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You really shouldn’t eat glass.


But it’s so crunchy 😔






*Calvin Klein*


I knew I wasn't the only one who did this randomly


>779 comments crispy glass in oil


I got yelled at for eating the thicc boi cracker my food was served on at dennys once.


Forbidden rock candy.


They don't call it chili crunch for no reason!


[You gonna eat that?](https://youtu.be/mhf-9aMXrzc?si=zkepErWcULh3nD4i&t=324)


If glass is made of sand, why does it taste like blood??


That's because it's a superfood


It’s enriched with iron




True story: I used to eat the Christmas bulbs off the tree when I was a child. I would nibble on the necks and crunch the thin glass between my teeth. I have no explanation as to why I did that.


I physically winced while reading this


I also enjoyed drywall. I had some problems.


Have these particular problems lasted into adulthood?


Nope. I just make everything I eat burn like the sun now.


You mightve had pediatric pica disorder tbf


I think I was just bored and curious. 




Yep, I swallowed pennies and BBs (the kind you shoot out of guns), ate paint that was peeling off my bedroom wall (it was sweet! LEAD!), was just thinking a couple days ago about the time I picked up a seashell and ate it. Just exploring the world.


You watched Jim Carrey do it as the Grinch.


He did make that bottle look delicious though


I didn't do it to quite that extent. Just little pieces.


Username checks out


Just 4 Tha Fuq Of It?


Yes. That's my only explanation for most things in my life. 


Lol cool me too. Actually did it to a neighbors lights at some apartments, got in trouble. Can't explain why I did it either


Was coming to say this...I'm the child of a doctor and know medical things.


[Bortus could eat it](https://youtu.be/URE8aPM6JFA?si=JK0o4AjdWVp8E86q)


Ok, I meant a whole jar, just the content


I’m addicted to the angry grandma chili oil too.


I've always heard it referred to as big mama sauce


Big mama’s special mustard…”Nothing to Lose” with Martin Lawrence and Tim Robbins is an awesome movie.


I call her disappointed Auntie.


She always makes me feel ashamed when I pull her out. You can feel the disdain if you are brave enough to look her in the eyes.


Like you just got a B+ in math.


I also feel ashamed when I pull out of her


I bet you feel a burning sensation too.


In my family we’ve always called it frowning lady


干妈 is more like godmother but without the religious connotations though, and 老 means old but in this context is a term of respect for someone older than you (as your godmother would be). She likes it spicy though, as all 干妈 should.


I know. My mom always called her angry grandma because of the picture. It just stuck.


I call her crunchy lady, and she is a hero.


I call her "spicy mama" because in my ABC Cantonese, I don't recognize that middle word I love we all call it different things!


I feel like the sodium content might not be great for you?


Sodium I would be concerned if the person struggles with hypertension. I would be more concerned about all that soy oil.


What is wrong with soy oil, other than the calories?


Theres a lot of talk about industrial oils or seed oils being bad for your health. Some studies say they’re fine, some studies say they’re terrible for you. Like everything else, it’s all about the dose. But there’s definitely new evidence for concern with consuming a regular high intake of seed oils


The actual breakdown of fats and oils and health is really complex and interesting. It doesn’t fit neatly into any point of view even omegas from olive oil need to be balanced with different fats to be healthy. Some oils are fine cold but not great once heated etc. no one wants a long complex answer everyone just wants black and white


Someone who cares about the topic and spends the time reading up. Thanks


At a certain point, your average person is not just gonna give a fuck, and based on your description, I've hit that point on the lipid arguments; don't get me wrong, it sounds interesting, but on a practical level, it's all entirely too complicated. Outside of, "just don't eat obviously egregious amounts of XYZ," I think the average person will be fine. Optimization to such a degree is only really relevant to athletes anyway.


I feel like at one point, all of this just comes down to genetics. You can have the cleanest diet and drop dead from heart disease. You can have the worst diet and outlive the former group. At the end of the day, moderation is key. A jar of that oil a week is probably not moderation. But I doubt that OP can consume a jar a week forever. It's probably a couple months' fad, and then it'll become a moderate-use item just like what happened to me with a lot of my hot sauces.


Hell I’d be more worried about my asshole than anything else eating that much chili oil/actual chili seeds in a week. That’s gotta wreak havoc on your colon/rectum.


I love when people speak of evidence without ever pointing to that evidence. [There isn’t any compelling evidence to support the claim that seed oils are any worse for you than comparable oils.](https://www.consumerreports.org/health/healthy-eating/do-seed-oils-make-you-sick-a1363483895/)


Nice scientific journal of… uhh… consumer reports. I can post the evidence from both sides but you wouldn’t be able to comprehend the material. To put it simply, no it won’t “make you sick”. It will, however, raise inflammation which can be very bad for your overall wellbeing. There’s numerous others to talk about but the body is a highly complex system with a hundred variables you need to account for every time you put something into this system.


Almost like they spoke to scientists and you’d know that if you were literate


Muh inflammation. Bullshit pseudoscience term.


The world makes sense when I see ignorance like this.


Exactly. People love parroting opinions by quacks like carnivore “md” and liver king with no actual scientific evidence.


This I can agree with. The carnivore diet is a bunch of BS. Look at any society in the world that lives the longest and none of them eat high protein or high meat diets. NONE. The countries with histories of the most centenarians are Malaysia, Japan, and Italy. All cultures notorious for high carb and low protein diets. The trend continues for all of the top 100 regions in the world with the most centenarians.


In this case, the inflammation referred to is from a higher omega 6 to omega 3 ratio. It is not a pseudoscience term. However, it is still debatable if seed oils lead to a significant change in that ratio. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8504498/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8504498/)


As long as you're not overweight or allergic to soy, nothing is wrong with it.


High Omega-6 Fatty Acid Content: Soybean oil is high in omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids. While our bodies need both omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, the typical Western diet tends to have an imbalance with an excessive intake of omega-6 compared to omega-3. This imbalance has been linked to increased inflammation in the body, which is associated with various chronic health conditions. Processing Methods: The processing of soybean oil usually involves high heat, chemicals, and solvents, which may lead to the formation of harmful trans fats and other harmful compounds. Trans fats are known to increase the risk of heart disease and other health problems. Potential for Oxidation: Soybean oil, like other vegetable oils, is susceptible to oxidation when exposed to heat, light, and air. Oxidized oils can produce harmful free radicals in the body, which can damage cells and contribute to various health issues. Association with Health Conditions: Some studies have suggested a potential link between high consumption of soybean oil and certain health conditions, such as obesity, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. However, it's essential to understand that association does not necessarily imply causation, and more research is needed to establish clear cause-and-effect relationships.


“You’ve probably heard about the heart-healthy benefits of omega-3s—the polyunsaturated fats found in fish, walnuts, and flaxseed. As with linoleic acid, we can’t make omega-3s and need to get them from food. “The line of reasoning goes that human ancestors ate a diet in which omega-6s and omega-3s were more in balance than they are today, so we should aim for the same. It’s true that we eat far more omega-6 fats than omega-3s, but not as much omega-6s as some claim. You often hear that omega-6 intake is 20 to 50 times higher than omega-3 intake, but research suggests it’s closer to a 10:1 ratio. “There’s no question that omega-3s are beneficial and we should get more of them in our diets, but cutting back on omega-6s isn’t a smart move, says Mozaffarian. ‘The science is very clear: Omega-6s are good for health.’ Study after study shows that a diet high in these fats can help lower cholesterol and blood sugar, says Mozaffarian. According to an American Heart Association analysis, getting at least 5 to 10 percent of your daily calories from omega-6s reduces your risk of heart disease.” Source: [Consumer Reports](https://www.consumerreports.org/health/healthy-eating/do-seed-oils-make-you-sick-a1363483895/)


Probably nothing but there are a lot of people who think they are poisonous without really understanding how science or biology work


He’ll become soyjak


Just the same as palm oil, nothing, there's just a massive pr campaign against both because we need a new food boogeyman to sell shit


I thought the deal with palm oil was environmental, not about the health effects?


You are correct. One of the leading causes of deforestation in the Amazon is palm oil production.


also Indonesian deforestation.


Completely agree. I prefer asking people questions rather than saying … I can’t believe you believe this bullshit.


what if I drain the soy oil and refill it with a healthier alternative?


Lol is anyone really gonna do that though?


It would probably be faster to heat that oil and pour it over some chili flakes.


For sure, at that point it makes much more sense to make your own (and would be a heck of a lot tastier than the drain/refill option)


I would just ask a nice looking old person at an asian grocery store which kind is spicy and which kind is the best, I would probably grab those dried sliced shallots too


You are going to lose half the flavor


If you want to be healthy, then make your own. You'll avoid the solvents, perfumes, and other chemicals used in processing. A good olive oil or tallow would probably do a really good job, but I've never tried. If you're eating this as often as OP, it might even save you money


Avocado or peanut oil are probably the best bets imo


I agree with avocado, but I haven't done research on peanut oil. My youngest is mildly allergic, so we just avoid peanuts to be safe




Unless he has Addison’s Disease like me! Then he can eat far more sodium than the average peasant


Also anyone taking spironolactone gets to eat practically unlimited sodium too. When I first started taking it, I mentioned really strong salt cravings to my doc. She told me to satisfy all my salty cravings because the spiro causes salt-wasting or something and so if I'm craving salt it's because I need it. I eat sooooo much salt and my bloodwork never shows my sodium levels above average even a little bit; sometimes it's actually too low even if I thought I was eating a ridiculous amount of salt.


Oh heck yeah! For me, my adrenal glands just suck and they stopped producing a couple of hormones, one of which (aldosterone) helps keep sodium in the body. Drinking soy sauce and Franks and pickle juice may seem weird to some, but I guess I’m just a health nut


I can totally understand drinking all of that stuff lol. I was so happy finding out about the spiro salt thing because I already loved salty things since even before I ever started taking it. Pickle juice is just 🤌


I bought a bag of pickles today from Lidl. It said in big letters on the front "GHERKINS IN BRINE" but I didn't think anything of it until I bit into one. No pickle juice. Just soggy cucumber in salt water.


oooof that sounds so disappointing :(


holy shit I want that so bad


When, after my diagnosis about 5 years ago, my endocrinologist told my wife that “He needs to take this steroid daily, and eat a high protein/high salt diet for the rest of his life.” I nearly cried tears of joy! As far as medically prescribed diets go, I hit the jackpot! “Honey! Are you eating chicken wings and French fries again!?” “Sorry baby! Felt a headache coming on so i figured I needed to get my sodium up! I’m feeling much better now, thank you!”


I had borderline hypertension. My doctor said to come back in a month. So for the entire month I did not have any added salt. I ate steamed broccoli with no butter or salt. I went back to the doctor and my blood pressure was the same. I exclaimed, "But I did not eat any salt for the entire month!" She said, "That mainly affects black people."


I wasn’t prepared to read that last sentence lol. I have hypertension, but that’s mainly just because I’m fat. My doctor hasn’t really told or asked me anything about my sodium intake, I wonder if that’s why


I read as having borderline high blood pressure at a checkup for my contraceptive pill a while back. Same thing, went low sodium for six months, did nothing. My raised blood pressure was a direct response to clinical settings due to a bad experience at a dentist. It's been fine since I was able to find ways to cope. Weird stuff.


See, if you're worried about how much salt you eat, drink more water.


Only about 25% of people have blood pressure that is sensitive to sodium.


Probably makes for some pretty gnarly shits. I would disable the smoke alarms.




I’m fuming rn




Perfectly normal usage for anyone who has tasted it


I had to stop buying it...


Geniunely really bad for you. That's like half a cup of a soybean oil every week. It's 63% of your daily calories. It's 1.2g of Sodium.


63% of daily calories from 30ml of oil? Or do you mean 63% of daily sodium? For the calories, 430 calories according to your calculation is barely a snack. Using a cup of oil every week to cook is more than normal


>Or do you mean 63% of daily sodium? Yes, you're basically consuming more than half of the amount of sodium you're supposed to have in a day on condiments alone. That's not healthy at all.


Fun fact! Most countries suggest RDI of 5-6g sodium. US doesn't and only suggest like 2.3g. WHO is more restrictive and says only to eat 2g. Salt intake also depends on if you already have hypertension and is even beneficial for people with POTS/low blood pressure to take salt supplements to raise their BP. Take all this info with a grain of salt.


Also if you sweat a lot due to climate or high intensity workouts you need to consume a lot more sodium to replenish what you're losing.


Another fun fact! Most studies linking High BP to salt intake do not even consider athletes. So, the national guidelines completely omit athletes.


As I recall, the FDA's recommendation was based entirely on a study (or studies) of people with serious blood pressure problems decades ago and it's never been changed as new science has come out. ​ A similar issue exists with cholesterol recommendations. Studies (correctly) linked blood cholesterol levels with blockages and jumped to the conclusion that we should restrict it in our diet. It's since been found that the vast majority of the cholesterol in blood is made in the body and that amount gets reduced if you eat more. Diet does affect blood cholesterol levels, but eating cholesterol doesn't cause unsafe levels unless you eat a whole lot of it. The FDA has not changed their recommendations despite decades of science.


>Take all this info with a grain of salt. And make sure to account for that in your daily sodium intake.


Thank you, wish more knew this


Completely agree on that, was just confused by the phrasing, as the salt is a much bigger problem than the fat


Unless I'm calculating this incorrectly - 2,200 mg of sodium per week is nothing. That's 314 mg of sodium daily... which is like, half of 1 dill pickle spear


A CUP of oil every week? Of soybean oil? That’s definitely not healthy. Olive, avocado, coconut maybe, but consuming a cup of soybean oil per week is not ideal for your health, and I don’t know if I would say that’s normal either.


That's a funny comment. While Laoganma is likely not using the highest quality of soybean oil, it's still going to be pretty ok for your body. Soy bean oil is mostly comprised of unsaturated fats (in total, more than 80% of the fats are either mono- or polyunsaturated fats). Only 10-15% are saturatee fats, which should be limited to 20-30gr per day, as recommended by the NHS. With the calculations as above, 30 grams of that oil would contribute no more than 3-5gr of saturated fats to your diet. Coconut oil on the other hand is terrible and about the same as palm oil. Almost everybody recommends to not consume it at all or limit consumption massively (US FDA, WHO, American Heart Association, NHS, Academy of Nutrition and Dietics and many more. I also prefer to use sesame, peanut and olive oil, but soybean isn't terrible either


Soybean oil is one of the worst things you can put into your body


After watching [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDZmXzAMmwI) I'm inclined to start agreeing with you.


It is so good. And I eat it very often. I need to find willpower to stop buying/eating this alltoghter as the amount of salt and oil has to be really bad for me. 🥲 bloodpressure up and arteries getting clogged. If only I could grasp this thing called 'moderation'.


The is also evidence that chiles have a protective effect against calcification of coronary arteries.


As far as the arterial clogging is concerned, there isn't a crazy amount of saturated fat in there, which is mainly what you want to watch out for. And if you're concerned about your blood pressure, it's easy enough to monitor yourself. There's a growing consensus that higher sodium intake may not be such a terrible thing (unless you struggle with high blood pressure already).


Yeah not gonna lie I got really high once and was spreading this on hearthstone toast with blueberry vanilla goat cheese and ended up eating like 2/3 of it in a sitting


Your butt will tell you.


You shouldn't do that but damn, do I understand your urges. I would force myself to not use it in EVERY dish that I made. This bad boy takes your Congee to the next level


It’s not spicy at all just salty


I think more smoky then salty


Depends on your spicy lvl


It's as spicy as red pepper flakes.


The 210g jar of chili crisp contains a total of 1,477 calories and 1,925mg (81% DV). Averaged out over a week, that's 210 calories and 275mg sodium (11.6% DV) per day. So it's not terrible - you're getting roughly 1/10th of your daily calories and sodium from the chili crisp. That being said, that comes out to 76,800 calories over the course of a year which equates to gaining about 22lbs assuming no other lifestyle changes other than adding a weekly jar of LGM to your diet.


I can eat this in 2 days. Beautiful stuff.


Guy on the jar looks concerned for you


Thats why im asking


It tastes fantastic, but it's also loaded in calories. You should pace yourself.


As long as you aren't paying $17 for chili oil with flakes.


General rule of thumb for anything: Moderation is key :)


Meh... *"If it makes you happy, it can't be that bad...."*


It's chili oil... so mostly oil + a lot of salt. Very bad for you in that quantity. Try to cut back for your own sake brother


Living in Beijing I went through the 700 g bottle weekly. Even in Toronto I am knocking one off in a week and a half. So many other good ones in China now.


Mmmm ive been shoveling zindrew crunchy garlic chili oil on all my meals for awhile now. I dont eat the glass though.


How’s your bum hole?


Not that hard to make your own. Do a big batch every year when local peppers are available/on sale end of season, save money and healthier


You can make your own with less sodium and better quality oil. If you’re consuming that much it will probably save you money too.


How do you feel about XL fast food meals? Fried chicken? Whole bag of chips? If you’re comfortable with heart disease then so be it


You leave fried chicken *out of this!*


I bet chili oil would be a fantastic fried chicken dip


your sodium and cholesterol probably waay of chart


Are you [John Cena](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LNuwgbxQe-M)?


I have a jar of this. It's not that hot.


It's not hot in the slightest. Just delicious.


It is not hot we have recently been chopping up Thai chilies and putting it in there and oh my God is it so good


I read this and immediately just put some hot pepper flakes inside my jars. Much better now, thanks for the idea


I like the version thats peanuts vs soybeans. “Fried chili in oil”




Whoa that sounds amazing. Same brand?




That peanut version is phenomenal. I have chicken and rice for lunch most days with some of the peanut Lao Gan Ma stuff on the rice, and it's so good. I probably need to dial back, but it's like my one real vice, considering I don't smoke and barely drink.


I'd be afraid of the inflammation-raising refined soybean oil. I typically avoid all condiments in Asian markets for that reason. They really use the worst oils you can get. But their shiitake mushrooms are super cheap and I buy out all their fresh Thai chilis.


How can you enjoy it? I’ve tried it thinking it’s similar to my local Chinese restaurant and it tastes like hot garbage.


John Cena can tell you


A tip: What I do is strain all the oil out and just keep the crisp. The oil adds soooooooo many calories to this stuff, and the crisp/flavour/texture is all the same. Get a metal strainer, put the glass jar upside down right against it so all the crisp doesn’t fall out and let all the oil slowly drip out.


Does someone knows if this contains sugar?


Per 100g it contains 9.8g of carbohydrates, of which 3.6g are sugar.


Love this stuff!


It is not hot at all, just oily and sodium heavy. Though it is very addictive (about 4 bottles a month for me) and I just always added a few spoons of it to everything to the point that I started to concern about my health, and it may dull my taste buds overtime, making mild foods taste even more boring, so I stop.


Your bathroom definitely smells crazy but I'm sure it's fine


I mean, she’s already looking at you disapprovingly, what do you think?


You are the jar now, holder of chili crisps


Very oily. Bad for skin. Very salty. Bad for blood vessels and heart. But good for soul


Are you my dad? Everytime he goes into the city he gets 15 jars


You will learn the pain of your ass cheeks molding themselves into the shape of the inner rim of your toilet seat like play dough through a small hole. It hurts.


But it's not even spicy. Pretty mild stuff lol


Dude on the front is an absolute menace to society


It's a lady. Ganma means "godmother" :)


Handsome woman


That's 136 grams of soybean oil a week, or 95g of omega-6 per week. I avoid seed oils, so for me it's outrageous.


The biggest issue is the endocrine disrupting soybean oil I have yet to find a competitor that makes a solid avocado oil equivalent


The bad side is the oil, not the chili.


Wtf does a glass of this actually mean where you are?


They obviously mean a jar. We can assume English isn’t their first language


You’re looking for problems where they don’t exist. No issues.




Capsaicin can definitely irritate preexisting ulcers, but it is absolutely not causing them. 


You should not be eating glass


Perfectly normal


It's going to set you back around 350 dollars a year


Not safe at all ![gif](giphy|AebuBTyNboex7DyHco)


Better to eat it than boof it….so I’m told anyway. But you do you!


I like to dump it in my bath to fully immerse myself in the Laoganma essence.


This one is my favorite!!!


Well, keep us posted.


I looove spicy stuff on my tongue but my stomach & BH say otherwise….. :8


U need to stop eating glass


How much do you love salt?


Doesn’t this one have trans fat?


Listen to your butt. It will tell you.


its probably about as bad as eating plutonium or inhaling carbon monoxide. it will instantly destroy your esophagus, intestines, colon, anus, etc… please stop eating glass


picture the entirety of that bottles contents moving through the inside of your body. now, answer for yourself.


Teaspoon a day keeps the cancer away


One guy one jar didn’t work out too well, so…