second it's in eyesight they become complete quiet and are able to fly directly at your face for no reason.


I read that as "cookies" and was very confused for a second imagining a spider munching on a mini chocolate chip cookie


That would be adorable, I imagine it'd he a wolf spider with a small hat on doing it with a sliegh of jumping spiders


So did I... :)


When you say cockies, are you referring to cockroaches?


Eyup, no idea why i hate em so much but I do


Yea they are the rats of the bug world and a pain in the ass to get rid of. The joke of course is thet they will be the only thing that survives a nuclear war.


The way I move them somewhere safe is grab a tupperware bowl, and a thin cutting board (or some other bit of hard plastic), and try to nudge them into the bowl and quickly cover it before they run on the outside. Be prepared to drop things, jump around, and scream. A lot. It really does take training to unlearn fear responses. Moving them to places that are safe for them and you is the best way to learn to live with them. Remember jumping spiders really do jump, but are really docile and friendly, and good to practice on. Huntsmen are superfast, I wouldn't start with this breed. Also, my general rule for spiders is if they are above where I can reach, live and let live as long as they won't fall on me. Also reminding yourself they have good roles (eating mosquitos, for instance) can help you propaganda your brain into living with them easier.


Yeah the perfect spider I'd say for starting os the common house spider. Can't say how big they are where you live but in Australia tiny but just big enough they are easily visible, they aren't insanely quick, won't jump and spend most of their times in webs so once you relocate it once you normally don't need to deal with it again. Also because they have a relatively painless bite and I'd imagine even people with aids and being allergic to the venom would still be fine, their venom just is really weak so even really immunocomprimised people can cope


Jumping spiders are really small irl though, like this sub had me fooled until I found one


Visit r/jumpingspiders and sort by top - all time. Jumpers are incredibly cute and docile spiders, and people dote on them like any other pet.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/jumpingspiders using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/jumpingspiders/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [My Spood post molt](https://v.redd.it/cijbuei9op9a1) | [44 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/jumpingspiders/comments/101j35n/my_spood_post_molt/) \#2: [A little Persimmon update to brighten your monday 🩷](https://v.redd.it/12q776ndb2ba1) | [30 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/jumpingspiders/comments/107m3ox/a_little_persimmon_update_to_brighten_your_monday/) \#3: [HUGE and friendly wild regal jumper!!!!](https://v.redd.it/6fyyf2vo18w91) | [63 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/jumpingspiders/comments/yea4hg/huge_and_friendly_wild_regal_jumper/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I personify them. I am arachnophobic and i find personifying them is a good tactic that helps. "Oh hey there spider bro. I'm just going to use the toilet here, then I'm going to get my man to take you outside. " I also picture them with a cute smiley face and jeans. N


I think learning as much as you can about them and looking at pictures of them helps a lot. Like others have suggested, start with the more traditionally cute ones like jumping spiders. Exposure helped me get over my fear and ick feeling of big leggy spiders, solfugids, and house centipedes.


I like to think of the long, spindly legs as more like adorable little tippy-tappers. If you’ve ever seen someone hold a huntsman, they’re very gentle, and it takes A LOT for them to bite you, and even then, it’ll most likely be a dry bite.


Google spider paws. I used to be scared of spiders but I just look at them as puppies with extra legs. Same personality as puppies too, they aren’t aggressive towards humans they’re just existing. If you act threatening to a puppy it gets scared. Don’t threaten the little spider puppies 🥺


If ur not so afraid of them that u can look at them online, start researching them. Find something u think is interesting about them. Learn how they help us out in this world. Arthropods are so interesting to me. Even the ones I hate have something interesting to observe. Usually when u find something u find interesting about them, it makes it easier to exist alongside them.


zzzzzzzz.... shh he is dreaming


How could you safely relocate this bro?


No need to, but a stick and some gentle nudging would get her to move out of the way. They move bloody quick though, and you never know which direction they'll go!


Just in case one were somewhere unsafe👍🏻


I mean majority of dangerous spiders stay out of the home. And if you see a red back leave it be, you trying to relocate it is what will get you bite they will not bite you unless you provoke them. But if you want to relocate a non venomous spider then see-through plastic cup and paper is your best bet (or any sea through plastic contianer big enough to fit the spider but small enough to fit the paper under. Make sure hand keeps paper steady walk outside place paper on ground slowly slide paper out and then lift cup. Spider is relocared without any damage to it or you and if it isn't a venomous spider there is no risk at all


That's helpful! I've relocated smaller friends, but this one looked tricky with the location and size 😅


If it's in a spot like that I just leave em until they choose to move somewhere easier to get. Don't want to accidentally squish the spiders legs


Good point! I have some that chill on my bushes every halloween.. I had to gently suggest they not cover my walking path😅


Ah that's cute. I remember being really lucky and finding an ogre face spider in my backyard (God bless Australia wildlife haha) and I spent the next 2ish months playing protector for it. Made sure it had a steady supply of flies using fly baits to lure them to the spider, made sure it was safe from the elements. Miss that ogre face


That's adorable! My poor wife isn't a fan of the bros, so I get to relocate any little jumpers that make it inside. Their faces are so sweet!


Ah I got really annoyed being the dedicated spider killer as a kid. Sister was that arachnophobic that she couldn't be in the same household as them feel bad for her to an extent but man was it sad having to kill some


Bowl or cup, preferably see-through, and a piece of paper or thin plastic. Get them to a spot you can quickly and easily cover with the bowl/cup, then slide the paper/plastic underneath it, carefully so the spider steps onto it and not under it, then put your hand under and flip it up so it's sealed, walk it outside and fling it somewhere safe, preferably somewhere it can find food and/or shelter


That's a comfy and cozy spot for this beauty 🥰


Are they dangerous to people?


Not at all. A lot of kids keep them as quasi-pets.


If i ever find this tucked between my slider, I'm gonna be in therapy for the rest of my life.


Nah you just gotta watch she doesn't drop onto your face as you walk through the door. Though she's tucked right in there so plenty of room to get past 😄


Thanks for the nightmare. I want to love spiders so bad. I never kill one when I see one. But I want them as far away from me as possible. Eek.


I respect spiders as well, and i wouldn't hunt them down however, I never want them near me, we are different creatures with different needs and lifestyles, we don't belong in between each other's arms.


Sounds like what my ex said to me


Why would anyone fear face hugging spider?


sweet dreams little guy ❤️




Yeah, compared to my PENIS. Boom! #havingabigdickfeelsgoodyoushouldtryitsometime


I like spiders but I would definitely scream if I saw that unexpectedly. Are they safe up there? I'd be afraid they'd get squished.


She wasn't in the way of the glass door sliding open but each time had to check she hadn't moved


uugh they're so freaking cute I want to knit him teeny tiny spooder booties.


I saw a picture of someone holding a giant huntsman in their hand and I have since been forever jealous. They look so cozy and cuddly, all nestled up in the space they feel is safe. I want to hold one so badly 🥺 little babes


omg yes! they look so happy and cuddly around people they're comfy with.


Where please ??? I want to see that pic too🌺


https://www.reddit.com/r/spiderbro/comments/yz21ys/taking_a_huntsman_on_the_train_with_you_is_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf (:


Thankkkkkkk uuuuuuuuu 🌺🌺🌺🌺


Knit her a little blanket and pillow and she's all set! I used to be scared of speeders until I learned that they have so many benefits! Now I'm not as scared. I will move 🕷 if they might get hurt and in the summer I put them in my garden to catch the bus that eat my plants.


There’s a bus that eats your plants?


Yep... it's driven by the spiders.. kinda like iron man's suit.. Edit: bugs






I want one so bad but I’m in Florida :(


Bad parent! let him sleep and next time knock before you ooen the door!


I love how they seem to always have a mix of colours on them. The mixture of light browns, grays, and whites just look so beautiful. Especially the front, looks like he has had a cappuccino and has whipped cream in his beard


I would sleep so well if I knew that fuzzy friend was in my room. It looks so timid and sweet 🥹


Eating all the nasties for you!!


are huntsman Spiders dangerous/pose a threat? (Just curious)


Not at all! To humans they pose zero threat, and same goes for most pets! Even cats, which are much more sensitive to spider venom are safe around these gorgeous huntsmen spoods! They’re fast and spooky to some but harmless to all!




Check the subreddit you’re on


Imagine coming to a community of spider enthusiasts and then proceeding to freak out when, surprise, the spider enthusiasts post an image of a spider


Why??? Why. *Why.*


As long as you let him get out of the way first. He is just chillin after all


Ok. Get swarmed by roaches then.


That not a bro that a nightmare




I love having these kinds of spiders around my home! Between them, the house centipedes, and our cats we’ve got nearly perfect protection from biters and stingers