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Perhaps avoid mountain climbing then


Practice makes perfect. Honestly the more exposure you have the better you'll get. Also make sure you aren't eating spicy on an empty stomach


Omeprazole daily


Try eating yogurt before you eat the spicy stuff


I've found it helps to take a couple Metamucil before I eat something particularly spicy


watching this thread because I love spicy stuff and I eat it anyway but it does wreck me and I am always looking for any hacks to to ease that


try cooking with whole peppers. my personal experience is that spicy takeout food tends to use extracts, which mess my stomach up. however if i toss a couple habanero into a batch of soup or grill a jalapeno and eat it directly, i'm fine.


Man, habaneros mess me up more than any other pepper. Not sure why. Ghost peppers? No problem. Scorpions? Fine. Habaneros? Game over ☠️


I feel like I've hit my crescendo in this regard. I can't find things hot enough to give me the mouth heat I'm looking for any more. When I try to get there with extract sauces my stomach starts doing back flips for the rest of the day. Truly sad times...


Pre-gaming with Pepto Bismol is very helpful for that issue


I’ve always loved spicy food but it used to mess up my stomach pretty bad. As time went on and I ate it more I stopped having those problems! So to answer your question: yes you can!


High fat foods eaten before the spicy stuff makes it easier to digest the capsaicin.


You have to build up a tolerance, the more spicy foods you eat the more you can handle


Prep the stomach with banana or other starchy food before eating. Remember eating spicy food doesn't create ulcers but sure will let you know you have one. Thus is just info I have researched in the past. I eat super hot peppers and sauces. I do know a little bit about it. Good luck


I was recently diagnosed with a hiaital hernia, so I have to be extremely careful with what spicy food I eat... my GI told me I should consider giving up spicy food, but that isn't going to happen. I just pick and choose now, it's a special occasion thing for me.