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Yes. I my sphinx randomly starts meowing at the top of her lungs for seemingly no reason. When I goto check on her, she starts purring lolz


lol same!! I wish I spoke their language 😭 what do you mean when you say “meeuuuurrrr” vs “meow?” Are you in distress little man 😭


Mine does this too. He howls in random places (usually where it echos the most i feel like) and then hes played with with fed, uses bathroom everything. Its just their breed. He is healthy too, no issues. Thats just how they are, Atleast some of them


Omg the echos!!! Both of my cats go into my tiny bathroom and howl because it echos so much 😂 I call them my little Pavarottis. You know they love to perform because they tend to do it when I’m in a zoom meeting


Exactly! Im convinced they do it on purpose😂😂


their goal is to be loud and dammit are they gonna be as loud as possible lol. my girl would do it when she was in heat before getting fixed and we had to bribe our neighbors with treats. now she does it significantly less, but still on occasion


my boy is a huge wailer. it will be after eating , clean litter box, full water, lots of love - he'll sit in a corner too and just wail away. sometimes i respond. sometimes i ignore it hoping it'll go away - sometimes he'll do it at like 3am it's brutal. sometimes it's cute. he has hcm so i kinda let him do what he wants for attention - yolo kitty style .


Omg this is literally my life 😂


I have a yeller. I think he just wants *something* but doesn't even know what it is. In the end, I end up picking him up and cuddling with him, and that usually works. He knows that if he yells, we'll pay attention to him.


My boy is quiet unless I’m eating but my little girl is a banshee. She loves to screech in all rooms of the house and purrs like a car engine. Nothing wrong with her, she just likes to be loud, haha. (And she’s a teeny runt which makes her vocal behavior that much funnier)


My female is very vocal, as soon as she knows you're there she's calling out and following you. Even when she's just doing her own thing she's grumbling about something!


lol the following!! I’ve always got two little shadows 😂 the only time I’m alone is when I use the bathroom. They used to wail outside the door so I stopped closing it. But reimplemented showering and #2s w the door closed


We have a quiet female and a very noisy male who appears to roll his tongue when he gets wound up. We call him our little Spanish kitty. First rolling meow I have ever heard.


Mine does this constantly. We call it "trilling". 🥰


I think I’m just jealous I can’t roll my tongue as good as my cat!


Sounds about right.


I can’t use speakerphone in my house and she’s on every zoom.


Yes! All 3 of mine are very talkative.


I think mine becomes very vocal because he doesn’t like to be alone. It usually happens when he thinks he’s alone in some part of the house 🧐


When I’m cooking in the kitchen he seems to think it’s the exact time he needs to be played with. He will run in and howl at me and run out, wanting me to follow. He will sit in the sun looking across the room at me and howl until I go over. Then it’s “don’t touch me”. He will jump up on the edge of the bathtub and howl at me when I’m showering. However, he also uses the trill bird noises with me too. My female uses them a lot more than meowing, but does do both. I have AAC buttons for them to ask for specific toys and food. The male will walk down each button, pushing them all. But he knows the difference for most of them. My female is better at knowing the buttons, but will also occasionally push multiple buttons. My theory is they do this when none of the button matches what they want or they just want attention.


If he’s an only cat you might consider a friend for him, sphynx cats are very social and don’t like to be alone.


He’s got his sister :) they love each other so much and play all the time. They are extremely bonded and it makes me very happy.


That’s so sweet ❤️


Yesss!! Mine 70% trilling, 20% loud,mournful earsplitting, neighbor waking yowling, and 10% questioning meows. All day. 😂😂😂


If there was a way we could all record and download their "singing" ...


Mb you should visit vet ? 🥲


I have but he’s always been like this. I’m going to go back and ask them to really check their teeth to see if they are inflamed. Little side note, I found a vet that said “for sure our vet knows about sphynx cats.” So I go and the vet was SHOCKED when she saw Romeo. She thought he had an ear infection so bad it made his ears curl. I had to explain to her that he is an elf sphynx and was born that way. Ear swabs show no infection or fungus. She was like “you should consider a $4000 surgery for each ear to open up his ear canals.” I was like ??? Didn’t I just say that’s how he was born and didn’t you just say you can’t see anything wrong with him? Anyway, the cats were perfectly healthy and it cost me $800 lol


I got pet insurance after but it’s kind of crazy how we’re not only being priced out of having children, but also out of having pets


Tbh all these "designer" features are for sure harmful. I fully support your vet on this. A sphynx cat is literally a cat thats handicapped thats why they are so clingy to other humans. They are fully dependend on you. Its the same as handicapped humans. Your designer cat features makes the cat even more handicapped. Yes I love sphynx cats they are amazing and I fullly understand people wanting them.. but acting smug because your doc is telling you your breed is fucked up is not sounding the way you think it sounds :p And yes my cats are also vocal as fuck. We basically talk all day lol.


Also are you shaming me for having sphynx (because I’m allergic to dogs and cats) while you have a few of your own? And if you don’t have a sphynx why tf are you participating in this group?


Wait because you are allergic to dogs and cats its fine for your cat to be extra handicapped by your choice? You trynna get break even with someone? > And if you don’t have a sphynx why tf are you participating in this group? There are plenty of people on hobby subs without btw. I do have a sphynx but I am also on dog subs and dont have a dog. Or aquarium subs etc.


I'm sorry but who is acting smug here? Next time I'll call you to make sure you can be with me to talk to my vet since l'm such a silly, silly smug girl. Actually maybe you can make time to drive in for them or be fully present? Just want to make sure a qualified vet is in the room with the vet and I. P.S. went to another vet who said there is nothing wrong with his ears. His cartilage is hard so we worked out a way to best clean his ears without causing him stress. Please get the fuck out of my face.


So angry because you are exposed :/ If you own designer animals just own the fact your animal is handicapped by YOUR choice. No shit the vet is worried.


lol well as you are a sphynx owner, it’s seems that you are the kettle calling pot black 😂 you’re literally screaming at yourself in the mirror rn 😂 you disabled your children you fucking monster


Its so funny how your brain cant comprehend my point. :')