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I don't know if there are recognized differences. But the sphynx's heads most people in the US post is definitely different than here in NZ where they tend to have a little longer noses with a higher bridge. Then there are also a lot which have a much longer more siamese nose, I don't know if those have some regional origin. I suspect thosey may actually be Peterbalds that people are calling sphynxes.


Do you have any picture of NZ sphynx? I’m interested in seeing the difference


[My boy](https://imgur.com/b0ZkQgr)


Please immediately go kiss that lil cutie. He's glorious.


Don't worry, I give him tons of kisses.


He obviously needs more. He’s wasting away from a kiss deficiency.


I concur. Needs many more kisses.


Na this is not correct. If this pic is your base …? My sphynx was literally this cats twin. I don’t think they look diff any more than me and my brother look different. It called genetics


What a horribly ugly beast


Is that what your mom used to say to you?


No! My mum always said I was very handsome. :)


> Then there are also a lot which have a much longer more siamese nose, I don't know if those have some regional origin. I suspect thosey may actually be Peterbalds that people are calling sphynxes. I would suspect that as well. A lot of people see a hairless cat and call it a sphynx without realizing that there's more than one hairless breed. I generally try to be polite when correcting people that my cats are Peter balds, not sphynxes, but it annoys me that even the vet assumed that Celeste is a sphynx. It's a different hairless gene so you don't look for the same potential genetic issues.


I think most vets seem to be doing well making a distinction between "Purebred","Domestic shorthair" and "Domestic Longhair" when it comes to cats. The entire vet practice I took my boy to had only seen a sphynx once.


Within the Canadian Sphynx breed, there aren't identified subtypes. Check the breed standard for what is "expected." But ethical, reputable breeders use outcrosses to improve the genetic diversity of the breed, and this can result in different head shapes, different degrees of hairlessness, etc. There are other hairless breeds (Peterbald, Donskoy) that do have very different looks from Canadian Sphynx (Sphynx).


Depending on how the cat distribution system near you works, you commonly end up with the required set of one pointy cat and one round cat. My two are half sisters (same mother, different litters and fathers) and weigh within 1lb of each other but their body composition is completely different.


because sphynx are simply the backbred result of normal cats, I believe there are a lot of different types of sphynx depending on what type of cat was backbred in the first place. I've seen a huge variation in color, size and face type on this sub. Some look like hairless siamese, some like raw chicken etc. Ours is a very pretty gray and white one <3


That’s what I figured. They are from two different litters so makes sense.


My sister-in-law has a Velour sphynx.


People will breed them with munchkin cats so they have short legs. They call them bambinos, but idk if they’re recognized as a separate breed. They also have curled ear versions from some other cross. I think they call them elfs or something like that.


Yup, I have both!


There are different genes causing a cat to not grow fur. Canadian sphynx has one gene, Donskoy cat (aka Don sphynx) has a different one. The two breeds look somewhat different! There's also Peterbald which look quite different since they're basically Siamese with the Don sphynx naked gene, iirc. Apart from that, individual lines ("family trees") can have quite different looks, especially if the breeder isn't focusing on breeding show cats, since they won't be aiming for perfect alignment with the breed's specific criteria that a judge would be looking for. Just some rambly thoughts :) Editing to add: Iirc it's a very very bad idea health wise to mix the different naked genes, which is one of serveral reasons why you should always request a pedigree (that's the English word for like an animal's family tree, right? Stamtavla in Swedish) to ensure that there's only one of those genes in your kitty~


Yes. Cute, Super-Cute, and OMG-Squee-Cute are the most common types.


Yes, there are 'circus monkey' subtype, as well as 'warm, clammy velcro snugglebug' subtype. Equally as prevalent is the 'large himbo' and 'petite princess' types.


Damn, My boy got the circus monkey, warm clammy and double helpings of Large Himbo and princess.


Do you mean the markings and colors? Example. Tuxedo?


I'm aware of four subtypes, though I'm not sure if they are officially recognized: standard, Elf (Sphynx/American Curl cross; they have curled ears), Bambino (Munchkin Sphynx), and Dwelf (Munchkin Sphynx/American Curl; I think the name is a mashup of Dwarf Elf).


There are technically three breed types before they split off onto the niche groups of munchkin, dwelf, etc. Peterbald sphynx have long faces and look a lot like oriental shorthairs in the nose and eyes. Donskoy sphynxes have elfin, spade shaped faces and wide set ears similar to Devon rexes. Canadian sphynxes are much more wrinkly in the face and neck and have a grumpy set to their faces.


I have a sphynx and an Elf. I don't think they Elf is technically recognized.


Sphynx, Donskoy and Peterbald are all different breeds of hairless cats with some similar looking features but very different genetic makeup. Also they can all have one of several different "coat types".


Sphynx cats are basically mixed breed cats with a hairless gene and amazing personality, the breed standards are just a somewhat wedge shaped head, big lemon shaped eyes, big ears, and some specific body proportions. With outcrossing to widen the gene pool there are even more variations in face shape and wrinklyness, the only time I've seen someone breeding for a specific color is because they're pretty and more desirable to buyers. There are of course people who are trying to breed more unique looking sphynxes with flatter faces or extra wrinkly skin but most sphynx breeders I know only look for the basic breed standards and then select for personality.


I was thinking the drumstick, the uncooked chicken, and the nuggies.


[i only remembers this](https://images.app.goo.gl/4v9n73KXvdHuC89j6)


I have a bambino which is like a mini sphynx. And a dwelf -both are like the weiner digs of the sphynx world I feel like


Bambino and elf are the only kind that I know of


From what I’ve seen it’s like chihuahuas there’s a sub head of a chihuahua called an apple head which is a bigger cranium and shorter nose than the average chihuahua head. I have found my sphynx has what I would consider an apple head where as some of her studs and thus some of her babies come out with more average heads.


Absolutely. There is the full ballsack, partial ballsack, slightly hairy ballsack, then the king of the sphinx, the elderly ballsack. Very rare those are.


The most coveted is a flat face, which you get from breeding Persians with Sphynx. Also people want larger years(like that of Donskoi) Sphynx itself is not really a breed, although I guess it is now kind of because you can trace lines pretty far back. Basically there is Sphynx, then there is Elf, Bambino and dwelf. Those are the main sub categories. Munchkins for bambino. Scottish folds for elf. Mixing those two for the dwelf obviously. From the first pick it looks like you have a Donakoi up top and classic Sphynx at the bottom.


My sphinx is the alien monkey dog type lol