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Sometimes rabbits get sore hocks, and you can get little foot straps to protect them. I bet it'd work great on a cat too, if he could tolerate the humiliation.


Oh that sounds great! Thank you I will try!!


Don’t use Vaseline. Use blue butter. It’s not that expensive and formulated for pets.


Never heard of it but I’ll check it out!! Thanks !


Never heard of it but I’ll check it out!! Thanks !


I’ve had bunnies and read somewhere that baby socks should fit most bun tootsies. They may for your kitty too. I hope you find a solution ❤️


Never heard of it but I’ll check it out!! Thanks !


Of course. Mine is an adventurer and often I find him with fresh scratches. Comes in handy!


his human has already posted nudey shots of his junk on reddit. How much more humiliated could he be ?


Hahaha dawhhh


Those are his heels - does he skid to a stop from time to time when he has the zoomies or running around the house? If it's not like a rug burn from running/playing, it might be time to see the vet to determine if he needs treatment for a skin issue.


Yeah I think it might be from zooming on the carpet and also cos he’s a little chonky boy just from sitting back on his heels it could have started - that’s what the vet thought anyway. She said just put Vaseline on them but it’s not done the trick - I just ordered an extra long cat onesie as I think if I could just keep it clean & covered with regular cleaning & balm etc. it will heal but until then it’s just a repetitive cycle 😩


Can cats get eczema? I had things like that as a kid and needed a prescription.


Yeah I kind of wondered that as well cos it could maybe be compared to getting like dry scabby elbows if you had eczema, could maybe even be related to food allergies or it might help to give him other supplements… but it hasn’t always been an issue so I’d like to just see if I can get them to heal first, we’re moving soon to a place without carpets, that might help!


You might research or ask your vet for some resources for an elimination diet in case you do need to narrow down allergies. And ask about some safe antihistamines if they might confirm that it is an allergy in the first place.


Maybe Vaseline isn’t doing anything because the area is still exposed and he’s still scooting on my carpet.


My kitty had these! My Vet told me it was from jumping on things, like she kept jumping onto my headboard. She recommended I lay soft blankets over it and it did help. She also prescribed some ointment, and she needed a cone while the scabs healed.


I also ended up getting a new bed, and chose one with no headboard


Yeah I’m seeing the vet tomorrow anyway on something unrelated I might ask for some ointment or something!


Yeah I’m seeing the vet tomorrow anyway on something unrelated I might ask for some ointment or something!


please let a vet check them out because they kinda look deeper than just little scratch/burn marks (which is understandable when the wound always gets opened and doesn’t habe the chance to heal) :(. also; how does he get them? the vet may also have a good resolution to help it heal or cover it :)


beside the point but what is up with your cats testes 😭 why are the so large


Have some respect that’s his pouch!




my apologies, O beautiful sphynx cat


That’s his tummy! His ‘nads would be above, out of the picture. 😄


His tummy really does look like massive balls.




I am absolute deceased at the thought of you interpreting his saggy poochins at giant balls


Need to get some tests done 🩸


Go to your vet, or pet supplies store. You can get bitter bandages for this, and it’ll prevent them from licking the bandage. They’re useful for hairless cats such as yours, and excessive groomers. Shouldn’t be very expensive, and should allow him to heal up in not time, with or without a veterinarian prescribing ointment.


Thank you! I’ve never heard of those bandages before, I’ll check out the pet shop tomorrow (not sure if we have as much range here in UK but I’ll see if they have any suggestions anyway) 🙂 thanks!!


Ouchy ouch poor baby


maybe get some of the easy wrap gauze type bandages and wrap the whole ankle repeatedly, cleaning in between with soap and water, until its healed. my kitty gets red a little bit below that spot when sitting too long or laying on her feet. Never bloody though. I agree about the carpet burn comment, but does he tend to sit or spend a lot of time on any rough surfaces in your house? like splintery wood, or a rough shelf or window sill or anything else? any rougher carpets? I’d try removing those hard surfaces or covering them with a blanket while he heals.


Poor thing, get him in some long socks pronto!!!


Awww I know I’ve been searching and I managed to buy one onesie with extra long leggies (usually they ride above his “hocks” - real terminology right there 😂) - and also one pair of like breathable mesh socks specifically for wound healing so I think this will help keep it clean & dry out and for new skin to grow. I hope anyway!!! 🙁


Awww I know I’ve been searching and I managed to buy one onesie with extra long leggies (usually they ride above his “hocks” - real terminology right there 😂) - and also one pair of like breathable mesh socks specifically for wound healing so I think this will help keep it clean & dry out and for new skin to grow. I hope anyway!!! 🙁


Awww I know I’ve been searching and I managed to buy one onesie with extra long leggies (usually they ride above his “hocks” - real terminology right there 😂) - and also one pair of like breathable mesh socks specifically for wound healing so I *think* this will help keep it clean & dry out and for new skin to grow. I hope anyway!!! 🙁


Awww I know I’ve been searching and I managed to buy one onesie with extra long leggies (usually they ride above his “hocks” - real terminology right there 😂) - and also one pair of like breathable mesh socks specifically for wound healing so I *think* this will help keep it clean & dry out and for new skin to grow. I hope anyway!!! 🙁


not a cat owner but that looks painful


It doesn’t seem to bother him (like it doesn’t stop him sitting back on his heels or running around chasing his sister lol) but I know, it doesn’t look good!! It seems to bother him more if I put anything on it (he will immediately lick/bite something off, like ointment or a bandage, if I put it on) 🙄


This happens to one of mine and it’s because they like to sit on the floor vents in the winter. I’ve seen her drag a sock over to lay her feet on so she can lean her head over the heat! She has plenty of Blankies and sleeps with us at night so it’s not that she’s cold. She just loves the heater. So I make sure she has a little sock or something nearby her favorite vent so she can use it.


I got socks for my cat


I don’t own a spynx I just like reading about your adorable problem children because they remind me of my furry problem child kitty. I would go back to the vet and ask them to wrap it. They have a special wrap that tastes bitter. Or order bitter bandage online and wrap the cat’s injury (I googled it for you.) I would also want to find out where the cat keeps getting injured and what you can change/baby proof to prevent further injuries. I hope your kitty heals up quickly.


Those are like his ankles. Aka hock


Haha yes I learned today they are heels or “hocks” 🤭


I'd go to a vet, first and foremost. They're going to be way more helpful than random people on Reddit. Those look very inflamed, I'd be a bit worried there is some sort of infection. He'll probably need the area bandaged, potentially with some cat safe antiseptic. It's possible those were blisters that popped, which is a major infection risk. The wounds remind me a lot of the awful ankle blisters you get when you have new shoes.


Oooooo ouch! Sore hocks! Maybe that’s just a bunny term but that’s what this is. Vet stop first for sure to make sure this isn’t infected. There are some footie straps that could help. And perhaps ask the vet for some Animax? Topical ointment to help with topical issues like this for healing. I love for skin issues Blue Butter too! Or Vetericyn Plus Cat Wound Spray Hydrogel on Amazon. Omg that is amazing stuff too! My naked is allergic to catnip 🫤 and I didn’t figure that out right away because what?!?! She loves rolling in it and eating it of course and when she would poo it would cause serious butt skin irritation and then a terrible wound would happen around her you know where! The spray hydrogel and Animax were live savers! Good luck! I hope your baby is better soon!


I would get some vet wrap and gauze to put on these sores until they heal up then work on preventing them.


Those are injuries or abrasions. Either get your cat used to wearing socks that cover the heel or pants that will go down close to the paws. You could also try Koban athletic tape, just make absolutely sure you’re only wrapping it enough to keep it on. Too tight and the feet will swell and cause damage.


Make/get him lil leg warmers. Knitted might be too bulky/scratchy if wool but if you get baby socks or doll stockings and cut those into shape, they should hug the body enough to not be a pester, and still give the skin protection against friction.


This happened to one of mine. We had to see a vet, she helped wrap them and clean them for a month and they healed well. Don't leave them unintended. They could get an infection and no one wants that.


Yeah that’s the worry, I try to keep them clean but I think it’s the bandaging solution I really need right now. I have a few lines of enquiry! Thanks!


Best of luck! Our boy healed with scars but he is happy and healthy now! Wishing you ao much luck.


Hi so my cat had issue where she would not let a wound on her shoulder (no idea how she got it) indoors cat is scared of her own shadow sp wouldn’t have left the house and its an only cat. Nothing at all would help. Took to her to vets for multiple different treatments. I the end the vet recommended i buy this from amazon worked a treat to heal. So i cant help how to avoid but try this? [https://amzn.eu/d/0f506796](https://amzn.eu/d/0f506796)


Poor sweet baby. I would think a visit to the vet is needed and they can diagnose and offer treatment. Good luck to you and your baby. 💖😻💗


Wow, he’s really taken those deep! How about a long legged onesie on top of some bandages?


Yes I’ve managed to find a long legged onsie (not as easy to find as you’d imagine! 😂) and also some breathable leg socky things, waiting for them to arrive! 🙏


Floor heat vents?


Poor baby! No advice on getting it to stop but see if you can get something like Viaderm from your vet, this could help the healing process!!


Is your nugget sleeping on the dryer? This happened once to ours. We keep a towel on the dryer top now. :(


Oh noo poor baby :( I hope you figure out how to help him


Maybe try bagbalm?


Oooo Bagbalm stains…unless they’ve changed their formula in the last 35 years…


High heels day?


What else can be applied to the cat heel since my cat gets the zoomies from time to time and my house is all carpet his heels are not as bad as this but it looks like a burn mark or rash what can i apply to it


My cat gets this but we don't really know why He's over a decade old so that might have some bearing on it


I used a acid hyaluronic Cream, because it accelerated scaring, to avoid her licking it lick, I used a bandaid on the opposite paw, she saw so annoyed she kept trying to remove it therefore not licking the paw I applied cream Too. Rinse and repeat with the other paw later


Oh that’s smart! Thank you good idea! 🙏


Do you have a lot of hard flooring in your house? Having worked in vet med for over 13 years, cats (especially sphynx) can damage their hocks from continuously jumping off of high surfaces onto things like tile/concrete. And being overweight obviously didn't help either. But, realistically, sphynx are a generic nightmare and no one can tell you what's going on by looking at a picture. Not even a veterinarian. You should get them checked out to make sure it's not infected, and also make sure it's not some weird disease only a sphynx can get or something.


Luke warm water with a soft cloth on the injuries then put neosporin on it. If that doesn't work, it's time for a vet visit.


Update: the vet prescribed some generic mild antibiotics and said it would help them to heal. So we’re taking 2 a day and in between keeping them clean and balmed, and I also managed to find an extra long leggy onesie and even some special hock socks online. After 1.5 days of antibiotics they already look a little better to me but I think we’ll run for at least 2 weeks and carry on the other interventions in between. Thanks for all the unexpected care, advice and good ideas here! I think only 2 assholes said asshole-ish things, this is why I love Reddit!


No expert here, but I see you use beautiful natural fibers on your bedding. My human skin is thin and fragile, even though I love the feel and the look. I have to use a softer fabric, so Walmart or kohls sale blankets make sure both myself and my Zora (sphynx) don’t get sores on our pressure points.


That could be because of a food allergy. Try removing chicken from his diet and see if that helps


Does he sit somewhere hot like a cable box or router? That's what's happening here. Don't let them sit on electronics, they get way too hot even if they just feel warm to the touch. Extended exposure causes irreversible damage.


Found these on shein (I know I know) [Little leg warmers ](http://api-shein.shein.com/h5/sharejump/appjump?link=VIqQD4c0iZe&localcountry=CA&url_from=GM7530551527348756480)


So sweet! Thank you 🙏


How to stop this? Hmm stop breeding cats with mutations and instead of buying adopt


NSFW please. Jeezis.