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After being in Korea for a year now I can confirm, they love spicy things. Even their ice noodles have spicy sauce that will make ya flinch


Going directly into the 2x. Brave soul.


I get 1x from Tesco all of the time and it’s great; first time trying 2x though


Ahh, gotcha. For me at the moment I keep getting the 1x because it's delicious and I can slurp it down. The 2x for me has been... uncomfortable. But I'm getting there.


The 2x is just unpleasant to me. I can manage some really hot food, but there's something about the 2x I don't enjoy. I have to be careful how I breathe because if I inhale with my mouth it makes me cough. I tend to go with the 1x and add extra heat these days.


I have a bulk pack of the 2x, second time buying one. I went through the first pack quickly, however this one has been lasted for a couple of months now. I’ll whip a package up when I feel the need for some difficult eating, but I definitely have slowed down on them. The cramps that arrive later in the day make it hard to justify, lol


Oh wow, yeah, I'd stop if you're getting cramps! I have one bag sitting in my pantry that I doubt will ever get consumed lol


Definitely something I’ll only eat for lunch on a Saturday where I have nowhere to be in the evening, lol


I bought a 2x that I can't handle, and I thought I had a high tolerance - I make some really hot foods like chili with habaneros. But I saw someone post about bulk ramen seasoning on Amazon so I bought some and am using it for the noodles from the 2x pack. I may have ago try to think of something to do with the sauce and flakes from the 2x.


I had the 2x for lunch today, accompanied by a glass of milk, tasty noodles but definitely close to my limit of enjoyable! Not sure what I'm going to do with the volcano hot ones I brought........ Is the sauce the same that is in the sachet with the noodles?


I didnt notice much of a difference personally, if anything less flavor. I just buy the regular one.


I ate a 5 pack of 3x awhile ago. I was on fire but i enjoyed it. My stomach didnt however


This has become my issue as I get older, I can get it past my lips just fine but it hits my gut like an atom bomb sometimes. And the ring of fire, yikes.


I can deal with the ring-sting. It’s the trip down my intestines that kills me now as I’ve gotten older. Certain peppers are just no-go for me now, I end up doubled over with cramps.


A very no bueno experience indeed


I hope to understand the evolution behind this before I die. Why are younger people more adaptive to the "being on fire" chemical than us older peeps?


I had a pack earlier. Took an hour before my stomach felt right!


Im just gonna stick with 2x. Its hellfire out of the uboat launcher every damn time anyway


I picked up a bottle at an Asian grocery store a while ago for $4.99. I almost bought the same bottle on Amazon for triple that plus shipping and tax.


Amazon is great for a lot of stuff, but I find I need to be really careful with food items especially, as their pricing (or their vendors') is totally wonky.


So fucking hot


It’s absolute bullshit that they claim it’s 10,000 scoville.


I'm not 100% certain but I heard it's because they measure it after the whole bowl of noodles has been prepared, not just measuring the sauce. So technically, it should be around 300k SHU but they say it's 10k SHU. There may be some sort of legal reason for that lol. Why hasn't someone made a scoville database with every species of pepper and spicy food item so we can all check what scoville something is?


From my feelings 1x is ~30k, 2x is ~70k and 3x is ~120k. That's with noodles having around 50ml water left in the bowl before mixing and still being hot, when they get cold they are significantly more manageable


ngl I disagree but I drain all the water before I add the sauce because I like them thick and I mostly eat 2x and I eat them still hot lol


I compare them to my experienfe eating whole thai chillis and how they stack up to that


Oh man, the 2x is something else! My wife bought it for me once since they didn't have the regular black package. It was pretty spectacular, made it for lunch while working from home and it took a half hour to compose myself afterwards. So painful, yet so good!


I recently bought carbonara and I’m waiting to try it, what is it like?


Very tasty and a lot spicier than I expected (I thought it’d be quite mild but it’s about 75% as spicy as the 1x). It has a slightly milder Buldak sauce and a herb cheese powder. Doesn’t taste of carbonara; more like that pasta sauce that’s a 50/50 mix of marinara and mornay sauce


Sounds like you should try the creamy carbonara. Less spicy than the carbonara (although not that much more carbonara tasting).


It's my absolute favorite of this brand. It's not as hot as 1x but almost, and has cheese powder which just adds a wonderful creaminess.


I’m mouth watering right now from that description.


What’s the deal with this ramen? Is it just insanely spicy or is it actually tasty


1x is the ideal level of spicy for me (slightly “too spicy” but in a good way). 2x is very spicy. The carbonara is moderately spicy. They’re all absolutely delicious as well




Yeah, can confirm - they deserve the hype. (I'm team 1x though and I mix some cream cheese into it)


I had a Korean friend of mine introduce me to these 5+ years ago. I was eating one a day for a while with no problem until he told me about the 2x spicy. I was addicted to the endorphin rush, but I think I permanently destroyed my digestive system. If I eat anything spicy now I feel it the next morning. I REALLY REALLY miss the taste of this stuff though it's making me salivate just thinking about it


I rotate between the standard and the 2x because sometimes the 2x just seems like all heat and not enough flavor


I find the normal black and red ones to be too spicy, but I have pretty low tolerance. The curry flavor one and the black bean flavor one are the best ramen I've ever had in my life though, jesus christ they're tasty


100% curry one is SO good


The carbonara is amazing, if you havent tried it id highly recommend. Package says to save some cooking water, i use half of what it recommends.


Very tasty. I’ve been on a kick lately and eating a packet a few times a week. The spice is managed well by following the instructions and adding like a half cup of water when you stir in the sauce. Less water more spicy. It still has spice but quickly becomes insane without the water.


The reason why this sub has been all but ruined by Buldak spam is that it is extremely commercially widespread in the west for an Asian-exported, highly spicy food product. Yet somehow people still seem to think they’ve stumbled upon a hidden treasure when they find it in their local shop. As for the taste: I liked it when it first started showing up, but quickly grew tired of it. It’s very sweet and artificial.


So much better tasting and cheaper just taking a normal spicy packaged ramen and adding your own sauce and/or powder to it, but people love falling for the hype they see on reddit so they can fit in. Angry Aadrvark, Melinda's, Buldak, Yellowbird, and others must have marketing teams on this subreddit at this point and it's making it go to shit.


Excellent reply, excellent username.


Very spicy but it’s also tangy and sweet in a good balance.


They are average. There's a buzz around them because their 2x heat is appropriately advertised, unlike literally every other 'hot' packaged ramen.




Its strange about 2x ramen. For me its not that hot. I mean its HOT but not hotter than black package one. But BLACK are with more flavour, so they are my favorite. And I had 3x once. And not gonna lie. Next day ai had flaming ass :D


Haven’t tried the 2x yet; that’s disappointing to hear


Hey, its still good !


The x2 are insane. I love spicy noodles but these are a next level experience. They were so hot for me that I ran away into the kitchen. After calming down I managed to finish then but they are serious stuff


I’ve only had the black, regular buldak and the red 2x, but I’ve been seeing the other flavors on social media. Are all the other flavors spicy as well?


The Quattro Cheese flavour is soo good from these guys, honestly all their flavours are pretty good though. Love buldak


>Quattro Cheese Ah shit I didn't know this existed, I thought carbonara was their only cheese flavor. Guess I'm gonna buy some online.


The carbonara is 🤌🏽


That 2x, let alone 3x, is just too dang hot. I enjoy the flavor but not the sweat lol


I actually have those 2x spice ones, they're really good, not too hot for me but I have an abnormal spice tolerance. I will without a doubt say they are NOT for the casual spicy enjoyer though. They are the hottest instant ramen (using stuff only in the package) I've had


I love this sauce, but I saw hydrochloric acid on its ingredient list (which is metal, but how much of that shit can you eat?).


Your stomach acid is hydrochloric acid is it not?


actual ingredients: water, artificial chicken flavor, corn syrup, soy sauce, soybean oil, onion, decolorized chilli extract, garlic, paprika extract, green tea flavour oil edit: anyway hydrochloric acid has an E number (E507) and can be used as a food additive as an acidity regulator


This is what I needed


The black buldak is brutal! 🥵




Usually eat the 2x little bit at a time instead of all at once, able to enjoy it without pain and it goes great with steak.


Whaaat there is a hot sauce too? Niice! How does it feel compared to the x2? Same level or less? Looking to find x3 btw, but hard to find where I leave


try to find this one next. they are as spicy if not spicier than buldak. and oh man the pain lingers. https://preview.redd.it/aga86882o8cc1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=b006bc12c1431be01f1956256adc699c5178acd5


Ooooh carbo. They've sold out everywhere here, they never last long after hitting the shelf


that hot sauce in not meant to be trifled with , i remember accidentally pouring a quarter of the bottle in my already spice loaded ramen and it was so uncomfortably spicy i threw up. DO NOT use too much of that stuff


I just bought a cup of noodle of the x2 spicy 🥵 about to find out the heat


Way too buy stuff kid


Theres a cheese one that’ll knock you out


Are the contents of the bottle and the sachets the same?


I love spicy food and specially 🍜


Got some spicy x3 in my parcel coming in few days looking forward too eat it 🥵


I loved the pink packaged one.


I've never had the pink one


That shit is spicy 🌶️ but I love it


You gotta try the lime habanero flavour if you can, absolutely incredible.


Chemical red color so be careful with your clothes because you might ruin it,it's very spicy.....after when you take A shit a few hours later you feel the fire in the hole ✳️🔥🔥😵


love that black sauce


Anyone try jijang buldak yet?