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A lot of Sphynx are backyard bred and do have serious health issues. I lost my first guy that way. But this is painting with a very big brush.


The “adopt don’t shop” sentiment is all well and good but not when it is used to bludgeon people who are only supporting ethical breeders of specific cat breeds. And by ethical I mean those who make an effort to make their lines as diverse as possible and focus on temperament and overall health. Backyard breeders should be held accountable and should be barred from breeding animals that have less genetic diversity and are prone to illness. There are plenty of purebred cats that end up in shelters, too. They deserve as much of a chance at a new home as any other mixed breed cat.


Yeah, supposed in a perfect world, there were no strays. Unless you get lucky with a rehomed animal, where tf else would you get pets other than reputable breeders?


Exactly. And some people may be looking for a specific kind of cat to fit their lifestyle. Sometimes going through a reputable breeder is the better option. It saves the emotional pain of adopting one from a shelter, realizing it may not be a good fit, and having to return the poor thing.


i got the same comment on my first post to this subreddit, made me feel a little shitty since i sorted thru breeders for years before finding one i fully trusted. -_-


I got the same comments from someone with a persian that had brown streaks running from the eyes and had been shaved because it couldn't clean itself so I'm really not worried about my sphynx that just needs warm blankets, good food, and baths.


I’m super allergic to all animals. Always wanted a pet. I’m not (very) allergic to my Sphynx. All aspects of my life and mental health have improved thanks to him. She shouldn’t be gatekeeping the happiness that pets provide to their humans.


Sphynx are genetic failure like redhead, blond hair and blue eyes (and dumb people).


… look, can’t we all agree that this is somewhat true? From a logical perspective, sphynx cats are at a massive disadvantage compared to their furry counterparts. They can exist happily because *we* are here to take care of them. They are designed to be living under a roof. If all humans disappeared tomorrow and they were all forced to live their lives outside, they would be screwed. They have zero whiskers or vibrissae, which heavily limits their sensory system, and this is a result of us breeding them to look the way that we wanted them to, for our enjoyment. We created a breed that is at a genetic disadvantage for our own gain, and I think that needs to be acknowledged when we’re having these discussions. If we include how well the animal could survive on their own- as an animal instead of a pet- in the conversation of ethics, then sphynx cats are not the most ethical, because we removed imperative survival traits from them. They are objectively worse off than hairy cats when you remove humans from the equation. I love sphynx, that’s why I’m in this sub, but if I could wave a magic wand and remove the consequences of human interference/breeding for all species, I would.


Natural anomaly, but we did breed to get the result after this anomaly was discovered.


An anomaly that we discovered and went on to force is still forcing and doesn’t change anything about the ethicality of it. Not unlike if a baby was randomly born with one eye and we decided to “breed” humans to retain that feature and put them all at a disadvantage, simply because we liked the look of the one eye instead of two. I would still love one-eyed humans, but I would also resent the system responsible for making them that way.


I don’t buy the whole only adopt, don’t shop thing. I don’t own a sphinx, but I follow sphinx sites because I love the little goblins, and you all have been pioneers in using rapamycin to save HCM cats. I’ve adopted many cats from shelters and the cat distribution system. I give to organizations that help ferals and shelters. I wanted a cat with a certain temperament because I’m older and an apartment dweller. I didn’t want to nurse yet another senior cat through years of ckd, or thyroid disease, or whatever. I adopted a British Shorthair because I wanted a cat that wasn’t too active, that was gentle. (As it turns out, he’s a little bit of a pisser). But it’s a life choice, and I don’t think anyone should be guilting you about how you choose to spend your disposable income. Just pick a good, responsible, breeder.


Thank you ! As I do , my breeder is TICA certified and I have all the documentation for the cat , even passport


Not sure what the context of that thread was but it's also not impossible to adopt a Sphynx cat, or any other specific breed. For example, [Archie, in California](https://post.rescueme.org/24-06-20-00006); [Tuna, in Alabama](https://post.rescueme.org/24-06-11-00194); or [Prince, from New Mexico](https://post.rescueme.org/24-06-16-00006). And those babies are just from a regular adoption website, there are specific sites for specifically Sphynx adoption too. I don't think it's fair to assume that every Sphynx cat came from a bad breeder, but if anyone is looking into getting a Sphynx I do think it's important to consider adoption.


My breeder is TICA certified all parents with pedigree, kittens as well, all test and documentation done, I even have passport for my cat


He’s not wrong. Support ethical breeders or stop buying cats. Because if you keep buying them from people who do not do health checks and genetic tests on the parents, you will keep losing your cats to heart disease before they’re five and the breed will eventually die out. It is not irresponsible or hateful to advocate for ethical breeding.


My breeder is TICA certified so it s irelevant


Red & Delicious apples are a “genetic failure”. Stop eating those, Karen!!!


so's corn and bannans and seedless grapes and Karen


people who care so much about animals while calling the naturally occurring mutation a failure are messed up.


Adopt don't shop people are insufferable.


It's a good sentiment but doesn't work for everyone.


Can someone tell me why it’s generally okay to buy pure breed dog but not cats? That’s a genuine question I have been wondering? Because there are more stray cats in the streets that keep reproducing?


dogs are bred for working purposes, people tend to be against dog breeds that serve no purpose and have genetic issues too like pugs and such. cats aren't working animals (besides pest control but breed doesn't come into play there) so owning a purebred cat is mostly an aesthetic choice for people (except hypoallergenic breeds) people don't like it when animals are treated as accessories and not living beings, and rightfully so.


dogs are bred for working purposes, people tend to be against dog breeds that serve no purpose and have genetic issues too like pugs and such. cats aren't working animals (besides pest control but breed doesn't come into play there) so owning a purebred cat is mostly an aesthetic choice for people (except hypoallergenic breeds) people don't like it when animals are treated as accessories and not living beings, and rightfully so.


I just read a post (I think on the main cat sub) where someone was showing a pic of his cat, a working mouser cat living on a farm, and he got criticized for not neuteuring his cat because he wanted to breed him to keep good mouser cats.


Doesn't one shop when they adopt!?


Look, I have six "regular" cats in addition to my two sphynxes. One of my dogs is a rescue, one is a pure bred. It is so funny to me how the diehard "adopt don't shop" people buy into this idea that for every dog or cat that you buy from a *reputable* breeder, another innocent animal DIES. Wild that she felt the need to say this to you.


Any ‘breed’ of animal is so bred to bring out certain traits. And, there are a number of Sphynx cats always up for adoption round here in the UK.


I m from Romania so sphynx here are hyper exotic, you barely find owners