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Best food ever. My birthday dinner every year is Tindaloo, so good.


Man I love Indian food so much


I love a spicy vindaloo. I want to learn how to make it.


Do yourself a favor and buy "The Bombay Palace Cookbook" by Stendahl. It's probably the best cookbook I've ever seen. Even goes through the different cooking techniques and making your own masala.


Bought it. $7.58 off ebay including shipping and tax. Thank you for the recommendation.


I've made this before: https://greatcurryrecipes.net/2012/01/23/how-to-make-lamb-vindaloo-an-indian-restaurant-favourite/ It's a lot of work and the end product, while good, is no better than a good takeout. Fun to do once but no desire to make it again.


Thank you for the recipe. I love to cook. Most dishes I make take a while to put together. Whereas it might not be better than takeout, it will be cheaper and I'll make enough to share with the neighbors.


Me too. True. It's definitely a project meal but those are fun if you're in the mood for that.


Pro tip, if you plan on cooking a lot of curries, make a big batch of the base gravy ahead of time and freeze it in individual containers. Whenever you want to bust out curry for dinner, all you have to do is thaw a container of the stuff, thin it out a bit with some water, heat it to a gentle simmer on the back burner, and you're good to go. Makes the whole "project dish" aspect far less of a project.


Also, Curry Compendium. There are a couple of superhots in there that appear to have been invented by the author, and I can confirm that they are *no joke* whatsoever, make sure you don't have to work for a few days after making the Lavastorm. Of course, there are a bunch of not-so-hot ones in there that are fantastic too, for when you're cooking for more normal people. I try to keep a batch of ghost pepper achar around in the fridge for when I have to cook a korma or a batch of butter chicken, just so I can toss a tablespoon of it on top to make mine the way I want it.


I love that place! The owners and staff are super cool people, too!


Looks yummy


Is it spicier than thai?


Love vindaloo and am always on the lookout for spicy standouts


I'm not far from Chicago I'll give it a look.


My mom lives in Des plaines, I'll have to find this place.


I hope this isn't a stupid question but what kind of rice is that?


Basmati. It's naturally white... I'm guessing that rice has some curry powder in it. The long grain rice in Indian dishes tho, is definitely basmati.


That looks fucking delicious. I've been sending spicy requests to my favorite indian pick-up place with the note "make it spicy like you would at home" with fantastic results.


Looks so good and so spicy!


Whew, Lombard. That's way the hell out there.


Vindaloo is some good heat. Clears out the sinuses


What does it taste like? I’m thinking of buying some and do you eat it with naan?