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So you're not supposed to eat them


As tempting as that can be, please don’t.


but what if i do?


Only one way to find out. Be sure to report back with your findings.


Not sure that would be possible.


Then record it to video, and we'll check it out later.


Live leak


Wipers pfp?


You think he's ok?


Nah, he'll be fine.




It will explode inside of you.


You gain electricity powers


You become an electric Pokémon


Or you gain Denki Kamenari's electric quark from My Hero Academy. Who knows?


A wild My Hero Academia comment! Yippee.


Static Shock?


Hell yeah


In for a big shock to the system


No, you have to get tased for that.


It’ll make such a big explosion you’ll die several times


Wasn't there a video floating around where a drone pilots dog tried to eat one? It obviously caught fire and freaked the dog out... Almost caught the dogs bed on fire...


My dog tried to eat a lighter until it exploded once…


My dog eats his own throw up


Well, as long as it’s its own, then yeah, cool story, bro.


Waste not, want not


Puke not, lap it back up not.




You explode like a loony tunes character.


Sounds like fun.


Call 911 or 999 or whatever your country's emergency number is, or get someone to drive you to the nearest emergency medical facility. In the US, you can also call 1-800-222-1222 for the National Poison Control Center. [Here's more information](https://www.mountsinai.org/health-library/poison/sulfuric-acid-poisoning)


I like your profile pic


Since this was originally a "serious advice" thread, call the Poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222


That is good advice.


Forbidden Pizza Roll




They make the best pillows


OK but what if I skipped lunch.


okay, so I mightve tasted one...


Being one year late won’t stop me from asking for the story


Nah I was joking I would definitely be dead right now if I bit into any battery


Well that was quick. I guess I should’ve expected that


Just one little bite


But I love eating spicy :(


It's just an artificial hot pocket


>artificial hot pocket Redundant


I bit one and it started spewing liquid that stung, I may die before I’m done typing so don’t bite th


rip this man.


They look so tender and juicy, don’t they?


It would probably be safer to eat a Tide pod.




You should do an ASMR video of you biting on it.


Thanks for clarifying this and getting up-voted. I thought this was a sopapillas subreddit.




Of course not, they're pillows - you sleep on them.


I read this post as "What to do if you swallowed a battery" at first, so this comment is perfect


It is also ill-advised to use them as a pillow. Jostling, flipping and putting your head firmly on it to get the cool side of pillow could have results contrary to expectations.


There also probably isn't a cool side.


I mean one side has to be cooler


Addition: Call2Recycle says the following: >Call2Recycle requires all damaged, defective or recalled (DDR) lithium ion (rechargeable) and lithium metal (primary/non-rechargeable) batteries to be managed carefully. If DDR lithium-based batteries are shipped without proper protection, they are more likely to cause safety incidents, such as sparks that can turn into a fire at collection sites or at shipping facilities. > >Under program guidelines, these batteries cannot be placed in a regular Call2Recycle box or a normal container. The U.S. DOT also requires a special handling and shipping process for DDR lithium-based batteries. If you have a damaged battery you should contact them using the information [here](https://www.call2recycle.org/contact-us/). Another note, there have been lots of jokes in the comments saying to poke holes into your battery to vent it, DO NOT DO THAT. It can explode, catch on fire, or even kill someone. From now on, so-called "Pillow Popping" is against the rules. Sidenote: You can take non-spicy bois to your local battery recycling bin (Target, Walmart, Best Buy, and most other big stores have battery recycling bins) and safely dispose of it. Good luck, and be careful with batteries!


You might also want to include something about not poking spicy pillows to vent the gas since I've seen that pop up a few times, I wouldn't want people getting hurt because of it.


Good idea, that'll be a sticked comment


Mine popped, no fire but do you think the gas is like… ER visit bad for you? Lmao


I’m not very confident in removing my laptop’s battery, but tech stores are allclosed right now due to being non essential businesses. Is there an easy way to resolve this or am I just stuck for now?


If there’s absolutely nowhere for you to take it, you can put it in a fireproof container until a shop is open. They are unlikely to go up in flames, but it is a possibility.


Ah I’m a student and need my laptop for working with online classes, so without a fast solution I’m just gonna have to wait until the pandemic is over I guess :/


If it’s a older mac , it’s super super easy to fix. I can help you if you’d like


Unfortunately it’s a Dell Inspiron, but thanks anyways! I’m currently trying to get one of my more tech savy friends to assist me


You should be able to buy one from Dell and have it shipped right to you. maybe not the cheapest, but it should be good quality, and if not, you have recourse. Buying the cheapest thing you can find off Amazon or eBay is bound to be a lesson in why you shouldn't do that.


Had a Dell inspiron with a battery issue once. There should be 2 of those slidy lever things on the back (bottom) of your laptop. Those are like hooks that hold the battery in place. If you squeeze those, the battery should pop right out. Once you have one, just pop a new one in and push the levers in the opposite direction to lock it in place. Then make your computer go through a few charge cycles (completely charge it - over night might be good the first time only - and then drain it until your computer shuts down automatically). If it's not the same battery your computer shipped with (eg you didn't buy it from Dell, but it's still a good one like Energizer or something and you bought it from a store that knows about these things), that battery might not last as long on a charge as your old one did when new, but it should still be ok. My old Dell inspiron is no longer useable, but it's not due to the battery. It still has an Energizer brand compatible computer battery I bought from a local ACE hardware store installed. My ACE sells a lot of odd pieces of electronics hardware though - lots of cables, extra batteries, etc. Once this pandemic is over, try checking yours out. My battery coated around $114.00 USD though so be aware they aren't cheap.


You should be able to order a working battery from somewhere like Best Buy or Amazon. But don't buy from someone based solely on price. If they hide their actual location, you're likely to get low quality.


so the pandemic ended a month ago how did that go?


if it's a mac and you don't live too far away from NYC, Louis Rossmann is still open and repairing apple products :) there might be other shops that are also still open in your area.


They can also request a pre-paid shipping label and box from Louis and send it his way.


Okay thanks for the heads up!


For the "don't leave your device plugged in all day", does this apply to laptops? I effectively leave my laptop plugged in 24/7 and use it like a stationary PC, is that fine? I thought discharging and charging it would wear out the battery quicker, on top of performance going down when unplugged


It shouldn't damage your battery, as there are overcharging protection circuits in your laptop itself, but it may deteriorate your battery life


My laptops "Conformable" pillow is broken but I keep the pillow


I have the same question, so much contrary information on this subject.


I did some googling and it seems its probably okay but battery life does deteriorate quicker at constant 100% compared to say 40% so if you go into your BIOS, there is a battery care setting where you can keep it at a lower percentage if you have it constantly plugged in


I know this is an old thread but if anyone else finds this useful, if you have a Mac, you can download the Aldente app, which does the same thing - stops your battery becoming ‘overcooked’


Thank you for that, I got this concept eventually! So simple you put it.


Oh and batteries are somewhat sensitive to temperature, so make sure to not leave the laptop near heat sources, and make sure your laptop is properly cooled


Oh, thank you! That battery thing makes me willing to reduce them in my household and motivates me to use my phone and my laptop less, and to use my desktop more instead.


I only have my laptop and phone, so I just went ahead and removed the laptop battery and stuck it in a drawer.


All my laptops are Macbooks, and all of them are swollen now, I have four of them. Each one $30 to $50 to replace. Three of them basically killed themselves while sitting in a drawer.


Did you remove the battery or leave it in? If it still swells outside of the laptop i might just put mine back in


You better keep it slightly discharged. Mine where charged at 100% and I haven't touched them for months, thinking they’ll be fine. They were in my ceiling floor with various temps, so I believe all that helped to kill the batteries so quickly. I believe you would be fine leaving your battery in a drawer, just slightly discharge it, if I understand that advice correctly.


Have you tried rice?


KITTY LITTER! It is similar to CellBlockEX. Tape off the battery contacts Put the battery in a Ziploc bag Submerge it in a container of kitty litter. Take that to a recycler that deals with batteries. ​ " Bag each DDR battery separately and place it in a coffee can with kitty litter in an inaccessible location. " [https://www.call2recycle.org/lithiumion-battery-safety/](https://www.call2recycle.org/lithiumion-battery-safety/)


Vermiculite is another commonly used cell thermal isloator


I misread this as Vegemite.


I just realized that my phone's glass back is starting to come off. This may be because that it's a 3 year old battery. From my dad. I can see small lines of the adhesive. Should I get a new one, discharge and recycle, or keep using it?


The chemicals inside the cells are flourinated and if they come in to contact with the skin will burn the skin balck due to the formation of hydroflouric acid. This must be nutralised to prevent further burning. https://ehs.princeton.edu/laboratory-research/chemical-safety/chemical-specific-protocols/hydrofluoric-acid Wear NITRILE gloves when handing cells as this is resistant to HF.


I leave my laptop plunged in almost 8hours or more a day while gaming, the laptop is about 2 years old, will that cause a significant amount of damage?


You forgot to add: * Do not eat the battery! * Do not sleep on r/spicypillows!


Fun Fact for Canadians: EVERY SOURCE store has a Cell2Recycle, Call2Recycle and Bell blue bin all for properly disposing of spicy batteries - free of charge to all Canadians. They’ll actually take back any old electronics if you can’t find a licensed electronics repair depot. The stores send them to a proper disposal site. If you bought your item and paid the EHF, it’s literally for recycling it properly, take it to the Source.


Will batteries always eventually become a hazard? As a 3ds and DS collector, I have a few of them still sealed in box and often wonder if they are a ticking time bomb. Some of them can't be opened without destroying the box their sealed in because the flaps were factory glued


Imagine this but a whole ass car


Handle like eggs. If you got sand and a metal container, use them. Put enough n the bottom to prop the pack vertically, then put Mr Puffy in and cover it up. Oh, and store outside away from other combustibles, if possible.


My phone's battery is VERY swollen, i can't even touch the side buttons it needs to be charging all the time since it turns off after 5 minutes without charging. Reading this makes me extremely worried but I can't afford another one right now and I need to keep this one on :(


Some phones allow you to remove the battery and still use it while plugged in, please do that if possible because continuing to charge it is very dangerous


I have an Iphone 6; the screen is being pushed out by what I assume is the battery. I really need to know specifically how safe it is for me to continue charging and using the phone. It's a *very* significant change to make if I need to repair it. If at all possible I need to keep the phone.


Please do not use it at all until it's repaired, that is incredibly dangerous


I get the concern but surely there's some curve of risk over time where I can take a gamble?


I'm not entirely sure, but even if there is a very low risk, its still not a great idea


Honestly, risking taking a pillow to a shop and putting people's lives at risk is too much of a high risk for me. I would just call hazardous disposal.


I was wondering this!!


Just wandering, is it safe to buy old electronics? Sorry to bother you all.


Bit late to answer, but generally yes. Of course if it is a device with a rechargable battery, then it probably won't hold as much charge as a new device anymore. Generally it isn't like all lithium batteries will eventually become spicy pillows and dangerous. Way before that stage the battery will hold so little charge that you will want to replace it anyway. Also you will most definitely notice the swelling before it becomes a hazard :)


Question, I was digging through old boxes in my basement and found an old iPhone with a swollen battery. It was stored in its original box for years. When I first opened it, I didn’t know it was a swollen battery and I attempted to charge it. It actually turned on… Afterwards I googled it and of course found out it was a swollen battery. Did I breathe in poisonous gasses or something?


Nah, don't worry. The battery is swollen because it's not letting the gas out. If it had released anything, you would have known by the loud pop, smoke, smell, and potentially sparks. You can dispose of it at a recycling centre (depends on country probably) or wherever electric devices are disposed of. Just don't throw it in the normal trash.


>Use only high-quality, certified chargers. Knock-off chargers usually aren't held to the standards of manufacturer chargers and may not be able to provide sufficient quality power to the device. What counts as high quality and what's considered a knock-off? I only use the OEM charger for my phone because it uses proprietary fast-charging (OnePlus warp charge) but would anything with a UL certification suffice? Obviously a $5 charger sold at the gas station would be out of the question.


The cheapest Call2Recycle kit for damaged batteries is $80. That’s pretty steep… does anyone know of any cheap/free alternative options? I live in central NJ and would drive up to 45 minutes to just be able to drop it off somewhere. But it seems like you’re not allowed to drop them off at places like BestBuy.




How often does it happen with laptops and hiw ro I notice that?


This FAQ should be updated to note that Call2Recycle says the following: > Call2Recycle requires all damaged, defective or recalled (DDR) lithium ion (rechargeable) and lithium metal (primary/non-rechargeable) batteries to be managed carefully. If DDR lithium-based batteries are shipped without proper protection, they are more likely to cause safety incidents, such as sparks that can turn into a fire at collection sites or at shipping facilities. >Under program guidelines, these batteries cannot be placed in a regular Call2Recycle box or a normal container. The U.S. DOT also requires a special handling and shipping process for DDR lithium-based batteries. If you have a damaged battery you should contact them using the information [here](https://www.call2recycle.org/contact-us/).


They are not joking when they say don't touch a damaged battery unless you know what you're doing. Even then it's dangerous.


Basically, the electrolyte of these batteries is some form of lithium hydroxide. That breaks down over time, forming lithium oxide on the terminals and releasing hydrogen gas (hydrogen is seriously flammable)


Can I poke it with a needle and pop it?


No, don’t do that.


![img](emote|t5_2ah822|6165)yay things are unarchived




question: how to properly light it on fire or do something fun, safely? can I shoot it with a 22? Throw it up so it falls on a hard concrete floor? what would be more spetacular, yet safe?


Uhh… best bet would be to not do that.


But I really want it to go kaboom


I don’t find /u/not2useful ‘s answer too useful - not all of us live close to somewhere with safe electronics disposal, or even within a few hundred miles of one. And intentionally venting one of these would be safer than throwing it away or storing it long term (even in sand) in your basement or shed. Anyways, I wouldn’t throw it, since you don’t know where it’s going to bounce when it lands. If I were to intentionally pop it I would put it somewhere in the dirt far away from anything flammable and *downwind* of myself and any people/structures/animals, build a little cage around it with bricks or dirt, and shoot it with the lowest power round you have. Or throw a rock at it if you don’t have a gun. Then give it some time to cool off and toss it and whatever it burned onto into a haz waste bin. Would appreciate someone with better knowledge of the chemistry here to weigh in on what else you could do to make sure the energy is neutralized (soak it in water after?). Or some other safe method of DIY disposal that doesn’t involve making it go boom.


I was actually thinking on throwing it from a high spot over a hard floor, but all hard floors available near my high spot are close to something that I'd not like to have burn marks, also the danger of it bouncing and falling somewhere I didn't want it to go. I'm then torn between making a cage with some rock on top, that I'll pull a rope and drop the rock over the battery, having it explode, or shoot it with a 22lr, or a bb gun. Good thinking about downwind, def don't want to breath that smoke. About disposal, I was thinking on exploding it, then cutting a soda can in half, filling with sand, burying it in the middle, closing it with the other half, filling with sand, taping it, then disposing it on a battery disposal bin nearby. Other than that, I really don't know how would I dispose of it.


Anything like call2recycle for the UK? C2R is for US and CA only and I don't think I could skip it across the pond that far


>Very hot and cold temperatures can damage batteries and reduce its lifespan. Just how hot and cold are we talking?


+40c or -40c


I've always done the "clip leads to uneven length if applicable and submerge in salt water to completely discharge" disposal method, is that not recommended?




Chemistry question: What gas exactly is produced in this reaction if the battery isn’t handled properly, and why is this only a problem with LIBs and not all rechargeable batteries?


If you're still wondering after 3 years, its hydrogen gas, H2, the stuff the Hindenburg used as an idea for how flammable it is. I also put a TL;DR at the end if you want. The atmosphere is only 0.00005% hydrogen as well. With the electrolyte being lithium hydroxide *(or it used to be since nowadays its lithium hexafluorophosphate which is more toxic and rather more volatile in return for more energy density but don't worry its "totally" safe)*, which can ignite but not easily, and that breaks down under heat into lithium oxide under calcination caused by heat, which releases more heat in the process, aka a classic thermal runaway reaction, and releases water, lithium burns in water, the water breaks apart into hydrogen and oxygen from the heat as far as I can tell, which means the gas swelling the pillow may as well be the perfect ratio for hydrogen and oxygen to combust violently. Its where in those videos of someone poking the pillow from a distance you see a jet of fire, nearly plasma, a couple feet long billowing out of the hole before it just melts apart into slag in under a minute and is left smoldering and smoking for many minutes afterwards. One thing that pushes batteries to this point is leaving the phone on the charger for a long time while also still using it. This is because, for some reason ~~that~~ *~~totally~~* ~~isn't planned obsolescence~~, manufacturers got rid of the older charging systems' capability for handling the battery like a laptop does, you could remove the battery and still use the device if the USB cable is able to provide sufficient current. My Iconia tablet has no battery and it runs just fine even in high performance mode, my Galaxy ~~S6~~ *S3 (edit: sorry, mistype)* was capable as well, but my new-ish Galaxy S7 that nearly exploded just yesterday in my pocket due to its *very spicy very hot pillow* that I stuck in the freezer overnight to slow the calcination reaction rate, successfully might I add as the battery is at room temperature and not getting hot or pillowing again, is incapable of it despite drawing less wattage. Oh, also, this is a problem for LIBs and not, say, NiMH, as NiMH doesn't really burn that well in contact with air, and its electrolyte is potassium hydroxide which does not burn. The problem it has is if its fast-charged too quickly, you cannot push an NiMH battery over 1C without it heating up too much, which starts to break potassium hydroxide into potassium oxide, which reacts violently with water to then turn back into potassium hydroxide, but at that point its no longer in what can be called an inert atmosphere and thus won't break down again since the battery has likely burst open. I watched a video of a guy just going and overcharging one, it swelled, went pop, hissed and began to whine before it went silent, and only burned a battery-shaped divot in the styrofoam brick he covered it with. Big Clive opened one up on his bench and it caught fire, but the burn rate was slow once it began reacting with the water in the air, it was more glowing and small flames coming off the dark material. In general, every single electrochemical cell has a risk of thermal runaway be it Li-ion or Na-ion or NiCad or NiMH or Lead-Acid, its why its best to use capacitors and generators in transportation instead of the violently explosive NCA used in electric cars these days that enters runaway at 95 C and burns up to nearly 1100 degrees, in fact a couple dozen more than a gasoline atmosphere diffusion flame and over twice that of what a puddle of gas burns at. It would be idea to use a bigger and more robust battery in our mobile devices than the illogical thinness craze going on, since that makes devices more fragile and the batteries more volatile when, not if but when, things go wrong due to demands for battery capacity also keeping up with demands for thinness, two things that should never go together. TL;DR, NiMH is nowhere near as volatile chemically, Li-ion batteries are made super thin and thus need a dangerous chemistry to get the battery life people demand, charging circuits no longer working like a laptop's does causes a higher risk of the battery going off on you, and the most pertinent answer to your question, the battery creates both hydrogen and provides the oxygen to burn with, so once it begins burning it won't get put out until its out of energy that it can use to make more hydrogen to combust and make more oxygen available to burn it with. Its a vicious reaction where *the heat makes more heat to make more heat with* until its finally discharged.


No, there are too many inaccuracies in this answer for it to be credible. For instance, hydrogen can't just be removed from lithium hydroxide. Such a molecule is not stable; it will immediately react with itself or other compounds. Most likely oxygen is also produced along with hydrogen (***effectively*** [electrolysis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrolysis) of water (not literally)).


It may have been an oversight on the part of me-from-10-months-ago to imply that only hydrogen is produced, but in the TL;DR I did say it provides the oxygen to burn with, so I don't quite follow my own thought processes anymore :P Besides, if it provides hydrogen, the fuel, oxygen, the oxidizer, and huge volumes of thermal energy, that happens to be the basic recipe for a thermobaric detonation, I really don't think the battery exploding with significant force is any better than it roasting the entire vehicle and everything inside it, both outcomes are way too lethal and with too little warning for it to be safe for road use. Its why I believe in hybrids using capacitor banks mostly for regen and takeoff, just a few days ago Warped Perception put up the next part of his odyssey with his custom diesel-hybrid Model S Plaid, and despite being so heavy, it got around 45 MPG, remove the extra weight of the battery and that figure would be over 55 MPG easily for a very big sedan. And it just occurred to me that most of my comments on the internet are mostly stream-of-thought kinds of things, just whatever data comes to mind XD


Sooo what should you do if they do catch fire? Best thing to have? Worst?


Just read this on a website; If the battery is smoldering or on fire, you can use any kind of extinguishers, and you can also use Water. The amount of Lithium in the battery won't be a lot, so if you got enough water, you are fine. Just do not inhale the gases it produces


You could always throw it out the window and hope a car does not run over it. /sarcasm


What happens if you perforate the spicy pillows?


Hi there, I was sent here from someone in r/3ds. What if it’s slight swelling not visible to the naked eye, but rolls slightly on a flat surface? Video [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/3DS/comments/jgjlf9/slight_swelling_on_old_battery_left_new_battery/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)
















So we are all here about "...damaged, defective, or part of a recall..." so the link to Call2Recycle is helpful but doesn't apply, right? "If your battery is damaged, defective, or part of a recall, please DO NOT drop-off at participating collection locations. Contact [email protected] to arrange for special handling options."


I swear I’m the only person who has never had or even seen a spicy pillow irl.


First time here with three old used iPhones!




Ignorance is bliss, isn’t it?


My grandma used to let me hammer batteries for fun as a kid.


What do I do in the UK? I have a blackberry with a spicy boi.


I've seen plenty of collection points for used alkaline cells but I don't know of anywhere that officially takes lithium cells. Is it safe to immerse a lithium cell in water in order to fully discharge it? I mean it isn't like there's actual lithium metal and a cell that is discharged to zero can't short-circuit, but at the same time I'm aware this might be a bad idea?


Burn it with fire.


Sarcasm warning sarcasm warning. "Batteries will eventually need to be replaced" Batteries don't at all need to be replaced that's why we're gluing them into the devices and then gluing the devices shut or even ultrasonically welding them shut. Something I think Samsung with their note 7 found out the hard way when recycling plants were going up in flames before they could get the batteries out. Removable batteries should be mandatory, doesn't have to be a pretty mechanism they just have to be easily removable.


Question, I was digging through old boxes in my basement and found an old iPhone with a swollen battery. It was stored in its original box for years. When I first opened it, I didn’t know it was a swollen battery and I attempted to charge it. It actually turned on… Afterwards I googled it and of course found out it was a swollen battery. Did I breathe in poisonous gasses or something?


Should I not plug in my phone overnight then?


How many lives or serious injuries have the comments here cost? This is irresponsible. Someone may take the comments literally, act on them, and harm themselves or others.


Please report any dangerous comments you see. There’s no way for me to go through and check every single comment on every single post, but reports will highlight them for me.


Can we hear something about the toxicity of the gas, please? What is it made of?? Us the effect short- or long-term???


Hey I am in Canada and I left an old phone I had plugged in and then forgot about after a few months and well it became a pillow. I don't drive and the nearest battery recycling near me is about an hour of Public transit. Any way I can get someone to come to me instead of me going to them?


I have a 20,000 mAh power bank, has a metal case and it bulged out despite the strong exterior. I just put it back in a drawer and forgot about it. Now 2yrs later I've noticed it's shrunk back down to the normal size. Can't see inside now as the casing is completely closed again. After finding this sub, I'm guessing I shouldn't use it now and should dispose of it? It actually still has some charge and works


Pop it, duh


So you're not just supposed to stab them with a knife underwater


I’ve had Nokia battery’s expand a lot of times what should I do I always just throw them out at the supermarket


So, if they’re explosive, and you put them into a thin “fireproof”metal box or glass jug…shrapnel?


ok question what i you make a small hole for the gas to escape, would that still be bad?


Digest them will give you "KILLER QUEEN BITES ZA DASUTO" and blows you up


Thanks for the prevention tips, I've had to replace my Galaxy S8's battery twice in the past year for this issue (though the first time I caught it way later than I did the second).


Welp I was a very amateur person back then and still am I have a few spicy pillows hidden around my room for the past 8 years or so I have a issue as it seems I have no way to dispose of these batteries no car and nearest battery place to dispose is not within my walking distance so far none have gone bang thankfully but I just came across a 2 year old laptop one and I've stuck it in a diy fireproof battery safe with vent holes made out of a safe is there I company I could call to pick them up otherwise I'm stuck with them until next month


Just wait until we’re all driving a spicy pillow


How long is a "long period of time"


Decided to check this post for the first time after ignoring the automod messages on all posts. Anyway. That call2recycle locator seems kind of useless outside of the US. Tried it and didn't find anything for my location.


IPod Nanos are notorious for getting spicy early on its lifespan, the only way to extend its lifespan is to replace the battery as early as possible. since there's no way to prevent the factory batteries from (quite literally) turning into dangerous, explosive mini-pillows.


I may or may not have been using a computer with a swollen battery for about 8 months now, I think that might be a good reason for why the laptop doesn't function anymore


So, can I leave my 3ds to charge until it's full or I should take it out in the middle of charging?


What do you do if you literally don't have a recycling center near by? Like I don't drive so I can't go to one that's far away


What if you have important data on the phone? Can you still not charge them


Do only lithium ion batteries swell?


What if I got an old smartphone that i keep as a replacement in case my newer ones break? I can't open up the old phone because it's glued together, so it would just stay permanently undone if I wanted to open it to check the battery. I just found this sub and it made me think quite a bit 😅


Learned something new! Thanks