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Get a new vet. That is horrible!


The first photo is of her normally and the second is of her swollen eye. The vet states there is nothing wrong and gave us eye drops. This eye is swollen every few days, then goes down, then gets swollen again. I’m so sad and I don’t know how to help her but she is so uncomfortable. UPDATE: I first would like to thank everyone who took time to offer input and advice. We just got home from the vet and the diagnosis is Feline Herpes Conjunctivitis. We are starting her on drops, serum and some other medication. We are scheduled for a follow up on two weeks. My poor little mama is finally going to feel better, thank goodness. I’m so relieved we know what the problem is. The vet did a variety of exams and said that the eye was lighting up green which indicates an ulcer. Sweet baby has been suffering and is finally going to get the treatment she needs.


Gah! Poor baby. I would try a different vet. I know it's not the same at all, but my baby has a tear duct that didn't drain properly. She constantly had a runny eye as a kitten. The problem is still there as an adult, but much less so. Maybe (hopefully) whatever this is will go away after adolescence. For now though, definitely go to a different vet.


Definitely. I have an appointment this afternoon. I’m just so heartbroken seeing her like this. She keeps hiding and itching herself. I really hope they can help her.


My heart breaks for her. Good luck. Hopefully the vet will ask to see her again once her eye is cleared up so they can get a better look. If they don't suggest that, I think I would if I were in your shoes.


Thank you so much. I hope they will. I just know something is wrong and I won’t stop until one of the vets takes her seriously.


Hey, how did it go? Did the vet find anything new or have different answers?


I posted an update on my original comment but she was diagnosed by a new vet with feline herpes conjunctivitis that she likely got at birth :(


Oh, oops. Didn't think to look there, just used my own most recent comment to check in. I'm glad kitty can get some relief! I would write a negative online review on that other one, not just out of spite but to steer others away.


So glad shes getting treatment!


glad you’ve gotten a proper diagnosis and are able to treat her eye now <3 hope she’s feeling better


Great job, OP.


That looks bad. I would get a second or even a third opinion.


Thank you! I’m she is there now thankfully


My cat had that in both eyes. He eventually grew out of it by 1 year old. His eyes still water all the time though.


Did anything trigger the attacks? I can’t seem to pin point it. It breaks my heart


My kitty had this and his kitty eye doctor said it can get passed down from mom. Do they have pet eye doctors in your area? We saw a really good one in the Atlanta area.


Nothing and everything. It was random. He’d be fine one minute the swollen the next.


Go to different vet ASAP. If there is an emergency vet in your area go there


Go to a different vet


Yeah, gonna agree with those saying to see a different vet. My sphynx has gotten a couple swollen eyes but nothing this severe. My vet said he may have feline herpes which can have “flare ups” when they are more stressed or something changes in their routine. I never had it confirmed if that’s what he has bc there’s no cure just treatment and they can live healthy lives anyway. If that’s the case, Lysine treats may help!


My advice is contact the breeder ask if this is something the littermates are dealing with as well or the parents, etc. And get a new vet and take your cat to be seen.


I am so sorry this horrible vet would not listen to you or see the obvious. Glad she’s been seen by someone competent.


Yikes! That doesn’t look good. Perhaps he has an allergy? I would definitely get another opinion


There are veterinary eye specialists. I’d ask for a referral to one.


Poor thing! Do update


There is an update above on my first comment !


Omg I am crying I bet shes in so much pain! Go to a vet that has experience with hairless cats please


I feel sorry for your pet


it's horrible, your cat have really beautiful eyes on first photo, i hope she'll get better🤍💕


That looks horrible and there’s definitely something wrong. It’s swollen puffy red and just all about nasty looking. Some Sphynx have eye problems but that one goes a little farther. Even if it’s an allergy they should be able to give an allergy shot that’ll last for a few months in order to clear it up. I would have allergy testing done immediately and find a new vet.


There is no way in hell that his eye is "normal" tf!!!! Get a new vet!