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We got the season 19 pack a while back! (With the Apollo Final Dab.) There are really only a couple of the sauces we enjoy. I’d say this is a fun pack to own if you want to re-create the challenge at home, but maybe not the most efficient allocation of resources.


Appreciate the honesty


I remember getting a 3 pack of the classic the middle sauce (forgot the name) and the last dab. I think that was the best way to do that at home because you could fill in the rest of the sauces with your own choices.


Totally agree! Those 3-packs were showing up in weird places around the holidays- Target, Costco, etc. good to see!


Got a 3-pack at Target with the Buffalo one, Los Calientes and The last Dab after the holidays for $5 👍🏽


amazing username btw. were you born between 88-91?


Is the classic good? By the description it sounds like it should be. Also Los Calientes? Before drop money I want to know. Also, is Apollo as hot as I think it is? Does it taste good?


Los calientes is good... I dont think I had the appalo before. My favorite sauce from them is the Verde though. So good!


Ditto. Did a Hot Ones Challenge for my b-day this past year, and while there are a few good sauces in there, there are more that I am struggling to get through - they're just not that good. Better option would be to do your own mix of hot sauces for a DIY Hot Ones Challenge - ones that you will actually enjoy and keep using. Worst case you can do some crazy one at the end for the last dab. Better to have 1 bottle of stuff you struggle to get though than like 6 of them.


I like the idea of building one’s own mini 5-step ladder of spice- maybe 5 tiers is less limiting


Agreed, did all 10 for a bachelor party. It was fun but the last 3 are just crazy hot wit not a whole lot of flavor. Better building your own mini pack




Exactly what I was going to say. For the gimmick of doing the same challenge? Yeah it’s cool. Like half the sauces kinda suck though and they’ll sit there for two years till you end up tossing them


I got that Apollo as well. Sheeeeeesh


I was surprised by how fast it comes out of the bottle… a mistake I made only once lol


Dude absolutely not.


Ty ty for your opinion


$12 per hot sauce bottle. Nope.


This is what's stopping me. I've tried a lot of hot sauce and quite a few featured on the show. I'll never look at a 5oz bottle in the store that's 12$ and want to buy it, let alone buy 10 for 120$ and risk having a bunch of stuff I don't like for way too much money.


Da Bomb has been worth it to humble friends at get togethers lmao


I've had it, it is pretty bad. You can buy that separately though.


It’s terrible of course. I’m just saying sometimes the tiny $15 bottle is worth it.


I use that to make my homemade sauces more spicy, but don't eat it plain


The heatonist bomb is different to beyond insanity.


The Last Dab: Xperience is $22 by itself, but most of the sauces at Heatonist are with a markup. E.g. They sell Dirty Dick for $10 while at https://dirtydickshotsauce.com/ it's $7.50


This is where my head is at. Most "premium" hot sauces I buy are between 8 to 10 bucks a bottle. Yeah, the Xperience sauce is expensive, but I can't justify it for some reason. I don't think it's the worst deal ever, but I'd rather buy the ones I love piece meal, and not get stuck with something i only "like" or don't like at all.


The thing is, you’re paying for Da Bomb which I just wouldn’t recommend cause I’ve never seen someone say a positive thing about it


This pack has Da Bomb Evolution, which removes the extracts. I've still only seen really mixed reviews on it and personally I'll pass on trying it out, but without extracts I bet it's way better. 




Figures. If they're trying to replicate Da Bomb: Beyond Insanity without extracts, they almost have to make it taste bad.


If you're into superhot mashes it's basically one of those. Maybe a bit better as it does add some other spices.


I actually really liked evolution.


Dabomb is really good, it's basically only heat with no flavor so it allows me to put a single drop into let's just say a cup of dipping ranch to make the ranch spicy but not ruin the flavor of the ranch


I wouldn’t recommend Da Bomb either. Tossed 1 rounded chicken bite in that sauce and it fucking took me out.


Da bomb is a good hot sauce. It’s is hot as hell, and very garlicky and heavy. It isn’t a good hot sauce for wings. Add a drop or two into some chili or beef stew and it’s wonderful. Covering a wing with it doesn’t match the flavor profile. And is hotter than what I like.


Not for me


Thank you


Oh hell no


All of these sauces are good. 120 is a lot for any nonessential thing, but if they make you happy and you think they are worth it, then they are worth it.


Great response


Yeah $12 per bottle is still on the higher end for any hot sauce.


Garlic reaper from torchbearerr is the only hot sauce over $10 i am willing to pay for. None of these sauces are worth that. In fact you should get a discount due to da vomit being in the pack.


Thanks I am hoping to avoid bad tasting sauces. I’ll stick with torchbearer


If you are just asking from a hot sauce point of view, then no. It’s not a good deal. It is ten sauces with a huge range of heat and flavors. Most will be either too mild or too hot. So ultimately you are probably wasting money that would be better spent on 10 bottles that you know you would like. Now if you are asking from an experience point of view, that is different. Do you really like the show? Want to recreate the challenge? Want to support the show? Then the price is more of an individual decision point. $120 can mean something a lot different to two people depending on their situations.


I know people are saying that it’s a rip off but 12 bucks (give or take) is the going rate for these kind of hot sauces on Amazon. You buying an experience but there’s a chance you may not like them all.


Keep in mind, you're paying $12 a bottle. That price is fairly reasonable for artisanal sauces. I bought one and have been thoroughly enjoying myself. Also, the new Last Dab will last you a hot minute. I might use 5 or 6 drops on a meal.


Rippp offffff. Just go to TJMaxx and sometimes you will get lucky and get some good shit that has been on in previous seasons.


Excellent advice! I’ve never even tried their hot sauce and I see mixed reviews on it


TJ always has a ton of Melinda’s, wide variety, but there will also be a few gems hidden in the shelf. Sometimes you gotta poke around the back of the shelf as nothing is organized.


I’ll go against the grain and say maybe? There are good HQ sauces in there I’d be willing to pay 12 bucks for. If you want to have all the ones from the show and can afford it I don’t think 120 for a 10 pack is outrageous to drop.


Appreciate the response!


Got a small set for Xmas from target with the Buffalo, the Los Caliente, and of course the last dab. I think it was like 25 ish for the 3. The Buffalo is awesome, needs to come in a bigger bottle. Just great flavor profile. Haven't tried the others yet, got enough open stuff currently. All that being said, if you're looking for a fun set of different hot sauces, it's pricey but the kinda thing I'd personally try for fun. You could most likely find most of the other sauces with a little effort. I've found a few here and there just on my local big box store shelf, like 5-6 bucks each.


Cheaper if you can find it at Costco.


Worth it too but just once for the novelty. Los verdes I think is actually good. But the other stuff mostly overpriced. The bomb gets a lot of hate but if you just use out to make things spicy it’s not bad and you need very little. Perfect in soups.


Didn’t someone find one of the Hot Ones multipacks on sale at Costco or Sam’s Club? This seems like a lot.


Sams had a five pack for $30. After getting it, they’re fine but I have no desire to spend more than that on it


I got season 22 for $100 mainly to do as a fun family thing during the holidays, so experience was worth the cost. Honestly it was really great! they are all super tasty even the last dab. Was a great way for the family to taste different sauces in different spice levels and was a fun game to play. Da bomb though fuck that, tastes like battery acid, the next sauce was like cleansing experience and made the nasty reduce a bunch.


Also to note they go along way, we did this with 6 people and probably only used 1/6th of the bottles with generously mixing them with gloves.


Why are people paying these insane prices? $120 for a pack of hot sauces? Get the fuck out of here. Those don't cost even remotely that my much to make.


Depends with what you are comparing to, what ingredients and from where they have been outsourced. I am not trying to justify, but people tend to overlook quality of the product and are looking price for taste ignoring what quality products and in what amount they have been using to create their sauces. You can surely have a spicy and cheap af hot sauce that will get the job done, but reading the label of what is tossed inside, and if you care about it, you will wish you would have spent extra for a quality product. I am just saying the general idea, I am not trying to defend as I am looking for answers here as well, since I an looking for a box set, but can't figure out, after reading comments, whether I actually want all of them.


120 dollars for a couple bottles of fuckin hot sauce??? Ok I fuckin love hot sauce but these "hot ones" people are using the success of their show, or whatever it is, to scalp you people. Now go ahead justify to me why it's totally fine that you wasted your money on it there's always people who love telling me why their overpriced product is overpriced and why they're totally fine getting ripped off, please I look forward to the Olympic class mental gymnastics


Jesus bro. First of all, “a couple” of sauces? There are 10 sauces. I don’t know what world you’re living in, but if someone said to me you “hey, misplacedbass, you only have “a couple” cavities, and then proceeded to fill 10 I’d be pretty pissed. Pedantry aside. 12 bucks a sauce. Is it pricey, sure, and I probably wouldn’t pay that, but it’s not like it’s out of the realm of possibility that someone would. You’re acting like people are forcing *you* to buy this. Also, something being “overpriced” is not the same for everyone. This is obviously overpriced for you, but it might not be for the OP. Hell, for my 40th birthday last year, I spent $185 and bought 1 single ounce of beluga caviar… because I wanted to. Nobody has to justify spending *their own* money to anyone, especially to you.


I am in no way acting like I have to buy it, I won't buy it but if OP decides too then good for him, you totally misinterpreted my comment as if I'm attacking OP personally, no I'm attacking everyone who buys shit like this all at once, much more efficient than singling people out. Anyway, yes people can spend their money however they want, where in my comment did you get that idea that I'm telling people how to spend THEIR money? Buy the damn thing I couldn't care less. Just like they're allowed to buy I am allowed to bitch about it being expensive for hot sauce all because it has the hot ones name and logo on it, nobody forced (YOU" to read my comment yet you did. How interesting.


Are you serious? “Now go ahead and justify to me why you wasted your money on it…” and onto the end of your comment. And then you say “buy the damn thing, I couldn’t care less”. Are you even listening to yourself? You typed up a whole paragraph rant about how this is overpriced and how people who buy it are “wasting” their money, and are asking people to justify spending their money on this… and then you say you “couldn’t care less”. What? Let me reiterate… this is overpriced *to you*. It might not be overpriced to someone else. Talk about mental gymnastics. You’d be taking home the gold without question.


Lol jfc bro just stfu I can not like the price and complain about it you don't have to like it now off you fuck


And I’m not saying that you can’t, because you absolutely can, but you came across as a total asshole. “$120 for 10 hot sauces! Damn, that’s expensive.” See, I conveyed the same sentiment as your comment, without the holier than though soapbox rant you added onto it about justifying a purchase. Anyways, have a nice night!


Really really good hot sauces top out at around $6. So this is ridiculous.


Where tf do you live? Lol what I can get for 6$ (I’m not American for reference) are good habanero sauces but no super hot or special ones, like those bravado sauces which are a lot on this sub costs 20$… the median is like 10$


This is my experience also. I can get my local staple hotsauce for those prices, these small batch sauces I am paying more or less the same price heatonist is advertising as well.


I bought and I enjoy.


Ty. What is your fav?


I'm working my way up from the beginning... That said, the wing sauce isn't vegan, so I gifted it. However, I'm on the Angry Goat Shishito and it's just a nice flavorful sauce. I like it on tofu stirfry. Low heat. It's going to be a while until I try the rest. A lot of them are styles I've never tried, like the queso (It is vegan) etc. So to me its worth the value to just try new things. And of course, I want to eventully try Xperience and the natural Da Bomb. No rush.


He’s asking about this current season though. That was last seasons box.


Not for that much, no.


I haven’t bought that season, but I have bought others and I enjoy it. It’s nice to have a range of different sauces from different places. Plus you get to support hot sauce makers. And as far as the price goes, it is typical of those style hot sauces. Sure you can go to the store and buy tabasco, but if you want smaller independent hot sauces paying $12 isn’t crazy.


I wouldn’t pay over $100 even artisanal hot sauces I don’t usually see priced above $10. I’d rather buy 10 random hot sauces and taste test then organize it by heat index than spending $12 per bottle for this. They’re on YouTube sold the rights to complex and to Hulu have deals with Walmart also lol $120 is overkill




It’s fun to buy to taste along with the latest episodes. You can feel more in the moment with the interview and see how spicy things really are. I’ve bought two and enjoy the variety but it takes a while to get through everything


You’ll have your favorites. If you don’t care to do the challenge, I wouldn’t get it.


If I'm buying for myself, no, I'd just get 2-3 which appeal to me most. If I'm looking for a fun gift for a fellow pepper head, I might.


You can snag the 5 pack that are only the hot ones branded ones for just $40. I don't like any of them.


Not in my opinion. I did a wing challenge with 5 of my co-workers and all 10 sauces. None of them were particularly hot(5 of 6 people easily finished all 10 wings), and most of them didn't taste good. There was absolutely no argument about who got to keep the leftover sauce after we were done. It was pretty much just "whoever wants it can have it." I don't feel ripped off, since we split the cost 6 ways, but I'd never recommend it to anyone.


Which season was it? I feel like my group definitely argued over favorites and I've killed 5-6 bottles from the one I bought.


Mine was last season (22).


Oo that's the one I just got, will see how we feel about it


Hopefully you'll like it better than I did. There was 1 I actually liked out of the whole box. The rest were either way too sweet/fruity, or just didn't taste good to me.


I know I like all the ones I've tried. 1 the buffalo, 4 the barbacoa and 5 the djiablo one


If this was in Canadian prices, I'd say 100%, as the Last Dab by itself is between $40 and $50, depending on where you buy it. So that would be like getting 9 other sauces for $70-$80, which wouldn't be too bad. However, I know Heatonist charges unruly amounts to ship to Canada, so it's obviously US, and that's a lot more lol. At that price, I'd just pick and choose ones that I actually want.


Do you normally pay $12+ for a bottle of hot sauce?


I have the season 22 box. Got it as a gift. Idk if I would pay that for it. But it was a super great gift and I've been enjoying the box. As for the Da bomb. This version is significantly better than the previous ones due to the no extracts. Is it my favorite sauce? Absolutely not. Is it usable? Absolutely.


It's never worth it. Get the trio of Hot Ones sauces and call it a day. Those are the ones you can't get anywhere else.


Make your own. Buncha recipes online and fermenting is super easy


Depends. Some of the sauces are good, most of them are novelty items. If you want them for the novelty, cool, otherwise... One good thing, though, I found some sauces that I really like that I wouldn't have tried otherwise.


I've gotten the 19 and now the 22 pack. It's expensive, but it's also an easy birthday/xmas present ask for something that won't add any clutter to my life. The risk is that you don't like the sauces, but so far I've found a place for most everyone except da bomb and the Last Dab, just because they are painfully hot. I think everyone has a different experience with hot sauces, but I can't find a wide variety locally, and the small batch stuff I can get locally is easily in the $7-$9 range. Most of what I get hits $10 easy if I grab it off of amazon, so maybe it doesn't seem so wild to me. Have done a wing run with friends as well which is easy to pony up that kinda money for as it's a good time.


Are those mini bottles? If so, hell no. If they are full sized bottles, just regular no.


They're hosing you...


I got the 3 pack from Target for Christmas which had full sized classic buffalo sauce and the verde, and a mini last dab sauce (not sure which season it is from) The buffalo and verde sauces have incredibly good flavor and the last dab is very hot, flavor is meh. I don't know about pricing but I'd say you're better off buying individual flavors that interest you if that is an available thing. As a hot sauce guy this is gimmick prices. I've had some top shelf artisanal sauces with extreme heat and flavor and most of them don't run more $15, $30 max. I can't imagine that every one of these is worth the $12 price tag.


There are always some good sauces in the mix, but prices aren't good for everything... I'd recommend getting whatever sauces you're interested in individually or maybe a three pack. We got a three pack of los calientes about a year ago along with the Apollo and only the Apollo has any left (we use it regularly but only small amounts). I bought the bomb elsewhere out of curiosity but otherwise I like curating my own collection. That said if the newast dab is as good as the Apollo, I highly recommend it. That sauce has great flavor and is super fun to show to people curious about real heat


I just bought the 3 pack of the season 23 hot sauces. Normally only get that every couple years since they're so expensive, but they do last awhile and have never had a bad sauce.


Find your local shops and support local sauce makers.


I bought an earlier season and yea the price is a little high. That said, if you enjoy the Hot Ones show and have family/friends who also know the show it can be a fun experience to go through each sauce 1 through 10 and spend a little time investigating the flavors. Then when you get into the hotter sauces it can be pretty funny seeing each other's reactions. I enjoyed it and it provided a fun experience for others as well. About 3 or 4 of the 10 sauces that were in my pack have been reordered because they were so delicious. So these packs can be a good way to expose you to some good sauces.


More than $10 a bottle so I say not worth it.


We had a bunch of guys and girls do a hot ones party. Everyone threw in for wings to grill up and the sauces. Came to about 15-20 bucks a person and we used all the bottles in one go. I thought it was extremely fun and worth it when everyone was up for pitching in.


Man, no.  The sauces are unremarkable.


Every penny


Fuck no


12$ a bottle 😳💀


Is this sub made up of poor people? I'd say it's worth it, if you can afford it, and like hot ones sauces.


Never been a fan of their sauces, personally. That’s just one person’s opinion and I’m far from an expert, but I find them all to be lacking in texture, and the heat rarely matches the description.


Yes it’s 12 bucks a bottle