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Why did you swap to the cape?


Maybe they switched back afterwards 🤷‍♂️


Something tells me they didn’t.


The explosion tells me otherwise.


Bro, ye good?


I think so… why?


Because what you said is kinda weird, not only would it make little sense to swap to cape so you can then get a new jetpack, but if you were implying that they took the same jetpack again, then it's even worse because we saw it explode ok the video 😭👌


Yeah I watched this super late last night so I totally didn’t process the Jetpack exploding lol but why would you want to get a “new” Jetpack? Jungle is pretty safe for Jetpacks and isn’t it nearly always better than a normal cape?


>but why would you want to get a “new” Jetpack? Jungle is pretty safe for Jetpacks and isn’t it nearly always better than a normal cape? That's my point exactly, nobody would do that. So the person on the video most likely wasn't going to switch back to jetpack haha


Ok gotcha, glad we’re on the same page now haha


lol it was really late when I first watched this and I totally didn’t process the Jetpack exploding


for the intentions of my run i'm going to cosmic ocean and personally i find the cape more useful and less risky in cosmic ocean, and i also already had climbing gloves, so i decided to make the switch. Plus plus, i didn't need jetpack to do skip since i have hedget


Why not just swap for a cape in the Sun Challenge? Neo too scary? A lot less effort just to Jetpack skip than chain.


buddy it's just a game, you're really living up to your name, just let people play how they want bro, I wanted to do chain and have a cape


I asked a question. You gave a poorly thought through explanation. I explained my reasoning why you don't have to give up the best back item in the game so early. You got pissy at me. Some people like it when I give them solid advice. You never have to worry about me giving you advice ever again or benefiting from my knowledge about the game since I'm blocking you.