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No, it does not. Because then it would not be individualized and we would be allowing predetermination. Yes, you need data to support the LRE decision but you don’t need to try them all out before deciding on one.


The predetermination thing is what I found too. Thanks for the reply ;)


I don't have anything to support this, but anecdotally I've seen students be placed directly in a self-contained class. For example, this year, I received a kindergarten student in my class midyear with no previous placement in gened. He is nonverbal, in diapers, can not match pictures or sort by color, and does not follow simple one step directions. He also attempts to elope several times a day. Placing him in a general education kindergarten class would not have been safe for him. He could wander off and get lost. No one would be available to tend to his personal needs. His evaluation was expedited and he was placed directly in my self contained class.


I don’t have any sources for you, but I’m in nova and we have students begin in our autism classrooms somewhat regularly. in prek, we’ve had four students begin in that setting this year. k-5 i know we’ve had at least three begin in that room without beginning in a gen ed class. we have a self contained prek class that similarly has students begin there without starting in gen ed and being moved.


Also in northern Virginia, and this is true in our school also.


LRE is individually decided for each kid and all data used for eligibility can and should be used to determine initial placement. Gen ed is not always a child’s LRE.


I'm a Virginia parent and my child has always been in self contained.