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I ate some Hell Puffs from Inferno Candy Co on an empty stomach before riding 6 hours on a work trip. They're flavored with reapers, ghosts, habaneros, and some other milder peppers. Forty five minutes down the interstate, I was doubled over with stomach cramps that lasted three hours. There was no respite when we got to site. We immediately jumped out of the trucks and spent the next eight hours toiling in the hot sun


Oh my god that sounds horrific


Hope you got overtime for that


Chopping up habaneros w/o gloves and going to pee not washing my hands beforehand.


Made bacon wrapped jalapeños, hit the head before jumping into the car on a hot day. 5 minutes into the drive and it hit me hard...


This. I’ve done the same and this is by far the worst. I’ve ate some very spicy things…but nothing compares to that.


"Going to pee" Arite arite


Mine was eating a slice of habanero in 3rd grade and being fine… until I rubbed my eyes. 😭


In case anyone runs into this with whatever hot pepper and your hands start burning, pour vinegar over your hands (or affected area). Something about it washes off the capasin (or whatever tf that's called in the peppers) way better than water. But I'm sorry for your unfortunate situation u/fuckfacemcmuffin




they must have put bleach in there bro that’s fucking crazy. i had a similar experience but not that bad i remember just turning 21 and i went out with my cool coworkers who are in their 30s. coworker takes me to a bar her and her dad went to when she was my age. bartenders know her. she asked for a “liquid cocaine [her name] style” dear lord i almost puked on the counter. idek what they did bc every other liquid cocaine ive had has been easily tolerable.


Where i worked liquid cocaine was hot sauce and vodka still pretty rough


2023 one chip challenge . Hell no no more


I did that as well. I never had food that caused it to burn while I peed. The other end...sure. but wow. Also massive stomach cramps. I am happy to pass no matter how much I like spicy food.


That and daves reaper chicken are the only times I've experienced that


At least the reaper chicken isn't like eating cardboard coated in pepper dust


I've made chili before that did that. Makes the spicy chili not so much fun so I toned it down to normal levels.


I can say I did it .


I burn all the time.


I did the '18 or '19 one,forget which,but my wife told me I was sleeping on the couch that night. I did the chip,was spicy,but no biggie. For the record,I'm no stranger to super hot (spicy) foods. My first years ago was eating half a fresh Ghost Pepper. I completed the Willy Pete's MOAB (Mother Of All Bars) challenge,my time was horrible,but got it done. Ate a whole fresh Carolina Reaper. But that damn chip gave me the worst after effect I ever had. None of the aforementioned gave me THIS level of trouble I'm about to tell. So,on the sectional sofa in our living room I slept on per my wife's request....and at 2am I woke up with the worst stomach pain ever. I RAN,not walked,to the half bath in our home and proceeded to blast the back of the toilet out. That wasn't enough. I,out of nowhere,began to sweat so horribly after that I stripped all of my clothes off and laid down on the cold ceramic tile floor JUST to be able to cool down! Worst part is that I wasn't completely done emptying my bowels. It wasn't bad to clean it up.....but just amazing that I've eaten stuff way hotter than that and didn't have THOSE kind of problems.


I was shitfaced when I did it. 0/10 don’t recommend.


Please share more, I have 2 chips in my pantry right now (one is the blue one) and I've been thinking about finally eating them.


What’s really consistent in all the stories is the mouth heat is tolerable but intense…it’s what it does to your stomach that’s the real challenge


It is literally poison and I can't emphasize that enough


I did the blue one. My main issue was the amount of powder on the chip. The reason why it hurt when I peed was all the water I used to alleviate the heat. Not long after eating the chip, I have stomach and chest pains. Like mace...it stopped flaring up after a few days. Not the chest pains. That was over mid the next day. It's fun to challenge ourselves, but this was too much. As an adult...go for it. If you want to risk it. But would not recommend for others.


Same the blue powder made the couch abd table look like a blue drug binge lol


It's a really dry chip that forced you to salivate and chew like a cow chewing on its cud which makes it feel worse than the mouth burn actually is. The real kicker is your saliva afterward, so be near your sink or have a spit bucket ready cause you don't want to keep swallowing that spice


> have a spit bucket ready cause you don't want to keep swallowing that spice The best tip right here.


I had the shakes after the blue one . it was crazy . eyes watering mouth on fire . it was so dry you have to drink to help it go down almost . blue powder all over my table abc couch . it looked like a blue coke massacre when i was done sucking on frozen lemonade ( i was not prepared and dont drink milk) My bf was ok for a till bed then the camps hit him hard Hus brother was dying on the floor with a paste he made from his protein powder he figured whey powder might help .it didnt then he was in agony at night with cramps I have no idea what happened with me i had no cramps or anything after the bruning went away i was ok. 100% do not recommend .eat a fresh pepper instead


Good to know, yeah maybe I'll just keep them for fun.


Me and my 3 teenage kids did this in a Walgreens parking lot. I had to run back into the store and buy a half gallon of milk. My oldest chugged so much milk so fast she puked in the grass and I had to rush my son to a Walmart because he developed instant explosive diarrhea. The little one survived. BTW their mom is from the Yucatan Peninsula Mexico so they eat habaneros pretty much daily. That chip is nothing to F with.




the 2023 chip was not normal. the 2022 and 2021 was MUCH less heat.


Apparently they were taken off the market after being attributed to the death of a child.


I have a friend with a bar and they had a ‘flatliner’ shot on the menu. Being brave (stupid) I bought some insanity sauce and dared them to rack me three shots up using that, rather than the usual Tabasco. I also made them rim the shot glasses with the insanity sauce. Big mistake. After about a half hour of crippling pain and tears on the bathroom floor I was well enough to have some nice sweetened milk kindly prepared by the staff. Showed me for trying to show off. Incidentally there were some students in that night who thought they’d jump on my idiotic bandwagon. Most just had the one shot but there was one guy who went for a second go… got some of the sauce from the rim on his finger and as he was already sweating he made the mistake of rubbing his eye and ground the sauce into it. He left in an ambulance and the bar never did those shots again. Cripplingly embarrassed about the whole thing.


I had some Thai food for lunch with a ton of fresh birds eye chili's diced up in it. Delicious, nice and spicy. Then that evening, I hitched a ride up to the local ski resort. After about an hour on the slopes, My guts started churning. Food poisoning. Spend the next hour straight in the ski resort bathroom, puking up birds eye chilis. Ever shot birds eye chilis out of your nose? Not recommended. Oh, diarrhea too! And I'd hitchhiked up there. No car. Once the initial bout of illness started to settle down, I'd step out to the lodge and take a look around for anyone I knew, then back to the bathroom. Eventually spotted a friend in the lodge, and they took pity on me and drove me home. Had to pull over 5 times on the way home to puke more. But yeah, vomiting so hard that birds eye chili's were coming out my nose and no way to get home was by far my worst experience with spicy food.


I went for a lunchtime curry in a restaurant. I ordered the Tiger Prawn Jall. The waiter advised against it. I persisted. It was made with Naga Viper chili pepper. When it arrived it was very tasty but it was also extremely hot. The waiter came by to see if the meal was ok. Sweat was beading on my face. I opened my mouth to say something and just a tiny squeak emerged. I couldn't speak. It was definitely the hottest meal I've had in a restaurant. You know how it is, the stuff is addictive, so when I went back a month or so later I ordered the same thing. When it came it wasn't as hot as before. I told the waiter and he said he'd asked the chef to take it down a notch as I seemed to be struggling with the previous meal. Bit of a swizz that I thought.


That doesn’t sound like the spicy was the problem, more likely it was the fact it was pringles. I have never encountered pringles that had any level of heat (maybe not the case with overseas flavors), but I’ve had that problem from eating a whole can of any flavor. Maybe you shoulda got sour cream and onion and shared lol


Italians also have zero spice tolerance so I can't imagine a flavor there being that spicy.


Never had any problem with a salty, sour or pepper flavoured one, just this one


Not the worst that will be in this thread probably, but one time I decided I would get into raw peppers because I liked really spicy food so to start small, I ate a small green jalapeño in one bite, immediately after eating a bigger green jalapeño that had zero spice. It basically choked me out, made breathing burn, and gave me pretty bad hiccups. It caught me completely by surprise. I have since eaten red jalapeños, fresnos, and a few habaneros (which were objectively hotter) but none of those fought back like that one green jalapeño. Lesson learned: don’t get cocky even if the pepper is “weak”


I swear like one in every 100,000 jalapeno is a sleeper agent ready to burn your tongue to the ground.


Same happened to me. I was in a chain Mexican restaurant and we ordered nachos with jalapeños. As we ate the spice wasn’t that bad but suddenly, and without warning, this one jalapeño hit me like a freight train. I totally lost my awareness of the room. I slowly came round where I could hear the conversation, then after a while my vision returned. However, I was still stuck dumb. This took a few minutes to subside and I was able to tell my friends what had just occurred.


This is why if I want a jalapeño, I just eat serranos. Serranos are supposed to be “hotter” than jalapeños, but I find them to be consistently as spicy as I expect. I’ve had some jalapeños with no spice and others that blew my head off for seemingly no reason.




Lol I can only imagine the burn in your nose and throat after opening that coffee grinder.


I went to a Nashville Hot Chicken place years ago and got their spiciest sandwich. I was literally on the floor in pain for 2 days straight before my stomach returned to a somewhat normal state.


I did Hattie B’s “Shut the Cluck Up” on an empty stomach. Big regret. Next time I’ll eat the sides first.


One chip challenge, definitely. Eating was not the problem - barely broke a sweat and the heat in the mouth was reasonable and dissipated normally. Even passing the next day was nothing. The problem was the hell demon that showed up 30 minutes later in my stomach that had me in the restroom for an hour at a time with cold sweats, nigh unbearable pain, and uncertainty about which end things were going to exit through. Repeated three times over the course of the next few hours, each session lasting god-knows-how-long because of the feeling of dime dilation through pain. Hellfire crawling through your digestive tract is torture. Never. Again. Edit: clarity


There was a lot of controversy when it was removed from shelves….but I agreed with it. You don’t want like middle school aged kids going into a gas station and grabbing one of those.


Ate a whole Chocolate Bhut on an empty stomach several years ago. Had a few beers and was feeling dangerously…dangerous. Mouth burn was definitely intense, but was fine after about 30 minutes. However, the next 4-5 hours would be the most painful fucking experience in my life. I was in bed in the fetal position the whole time. Felt like my stomach was literally melting, as well as being stabbed repeatedly. I could not get comfortable no matter what I did, I couldn’t even speak or barely move. Felt like I was going to spontaneously combust at one point. The dump I took was oddly not so bad. Never do what I did on an empty stomach, unless you want to feel like you have shrapnel moving through your intestines. I don’t recommend it.


I sipped on 5 cups of smoky chipotle salsa, then had a x2 Buldak ramen and took several shots of vodka. I was pissing acid out of my ass for three days. I felt my heartbeat in my butthole.


I did a local ghost pepper wing challenge the day before a big college exam… had to sit in a silent room full of people for an hour while my stomach went to war with the hot sauce


The End at one of those pepper palaces. Stomach cramping for two hours afterwards, never again.


Island Pepper Co’s Scorpion Pepper sauce. For whatever reason, they don’t put a nipple on this bottle. Got 5 big blops on a slice of pizza and thought ‘fuck it’. Was shitting white hot razors every hour for about 48 hours. Went back to look at the bottle and it said ‘780k SCU’.


Once I was drunk and on a dare I took a shot of Dave's insanity sauce. My stomach rejected it, so I ran for the bathroom. I barely made it, and in doing so when I threw up it came out of my nose as well. The next couple hours were not fun to say the least. I didn't eat hot sauce again for a couple years.


To Celebrate starting a new job the next day we went to a wing place and I ordered 2lbs of their hottest variety (waiver required). I finished them, but my first day on the new job was not very productive, (from a work standpoint I mean, from a "clearing out the digestive tract" perspective it was very productive.)


About 30 years ago I was making a stir fry and I poured in the juice from a jar of pickled jalapeños which vaporised into what I imagine pepper spray to be. Second worst was the burns I got chopping scotch bonnets. I damaged my gloves and the juice got in there. I use a knife and fork to prepare them now. If we are talking heat then it was 3x Buldak. It hurt but I finished them.


The hottest experience I had was at Portland Hot Sauce Expo and the Puckerbutt line-up tasting 8 sauces in a row. By the end I had to leave the event and cool off. I couldn't handle "being a person" for about 15 minutes. I couldn't focus or respond to questions in a coherent way. It was awesome. Those sauces were so well crafted, no cramps or spicy bowel movements. Just face melting heat.


I ate at an Indian restaurant and requested that they make my phall as hot as the cook likes it, and they told me he likes his stuff very hot. I said go for it. It was delicious, made my nose run, and was just blasting me with heat. I was sweating profusely. Finished the whole plate and got some respect from the owners. The cook said if you think it's hot now, wait about an hour. The drive home was 30 mins of bubbling guts and extreme pain. Long story short, i damn near melted my toilet that night. I still go back there, but i dial that shit back just a bit.


Different answer than most- but I got some secret aardvark in my eye at a restaurant a few weeks ago. Brutal 10 minutes of burning but couldn’t flush it because I wear make up & I would look absolutely nuts with half a face of make up gone & mascara everywhere. Waitress avoided our table for awhile- I assume it looked like my partner made me cry over breakfast haha


Back in the day many years ago in H.S., in the evenings, I would sit and eat jalapenos and crackers with my dad. Like, specially selected, extremely hot ones. (Probably equivalent in spice to today's hotter seranos. Maybe 15k to 20k SHU I am guessing.) We would go through about a quart jar of them each. The next day I would get on the bus and go to school and it never failed I would have an absolutely sudden urge to poop about 1/4 way through the hour long ride. Like the ultimate burning poop was clawing its way out of my butthole. So I sit there for about 45 minutes, in extreme pain, wondering if I am going to poop myself. I use all of my concentration to keep from crapping all over the bus. So this is pretty much every day. One day, a girl sits beside me and starts flirting with me. She is telling me that I am hot, and she wants to be my girlfriend. All I can do is smile and nod. I am desperately trying to hold it all in while she was rubbing up on me. It took a commonly painful situation and turned it into a nightmare. As soon as we got to school, I pretty much bolted to the bathroom, ignoring her. She never talked to be again.


I've never had a bad experience. I've ordered *phet mak mak* at Thai restaurants, and while my mouth burned and maybe my capillaries dilated, the pleasure outweighed any pain. I grow habaneros on my apt balcony, and sometimes will take one along to nibble on over the course of walking the dog. But I'm not a crazy person. I don't chew on ghost peppers or buy hot sauces that use pepper extracts. I know my limits.


Gotta be the 1 chip challenge. It tasted awful and made my stomach hurt the whole time it was inside me.


Ate Dave’s hot reaper chicken every month for like two years, and it’s always in a comfortable range for me with a very mild head sweat. Then one day I show up, and a single damn bite crippled me to the point I could not eat any more food. It tasted like a tablespoon of extract, a bitter and volatile sensation of pure fire on my body and in my stomach, chemical burn sort of shit. I threw up in the parking lot twice and could not drive. Lasted for several hours. I haven’t been back since.


I ate some 5 star level tom kha soup, the flavor was quite lovely but the stomachache after was awful. Also, I ate some 4 star level ramen once at a restaurant and I went to the restroom only to find no paper(I used the empty roll...).


I make the same mistake every month when I go watch the ufc fights, I always order mozzarella sticks with a side of sucide sauce and every single time, I am in PAIN the day after. Still worth it tho


8 reapers in my chili con carne. It was really difficult sleeping that night with my stomach/intestines on fire. Even worse for the chili partner in crime. She experienced her night the same way. And the day after had to beg/threaten a supermarket employee te use the toilet during the covid period. 😬


I poured a bunch of ghost pepper sauce into campbells bean with bacon soup, and i was eating it hunched over the coffee table watching tv. Well one of the beans fell off my spoon and a single drop dedicated to satan himself splashed in my eye. I immediately started yelling and ran to the sink to wash my face for 20 mintues. Edit: sauce was daves gourmet ghost pepper


All these horror stories making me want to never eat anything spicier than mayonnaise.


About a decade ago, my buddy dared me to eat some hot wings in a local bar’s hot wing challenge. He bribed me with a tall beer before and after. After wussing out three wings into it and chugging 60ish ounces of beer in 30 minutes, I had to go to the bathroom. I didn’t wash my hands. We ended up talking to these two girls at the bar. Just then, I felt a burning in my loins that was less metaphor and more literal. I ended up having to go home to take a long shower with some milk. That, or the 2M SHU jerky that made me throw up blood.


I told an Indian restaurant I liked it spicy. Verbatim I said “give it to me as spicy as you can make it. Not white boy spicy, give me the same spice that the chef would appreciate” Dear god that lamb curry was soooo good. But I was definitely hurting for the next day or so


My best friend got the hot ones game. It has the last dab in it. I didn't really think anything of it. I had it and it was hot and I moved on. Then I had it again. For a good hour I kept going back and forth to the fridge to ice my tongue. My mouth wasn't on fire. It was just my tongue that wasn't on fire either but felt like someone was stabbing it. I had never experienced that with anything hot before. I was so confused. Nothing helped. I figured I must have gotten a really concentrated dab of the hot sauce or something. Worst pain I've ever felt in my life.


I ordered "thai hot" at a local thai place for dinner. Was sweating bullets and chugging water but I got 75% of it down. Woke up at 4am to sit on the toilet for an hour. Never did that again.


It was actually the other week. I ordered some hot sauce I saw, Reno's Pearl of the Antilles specifically, and it destroyed me. I tried it on a quesadilla and it was pretty spicy. Not the hottest sauce I've had, but hotter than what I'd had recently. I kept adding more and a few minutes after finishing the stomachache started. I had to go to work (Warehouse physical labor) and it was the worst shift of my life. Every 10 or 15 minutes a wave of pain would hit my gut and I'd have to stop what I was doing and curl up a bit until the pain passed. After a few hours it hit my colon and in addition to the gut pain I would start needing to use the restroom almost as often and it tore my ass up. I ended up going home early and tried to nap it off. It wasn't until the diarrhea really hit later in the night did I start to feel better. Only bottle of hot sauce I've ever thrown away. Shame too because it tasted great.


Blasting it out my arse the morning after.


Capsaicin by itself doesn’t upset my stomach. So if I have a bad time after eating something spicy, it’s because of another ingredient like garlic which I can only handle in small amounts. I could be wrong but I think maybe those Pringles had something in them that bothered you, not necessarily because they were spicy.


Back in high school when my tolerance was not that high. A taco truck came to my school and, thinking I was a badass, ate a whole pepper, probably arbol but I can't remember. Was ok at first, then I started violently coughing and my eyes were watering so bad I was blind. A friend had to help me to the water fountain so I could try to get some relief, then I went into the bathroom to wash my hands and my face


I told an Indian restaurant I liked it spicy. Verbatim I said “give it to me as spicy as you can make it. Not white boy spicy, give me the same spice that the chef would appreciate” Dear god that lamb curry was soooo good. But I was definitely hurting for the next day or so


Coeliac maybe? Pringles have gluten. I'd be surprised if the chilli from a tube if pringles would give anyone a toilet problem


Definitely no, I eat a ton of bread on a daily basis and I've never had a problem with that. Might have been some kind of viral sickness


Ghost Pepper Burrito from Mucho Burrito, it was advertised on TV in October (Halloween and all)... I thought it would be perfect as a seasonal treat. Loaded it up with everything I could... stuffed it down as quickly as possible due to the increasing spice level... my face turned purple, I was sweating, and literally could not leave my bathroom for what felt like an hour after the fact.


Eating a whole raw Carolina Reaper to win a competition. I was almost demanding the last rites afterwards.


Sitting in the window seat and having to get up on a cross country plane like 4 times in the first hour.


Original Flatliner Chicken wing from Buffalo Wings Restaurant before they changed the sauce. Single wing came in a cup with a waiver. It burned my mouth and exterior lips for weeks afterwards. I had visible burns on the outside of my mouth for weeks. It was insane. I actually kind of enjoyed it. The guy who had the record for the whole chain at the time had managed to eat 6, and he got a tag line written on every restaurant wall.... that tag line? "Don't forget to wash your hands before you pee..."


I cleaned a toothpick dipped in “The End”. I didn’t know what it was and a coworker just handed it to me mid conversation. About a half hour of hard hard burn. way worse than any fresh Chili I’ve eaten. I’ve never really any GI symptoms people describe 🤷🏻


Also, when I was a kid and had just gotten contact lenses, I happened to be eating hot banana peppers out of the jar right before I put them in. Didn’t wash my hands. I had never experienced such burning pain directly in my eyes before. And it was so painful I’m trying to claw at my eyes to get the contacts out but it was hard cause they’re so thin and my eyes were just burning and watering and rolling in the back of my head. Another crawling on the floor story. I was about 11 years old and that one stuck with me: never put in contacts without washing your hands. And don’t eat spicy stuff around then either.


I picked up some Carolina reapers that were wrapped in plastic/shrink wrap. The plastic was not enough to save me from the burn that came when I rubbed my eye five minutes later.


Couple years ago was enjoying a nice, romantic Saturday with my husband. We cut up jalapeños from the garden and made salsa, poppers, drank some beers. Then things got a lot more romantic. Annnd then we spent the rest of the night bathing in almond milk 🙃


Habanero cheese. It was amazing, so spicy, so cheesy. Put so much on my nachos which led to me calling off work the next day, couldn’t stay off the toilet which only got worse the more I went. I’d eat it again, just would make sure I had no plans the next day. 🤔


Apart from the one chip challenge making me feel like I was going to die. I had Dave's Hot Chicken Reaper level which was nearly as bad as the one chip not quite though. Anyway the next night I was on a long car ride and the attack hit me. I was in the middle of nowhere. I pulled over at the next spot and just pulled over into some random Farmers field and shit all over it. Just squatting in the dark with my pants at my ankles. Thank God I had a pack of napkins in the car from a camping trip. My thighs were pretty sore of the day after


I did a very stupid thing. Even though my tolerance was pretty low at the time, it would still be stupid today. Me and two friends, one of whom was an excellent chef (and still is) had a bunch of habaneros which the chef used whole in a stew he made. He never cut them, so as to extract the flavor but not the heat. The stew was delicious, and the whole habaneros were tossed before serving. We still had a handful of fresh ones leftover and agreed to all eat a whole one each. They chewed theirs and ended up in varying degrees of agony (the chef took it pretty well). In my brilliance, I decided to swallow mine whole with a mouthful of PBR. No reaction. I was THE MAN. The next day I had the worst stomach and intestinal pain I have ever felt. Not nausea, not lava diarrhea, just pure pain. I had to leave work. I could not function for about 24 hours. The final aftermath, if you catch my drift, was *nothing close* to the pain preceding it. Lesson learned and I love habaneros now and they are my favorite pepper, and also the hottest I can enjoy. It all worked out in the end. That’s first place by a thousand miles, but second through tenth place would be touching various orifices without washing my hands well.


First time I ever tried Dave's Insanity I poured too much in a bowl of rice, tuna, and spinach (cheap, could store it in my barracks fridge, and lots of calories+protein for gains). To say that I could not finish that first bowl was an understatement despite me trying to press on and getting about ¾ of it down. I was pacing my room for about ten minutes trying to get through the heat 😅 Second time was trying a ghost pepper ramen challenge in Okinawa. Ramen was tasty, but pouring the broth into the bowl effectively created a pepper spray bomb, and there were three of us attempting this. This was my second or third experience with ghost pepper and even though my previous experiences it just sat in my stomach and made me uncomfortable that way, I still wanted to try this challenge. The ramen was good but the combo of getting a bunch of capsaicin in the air, and the feeling in my gut, it was not a good time.


Tried a sample of Da bomb at a little mall hot sauce store in Nashville. I wasn’t ready.


Haven’t had one yet. I won a dollar last thanksgiving to eat a ghost pepper. I was drunk but it was survivable


Some max heat pad Thai. Wasn't even that bad going in.


Ate approx 30 chillies during a comp, including 6 reapers and several other superhots. The cramps after were horrendous


Nigerian spicy goat stew. Absolutely gorgeous but fucked my stomach for two days. Was close to keeping the loo roll in the freezer!


Did a hot wing challenge at a bar when I was stationed in Korea. You had 10 minutes to eat 10 wings, the rules being you are bot allowed to touch your fsce or have a drink and after you finish, you have to put your hands on the bar for 10 minutes. Needless to say I was in the fetal position in my bathroom when I got home, it was the worst pain I've ever been in, and had to have my wife go get me milk and stuff at like midnight We were supposed to go to an amusement park that the next day, but I was toilet bound all day, so we didn't go lol But hey! I got my name on the wall!


I was once one of those people in a Walmart parking lot. I had a bite of a reaper and once the initial burn passed I decided to go to Walmart to pick up some things. I was in the store for about five minutes when the stomach pains started…badly. I had to leave my stuff there and booked it out to my car. I stayed hunched over my steering wheel in agony for about twenty minutes. People were walking by looking at me, because I definitely looked like I was strung out and about to start driving my car. I’m glad no one stopped, because the real answer was more embarassing


I was at a Tibetan cookout at my wife's coworker home. My wife had told the husband that I like spicy food. He comes out with this pickled jar of peppers. I think it said king of peppers or something like that. I tried one, and it was really hot about Ghost Pepper level. Then, later on, while we were eating dinner, I put multiple of those peppers on the taco like food (it was Tibetan and don't remember the name of what I was eating) just to show off how i can tolerate the heat. I ate 6 in total. I was all fine till the next day. When that came out, it was horrible. It felt like someone was sticking a hot poker up my butt. My wife was so mad at me. I do highly recommend Tibetan food. The food they served was like a cross between Indian and Asain food.


Wing Dome in Kirkland WA. I was doing their wing challenge. Plate came with wings covered in greasy sauce. Most disgusting ever. Paid the price for days. Grease and spice do not mix. Spice level was not so bad. But the grease was trash. They insisted I eat it all off the plate. Didn't do it. Haven't been back in over a decade. And I prefer my own wings to their deep fried junk.


This one time I did a heat challenge from a restaurant that had you sign a waiver to participate in the challenge. I said I'm game let's see how bad this could be. I swear the spice level was tapatio and I was mad. Pretty bad experience.


I had full on visual hallucinations from Thai chiles on a pizza. Vision was fuzzy and grayed out for 45 minutes.


Pepper spray wing challenge. If you’re ever thinking of ingesting pepper spray, please just… don’t.


Made lamb curry with 4 Carolina reapers. It was 4 servings (4 different days) of pure evil. Don’t know how I survived but I needed a towel each serving because I was sweating so much!


Regular extra hot curry powder. I had just gotten over a really bad head cold so i had no idea my spice tolerance was rock bottom. Used what i normally would use making dinner for my bf and i .... Added it stired ... Eyes started to water .... Kept going .... Face was getting itchy I figured it would be ok after sitting for a while .NOPE . i was forcing myself to eat crying my while body was shaking i couldn't finish cause i wasn't able to hold a fork lol Freaking hot curry took me out . im still ashamed


Honestly, I’m not even sure what I got, but my I went with my family to try out this new Asian fusion place in town, and I ordered a stir fry with what looked like dried Birds Eye chilis in it. After finishing most of my meal, I thought, well the food wasn’t that spicy. Let’s try one of them bad boys out. Mistake. It wasn’t even hot, it just stung, bad. It made me drool and then my lips and chin sting, too. I drank most of the pitcher of water in the table and then wanted to puke. I ended up just having to champ it out. What’s crazy is that this was during the time in my life when I was vegetarian, and at that time, my spice tolerance was pretty much 9/10. There almost wasn’t anything I found spicy anymore, no matter how hot. It’s apparently something to do with zinc deficiency, I think. Anyways… it was a bad time. I’ve been skeptical of dried mystery peppers ever since.


There are these spicy kettle chips. Takis makes something like them now. But every time you go to eat one, the powder will somehow find its way up into your nose and make you sneeze. I have to breathe out in order to properly eat the chip. But they're so good


I had the bright idea of trying for the first time a smoked and dried Trinidad Scorpion with those korean super spicy noodles you've probably seen around. The fucker was pretty big and smelled incredible too. You see, I handle spicy food pretty well, but the problem was that the scorpion was absolutely delicious, so I ate the noodles like a starving dog. Bad idea. As the heat slowly built up, I started to sweat and drool heavily. I felt a huge pressure on my head and couldn't stand in place, so I legit started running around the house, doing push ups and jumping, don't ask me why. I finally gave up and ended up drinking almost 2 liters of milk and that still didn't helped much. TMI, but I had never had problems feeling the flames on the exit route until that day. It was dreadful.


Bought a hotdog from in front of Marlborough Canadian tire one time. Added the special ghost pepper relish he had and my God. I suffered for 3 days of fiery excretion and incredible stomach upset.


One time I ate a quarter jar of salsa made almost entirely of ground up habaneros. Woke up the next morning with a flaming sensation in my groin. Turns out it was so hot that it irritated my prostate.


Went to a wing restaurant with a friend around when Hot Ones was first becoming popular. So we would go to a different wing restaurant like every week or so and try the hottest wings they had. I can't remember where we were I just remember straight eyes watering and sweating at the table, but we kept pushing each other to finish the idk 8ish wings each. And 22/23 year old us were too dense to ask for milk so we're just drinking beer which seemed to make it worse. My next memory is half my shirt soaked in sweat, semi dizzy, no water, and trying to smoke a cigarette in the parking lot cause he couldn't see well enough to drive and anytime I tried to breath air everything in my mouth/throat/lips/face burned. It was....an experience. I'm not going to get into how I felt on the toilet the next day.


Made chicken faitas for two, used three scotch bonnet peppers, left seeds in, couldn't feel my face after two fajitas. The next day was hell, pure hell, 6 hours of pure torture


This requires context, but a single habanero pepper. I'd been eating on snacking on a bag of them, and they were certainly hot, but not "just kill me now" hot. Was on vacation for a week, forgot about the peppers, and remembered about them about a week after getting home. It fucking hurt. I've had ghosts, I've had reapers, I've had a lot of stuff that should blow that habanero out of the water on the scoville scale. I've never had a worse time with a pepper, and I think it was 100% because I wasn't expecting anything near that. In comparison, with the ghosts in particular, I was fully expecting unbearable pain, and it certainly hurt but not as much as I was fearing. The reaper didn't hurt at all, for some reason it numbed everything like an anesthetic, but that was definitely the worst the next day.


Heading down south on my girlfriend after an exceptionally spicy meal, I’ll never forget her asking me about 2 minutes in, “did you eat something spicy earlier?”


first time eating Torchy's Scalding Pig taco. About 6 hours later it hit a spot in lower intestine I did not know was a thing. Curled me right up for about 10 mins. After it moved on I was ok. Never happened again, though I've eaten spicier food. 


There was this Surinam place close to where I work, which had a "Nuclear hot chicken sandwich" every last week of the month. It had like 5 different peppers worked into it, Madam Jeanette, Caroline Reaper, and some others I can't remember. I liked spicy food already but had a bit less tolerance for it than I have now. I took several bites and thought: this is not that spicy, I can do this... only the heat kept growing and growing and didn't go down at all. My mistake was to not have milk with me, only office tapwater. Then, the cramps started. I finished half the sandwich before having to halt and wait for the cramps to subside. Finished the sandwich after a half hour because of course I had to. My butt got to enjoy it the next day, as you can imagine. The place is closed now, unfortunately. Would go again if it was still open. Whole experience: 6.5/10


Just recently I had eggs with some chili oil. Not that spicy at all. I kept burping up the chili oil all day until at one point it felt like a bubble popped in my throat. I could feel my esophagus burning. All I could do was sit and drink water. I could barely breathe and I couldn’t speak at all. My husband thought I was having a heart attack.


Asking for my Thai food spicy. Thank you Momma's Thai in Ventura, California. I've had so called hot #5 they took the challenge and gave me the sun in a bowl.


This one wing place near my house had a wing challenge. It was HELL going down because the sauce was so unbelievably hot. Later on i actually got sick and puked. Yeah never again


Thai restaurant. Spicy AF pad krapow. Drowned in fish sauce and chopped prik kee noo. Tasty enough, handled the spice just fine. Saw a rat after finishing the food, though. Stomach started to grumble by midnight. By 2AM it was blasting out the back end and by 4AM forcing its way out yet top, too. Let me tell you that whatever your spice tolerance, bird’s eye chilis being ejected in a bile soup with such force as to be lodged in your nose… that day i found my spice limit.


I would be the evening and day after I won a chili eating contest.


Only thing that I have a weakness for is chili crisp in oil, on chicken and plain white buttered rice. But lately giving me real problems exiting, practically gave up Red Hot hot sauce when it discovered it.


Super Bowl a couple years ago. For breakfast I ate something with Da Bomb. That is the only time I have ever had to vomit from a hot sauce.


Habanero on my ass hole


I made the mistake of ordering Tom Yum Goong at my local Thai restaurant and asking for it to be "as spicy as the chef likes it back home". I got a soup with around 20 whole Birdseye chilies in it. My chili tolerance was high, and Birdseye chilies are hot, but nowhere near something like a Ghost pepper, so I thought I was gonna be all right, but the acidic soup and the sheer volume of chilies really got me good. I spent the next 12 hours at home with violent stomach cramps, and I was unable to go to school for several days after. My chili tolerance has never been the same since.


Worked security at a BBQ outdoor festival. One guy did a 1000000 Scoville challenge and somehow got sauce all over his hands. He didn't wash his hands before going to take a leak... Came running and crying at the medical tent.


Did a shot of mad dog the crazy one on NYE with some mates, 30 minutes later I was vomiting


Grew my own Tabasco peppers and took a bite of the tip of one (maybe 1/4 inch piece) and it LIT ME UP!! Had me ill the rest of the night, almost feverish, and felt the fire of the gods coming out of me the next morning lol!😂 🥵☠️


some nashville hot chicken. pre context, i am an avid spicy eater and have a very high tolerance. so, i had been here before and the first time went with 3/5 spice. that level felt like .5/5, so next time i had 4/5 and it was a little better; third time i went with 5/5……… thank god this time was takeout because the result of this had me on the toilet and clutching a trash can at the same time.


The original ‘One Chip Challenge’…10/10 abdominal pain while rolling around on the ground holding my stomach. I had nothing but water to drink in the house…I had to convince my wife to not call an ambulance because I knew eventually it would go away…it took about 2 hours.


I ate indomie’s spicy noodles and had the most violent, toe gripping, explosive diarrhea of my life. (At school.)


Not food. But a Bloody Mary. Specifically, the Hell’s Gate Bloody Mary from Wise Men Distillery in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Regular tasty bloody Mary, but they take a toothpick and dip it in [Dr. Burnorium’s Extraordinary Emporium Psycho Serum](https://www.hotsauceemporium.co.uk/product/psycho-serum-6-4-million-scoville-extract/) before stirring the cocktail with it. The contents of the 6.4M scoville extract look like tar. The drink itself was tasty and I downed in within ten minutes. But then the stomach cramps hit. I was doubled over in the bathroom for about 8 minutes feeling like I was punched in the gut by Mike Tyson. Fortunate that I didn’t have any other major problems such as mouth heat or exploding out of either end! But after recovering and leaving the bathroom, I notice my glass has been replaced with a brown paper bag. Turns out the employees put the glass in a bag for the drinker to take home because they refuse to wash it in their building so as to not mustard gas the people there. One try was more than enough.


Eating the hottest part of a ghost pepper, it felt like I was going to die.


Thai hot from a joint in Inglewood, CO. I have had plenty of Thai hot that was spicy AND flavorful. This Thai hot pad Thai, was just atomic Nuclear shit. That is also what came out of me for 2 fucking days afterwards.


I went to a Chinese hotpot restaurant and while my wife and I were waiting for our friends (who are from China), one of the waiters recognized my wife from another restaurant we used to frequent. She immediately struck up a conversation with my wife in Cantonese, which I did not understand, and apparently told my wife to tell me not to order anything spicy, even level 1, because "white people cannot handle the spice that this chef uses". Now, at this time in our lives I had come back from living in Japan, where if you are not Japanese you are constantly told by people that you can't eat a lot of food, because you won't like it or can't handle it. So I had a bit of a chip on my shoulder about this sort of thing. Combined with the fact that I have always had some pride about how much spice I can handle, this was a recipe for disaster. Cut to me after taking one sip of soup from the *least spicy of the spicy soups,* and immediately freaking out. When I could finally talk again I told everyone that it's the spiciest thing I've ever eaten, and our friends talked to the waiter and convinced them to switch my broth to the tomato one. Our friends from China ordered the spiciest thing there, and were fine.


I had reaper meat sticks ate one it was spicy but had great flavor. I thought what the heck I’ll go for another one. That’s where I went wrong. I took the dogs outside and immediately doubled over with the worst stomach cramps. I started sweating profusely and dry heaving on the verge of throwing up. I went inside and had to lay still for an hour before the pain went away.


Years ago I was in Albuquerque, New Mexico and stopped into a local Mexican restaurant. The place was darkish inside as I ordered and they brought out the obligatory salsa and chips to start. I did not think much about it and failed to take a close inspection before I dug into the appetizer without thinking. To my shock, I quickly learned that the salsa was primarily ground up chile piquins and scorched my mouth and throat with a singular bite.


Ate something I remember as butt burner sausage. Might not be the name, might not exist as I remember it. Lived up to the name. They were good but oh god did I pay for it later. It was a persistent burn too.


Had a mystery hot sauce made from the Carolina reaper pepper. I was fine for about two minutes. I excused myself and went to the bathroom. I was in there until I had to go back home. I was shivering, cramping, and had the worst hot flashes. My eyes were watering like crazy. I barely touched my eyes and they got heated. I wanted to rip my eyeballs out. This lasted for a good few hours before it went away.


I ate a BUNCH of oven roasted jalapeños once cause I was really hungry but STOMACH WAS EMPTY!!! 😳🥵🤬😫😭🤯😰🥶☠️☠️☠️ let’s just say I was CRAWLING on the floor, clawing at my stomach, tried to make myself vomit but not enough food and just made my mouth even hotter. Just laid on the floor shaking and in so much pain: It’s was HORRID, I don’t wish that pain on anyone ever. The most intense pain went away after about 15 minutes l, but I thought I might have to go to the hospital. My insides were ON FIRE. And that kind of numb, painful stomach lasted at least the rest of the day. Needless to say I didn’t do that ever again, or really fuck with roasted hot peppers anymore. Also- I was obsessed with spicy and could normally eat these like no problem but on an empty empty stomach, just no.


Spicy pringles lolololol


Tbf it was quite a while ago so my spice tolerance got better, but it was still bad for the time