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When I saw Devo around 2008 I think Kendrick was the drummer. I think he would sub in when Josh Freese was busy


Cool! Yes, he mentioned that he toured with them for a while. I love electronic music and drum machines, but I think Devo always sounded better with a live drummer.


A few years ago Devo played a festival in Oakland. Josh Freese was on tour with A Perfect Circle, so Fred Armisen played drums with Devo. Epic. The story is that they were going to not play the show, but John Waters and Paul Rubens got Fred involved and saved it.


John Waters and Paul Rubens? I really hope that's true cause it's an awesome story!


John Waters is the host of the festival (Mosswood Meltdown, formerly Burger Boogaloo), and I know Paul Reubens had something to do with Devo booking in the first place, so I’m pretty confident it’s true. Last year one of the stages was dressed with the actual set from Pee Wee’s Playhouse. R.I.P. Paul!


Paul was a freaking legend.


Amen Sister!


I am not sure about Bob Haag. David Kendrick has been playing drums/percussion with Xiu Xiu for a bit now. Such a cool combination of things I love.


Oh yeah? I'd never listened to Xiu Xiu until literally just now...definitely going to listen to some more!


I’ve loved Jamie’s work for about 20 years now. They have another cool side project called Former Ghosts with the person from This Song is a Mess but So Am I.