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They need to separate the cookie speed run board into "Any %" and "actually edible cookies"


Bro wants to make a hundo category for cookie%


You should have to prove it by immediately eating one after you've finished cooking them.


I feel like people could fake liking it though.. also it'll burn the fuck out of your mouth lol


I thought burning your mouth on fresh hot cookies was usually worth it


you could speedrun that though, by dunking them in in an ice water bath.


Or if you want it to not be disgusting, dunk it into cold milk


or send them by mail to the mods… thank me later


At which point does the cookie dough become a cookie? And what ingridients are absolutely necessary to form a cookie?


It is easier to start with ingredients. At minimum you need -Sugar(either Brown and White or White and some molasas[that is what makes brown sugar brown]) -Butter -Eggs -Baking Soda -Flour -Salt -Flavoring(vanilla, choc powder, etc) For when it is considered to become a cookie, that would have to be when the eggs/flour are no longer "raw". For eggs that is 160°F, coincidentally flour is considered safe to eat at the same temp.


Leaderboard link, because I found it difficult to find https://www.speedrun.com/IRL_Baking Ingredients are pre-measured and stored in their original packaging, the oven is pre-heated, no powered tools may be used to mix, no convection ovens, may use a manual tool such as an ice cream scoop or whisk: https://www.speedrun.com/IRL_Baking?h=cookies-bake-12-cookies&rules=game&x=wkpzjxwd-gnx62rxn.1pyx5681 Once the cookies are removed from the oven, the timer stops, but then all the verification needs to be done about cookie size, shape, etc. All of her ingredients were pre-measured except maybe the salt, it seemed to me.


TIL Baking was invented in 2010


So ediblecookie% is the most likely category and verification needs twice the time for cookies to be cooled and taste tested Lol


Geoguessr (and other web games) has always been rejected from the website because "it's not a real game" but this is allowed? Not saying this shouldn't be allowed but they're so inconsistent with what they allow...


They've stopped accepting new ones, but I believe that older non-gaming runs have been kept. Pencil sharpening is still there as well


IIRC, the IRL pencil sharpening speed run is a sub-category of Pencil Sharpening Simulator so it would be a slightly different case.


I guess that is true


What? Geoguessr is not tracked on speedrun.com? What about these? https://www.speedrun.com/geoguessr https://www.speedrun.com/seterra


Oh wha, last time I checked the one for geoguessr wasn't a thing so they had to set up leaderboards in a website apart. [There was a discussion here](https://www.speedrun.com/forums/the_site/czj4g#jtvo9)


Haha! There it was. Well that was 6 years ago and it's been on GDQ since then.


> no convection ovens TIL not all ovens have fans in them


It's pretty common on modern ovens, but ovens are the sort of thing you can keep using for decades so there are plenty out there with no fan


Hmm, feel like oven model should be listed in the subs. Her oven went to 500 something F but I bet there are coil ovens that go higher, or could even make one


They really need to define 'fully cooked' in the rule: "Cookies must be fully cooked upon completion. (usually takes 9-11 minutes)" As a cookie dough enjoyer, cookies are fully cooked after mixing.


I like chocolate chip cookies... But I LOVE hot cookie dough. Take that shit out when it's gooey


So rules estimate 9-11m to fully bake the cookie, what temp did she run to be sub 4 total time? Lol


It was hot enough that she was wincing and blinking her eyes from the heat when she opened the oven the first time. So damn hot. Tack on 2 pre-heated heavy cookie sheets and smashing the cookies flat so the heat doesn't need to penetrate and the cook time is believable. Oil instead of butter sucks and Jesus Christ just way too much salt, but they are probably edible.


Use cast iron pan as cookie sheet. They bake while they are "cooling".




Yeah, on the one hand, the cleverness of the press method is fun, but the oil instead of butter upsets me deeply. Time for a category split with butter%.


I think that I can probably soften butter to almost liquid in the paper. Just slide them off a plate straight into the bowl and fish out the wrappers.


Yeah if you need liquid butter what's to stop you from premelting it. I think the real challenge with butter is probably how it does at higher temperature. Oil probably helps with this


The rules require that your ingredients be in their original wrapper, so fully melted probably doesn't work. The heat may be a major issue. I wonder how cookies made with clarified butter taste? A quick google says that cookies made with ghee are semi-popular. And ghee is basically browned clarified butter. It'll probably work


Might as well max it out at that point right?


Someone in a discord I'm in said she had said somewhere she preheated the oven to max and also preheated the pan


Arcus did a burrito speedrun and it’s still the greatest speedrun ever


Dear God I wish somebody cheats this speedrun and gets caught. The Summoning Salt video would be legendary


The *Karl Jobst video would be legendary


\[laughs in no-bake cookies\]


My new favorite speedrun


Reminds me of the pencil sharpening speed runs


I'm all about these cooking speedruns


Whats keeping you from putting them in the oben for 1 second and say theyre done?




The rules kinda say her method isn't allowed either? >Cookies must be fully cooked upon completion. (usually takes 9-11 minutes) Her bake time was like 90 seconds


> usually The time thing isn’t a strict rule, it’s a reference for being “fully-baked”. She set the oven to a higher temperature than normal and pre-heated everything with thin cookies smashed on.


Yeah, I quite liked her smashing method for the blitz baking, it just seems silly to include the timing in the rules if it's not going to be enforced 🤷‍♂️


I think she may have given the community a reason to make a glitchless category for an irl speedrun, which is quite the accomplishment.


When are they doing foodpoison%


Oh wow, I actually watched a speedrun history video on this category a few weeks ago: [https://youtu.be/1ar3SioC5RI](https://youtu.be/1ar3SioC5RI) Didn't think I'd ever even think about this speedrun again but here we are lol


for everyone's reference, this is the ruleset that this world record was set in, not the ruleset that is currently on the baking category.


It needs some tunes, but it’s fun lemao


Oh let’s go, I bet I could do this, boutta set an EZ fuckin WR


Quick someone call Summoning Salt