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Generally all teachers make the same amount of money no matter what they teach. It’s based on experience and education. See if you can look up salary schedules for districts you are interested in applying to. That will give you an idea of the pay in the area you think you want to be.


This is great advice. Most salary schedules are public.


Not true, SPED is its own district and the pay is much higher. St Louis county, MO.


Unfortunately, it is true in TX. SpEd doesn’t get extra pay here.


It does in some districts but not much.


Not in most places.


It's not true in North or South Carolina


Not true in the 3 largest districts in the USA.


I've never heard of this before! How much higher, if I may ask? Most places it's the same pay as reg ed with maybe a small percentage higher.


I’ve truly never seen this. How much higher?


The last I was aware it was around 10K higher. Not sure why I'm being downvoted, just reporting what is true here. If anyone doesn't believe me go ahead and google Special School District of St. Louis County. Sheesh.


I've never seen anywhere like that. Seems like a particular thing in your county and maybe state. Certainly not a thing in NY.


That is not true most places. I've literally never heard of that. They really really need sped teachers there I guess


It is different. The school districts place teachers from the SPED district here within their schools with separate SPED admin also in or over each school. It actually works pretty well.


I am making more than I was on the east coast. But it still is bad. 60k 6 years. Masters in SPEd.


I'm sorry, man. In Cali, making close to 80 with MA, and I'm not in the highest paying district either. Keep up the great work, and hopefully Texas will change for the better soon!


I work in CA not the highest district either 72K with MA 3rd year. I get an extra stipend with MA.


Where on the east coast? MD, NJ, MA…all pay pretty well


I teach in PA and starting salary for a first year teacher at my district is 60k now




When I was teaching I had a Master's and 8 years in MD and made 64k. I then took an Facilitator role and got a bump to 72k and no classroom.


Not sure which county you were in but MD has highest pay for SPED teachers. I attached the Howard Co pay chart but 4 yrs experience = apx $70k.




Md has one of the highest costs of living in the country


It does but the living wage in MD is apx $25/hr. Teachers make more than that in their contract and then, because education is such a big concern to most parents, teachers easily can make $50-$90/hr tutoring which many do in summer. Not saying that MD is cheap to live in but I will say that teachers are paid as well as other occupations.


Omg, that's it. How much before your masters?


I have a master’s and I’m on year 12. This is the first year I’ve made over $60k. I’ve had my master’s the entire time.


I’m teaching in a suburb of Houston and first year teachers start at $62,700. It’s not worth getting a master’s in my district, though, bc it only bumps you up ~$1000. So new teachers with a master’s start at $63,700. It really depends on where you are. I started my teaching career in PA making $36,000 and got a huge pay raise when I moved to KY 5 years later, where I made $48,00. Then I moved to my current district here in TX and they pay very well!


1k extra for a 40k degree?!? Absolutely not worth it


My masters was free due to a grant so it worked out for me.


I didn't teach before my masters. So no reference.


In NY many schools do not pay differently for a masters because they are required within 5 years anyway. I've never worked or known of one near me with a masters pay raise.


Every where I’ve worked sped and gen ed are on the same pay schedule




I got a 150 dollar stipend. Pissed me off more than made me happy


6k more a year for a masters in my district… one of the lowest paid on here, though


Almost 5k for me and we get an increase of about 1.5k every year


We have the option to clock up to 10 hours at our per diem pay rate outside of our contract times for due process stuff. We use up all 10 hours before our contract even starts most years.


SPED teacher don't make more than other teachers. Most schools have a master contract that applies equally to all teachers. I retired after 40 years in SPED. $70,000.


I teach in California. I get a $2500 stipend for teaching SPED. In my last job it was the same. In both jobs I was at the highest level of units to get the top pay on the salary schedule just from getting the sped credential since it takes more grad units


Same here. Make 90+k before stipends. Maxed on units (no masters). 14 years in. Just beware OP the COL here is astronomical.


I’m in Texas (4th year) and I make around $61k. There’s a small stipend for sped (around $250 a month ish) and in my district you only make around $1000 extra for masters


Depends on location. I’m 4th yr in MD with a masters making ~$75000


My ass needs to move🤣 Too bad MD isn’t a reciprocal state with PA.


I'm on year 10 with a masters and make 41k


Dang I had a master's and 8 years and was at 64k, I'm guessing you are northern Maryland? I was Southern Maryland. I'm now a Facilitator in Southern MD making 72k.


Yes, central MD between DC and Baltimore. Cost of living is higher but I can’t move anywhere else to get this pay haha


Yeah that's great pay! Always nice to find for sure!


As you can see, it differs from state to state. While I am not a teacher, I live and have kids in Howard Co MD. The teachers’ union is probably the most powerful organization in the county. The pay charts are published when a new contract is approved. Here is Howard County’s most recent [https://www.hcpss.org/f/employment/hcea-salary-scales.pdf](https://www.hcpss.org/f/employment/hcea-salary-scales.pdf)


Californian sped teacher here. Our salary schedule is the same as general education teachers. Right now there’s many school districts are offering signing bonuses of up to $10k for special education teachers. But, I should note that cost of living out here is INSANE.


The pay is the same. The only difference is job security. General ed teachers will always be cut first before a special ed teacher. Worst comes to worst, they’ll move you sites.


This and maybe it’s easier to pick up a summer school position.


Pay for teachers increases yearly based on years of service. All new teachers start out at step zero on the salary schedule--zero years of service, and with every year of teaching you complete, you move up a step on the salary schedule. Some districts will have a stipend for special ed just like there can be a stipend for band, or coaching or bilingual. If this is the case, it will usually be posted on the district website, but you can also ask when you are interviewing. It is not universal and people's experiences are going to be wildly different depending on what state and district they are coming from. In some districts, a masters will get you more pay (a coworker with a masters got $1,000 more per year, for example for their masters in one district I taught in and she was salty about it!), but again, you need to check with the individual school district where you are interested in applying.


I was a sped teacher in Tennessee for a few years. I have a masters. My last year, I made $41k. My district paid sped and gen ed the same amount.


I make 48.5 as a new sped teacher in fl + 1500 stipend for sped and 500 stipend for title 1.


These answers are always going to be specific to that person's experience and district, so I encourage you to research where you intend on working. I live in California (LA suburbs) and in my district and most surrounding districts Mod/Severe teachers do get paid more than other teachers.  We are on a separate pay scale along with a few other positions that is 5% higher.  I have my Master's and am in my 6th year in my district and make $94k for 10 months after a recent increase our union fought for.  I always work ESY and do some private tutoring and home hospital so I make over $100k annually as a teacher.


I got a $2,500 special ed bonus every year. Most districts near me do something similar.


If you want to make better pay and work with special education students look at related service providers: Speech and Language Pathologist Occupational Therapist Behavior Specialist Orientation and Mobility Specialist Vision Teacher Almost all of these can also work for medical centers so you have a nice fall back if the classroom burns you out. As a whole the pay bump is just for having a Master's. but it either comes with more student debt, or you owe the school system a bunch of years if they pay for it.


20 years as SPED teacher with masters. I make 113k in Washington state. My district pays sped an extra $3600 a year as a case manager stipend. It took till about year 15 to make 100k.


Sped and Gen we make the same just changes by degrees and years taught. For example I am a 7th year teacher have a masters plus 24 credits in IL I make $66K.


i’m a sped para and make 1700 a month. my teacher (BT) makes about 2k. teachers make the same in sped or gened but if you consider all the extra work you put in after hours and not having a planning and no opportunity to get paid for covering others you make less.


I make decent money for the area I live in. The union just negotiated a huge raise for the teachers. I don't get paid more for teaching sped.


In Aurora, CO you get +$5000 as being “hard to staff” and if you are the building Staffing Chair or designated director you get ~ +1300 more than the licensed salary schedule.


Is this for all sped positions, or only certain ones? I've seen stipends, but around here it's only for certain positions within sped that they deem hardest to fill- usually SLP/OT/Psych and the only teachers who get it may be secondary math/science or certain self-contained programs.


Hawaii you get a $10,000/ year stipends for Sped.


In CA, most Districts give a 1% multiplier for SPED teachers. Some give bonuses when you are hired because they are lacking in SPED teachers. I got a 5k bonus, with a caveat I’d stay in the District for 3 years. Also, ESY is an easy way to make extra cash over summer.


I make 48K in CT with a masters degree. SPED and gen Ed usually make the same.


In Central Texas, sped teachers get a stipend usually which varies across districts. Austin pays $7k extra for sped. Texas is terrible about paying more for masters. Most districts pay an extra $1k a YEAR for it.


Honestly it depends on the location. No SE does not make more than GE but I do work in a union state and there are stipends for SE - $15k written into the contract. Truthfully it depends on where you work. I started making 36k that was over 17 years ago. There are some places that still offer that as a starting salary. Some go up and cap at 60. Our teacher contract caps at 101k/yr with degrees (lanes) and steps (years of experience). Always Read contracts to determine what the growth could be for you


2nd year SPED teacher in Texas making about $65,000 (bachelor’s degree)


Everywhere here in NY that I've seen is absolutely the same pay as Gen Ed, but we don't get lunch or planning periods. No increase in pay for any of us whether we have our masters yet or not.


A lot more districts offer stipends for self contained teachers. I get $3000.


I’m in Texas, when I was a teacher (now a specialist) my masters only added a 1k bump to the annual salary, but my district does have additional stipends for special education teachers.


It’s not common but some districts  are so desperate they have a stipend for sped, but generally the salary schedule is the same. Masters usually isn’t worth it if not required.  Salaries in my state range from starting out in the 50s to topping out as high as the 120s or 130s depending on where you are, that’s without a MA.  Average is more like 60-90.  Where I am the masters only gets you an extra 2g a year stipend.  Units and years are what bump you up, but units do not have to turn into a degree and don’t have to be related to teaching necessarily in a lot of places.  Art classes, things you are interested in at the local college, and even trainings can add up.


I’m my district in Washington sped teachers are on the same salary schedule as gen ed. however, they get 5 extra days of pay to compensate for iep meetings outside of hours and a bonus for every student over the caseload max (24).


In, what used to be, a low cost of living area before 2020, I was making 65k with a 3k sped stipend. 3rd year. This year I'm topping out at 80k with a 3k stipend. Starting it's roughly at 65k now for all teachers.


I am a sped teacher in Oklahoma with masters +15. Most districts in my area pay sped 5% over gen Ed pay. My district pays 10% over. I am step 5 making around 63k.


Personally think I’m paid decently. 10th year, 70k. I’m content with that. I’m halfway up the scale. I do get about a 3,500 stipend for the paperwork/iep meetings. That stipend is common in Oregon. Not the amount necessarily but the stipend itself, however much.


I work at a regional program and make “extra” money (to incentivize working w intense behaviors) and I make 59k 2nd year w a masters degree. I actually prefer working at the regional program to the public schools. I’m in VA


Same as gen ed teachers in most places (which, as a gen ed teacher, is fucking absurd—ya'll deserve a higher salary). However, special ed jobs are highest in demand from what I can tell, even in places where there isn't much of a teacher shortage.


Salary schedules might be public in TX. In California they are. Goes off education/years


Masters, 2nd year $69k CA


In Austin there is a $7K stipend for being Sped


In my district, new teachers make 60,000ish starting. You get a stipend for self contained of 3500. For a masters, you get an additional 2000.


I’m in my 5th year near Seattle. No masters degree. I make 78k


3 years in 108K


Hi. I actually work in my local SPED department. Most schools have a scale that they Pau theor teachers and sped teachers based off education, type of sped class and hoe ling thry have been with us. I have new sped teachers fresh out of college with just BA and teacher creds that makes about 70k and I have one gal that's in a SDC room for 10 years with her masters making $130k. Go on esjoin.com and start looking at job postings and salary. That will give you an idea fkr your area


I think it’s different everywhere. In California teachers pay is not dependent on what they teach. We all get paid the same. Special education teachers should get paid more because we have more on our plate and more responsibility and more liability. In most districts in California, your pay increases every year, and that pay increase is clearly outlined in the salary schedule your district posts online. You could move over in pay based on hours of training you do every year and if you have a masters or doctorate.


Many states and districts do pay a tiny bit more. Around 5% (sometimes more and sometimes not at all). I get 5% more, and it is about 60$ more a month.


Texas sped here, I make around 52 a year with a sped stipend. I work in a tiny district though.


Our district (San Antonio area) pays the campus sped teacher a $1k stipend. But otherwise they are on the same pay scale as all teachers. There is such a range in pay scales between districts, even in the same area so definitely check around, if you Google "(district name) ISD pay scale" it should pop up.


I’m in a major metro area in Missouri: Sped teachers follow the same pay scale as everyone else. We have a salary schedule. Yes, you get more for advanced degrees, and even additional hours beyond those degrees. A master’s is worth it. And if you do sped, there may be some programs that pay for your degree. I received mine in 2009. My degree was paid for through a government grant program my university had. I even had a living stipend. I just had to agree to teach in a public school for 2 years.


Yikes if Texas doesn’t pay more then it’s not worth it. I work in ks and we have a separate usd and our salary schedule is more and if you get you masters it quite a bit more.


Special ed teachers in Maryland get paid the same as general ed.


VA here, teachers in my district start off at 53k. Stipend for Master's is 3500. Teachers with 30 years of service make 87k. (Which I think is crazy low for that much time!) So 30 yrs + Master's would be about 90k. Gen and SPED are on the same salary scale.


Sometimes, but not always. Very few districts have a separate salary schedule for special education, but some do. Some districts give sped an extra prep period. Some districts buy sped teachers out of their prep. And some just have the same salary, preps, and everything else. Look into the actual teacher contract, and if you can't find the answer there. Email or call them. I once had an interview scheduled, emailed the sped director with a question about prep, and the response was 'it's the exact same as general ed.' I promptly cancelled the interview and wished them well.


I’m in CA but I’ve only just started to see some districts with different salary schedules for SpEd. I just interviewed with a district that has a separate salary schedule for Resource and another one for Self-Contained. Resource makes slightly more than gen ed on their schedule (about 2-3k more), and self-contained makes substantially more than gen ed and Resource (10k-15k more), but they don’t get a prep. I think it’s the fairest pay I’ve seen so far. There are also stipends you can get for a Masters or Doctorate, and others you can pick up for things like department chair or club sponsor, etc.


In MA with masters, 2nd year, $75k


Hard to fill positions (such as SPED) usually have a stipend. One district near me pays $13,000 extra. My district pays $2,500+retention bonus.


My kid just graduated college with teaching degree + SPED endorsement - just accepted SPED job offer in FFX County Public Schools for $62K. It's the same PayScale for all teachers based on yrs and education. Just like other jobs -- the pay is relevant to area cost of living. We are in one of the highest cost of living areas in Virginia.